Keitai Denjuu Telefang/SGB Colors
This is a sub-page of Keitai Denjuu Telefang.
Color Palettes
This is a list of Super Game Boy color palettes in Telefang. The palette data starts at ROM offset 0xEBC8. Even if the Super Game Boy flag is hacked to be enabled, the majority of these color palettes are still unused, except for a very small number of them.
Notably, the entire palette table is identical to that of Medarot 2 Parts Collection, which can be found starting at ROM offset 54320 in that game. (The base Medarot 2 game (both Kabuto/Kuwagata versions) have a palette table at the same ROM offset, but the palettes differ somewhat in the base game, compared to Parts Collection.) This indicates that Telefang appears to use Medarot 2 Parts Collection as a base for its game engine; the Medarot games were also developed by Natsume.
Only the following palettes are used if the SGB flag is enabled:
- Palette 0x00 is used on the title screen. Since the game never uses the PAL_SET command after this, it is also used on all subsequent screens, making the entire game white.
- Palette 0x01 is used for the opening credits and the bottom half of the Natsume logo. It is also used in a blank area below the Smilesoft logo, but this only affects the background color, since the other three colors of this palette are not used on this screen. This is due to the fact that the Smilesoft logo uses the same attribute file (0x01) as the Natsume logo.
- The same attribute file and palettes were used in Medarot 2 (and Medarot 2 Parts Collection) for the Imagineer logo, where palette 0x01 was used for the gray "Imagineer" text.
- Palette 0x0A is used for the Smilesoft logo.
- Palette 0x0C is used for the top part of the Natsume logo.
- Palette 0x2F is used for the Comic BomBom logo.
Palette ID | Color 0x00 | Color 0x01 | Color 0x02 | Color 0x03 |
0x00 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8F8F8 |
0x01 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x909090 | 0x484848 | 0x181818 |
0x02 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF88098 | 0xD03848 | 0x000000 |
0x03 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x60A8F8 | 0x2860F8 | 0x000000 |
0x04 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8D040 | 0xF89030 | 0x000000 |
0x05 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB8E858 | 0x68B020 | 0x000000 |
0x06 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8C870 | 0xB88048 | 0x481800 |
0x07 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xD8A8F8 | 0xA858D8 | 0x281040 |
0x08 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8A068 | 0xF88020 | 0x481800 |
0x09 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F880 | 0xD8B868 | 0x000000 |
0x0A | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF89890 | 0xF85850 | 0xE80000 |
0x0B | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xC0C0C0 | 0x707070 | 0x101010 |
0x0C | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x90E8E8 | 0x48C8C8 | 0x00B0B0 |
0x0D | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF88840 | 0xD83800 | 0x000000 |
0x0E | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x3068F8 | 0x0030D8 | 0x000000 |
0x0F | 0xF8F8D8 | 0x3068F8 | 0x0030D8 | 0x000000 |
0x10 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF88080 | 0x006000 | 0x800000 |
0x11 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x6090F8 | 0x006000 | 0x001080 |
0x12 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8E040 | 0x006000 | 0x404000 |
0x13 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x88E060 | 0x006000 | 0x005800 |
0x14 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xE89858 | 0x006000 | 0x603000 |
0x15 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xD878D8 | 0x006000 | 0x401040 |
0x16 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x20B8F8 | 0x006000 | 0x003878 |
0x17 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xA8A8A8 | 0x006000 | 0x282828 |
0x18 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF898D0 | 0x006000 | 0x500828 |
0x19 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8B890 | 0x006000 | 0x603020 |
0x1A | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x18C0A8 | 0x006000 | 0x004020 |
0x1B | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8C000 | 0x006000 | 0x403000 |
0x1C | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF88020 | 0x006000 | 0x582000 |
0x1D | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x90B8A8 | 0x006000 | 0x204030 |
0x1E | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x9090B0 | 0x006000 | 0x282840 |
0x1F | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB09090 | 0x006000 | 0x402828 |
0x20 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xC09870 | 0x905818 | 0x382008 |
0x21 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xC0C058 | 0x888820 | 0x303008 |
0x22 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xA8A888 | 0x686848 | 0x282818 |
0x23 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB09880 | 0x706050 | 0x382008 |
0x24 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x90D070 | 0x48A810 | 0x184000 |
0x25 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x90B060 | 0x507000 | 0x202800 |
0x26 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x78B0B0 | 0x407070 | 0x182828 |
0x27 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xD89880 | 0xB85838 | 0x482010 |
0x28 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x7098E0 | 0x2058C8 | 0x082050 |
0x29 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x60A0C0 | 0x006888 | 0x002830 |
0x2A | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xC88098 | 0xA03050 | 0x401020 |
0x2B | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF88800 | 0x2020A8 | 0x000000 |
0x2C | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x9898B0 | 0xF82020 | 0x000000 |
0x2D | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x9898B0 | 0x585878 | 0x000000 |
0x2E | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x8888F8 | 0x2020A8 | 0x000000 |
0x2F | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8A000 | 0xF84000 | 0x901000 |
0x30 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF88080 | 0xC03030 | 0x800000 |
0x31 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x6090F8 | 0x2038C0 | 0x001080 |
0x32 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8E040 | 0x989800 | 0x404000 |
0x33 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x88E060 | 0x189818 | 0x005800 |
0x34 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xE89858 | 0xB85808 | 0x603000 |
0x35 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xD878D8 | 0x803880 | 0x401040 |
0x36 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x20B8F8 | 0x0070C0 | 0x003878 |
0x37 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xA8A8A8 | 0x606060 | 0x282828 |
0x38 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF898D0 | 0xC03058 | 0x500828 |
0x39 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8B890 | 0xF87840 | 0x603020 |
0x3A | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x18C0A8 | 0x287050 | 0x004020 |
0x3B | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8C000 | 0xA88000 | 0x403000 |
0x3C | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF88020 | 0xC84000 | 0x582000 |
0x3D | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x90B8A8 | 0x507060 | 0x204030 |
0x3E | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x9090B0 | 0x505068 | 0x282840 |
0x3F | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB09090 | 0x685050 | 0x402828 |
0x40 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF84040 | 0x900000 | 0x000000 |
0x41 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x404070 | 0x181840 | 0x000000 |
0x42 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x88D000 | 0xF80038 | 0x000000 |
0x43 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF89000 | 0xC00000 | 0x000000 |
0x44 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8C0D0 | 0xF88068 | 0x000000 |
0x45 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xA0E8F8 | 0x00A0F8 | 0x000000 |
0x46 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8F8A0 | 0xC8C800 | 0x000000 |
0x47 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x68F8C0 | 0x00C890 | 0x000000 |
0x48 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8D8B0 | 0xB09058 | 0x000000 |
0x49 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xE0C8F8 | 0xA068C0 | 0x000000 |
0x4A | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xF8C888 | 0xF88890 | 0x000000 |
0x4B | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xE0F0B8 | 0xA0A0A0 | 0x000000 |
0x4C | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xD8F0C0 | 0x90A0A8 | 0x000000 |
0x4D | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xD0F0C8 | 0x80A0B0 | 0x000000 |
0x4E | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xD0F0C8 | 0x7098B8 | 0x000000 |
0x4F | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xC8F0D0 | 0x6098C0 | 0x000000 |
0x50 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xC8F0D8 | 0x5098C8 | 0x000000 |
0x51 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xC0F0E0 | 0x4098D0 | 0x000000 |
0x52 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB8F0E0 | 0x3090D8 | 0x000000 |
0x53 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB8F0E8 | 0x2090E0 | 0x000000 |
0x54 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F0F0 | 0x1090E8 | 0x000000 |
0x55 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F8F8 | 0x0090F0 | 0x000000 |
0x56 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F8F0 | 0x0090E0 | 0x000000 |
0x57 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F8E8 | 0x0890D0 | 0x000000 |
0x58 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F8E0 | 0x1090C0 | 0x000000 |
0x59 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F8D8 | 0x1898B0 | 0x000000 |
0x5A | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F8D8 | 0x1898A0 | 0x000000 |
0x5B | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F8D0 | 0x209890 | 0x000000 |
0x5C | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F8C8 | 0x289880 | 0x000000 |
0x5D | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F8C0 | 0x30A070 | 0x000000 |
0x5E | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xB0F8B8 | 0x38A060 | 0x000000 |
0x5F | 0xF8F8F8 | 0xD86868 | 0xD85050 | 0xD80000 |
0x60 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x78A0C0 | 0x284860 | 0x000000 |
0x61 | 0xF8F8F8 | 0x9870C0 | 0x582880 | 0x000000 |
Also present are various SGB colormaps (attribute files) in the game. Colormaps 00 - 0F are present in both Medarot 2 and Medarot 2 Parts Collection, and colormaps 10 - 12 were added to Medarot 2 Parts Collection. Presumably, these were used in the Medarot games.
Even if the SGB flag is enabled, most of these are unused in Telefang.
Starting ROM offsets for these colormaps are present in the following games:
- Telefang: EED8
- Medarot 2: 54520
- Medarot 2 Parts Collection: 54630
In this gallery, colormaps are represented as follows:
- 0 = Gray
- 1 = Magenta
- 2 = Cyan
- 3 = Orange