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Help:Contents/Finding Content/File Formats/INT

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This is a sub-page of Help:Contents/Finding Content/File Formats.

Unreal Engine Games

"International" files for Unreal Engine games. These files are for translation and contain translated localizable text for the game. An int file is openable with any general text editor.

INT files are in English. A renamed file of this type is used for other languages; another language is defined by renaming an .int file to the country's ISO 639-1 code and appending 't' to it (e.g. .det for German). This file is then told to be loaded by the game's main .ini file, under the "Language=" property (e.g. Language=det).

If such a file exists it will replace text in game with the text from this file when the .u package of the same name is loaded. If a file of the desired language isn't found the game will load the .int file of the same name instead, if the .int file also isn't found it will default to the text found in the .u package.