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LittleBigPlanet PS Vita

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Title Screen

LittleBigPlanet PS Vita

Developers: Double Eleven, Tarsier Studios, XDev (EU)
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platform: PlayStation Vita
Released in JP: September 20, 2012
Released in US: September 25, 2012
Released in EU: September 19, 2012
Released in AU: September 20, 2012

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

See, this is why server preservation is important.
This game/console's online features are no longer supported.
While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of September 13, 2021) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content.

LittleBigPlanet PS Vita is a LittleBigPlanet game on the PlayStation Vita. Bet you couldn't have figured that one out on your own.

It's considered to be somewhat of a hidden gem of the series amongst the larger LittleBigPlanet fanbase, thanks in part to its very well-regarded Story Mode campaign.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Unused Text

Unused Graphics


Virtual L2/R2 Buttons

virtual_button_l2.tex virtual_button_r2.tex

Found in gamedata/texture_library/ui/psp2, virtual_button_l2.tex and virtual_button_r2.tex are graphics for L2 and R2 buttons that most likely would have been activated with the touchscreen. The PS Vita doesn't have L2 or R2 buttons, so it's unknown what these were intended for.

Temp Safezone

Lbpvita zz temp safezone.png

The temp safezone texture from other builds has been updated.

Placeholder Music Icons

coaster_valley_arc.tex coaster_valley_int.tex jackpot_city_arc.tex jackpot_city_int.tex jaga_jazzist_day.tex robert_and_the_punchdrunks_old_superstition.tex

gamedata/lbppsp2/th_unthemed/stickers/music_icons/psp2 has several placeholder music icons. The last two tracks aren't given out anywhere in-game.



02_lamarionetta_outro_06.tex carnivalia_concept_sticker_2 otisfront.tex

gamedata/lbppsp2/th_unthemed/stickers/storyboard/psp2 has three concept art images.

Developer Logos

Media Molecule Tarsier Testology Double Eleven Fireproof Maverick Sumo Digital
Super Massive XDEV x XDEV dev Logo Splat Small


Green Cartoon Bubble Grey Cartoon Bubble Doodle Bird 1 Doodle Bird 2 Random Scribble 1 Random Scribble 2 Random Scribble 3
Big Scribbled Cloud Long Dotted Line Dotted Halfcircle Heart Scribbled Flower Scribbled Paint Bucket Scribbled Paint Brush
Scribbled Raindrop Roller Coaster Cart Roller Coaster Track 2x Black
2x White
Paper Sheet

La Marionetta

Puppetmaster Poster Circus Banner Decorations 2 Golden Swirly 1 Golden Switrly 2 Golden Swirly 4 Paper Banner Blue Banner
Acoustic Guitar Guitar Hole Swirl Cog 2 Wooden Hand Space Ship

The Land of Odd

Wooden Button Techno Ring Old Key Golden Banner Decorative Flower Small Vine 1 Typewriter A
Typewriter G Typewriter I Typewriter L Typewriter N Typewriter P Typewriter V

Jackpot City

Calculator Button Calculator Equals Calculator Subtract PS One Front PS One Open PS One Power PS One Reset
PS One Top Dialer Numbers FDD Unit Computer Part 3 Chassis Handheld Videogame Base Film
Pinball Flip Left Pinball Middle Bonus Pinball Burger Top Pinball One Pinball Two Pinball Three Robot Dial
Reel Computer Vent City Backdrop 1 City Backdrop 2 Bomb Bullseye Star Arcade Press
Arcade Zero
Arcade One
Arcade Two
Arcade Three
Arcade Four
Arcade Five
Arcade Six
Arcade Seven
Arcade Eight
Arcade Nine
Retro Two Lucky Eight Jackpot Star 1 Jackpot B
Jackpot D Jackpot E Jackpot I Jackpot L Jackpot N Jackpot R Jackpot S
Jackpot U

gamedata/lbppsp2/th_jackpotcity/stickers/psp2 contains five stickers based on the original PlayStation system.

Coaster Valley

Tube Valve Speedometer Car Logo 1 Victory Flag Metal Border Metal Plating UFO Ship 1
Shadow Blob Shadow Line

Spooky Mansion

Camp Sign Green Wood Panel Zombie Hand Chop B Chop G Chop H Chop O
Chop V

Unused Collectable Items


Costume icons for the curators can be found that only feature their heads, and use earlier designs. These costumes go to the "torso" section of the costumes page.

Tutorial Background

Lbpvita tutorial background icon.png

An icon for the tutorial background for this game, which was never released.


gamedata/lbppsp2/th_lamarionetta/procedural_materials/kaleidoscope/psp2 contains textures for an unused material referred to as kaleidoscope.

Unused Audio

Unused Dialogue

To do:
There's a lot more that still needs to be documented.

gamedata/audio/dialogue contains several lines of dialogue that never get used anywhere.

Colonel Flounder

Audio File Filename Subtitle
cs_intro_outro_cf_60_alt.mp3 You're not from around here, are you?
cs_intro_outro_cf_70.mp3 I saw you fall from the sky.
cs_intro_outro_cf_80_alt.mp3 Something... unnatural happens here.
cs_intro_outro_cf_100.mp3 They are everywhere.
cs_intro_outro_cf_110_alt.mp3 They work for The Puppeteer. He caused ALL of this!
cs_intro_outro_cf_120_alt.mp3 You are the Boysack, no?
cs_intro_outro_cf_170.mp3 Flowers, eh? Clever. Very clever.
cs_intro_outro_cf_180.mp3 But you will never fool the flounder!
cs_intro_outro_cf_190.mp3 Hah! The flowers are easily smashed, but they shall return.
cs_intro_outro_cf_200.mp3 And with more petals.
cs_intro_outro_cf_210.mp3 Quickly, we must escape this place!
cs_lamarionetta_intro_cf_10.mp3 The Hollows work the machines, but why? We have no idea.
cs_lamarionetta_intro_cf_20.mp3 No doubt it is one of The Puppeteer's evil schemes!
cs_lamarionetta_intro_cf_80.mp3 For his friends to have life, he must always be alone.
cs_lamarionetta_intro_cf_130.mp3 And his soul broke into tiny pieces.
cs_lamarionetta_intro_cf_225.mp3 This way.
cs_lamarionetta_intro_cf_230.mp3 The Puppeteer knows nothing of this place.
cs_lamarionetta_intro_cf_240.mp3 Defeating him will be no easy task.
cs_lamarionetta_intro_cf_250.mp3 You must first learn the ways of the Carnivalia.
cs_lamarionetta_intro_cf_255.mp3 I will teach you what I know.
cs_lamarionetta_outro_cf_60.mp3 And see these creatures with our own four eyes.
cs_lamarionetta_outro_cf_80.mp3 But mostly the flowers thing.
cs_lamarionetta_outro_cf_100.mp3 But we must hope it does not await in a mysterious looking tunnel.
cs_lamarionetta_outro_cf_110.mp3 Baaargh!

LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2 Leftovers

Early Move Pack Leftovers

To do:
Get screenshots and animated gifs of some of the items in this list.

Found in various places in the game's data are leftover graphics from LittleBigPlanet 2's Move Pack, some of which look different to how they appeared in the final DLC. For obvious reasons, most of them go unused.

Lbpvita lbp logos02.png

gamedata/texture_library/ui/lbp_logos02.tex is a placeholder logo for the Move Pack that would appear when filtering by game content in the search menu.

Move Orientation Graphics


gamedata/texture_library/ui contains placeholder graphics for both the Sixaxis Controller and the PS Move Controller.

Paint Brush

Lbpvita move paint brush05.tex.png

An early paint brush for the move pack can be found in the shape of a leaf.

Early Movinator

Lbpvita electronics inventory movinator.png

gamedata/texture_library/ui/electronics_inventory_movinator.tex is the early icon for the Movinator gadget. This icon incorporates the official PS Move logo in its design, whereas the icon that gets used in LittleBigPlanet 2 is based on the upper portion of the Move controller.

Lbpvita movinator diffuse.tex.png

A placeholder texture for the Movinator's circuit board controls is also present.

Brain Crane

The Brain Crane powerup from the Move Pack is present in the game, although it does nothing when worn because there's no option to hook up a PlayStation Move Controller to your Vita.

"Requires Motion Controller" Level Function

The level function to label a level as requiring a Motion Controller still exists in the game. If the unused Brain Crane is placed in a level, the game will ask you if you want to enable this function when you go to leave the level. The game will then prompt players any time they play the level that they might need a Motion Controller to use it.

Move Level Function Medal

Lbpvita move medal diffuse.tex.png

An early version of the badge that would display if the removed "Requires Motion Controller" level function is enabled on a level, although nothing appears on a level that has it enabled in-game.

Lbpvita badge medals02.png

gamedata/texture_library/ui/badge_medals02.tex is an early version of the icon for the medal.

Paintinator Powerup

Lbpvita paintinator.jpg

The Paintinator weapon from LittleBigPlanet can be found underneath the Creatinator. Through glitching, you can copy it and place it wherever you'd like. The image shown is a recreation of the original weapon after positioning the Paintinator just right. The Paintinator works just like the version in LittleBigPlanet with the paint splats.


There's also an icon for this weapon's model left in the game's files.

Changed DLC Costume Icons

Davy Jones lg Elizabeth hr Sacksparrow fe
Vita Lbpvita davyjones lg icon.tex.png Lbpvita elizabeth hr icon.tex.png Lbp1waterbetaSacksparrow fe icon.tex.png
Final Lbpfinal davyjones lg icon.tex.png Lbpfinal elizabeth hr icon.tex.png Lbp1finalSacksparrow fe icon.tex.png
Lbpvita mastersin base icon.tex.png

Early icons for some of the DLC can be found, along with an icon for the Master Sin costume material from the Rag Doll Kung Fu pack, which isn't present as a prize in LBP1. The icon for Sack Sparrow's boots is the same early icon found in the water beta.

Beta and E3 Demo Remnants

To do:
Document the E3 demo pod level and demo theme model.

E3 Title Screen

Lbpvita lbp trademarkout.png

gamedata/lbppsp2/e3demo/ui/psp2/lbp_trademark.tex is an early title screen dated 2011.

Beta Disclaimer

Lbpvita Scea 6 betadisclaimerout.png

gamedata\lbppsp2\legalscreens\psp2\scea_6_betadisclaimer.tex is a leftover screen from a private beta.


gamedata\lbppsp2\th_arcade\level_badges\psp2\ has two unused level badge textures, beta_badge.tex and demo_badge.tex.