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Heavy Rain (PlayStation 4, Windows)

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Title Screen

Heavy Rain

Developer: Quantic Dream
Publishers: SCEA (US PS4), SCEE (EU PS4), SCE Australia (AU PS4), Sony Interactive Entertainment (JP PS4), Quantic Dream (PC)
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Windows
Released internationally: June 24, 2019 (PC)
Released in JP: June 1, 2016
Released in US: March 1, 2016
Released in EU: March 2, 2016
Released in AU: March 1, 2016

MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.

Heavy Rain is a story-based interactive movie game where you control various characters to solve the origami killer case, but in HD!


Unused Video

Found in /Videos is HR_LOGO_QD.bik

It's an earlier version of the Quantic Dream logo. The game uses HR_SCREEN_QD.bik instead.

PlayStation 3 Leftovers

Found in the files of the PC version is a leftover video file from the PlayStation 3 version for the "Love Trailer".

The PlayStation 4 and PC versions of the game do not have this unlockable bonus in the game, resulting in it being unused for those versions.