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Hello Kitty Big Fun Deluxe

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Title Screen

Hello Kitty Big Fun Deluxe

Developer: Big Top Productions
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Classic
Released in US: 1994 (Windows)

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

Hello Kitty Big Fun Deluxe is an educational game released in 1994 by Big Top Productions.

Unused Graphics


A graphic from the Stew Story mode of the Big Fun Storymaking activity. It is internally called ScreenCapture, indicating that it is a screenshot taken during development. Overall, it's very similar to the in-game scene that it depicts, with only a few minor differences. In-game, the "Read" icon at the top depicts a person's face instead of just a mouth, and the text bubble's size and shape was adjusted as well. The print icon was also shifted to the left slightly, and the basket was changed to a lighter brown.


An early version or possibly a mock up of the fifth page in Stew Story.


A very simple placeholder for the end screen of Stew Story.

HelloKitty-BigFunDeluxe-UnusedArrowButtonsPiano.png HelloKitty-BigFunDeluxe-UnusedArrowButtonsMath.png

The Big Fun Piano and Big Fun Numbers activities have unused variations of arrow buttons, presumably intended to have been used when the buttons are clicked on. However, no graphical changes occur when clicking on the arrows in-game.


A graphic internally named Camera.On from the Big Fun Art activity. The camera button is used to save the player's picture. Other similar buttons in this activity are usually highlighted blue like this when clicked on. However, when the camera button is clicked on, it plays a short flashing animation, and then the scrapbook button is highlighted afterwards since the scrapbook opens automatically after saving a picture. Thus the camera button is never highlighted since the transition from the flashing animation to the scrapbook is immediate.


A graphic internally named badPalette from Big Fun Art. In-game, columns of icons like this one are used for stamps that the player can place on the canvas. This appears to be an early sketch or possibly just a placeholder for this feature. In-game, the graphic most similar to this one has the same size, but it features the numbers 0 through 5 as opposed to 1 through 6, and the numbers all have black outlines with a white or colored fill instead of being entirely black.


Big Fun Art also has graphics for undo buttons. This indicates that an undo feature would've originally been included, but it was apparently scrapped as there is no reference to it in-game.

Unused Sounds

A sound effect intended for the aforementioned scrapped undo feature from Big Fun Art.

Development-Related Text

The file for Big Fun Art includes a portion of text internally referred to as DISABLED CODE. As the name would imply, it consists of deprecated code that was converted to plain text. Another reference to the scrapped undo feature appears near the bottom.

-- stampTemplate
-- stamp the b/w image unto the stage
on stampTemplateNEW
  global drawObj, cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom, doStampTemplate
  -- drawObj (mStampTemplate, cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom )
  drawObj (mStampTemplate, 0, 0, cvRight, cvBottom )
  set doStampTemplate = FALSE
end stampTemplateNEW

-- makeTemplate
--make template out of the current screen
on makeTemplateNEW
  global drawObj, cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom
  --drawObj (mMakeTemplate, cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom )
  drawObj (mMakeTemplate, 0, 0, cvRight, cvBottom )
end makeTemplateNEW

on stampTemplateMID
  global BWcanvasSpr, colCanvasSpr
  --stamp saved b&w picture
  puppetSprite BWcanvasSpr, TRUE
  set the trails of sprite BWcanvasSpr=TRUE
  set the locH of sprite BWcanvasSpr = the locH of sprite colCanvasSpr
  set the locH of sprite BWcanvasSpr=-1000
  set the trails of sprite BWcanvasSpr=FALSE
end stampTemplateMID

--save changes made to canvas in draw mode
on saveCanvasMID
  global cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom, drawObj
  drawobj (mStageToBuf, cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom)
end saveCanvasMID

on makeTemplateMID
  global BWcanvasSpr, cvTop, cvLeft, cvBottom, cvRight
  global drawObj, undoFlag, canvasRect, pictFolder
  cursor 4
  --  speed issue of putting handle into a variable
  set BWpictHandle=the picture of cast "curBWCanvas" 
  --switch to bw palette
  puppetPalette "remapper", 60
  --save 'curBWCanvas' pict to 'oldBWCanvas' castmember now that we are using the b&w palette
  set the picture of cast "oldBWCanvas"= BWpictHandle
  -- screen capture to temp file
  set filePath=pictFolder & "temp.DIB"
  drawObj (mStageToDIB, filePath, cvLeft, cvTop-1, cvRight, cvBottom-1)
  --switch back to color palette
  puppetPalette "drawPalette", 60
  -- remember the attributes of the target cast before importFileInto
  set cNum=the number of cast "curBWCanvas"
  set cScript=the scripttext of cast cNum
  set cPal = the palette of cast cNum
  -- import file into cast and reset it's attributes
  importFileInto cast cNum, filePath
  set the palette of cast cNum = cPal
  set the name of cast cNum="curBWCanvas"
  set the scriptText of cast cNum=cScript
  cursor - 1
end makeTemplateMID

--toggle between current canvas and previous canvas; toggle undo status flag
on undoCanvasChangesMID
  global drawObj, cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom, pictFolder
  -- bring back image
  drawObj (mBufToStage, cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom)
  -- MakeTemplate() -- questionable if it should be done automatically (perhaps we need a templateChangeflag)
end undoCanvasChangesMID