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King James Bible

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Title Screen

King James Bible

Developer: Wisdom Tree
Publisher: Wisdom Tree
Platform: Unlicensed Game Boy
Released in US: 1994

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Every book in the King James Bible, now in a (very oddly-designed) Game Boy cartridge for your consumption. Also included are two mini-games (memory match and Hangman), one of which has a cheat. What would He say about that...?

Bible Word Match Level Select

At the pre-level screen, hold Up and press Select to change the starting level.

Integrity Test

King James Bible (GB) checksum.png

At the title menu, press Left 8 times. A sound will inform about start and end of calculating a checksum for the ROM. A resulting checksum will be displayed in the place of ROM version on the same screen.