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Hannah Montana: Wireless Quest

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Title Screen

Hannah Montana: Wireless Quest

Developer: Sarbakan Game Studio
Publisher: Disney Games
Platform: Adobe Flash

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

A Hannah Montana flash game featuring Miley's head poorly plastered on an animated character.

Unused Graphics

HMWQ 1.png
A red square with the word 'Doge' written below it.

HMWQ 2.png
A placeholder loading icon.

HMWQ 3.png
Perhaps a placeholder icon for the mute button? The same graphic exists in Jimmy Neutron: Alien Invasion.

HMWQ 4.png
A black square with the words 'Control Main' next to it.

HMWQ 5.png
A yellow square with the words 'Bulles Textes' written on it. When translated from French to English, it says 'Text Bubbles'.

HMWQ 6.png
Similar to the above graphic, but with 'Story Intro' written on it.

HMWQ 7.png
A red square with the text 'Control Game' next to it.

HMWQ 8.png
A button that says 'Key Capturer'.

HMWQ debugtools.png
Many of these graphics, plus several more, are seen offscreen during gameplay, meaning they were likely used for debugging purposes, though several of the buttons don't seem to work, mainly because all of them, save for Key Capturer, aren't even referenced in the files as buttons.

Obscured Graphics

HMWQ crop.png

Oliver and Lilly as seen on the main menu have their bottom halves cut off, and are thus never seen in-game.