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Izumo 2: Gakuen Kyousoukyoku - Double Tact

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Title Screen

Izumo 2: Gakuen Kyousoukyoku - Double Tact

Developer: Regista
Publisher: GN Software
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: January 31, 2008

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

To do:
Document more of the debug menu.

Debug Menu

Izumo 2-debugmenu.png

A debug menu can be accessed with the below code. This menu allows you to view all of the images in-game, play all of the SFX, unlock everything and select any of the game's events. This debug menu is also found in, Aria The Natural: ~Tooi Yume no Mirage~, Aria The Origination: ~Aoi Hoshi no El Cielo~ and I/O.

Master Code (Only needed for cheat devices)
902103A0 0C084090

Enable Debug Menu
0010D880 00000000
D04CFD82 0000FFFE
2027F86C 00000000

With the above code on, you will enter the debug menu when you first start up the game. At anytime, to go back to it, press and hold Select button while entering any mode, such as the Options menu.

Text Translation Notes
はじめから From the beginning Starts the game.
シナリオ Scenario Sends you to a list of story related scenes to choose from.
キャラクタ Character Allows you to view all of the character portraits.
BG BG Allows you to view all of the background images.
イベント Event Allows you to view all of the event images in the game.
BGM BGM Doesn't work.
SE SE Goes through all of the SFX in the game. Also contains descriptions of the SFX.
エフェクト Effect Doesn't work.
ムービー Movie Allows you to watch all of the movies in the game.
ルートチェック Route Check This appears to be the same as the Scenario option.
システムフラグ System Flag Unlocks everything in the game when selected.
(Source: Original TCRF research)


Izumo 2-scenario.png Izumo 2-scenario2.png Izumo 2-scenario3.png Izumo 2-scenario4.png

This menu allows you to view all of the story related scenes of your choice.


Izumo 2-character.png

This option allows you to view all of the character portraits in the game.


Izumo 2 -event.png

This allows you to view all of the event CGs in the game.


Izumo 2-se.png

This option allows you to listen to all of the SFX in the game. It also contains descriptions of every SFX.

File Editor

Izumo 2-fileeditor.png

This option would let you edit files, presumably bring up a hex editor-like window, boot files, and play movies. However, none of that works anymore. This can also be found in I/O.

Enable File Editor At Boot
0010D880 0000001A
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Menus


Izumo 2-Promotion.png

An unused menu, internally named Promotion can be seen here. Nothing can be done in this menu. The text here reads, Test. Apply the below code to access it.

Change Options Menu to Promotion Menu
00152140 00000010


Izumo 2-Append.png

Another unused menu, internally named Append can be seen here. Selecting anything here will start a new game. The text here reads Shortcut multiple times. Apply the below code to access it.

Change Options Menu to Append Menu
00152140 00000014
(Source: Original TCRF research)