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LittleBigPlanet 3 (PlayStation 3)/Unused Models

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This is a sub-page of LittleBigPlanet 3 (PlayStation 3).



Lbp3 np hookduck.png

gamedata/lbp3/__book1\mesh\np_hookduck\np_hookduck.mol is a rubber duck with a hook.


Lbp3 sw old bear.png

gamedata/lbp3/__book1\mesh\sw_old_bear\sw_old_bear.mol is a ragged old teddy bear.


Lbp3 st ice lolly stick.png

gamedata/lbp3/__book1\mesh\st_ice_lolly_stick\st_ice_lolly_stick.mol is a popsicle stick.


Lbp3 pl spoon sign.png

gamedata/lbp3/__prologue/mesh/pl_spoon_sign/pl_spoon_sign.mol is a silver spoon.


Lbp3 jw brass horn.png

gamedata\lbp3\th_05jacobs_well\mesh\jw_brass_horn\jw_brass_horn.mol is a brass squeeze horn object.


Lbp3 mesh z typewriter.png

gamedata/lbp3/__book2/mesh/z_typewriter/z_typewriter.mol is a model of a typewriter intended for the Ziggurat.



Lbp3 mw map fort glow02.png

gamedata\lbp3\__prologue\decorations\mw_map_fort\mw_map_fort02_glow.mol is a decoration of the fort in Manglewood, meant for the map.


Lbp3 mesh pp telescopic meter.gif

gamedata/lbp3/_popit_puzzle/decorations/pp_telescopic_meter/pp_telescopic_meter.mol is an animated decoration of a radar.


Lbp3 mesh sm transition hook02.png

gamedata/lbp3/misc/decorations/transition_hook/sm_transition_hook02.mol is a decoration that appears to be based on the Rail Hook's model, but with an added satellite dish connected to a long pole. It can be found out of bounds below various Adventure Mode levels.


Lbp3 mesh tutu.PNG

gamedata/lbp3/__book2\decorations\tu_tu\tu_to.mol is a tutu with tweakable color.


Lbp3 mesh bu funnel.PNG

gamedata/lbp3/_4_bunkum/decorations/bu_funnel/bu_funnel.mol is a funnel with tweakable color.


Lbp3 mesh z navalcaptin hat.PNG

gamedata\lbp3\__book2\decorations\z_navalcaptin_hat\z_navalcaptin_hat.mol is a naval captain's hat, similar to the one in Swoop's captain costume.


Lbp3 dec zt paper branches.png

gamedata/lbp3/__book2/decorations/zt_paper_branches/dec_zt_paper_branches.mol is a newspaper cutout of branches meant for the Ziggurat.


Lbp3 mw bird wing.png

gamedata/lbp3/__book1/decorations/mw_bird_wing/mw_bird_wing.mol is a hummingbird's wing.

Gameplay Objects


Lbp3 mesh throwable.png

gamedata/lbp3/unthemed/mesh/throwable/throwable.mol is a model of a blue squeaky ball. This was originally intended to be a throwable powerup before the idea was scrapped.


Lbp3 early character changer.gif

gamedata/lbp3/misc/mesh/spawn_points/spawn_point_open_curtain_1.mol is an early model of the Character Changer. It's rounder and has white curtains instead of sliding metal doors. This was used as the Character Changer in early builds of the game before being replaced with a more futuristic model. It has an animation of the curtains opening and closing.


Lbp3 mesh boomerang 2.png

gamedata/lbp3/unthemed/mesh/boomerang_glow/boomerang_2.mol is a model of a three-pronged boomerang. Its appearance suggests that it might've been used as a powerup at one point.



Lbp3 early pod.png

gamedata/lbp3/pod/pod2.mol is a model of a wider, bus-shaped Pod that was used in early prototypes of the game. The final game just reuses the Pod from the first two games instead.


Lbp3 map previs lee 02.png

gamedata/lbp3/misc/pre_viz/map_previs_lee_02.mol is an unused adventure map. It's pink and very reminiscent of Manglewood. In early versions of the game, it was used as a placeholder for adventures that didn't have proper terrain yet.