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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PlayStation 2)/Unused Textures

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This is a sub-page of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PlayStation 2).

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This texture is used on all models rendered in-game, specifically those with no texture assigned.

Notfound hpcos ps2.png


The game has an alternative texture for the unused Dungbomb model seen in the main page. its sister version uses this texture for the Dungbombs also unused on its own.

Dunbbomb tex hpcos ps2.png

Unused Icons

Bomb hpcos ps2.png A BOMB icon, that would be ridiculous to mistake dungbombs and a literal bomb.

Camera hpcos ps2.png A good old camera that could be use like in Super Mario 64, maybe.

Door hpcos ps2.png Door2 hpcos ps2.png Two door, maybe you could have those door icon appear when you get close to one of those.

Spell Icons

Flipendo hpcos ps2.png A old Flipendo icon that could be seen in some early screenshot, a lot of those old Flipendo icons can be seen anywhere around unused files in the game or the in the GameCube/Xbox version.

Flinpendo2 hpcos ps2.png It's now more closer to what you can see in game but they were glossed at one point.

Lumos hpcos ps2.png Old Lumos icon with less color than Flipendo.

Lumos2 hpcos .png Similar but smaller and in gloss.

Doffindo hpcos ps2.png This is an old icon for Diffindo, that must be in early stage enough to use the Flipendo hand for it.

Doffindo2 hpcos ps2.png Diffindo again, but gloss and green.


Some early HUD buttons, that can barely be seen in the early teaser trailers.

Button ui HP COS PS2.png

Health bar HP COS PS2.png


A texture that's present twice in the files as "missing feature" and "generic". Generic hpcos ps2.png


The game has some symbol on a curious style all named "fly_type", it may be a graphic for debugging purposes or a very early layout. the letter stand for chaser, Beater, keeper and unknown.

chaser beater keeper unknow

Early Title Screen

The game contains a much different and brighter title screen, two loading screens and a scrapped controller option graphic than the used version. The title screen has artwork of Harry and a gnome whose head is used in the Gamecube and Xbox version. The screen has the note "Burrow Focus Test Level", presumably referring to a level or something else, and "EA confidential" showing that it is from an early prototype.

There are two title screens, one identical to the other, one with a bar and the current game logo. The controls screen has the specification "In the case of the demo, the only spell is Flipendo", this must be from a private prototype where the other spells were not yet implemented, either as a demo for beta testers or for the playable demo at E3 2002.

HP PS2.png HPcos PS2.png HPcos 2PS2.png Controle HPCOS.png

Early Inventory

LUMOS HPcos.png

Early Loading Screen

Experliarmus Map HPCOS PS2.png AragogForest Map HPCOS PS2.png Incendio MAP HPCOS PS2.png

Early Map

Burrow map HPcos PS2.png Borgin MAP HPcos PS2.png Mullpepper MAP HPCOS PS2.png LVL 2 Hogwart HPCOS PS2.png LVL22 Hogwart HPCOS PS2.png

"Test" Animation

Some "test animation" files in .TGA format exist in the game. This image depicts Uma Thurman from the 1998 film The Avengers, occasionally poorly edited with different colors.

HPCOSPS2 uma.png HPCOSPS2 uma2.png HPCOSPS2 uma3.png HPCOSPS2 uma4.png