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Insaniquarium Deluxe

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Title Screen

Insaniquarium Deluxe

Also known as: Insaniquarium
Developer: Flying Bear Entertainment
Publisher: PopCap Games
Platform: Windows
Released in US: September 1, 2004

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Insaniquarium looks at first glance to be a virtual aquarium. Being a PopCap game, it's much more than that (and considerably more interesting).

Internal Project Name

Insaniquarium's internal name is WinFish, as referenced in executable file WinFish_Scr.exe.

Sandbox Mode

The Sandbox Mode can be accessed by typing the Konami Code (↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A) when you have the silver trophy. Typing the following keys will spawn the corresponding fish, pet or alien:

1 - Guppy

2 - Carnivore

3 - Star Fish

4 - Star Catcher

5 - Guppy Cruncher

6 - Beetle Muncher

7 - Breeder

8 - Ultravore

q - Stinky

w - Niko

e - Itchy

r - Prego

t - Zorf

y - Clyde

u - Vert

i - Rufus

o - Meryl

p - Wadsworth

a - Seymour

s - Shrapnel

d - Gumbo

f - Blip

g - Rhubarb

h - Nimbus

j - Amp

k - Gash

l - Angie

; - Presto

A - Brinkley

S - Nostradamus

D - Walter

F - Stanley

z - Sylvester

x - Balrog

c - Gus

v - Destructor

b - Ulysses

n - PsychoSquid

m - Bilaterus

+ and - - Change the background.

(Source: InsaniquariumGuide.com)

Cheat Codes

Typing the following codes will cause various aspects of the game to change.

TIME - Displays the time elapsed in the lower right corner of the tank, which isn't displayed at all normally, probably because it has no effect on gameplay and is pretty much pointless. Typing the code again will turn it off.

What "TIME" looks like.

ZOMBIE - Living fish look dead. Typing the code again will turn it off.

SPACE - Changes the background to an outer space background. Typing the code again will turn it off.

The "SPACE" background. The stars are added in-game.

VOID - Changes the background to a solid white background. Typing the code again will turn it off.

SUPERMEGAULTRA - Changes Prego's birth sound to a longer & louder one. Typing the code again or typing PREGO will turn the code off.

WELOVEBETATESTERS - Changes Prego's birth sound to the Breeder's birth sound. Typing the code again or typing PREGO will turn the code off.

WAVY - Background will become wavy making it appear like it's being reflected through a water tank. Typing the code again will turn it off.

GIVE - Allows you to give shells to another user. This can only be typed on the main menu.

What "GIVE" looks like.

B - Briefly displays bubbles in your tank.

(Source: InsaniquariumGuide.com)

Command-line Parameters

Dialog box that appears when using -version.

-crash - Simulates a game crash, complete with the crash dialog asking to send crash data to Popcap.

-screensaver - Launches WinFish_Scr.exe.

-version - Displays the game program version, build information, and build date. Clicking OK exits.

-changedir - Specify the directory on your computer where the game's assets are stored. The correct syntax for this parameter is "-changedir=C:\folder" (minus the quotes), substituting "C:\folder" for the absolute path of the game data directory.


Several command-line parameters enable an otherwise unused feature. Guess what it is.

-demofile - Specifies the filename for the played or recorded demo and only works when used with the "-play" or "-record" command line parameters (see below). The correct syntax for this parameter is "-demofile=MyDemo.dmo" (minus the quotes), substituting "MyDemo.dmo" with your demo filename of choice (either a previously recorded demo to play, or a filename to save a new demo that you wish to record).

-play - Starts Insaniquarium in windowed mode and then plays a previously recorded demo file. If no demo filename is specified using the "-demofile" command line parameter (see above), the game attempts to load "Popcap.dmo" and will display an error if it can't.

-playnum - Starts Insaniquarium in windowed mode and plays the last sequentially named demo that was previously recorded using the "-recnum" parameter (see below).

-recnum - Records sequentially named demos each time you run the game. The filenames of the saved demos are "Popcap1.dmo", "Popcap2.dmo", "Popcap3.dmo", etc., with "Popcap" being replaced with the specified file name (see above).

-record - Records and saves a demo file with the filename of "Popcap.dmo". Again, the filename can be changed with "-demofile".

(Source: InsaniquariumGuide.com)

Unused Music

Version 1.0, Steam Version 1.1

Only seven seconds of the "alien approaching" song can be heard in normal gameplay, but more can be heard if the player pauses.

The file "Lullaby.mo3" contains the ending credits theme of the game. Patterns 15-30 contain the music itself. However, although not used by the sequence data, patterns 0 to 14 do exist, and they contain an earlier version of the credits theme, which is faster than the final and is arranged much differently, even incorporating drums. Sadly, it does not seem to reference any samples, however, the audio file above is a restoration, using samples from the final, and generic drum samples.

Offset 0, with tempo 125. Unlisted.

Offset 2, with tempo 125. Unlisted.

Offset 6, with tempo 125. Unlisted.

Offset 13, with tempo 125. Unlisted.

Unused Text

The purple guys eat coins!

Early explanation dialog for the Starcatchers. It seems that at one point in development they would eat coins instead of stars.

c:\windows\media\Windows XP Menu Command.wav

A file path to a Windows sound. Apparently the sound for enabling debug keys.

    %s line %d +0x%X
Connection: close
 HTTP/1.0..User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; popcap)
Connection: close
Beta Validation failed! Check your internet connection and try again.
The password you supplied did not match this account.
Invalid Password!
Invalid Password
This PopCap Beta account has been disabled!
Account Disabled!
Account Disabled
Unable to locate a PopCap Beta account for the supplied user name.
Invalid User Name!
Invalid Username
This product has been removed from the PopCap Beta program.
Thanks for helping us test during the beta period!
Beta Discontinued
Internal Server Error! Try again later.
Server Error
A new version of this product is now available. Click OK to open a page to download it from.
Update Required!
Update Needed
Unable to parse Beta Validation results! Check your internet connection and try again.
Validation Failed!
Validating Beta
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="demofile"; filename="popcap.dmo"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="builddate"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="buildnum"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="version"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="prod"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="username"

Text leftover from the beta testing period of the game's development.

Trial Mode

The game includes a file in its "properties" folder called "partner.xml," which determines certain information about the game depending on how it was distributed, such as whether the game requires registration. On startup, the game checks if this file has been modified by comparing its signature to the contents of the "partner.xml.sig" file. Some versions of the game (including the Steam release) refuse to launch at all if the file has been modified; others, however, will show a warning and then launch in a "trial" mode.

The only notable differences between "normal" mode and "trial" mode are:

  • The game has a 60-minute time limit, continuous across launches.
  • The title screen prominently features a large "Click Here to Register!" button. This button is useless as it now redirects to PopCap's homepage.
  • A "Register" button has been added to the options menu, serving the same (non-)function as the one on the title screen.
  • The "Check Updates" button is enabled regardless of whether the particular distribution of the game usually has it. This even includes 1.0 releases, which normally doesn't have this button at all.
The title screen with the "Click Here to Register!" button and the time limit displayed.
The options menu with the "Register" and "Check Updates" button present.

Version Differences

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: As mentioned on the talk page a few times, there seems to be some conflicting/inconsistent evidence about the revisions' differences, especially in the title screen. It may be worth comparing more copies to get a better idea of these changes.
  • There are known revisions that I wasn't able to hunt down: the 1.0 RealArcade release, and an apparent 1.0 Zone/Oberon release. The 1.1 version of the game was distributed in the UK by Focus Essentials, and the Australian version was distributed via Mindscape. These may or may not be identical to the US release.
  • How did the RealArcade version work? Did buying the game redirect you to the digital release, or is there a paid RealArcade release?

While there are two official revisions of this game (1.0 and 1.1), each of these revisions have been published in several ways, with extremely minor changes, mostly in the title screen.

1.0 Digital Release 1.0 GameHouse Disc 1.0 MumboJumbo Disc
Insaniquarium-title.png Insaniquarium-1.0-Gamehouse.png Insaniqarium Deluxe-1.0-Logos.png

The three documented versions of 1.0 mostly only differ in the title screen, depending on which publisher it originated from.

The unique settings menu in the demo mode of the 1.0 digital release.

The Digital Version was available for direct download from the popcap.com website and will run in a demo mode if the game hasn't been registered, along with displaying an upsell popup when the game boots. This mode is separate from the Trial Mode mentioned above. This version has a unique settings menu when run in this mode, which replaces the "Register" button with the "Help" button and puts a button that says "More games at popcap.com" where "Help" used to be. These buttons are removed when the game is registered and are replaced with the standard v1.0 button layout. This version's title screen features a prominent Flying Bear logo on the bottom-left, and lists the PopCap website under its old logo.

The GameHouse and MumboJumbo versions came in physical discs, and move the Flying Bear logo up to the top-right to make room for their own logos. They also remove the website from the PopCap logo. The disc versions also remove a few assets related to advertisements and promotions of other PopCap games.

1.1 Digital Release/Steam Version 1.1 Disc Release 1.1 RealArcade Demo
Insaniqarium Deluxe-1.1-Logos.png Insaniqarium Deluxe-1.1-Logos-Disc.png Insaniquarium-1.1-RealArcade.png

There are four documented releases of 1.1, with a few other minor changes besides the title screen. The digital release was directly available on the PopCap website, and if not purchased, will provide a pop-up telling the player that they have limited time to play, and urging them to buy it. This is separate from the Trial Mode mentioned above. the title screen features a new Popcap logo with the "Games" part omitted.

The disc release was published by PopCap themselves, and reuses the original logo, despite the new logo being printed on the disc and its case. This version removes the drm folder, which is where the assets for the upsell popup originally resided.

The RealArcade demo was digitally available through the now-defunct RealArcade service, where you could play a demo of the game, and optionally pay for the full release. Its title screen features the new logo, as well as a RealArcade logo, similar to the logos present on 1.0 releases. Interestingly, the readme of this version states that it is v1.0, presumably by accident. The drm folder has been removed, with the demo restrictions being handled through RealArcade itself.

The Steam version looks identical to the digital 1.1 release, with the new logo. The drm folder is present, as well as an exact duplicate of the main executable... for some reason. Both .exes are checked during Steam Verification.

None of the 1.0 releases are specifically equipped to handle a widescreen resolution, which results in the game stretching its picture to fill the entire display when played on computers with wide screens and more primitive graphics card drivers. Most graphics cards of the modern era are capable of detecting this and will automatically display it in the correct 4:3 ratio, and 1.1 releases know to maintain its aspect ratio on widescreen displays via the addition of resolution settings in their partner.xml file.

The game contains an option to check for updates, which is determined by the value of "DontUpdate" in properties/partner.xml, and it is disabled by default in most releases. Because this file is signed, patching is required to enable/disable this functionality, although it can always be seen when enabling Trial Mode. The only version that has it enabled by default is the v1.1 Digital release, despite the option being present in every version, 1.0 or 1.1. No versions were ever released after v1.1, so this option is mostly useless anyway.

Everything Else 1.1 Digital Release
Insaniqarium Deluxe-1.0-Update.png Insaniqarium Deluxe-1.1-Update.png

The icon used for the main executable was also changed between versions. 1.0 uses what appears to be a (slightly unsettling) modified version of the guppy's in-game render, while 1.1 uses a more stylized illustration of the guppy, similar to the one on the title screen and boxart. Oddly, Steam still uses the old icon in its Game List.

1.0 1.1
Insaniquarium 1-0icon.png Insaniquarium-1.1-Icon.png