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Karnov (NES)

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Title Screen


Developers: Data East, Sakata SAS
Publishers: Namco (JP), Data East (US)
Platform: NES
Released in JP: December 18, 1987
Released in US: January 22, 1988

LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

Karnov puts you in control of the shirtless fireball-throwing Jinborov Karnovski, on a mission to recover the lost Ark of the Covenant, or something.

Level Select

At the title screen, hold Right, Select, A and B at the same time on controller 1. On controller 2, press A the number of times equaling which stage you want to go, and then Start on controller 1.

Do note that this can only be done up to level 9.

(Source: Doodleheimer (GameFAQs))

Regional Differences


The entire story of the game was removed in the US release. Along with this, the intro and ending cutscenes were cut out, likely due to the religious tones of the story. They can be re-enabled in the US version using the Game Genie code AAKITAZA, although the text wasn't changed so it's just gibberish.

Screenshot Japanese Translation
Karnov (Japan)-Intro0.png  クリアミナ ちほうに ちいさな まちが ありました。 There once was a small town in the region of Cleamina.
Karnov (Japan)-Intro1.png  あるひ、へいわな このまちに アラカタイという
まほうつかいが あらわれて まちの ひとびとから
たからものを とりあげて しまいました。

ひとびとは ちからを あわせて アラカタイを たおそう
と しましたが おこった アラカタイは クリアミナちほう
の あちこちに おそろしい まものを はなって ひとびと
を くるしめはじめたのです。

One day, in this peaceful town, a wizard
named Alakatay appeared and took all of the
treasures from the town's people.

The people worked together to defeat Alakatay, but
Alakatay happened to be doing horrible things on
the other side of the Cleamina region and began cursing
the people.

Karnov (Japan)-Intro3.png  そんな ちじょうでの ありさまを みていた かみさまは
ひとりの おとこを ちじょうに おろそうと おもいました
 おとこの なまえは カルノフと いいました。

カルノフは にんげんだったころ わるい おこないばかり
していたために いまでは かみさまの めしつかいとして
はたらかされて いたのでした。 よいか カルノフ ちじょうでは つみのない ひとびとが
アラタカイに くるしめられている。
 おまえは わたしが あたえる まほうのちからで
アラタカイを たおすのだ。 おまえの ちじょうでの おこないしだいでは めしつかい
から かいほうして やろう。

 さあ いくのだ! カルノフ!

Seeing the events going on below,
God decided to have a man on the ground
and called for a man named Karnov.

Karnov only did bad things when he was a human being,
and now was a servant of God. Understood, Karnov? To prove your innocence,
you must save the innocent people Alatakay has cursed.
You will defeat Alatakay with this
magic I've given you. Let me release you from your servitude
once your deeds are performed.

Well, let's go, Karnov!


To do:
Pictures and translations of the endings.

Depending on how well the player did at the end, the player ends up with one of three different endings. These were all replaced with a simple text screen saying "CONGRATULATIONS!! THE END".


The Japanese version allows two continues, and the US version allows infinite continues. (This is inconsistent with the US manual, which states that the game allows three continues.) The continue method differs between versions as well: in the Japanese version, Start + Select must be pressed on the Game Over screen to continue, while the US version simply has a Continue option.