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Kirby: Triple Deluxe/Kiosk Demo

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This is a sub-page of Kirby: Triple Deluxe.

A build of Kirby: Triple Deluxe was distributed as a Kiosk Demo in America and Europe. Compared to the final game, there aren't many differences. It's most likely post-final, as evidenced by the nearly finalized Korean localization left in it.


Title Screen

  • The Demo's title screen logo has a tiny "Demo" graphic attached below the trademark symbol. The bottom screen also sports two buttons that direct the player to Fine Fields - Stage 1 and Fine Fields - Stage 5. It also lacks the "Press ⌂ to go to the HOME Menu" text. Additionally, the background of the Title Screen can be moved in the final game by tilting the Nintendo 3DS. This can't be done in the Demo.
Demo Retail
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo title screen.png KTDTitleScreen.png
  • Upon pressing a button, the player is brought to a controls screen before playing a stage.

Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo controls screen.png


While completely inaccessible in the Demo, the first room in Stage 3 of Fine Fields is different. If the mapdata is ported to the full game, the player will encounter a Goal Door where the One-Way Door should be. This is most likely a developer mistake, as there would be no reason to end a stage in its first room, and the rest of the stage's room data is available in the Demo.

Demo Retail
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo Fine Fields - Stage 3.png Kirby Triple Deluxe Fine Fields - Stage 3.png

End of a Stage

When finishing a stage, the player is brought into a "thanks for playing" screen.

Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo end.png


  • Every track that is not available in the stream folder, but is mentioned in the sound archive is replaced with the theme "Hypernova Inhale".

Unused Content

Early Korean Localization

Yes, the Kiosk Demos have, once again, an early version of the Korean localization of the game. This time around, it seems to be nearly finalized.


Text related to the pause menu.

Entry Early Final Early (Translation) Final (Translation) Usage
AblSparkInfo 꾹꾹꾹꾹 십자 버튼을 눌러 파워를 모으면 배리어가 생긴다. 배리어를 무기로 찌직 찌지직! 거침없이 GO! 플라스마 탄! 꾹꾹꾹꾹 십자 버튼을 눌러 파워를 모으면 배리어가 생긴다. 배리어를 무기로 찌직 찌지직! 지형도 관통! 플라스마 탄! If you repeatedly press the cross button to charge up power, a barrier will appear. Use the barrier as a weapon, BZZZT BZZZT! Let's GO! Plasma Shot! If you repeatedly press the cross button to charge up power, a barrier will appear. Use the barrier as a weapon, BZZZT BZZZT! Pierce the terrain! Plasma Shot! Spark Kirby's pause screen description. Early text is identical to the early text found in the final North American release.


Text related to the world maps of the game.

Entry Early Final Early (Translation) Final (Translation) Usage
AbilityRoomUnlocked 클리어를 기념하여 실력 시험의 방이 오픈! 월드 트리를 거꾸로 내려가 보자! 클리어를 기념하여 카피 능력 시험의 방이 오픈! 월드 트리를 거꾸로 내려가 보자! To celebrate the completion of the game, the ability test room is open! Let's go down the Dreamstalk! To celebrate the completion of the game, the Copy Ability test room is open! Let's go down the Dreamstalk! Text that shows up when unlocking the Copy Ability room.


Text related to the Title Screen. Instead of having different text within entries, the file in the Kiosk Demo has two entries that were also added in other languages for the unique stage select buttons in this Demo. However, the Korean file contains completely different text compared to the other languages due to being unused in general.

Entry Text

As you can see, the text inside the entries is not Korean, but rather, Japanese. The kanji used there is the one for "temporary".

Regional Differences

As previously mentioned, the Demo was distributed in both North America and Europe. This means that there are two available versions of the same Demo, and each of these versions have a few changes to accomodate for their respective audiences.


In the European version of the Demo, when choosing a stage, an extra screen with a PEGI rating will show up, and then transition into the controls screen.

Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo Eur Pegi.png

There's no equivalent ESBR rating screen to this screen in the North American Demo, making this an European exclusive pop-up.

English Localization Differences

Interestingly, the Demo has a few differences in its exclusive content between American and European English. First and foremost, the title screen's button prompts differ in text between versions. The first button in the American English version says "Play a Stage", while the European English version changes it to simply "Stage".

American English European English
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo title screen.png Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo EENG Title.png

The controls page also has a difference, albeit very minor. The B Button action says "Inhale/Use Ability" in the American English version, while on the European English version, it was changed to "Inhale/Copy Ability". There are also very minor positioning and aesthetic differences between the letters.

American English European English
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo controls screen.png Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo EENG Controls.png

Lastly, the "thanks for playing" screen has a different message between versions. The American English version says "Thanks for playing the demo!", while the European English version instead reads "Thank you for playing the demo!".

American English European English
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo end.png Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo EENG Thanks.png

The reason why the localization teams thought it was necessary to change these aspects of the Demo is unknown.

French Localization Differences

The Demo was also localized to French, meaning that there are also two localizations of the same language for different regions, Canada and France. To start, the title screen has different buttons between versions. The Canadian French localization's buttons say "Jouer à un nivaeu" and "Combattre un boss", while the European French localization's buttons say "Étape" and "Combat de boss".

Canadian French European French
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo CFRE Title.png Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo EFRE Title.png

The controls page's actions have mostly differing names. The only actions that stayed the same were crouching, the A Button's actions, and inhaling.

Canadian French European French
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo CFRE Controls.png Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo EFRE Controls.png

Lastly, the "thanks for playing" screen has a minor but important difference. While the message is mostly the same, the European French localization separates the exclamation mark from the rest of the sentence per grammar rules not applicable in Canadian French. Additionally, the European French message is better centered.

Canadian French European French
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo CFRE Thanks.png Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo EFRE Thanks.png

Spanish Localization Differences

The Demo was also localized to Spanish, meaning they had to accomodate the Demo for the Spanish spoken in Latin America and the one spoken in Spain. As with the French localizations, the buttons in the title screen differ between versions. The Latin American Spanish localization's buttons say "Jugar una etapa" and "Enfrentarse a un jefe", while the Iberian Spanish localization instead says "Etapa" and "Etapa de jefe".

Latin American Spanish Iberian Spanish
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo LSPA Title.png Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo ESPA Title.png

The controls page has some differing action names as well. Mainly, swallowing is detailed as "Tragar lo absorbido" in Latin American Spanish, while in Iberian Spanish it's simply "Tragar". The "Use Ability" prompt is also differente, being "Usar habilidad" in Latin American Spanish, and "Copiar" in Iberian Spanish. Also, the text in the bottom screen was changed from "Oprime A" to "Pulsa A", but that's a common regional difference found in games localized to Spanish, as "oprimir" is a verb that's not commonly used in Spain.

Latin American Spanish Iberian Spanish
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo LSPA Controls.png Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo ESPA Controls.png

Lastly, the "thanks for playing" screen's message is differente between localizations. In Latin American Spanish, the message reads "¡Gracias por jugar esta versión de prueba!", while in Iberian Spanish it's "¡Gracias por jugar a esta demo!".

Latin American Spanish Iberian Spanish
Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo LSPA Thanks.png Kirby Triple Deluxe Demo ESPA Thanks.png