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Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2

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Title Screen

Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2

Developer: Ritual Entertainment
Publisher: Gathering of Developers
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Classic, Linux
Released internationally: August 4, 2000

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

Step into the stilettos of Julie (played by Julie) in this Quake 3-powered follow-up to the animated film Heavy Metal 2000.

To do:
Right, let's see...
  • maps/train_e3.scr is a much smaller and earlier version of maps/training.scr. Of note is that all the dialogue is handled through printing text onto the screen instead of voiceover.
  • There are cams for a non-existent level called zakbox.
  • Four different dynamic music definition files labelled "test".
  • Pretty much all of the shmeshes folder, probably. Unless Ritual's Quake 3 Ubertools supports VRML for some reason.
  • textures/test/
  • env folder has a test skybox.
  • And so on...

Developer Level

Fakk2 zoo.png

Open the console (you might have to enable it in Advanced Options first) and enter the command map zoo to enter an otherwise-inaccessible test level.

In front of the player's starting point is a long corridor lined with doors, each containing one of every creature in the game. Behind the player is a less-long corridor with various different surfaces to test footstep sounds.