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Half-Life (Windows)/Sounds

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This is a sub-page of Half-Life (Windows).

Half-Life contains a multitude of unused sounds, character voice lines and vocabulary words used for "speaking" entities such as the HEV suit and announcement system. The file "sound/sentences.txt" contains a list of sentences allowing the game to easily call a sound, or string of sounds, for these purposes. This page includes both unused sentences and unused sound files without an associated sentence.



Many voice files for the HEV suit go unused. Apparently it was planned for the suit to have been much more narrative and Navi-like.

HEV Bootup Sequence

A series of sentences exist for what became the final HEV logon sequence. These store each part of the sequence in an individual sentence, where the final game stores them in a single sentence HEV_AAx. Of note is the different order of events compared to the final, the additional sound effects with each step, and the player starting the game with full HEV battery.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
HEV_A1 fvox/blip blip(p130) powermove_on [Two blips] Power assist movement activated.
HEV_A2 fvox/blip blip powerarmor_on [Two blips] High-impact reactive armor activated.
HEV_A3 fvox/blip blip(p130) atmospherics_on [Two blips] Atmospheric contaminant sensors activated.
HEV_A4 fvox/blip blip vitalsigns_on boop, boop, boop [Two blips] Vital sign monitoring activated. [Three pulses]
HEV_A5 fvox/blip blip(p130) munitionview_on [Two blips] Munition level monitoring activated.
HEV_A6 fvox/blip blip communications_on [Two blips] Communications interface online.
HEV_A7 fvox/blip blip(p70) weaponselect_on [Two blips] Defensive weapon selection system activated.
HEV_A8 fvox/blip blip(p70) automedic_on [Two blips] Automatic medical systems engaged.
HEV_A9 fvox/fuzz power_level_is onehundred percent [Fuzz] Power level is one hundred percent.
HEV_A10 fvox/safe_day, bell Have a very safe day. [Bell]

The first part of this sequence, HEV_A0, is used in the Hazard Course version of the suit item for brevity. Additionally, HEV_A1 is used for obtaining the long jump module, which could imply it was originally a part of the suit itself.

Medical Systems

A variety of diagnosis and healing lines, including lines for the unused antidote item and details on player blood loss and medical recovery.

Sound Name Sentence / Filename Transcript
HEV_MED0 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) innsufficient_medical [sic] [Three pulses] Insufficient medical supplies to repair damage.*
HEV_MED2 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) administering_medical [Three pulses] Administering medical attention.
HEV_HEAL0 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) wound_sterilized, blip(p130 v50), blip(p130 v40), hiss, morphine_shot [Three pulses] Wound sterilized. [Two blips, hiss] Morphine shot administered.
HEV_HEAL1 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) torniquette_applied, bleeding_stopped [Three pulses] Local tourniquet applied. Bleeding stopped.
HEV_HEAL2 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) bleeding_stopped [Three pulses] Bleeding has stopped.
HEV_HEAL3 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) blood_plasma [Three pulses] Blood plasma administered.
HEV_HEAL4 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) hiss, antitoxin_shot [Three pulses, hiss] Antitoxin administered.
HEV_HEAL5 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) hiss, antidote_shot [Three pulses, hiss] Antidote administered.
HEV_HEAL6 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) hiss, wound_sterilized [Three pulses, hiss] Wound sterilized.
HEV_HEAL8 fvox/(p140) boop, boop, boop, (p100) medical_repaired [Three pulses] Medical damage repaired.
N/A adrenaline_shot Adrenaline administered.
pain_block Pain suppressant administered.

Due to a typo in HEV_MED0 (calling for "innsufficient_medical" instead of "innsuficient_medical"), the sentence does not properly play if added to a custom map.

Vital Sign Monitoring

Unused "getting hurt" lines, including specific electrical and heat damage lines.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
HEV_HLTH0 fvox/(p120) beep, beep, (p100) health_dropping [Two beeps] Warning: Vital signs dropping.
HEV_HLTH4 fvox/(p140) beep, beep, (p100) health_dropping2, evacuate_area [Two beeps] Warning: Vital signs are dropping. Evacuate area.
HEV_HLTH5 fvox/(p140) beep, beep, beep, (p100) health_critical, evacuate_area [Three beeps] Warning: Vital signs critical. Evacuate area.
HEV_HLTH6 fvox/(p140) beep, beep, beep, (p100) near_death, evacuate_area immediately [Three beeps] Emergency: User death imminent. Evacuate area immediately.
HEV_SHOCK fvox/(p120) beep, beep, (p100) warning, shock_damage [Two beeps] Warning: Electrical damage detected.
HEV_FIRE fvox/(p120) beep, beep, (p100) warning, heat_damage [Two beeps] Warning: Extreme heat damage detected.

Munitions and Weapons Monitoring

A series of unused HEV lines to be used for every new weapon acquired, along with (rather irkingly) all ammunition pickups. Of note is that the Magnum is referred to as a .44 caliber in contrast to the final game's .357. Also, the ammo used by the Gluon Gun is referred to as an "energy recharge unit," while in the final game it's replenished with uranium slugs meant for the Tau Cannon/Gauss Gun which it shares the ammo pool with, which doesn’t have a corresponding pickup sentence.

Sound Name Sentence / Filename Transcript
HEV_AIM_ON fvox/blip targetting_system activated [Blip] Automatic target acquisition system activated.
HEV_AIM_OFF fvox/blip targetting_system deactivated [Blip] Automatic target acquisition system deactivated.
HEV_BATTERY fvox/blip get_battery acquired [Blip] HEV power unit acquired.
HEV_MEDKIT fvox/blip get_medkit(v80) [Blip] Automatic medical kit
HEV_PISTOL fvox/blip get_pistol acquired [Blip] 9-milimeter semi-automatic handgun acquired.
HEV_SHOTGUN fvox/blip get_shotgun [Blip] Combat shotgun acquired.
HEV_GRENADE fvox/blip get_grenade acquired [Blip] Fragmentation grenade acquired.
HEV_ASSAULT fvox/blip get_assault acquired [Blip] 9-milimeter fully-automatic weapon with grenade launcher acquired.
HEV_44PISTOL fvox/blip get_44pistol acquired [Blip] .44 caliber handgun acquired.
HEV_RPG fvox/blip get_rpg acquired [Blip] Laser-guided rocket launcher acquired.
HEV_SATCHEL fvox/blip get_satchel acquired [Blip] Remote-activated demolition unit acquired.
HEV_TRIPMINE fvox/blip get_tripmine acquired [Blip] Laser-activated anti-personnel mine acquired.
HEV_HORNET fvox/blip get_alien_wpn [Blip] Unidentified bioweapon
HEV_SQUEEK fvox/blip get_alien_wpn [Blip] Unidentified bioweapon
HEV_EGON fvox/blip get_egon acquired [Blip] Experimental energy weapon acquired.
HEV_GAUSS fvox/blip get_gauss acquired [Blip] Experimental hypervelocity projectile weapon acquired.
HEV_XBOW fvox/blip get_crossbow acquired [Blip] High-velocity stealth crossbow acquired.
HEV_9MM fvox/blip get_9mmclip acquired [Blip] 9mm ammunition acquired.
HEV_44AMMO fvox/blip get_44ammo acquired [Blip] .44 caliber ammunition acquired.
HEV_BUCKSHOT fvox/blip get_buckshot acquired [Blip] Combat shotgun ammunition acquired.
HEV_BOLTS fvox/blip get_bolts acquired [Blip] Neurotoxin-treated crossbow ammunition acquired.
HEV_RPGAMMO fvox/blip get_rpgammo acquired [Blip] Laser-guided rocket acquired.
HEV_AGRENADE fvox/blip get_assaultgren acquired [Blip] Self-propelled grenade acquired.
HEV_EGONPOWER fvox/blip get_egonpower acquired [Blip] Energy recharge unit acquired.
N/A ammo_pickup Ammunition acquired.
weapon_pickup Weapon acquired.

Armor and Power Monitoring

General failure lines for the HEV suit taking damage, including lines for losing and gaining power and for overusing the long jump module, a behavior left unimplemented in the game.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
HEV_D00 fvox/fuzz fuzz(p130), power_restored [Two fuzzes] Power restored.
HEV_D01 fvox/fuzz fuzz(p80), hev_shutdown [Two fuzzes] Insufficient power. HEV shutting down.
HEV_0P fvox/fuzz fuzz, power_below five percent [Two fuzzes] Warning: HEV power level below five percent.
HEV_E0 fvox/buzz buzz, armor_gone [Two buzzes] Armor compromised.
HEV_E1 fvox/buzz, armor_gone [Buzz] Armor compromised.
HEV_E2 fvox/buzz, hev_critical_fail [Buzz] HEV critical failure. Failure.
HEV_E3 fvox/buzz, hev_general_fail [Buzz] HEV general failure.
HEV_E4 fvox/buzz, hev_damage [Buzz] HEV damage sustained.
HEV_E5 fvox/buzz, powermove_overload [Buzz] Warning: Power movement system overload.


Two sentences address a "voice system" of unknown purpose.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
HEV_V0 fvox/blip, voice_on [Blip] Voice system activated.
HEV_V1 fvox/blip, voice_off [Blip] Voice system deactivated.

Contaminant Sensors

Unused lines connected to unimplemented biohazard types, as well as some commented-out lines connected to a "range" suit function.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
HEV_DET0 fvox/blip blip blip, biohazard_detected [Three blips] Warning: Biohazard detected.
HEV_DET3 fvox/blip blip blip, bio_reading [Three blips] Possible bio-reading
HEV_DET4 fvox/blip blip blip, antitoxin_shot(e50), onehundred percent [Three blips] Antitoxin one hundred percent.
HEV_DET5 fvox/blip blip blip, antitoxin_shot(e25) radiation_detected(e50), onehundred percent [Three blips] Antitox- Warning. Hazardous radi- One hundred percent.
//HEV_GR0r fvox/range twenty meters(t60) Range: Twenty [quickly] meters.
//HEV_GR1r fvox/range nineteen meters Range: Nineteen meters.
//HEV_GR2r fvox/range eighteen meters Range: Eighteen meters.

"HEV_DET5" was likely meant to be something along the lines of "Antiradiation one hundred percent", but broke as lines were rerecorded.

Time Functions

A series of commented-out lines in sentences include lines for the HEV suit telling the time and voicing a "time remaining".

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
//HEV_C1t fvox/bell time_is_now one AM [Bell] The time is now 1AM.
//HEV_C13t fvox/bell time_is_now one PM [Bell] The time is now 1PM.
//HEV_F10t fvox/bell time_remaining ten seconds [Bell] Time remaining: ten seconds.
//HEV_F15t fvox/bell time_remaining fifteen seconds [Bell] Time remaining: fifteen seconds.
//HEV_F20t fvox/bell time_remaining twenty seconds [Bell] Time remaining: twenty seconds.
//HEV_F30t fvox/bell time_remaining thirty seconds [Bell] Time remaining: thirty seconds.

Sentenceless Files

On top of unused sentences, there are also lines and sentence fragments left solely as sound files.


General-purpose numbers. five, ten and fifteen are used in-game for battery readings.

Sound Name


Sounds for an unused ability for the HEV suit to tell the player their current direction also exist.

Sound Name


Sound Name

Announcement System

The Black Mesa Announcement System has a variety of written lines for every chapter, but a majority of locations do not use the "speaker" entity anywhere on their maps, leaving over half the notifications unused.

Anomalous Materials

The announcement system has an unused "login" sound clip welcoming the player.

Sound Name Sentence Transcription
C1A0_START dadeda vox_login [Jingle] Hello. The Automatic Diagnostic and Announcement System welcomes you to the Black Mesa Research Facility. Remember: Have a secure day.

Office Complex

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
C1A2_0 deeoo (e95) emergency cleanup team to(e70) biological waste processing plant(e100) [Alert] Emergency clean-up team to Biological Waste Processing Plant.
C1A2_1 buzwarn buzwarn attention, administration personnel evacuate sector d immediately [Warning] Attention: Administration personnel, evacuate Sector D immediately.
C1A2_2 deeoo deeoo attention, security personnel to sector d [Alert] Attention: Security personnel to Sector D.
C1A2_3 deeoo (e95) service team, check elevator one(s0 e100 t0), (p100) sector c(e100) [Alert] Service team, check Elevator 1, Sector C.
C1A2_4 buzwarn buzwarn warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in ventillation system [Warning] Warning: Unauthorized biological forms detected in ventilation system.
C1A2_5 deeoo (e95 p103) lieutenant backman and cleanup team, to(e70) sub level three(e100) [Alert] Lieutenant Backman and cleanup team to Sub-Level 3.
C1A2_6 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn danger, turret defense systems activated, sector d [Danger] Danger: Turret defense systems activated, Sector D.
C1A2_7 deeoo deeoo security officer reports men down in sector d, medical help required [Alert] Security officer reports men down in Sector D, medical help required.
C1A2_8 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn extreme danger, all turret defense systems activated, sector d [Danger] Extreme danger, all turret defense systems activated, Sector D.
C1A2_9 deeoo (e95) turret repair personnel, to(e70) high security materials storage area(e100) [Alert] Turret repair personnel to High Security Materials Storage Area.
C1A2_10 deeoo deeoo attention. electric shock hazard detected in administration center [Alert] Attention: Electric shock hazard detected in Administration Center.
C1A2_11 buzwarn buzwarn. security officer reports medical emergency, administration center [Warning] Security officer reports medical emergency, Administration Center.

C1A2_4 would later be used in the Half-Life: Decay level Domestic Violence.

"We've Got Hostiles"

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
C1A3_warn (p120) buzwarn buzwarn (p100 t15) attention. security lockout alert. security door will engage. [Warning] Attention: Security lockout alert. Security door will engage.
C1A3_lock (p120) bizwarn bizwarn (p98 t15) security door engaged, five, buzwarn(p130), four, buzwarn(p130), three, buzwarn(p130), two, buzwarn(p130), one, buzwarn(p130), lockout activated [Danger] Security door engaged. Five. [Buzz] Four. [Buzz] Three. [Buzz] Two. [Buzz] One. [Buzz] Lockout activated.

Blast Pit

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
C1A4_0 buzwarn buzwarn. attention. experimental rocket test fire disengaged. [Warning] Attention: Experimental rocket test fire disengaged.
C1A4_1 deeoo (e95) repair crew report to(e70) track control, sector e(e100) [Alert] Repair crew, report to Track Control, Sector E.
C1A4_2 deeoo (e95) maintenance team blue(p100 t0 s0 e100), check heat exchange coolant level(e100) [Alert] Maintenance Team Blue, check heat exchange coolant level.
C1A4_3 deeoo (e95) maintenance team green, check voltage(e100) on cable seven two nine(e100) [Alert] Maintenance Team Green, check voltage on Cable 729.
C1A4_4 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) medical team to materials storage facility, team bravo reports men down [Warning] Medical Team to Materials Storage Facility, Team Bravo reports men down.
C1A4_5 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) alpha force move out, science personnel resistance extreme [Warning] Alpha Force move out, science personnel resistance extreme.
C1A4_6 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) attention. all black mesa security personnel wanted for immediate questioning [Warning] Attention: All Black Mesa security personnel wanted for immediate questioning.
C1A4_7 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) attention. gordon freeman report to military personnel for immediate security check [Warning] Attention: Gordon Freeman, report to military personnel for immediate security check.
C1A4_8 buzwarn buzwarn (p102) warning, hostile biological forms detected in track control sector e [Warning] Warning: Hostile biological forms detected in Track Control, Sector E.
FUEL_OFF fuel and power must be engaged to activate rocket test fire Fuel and power must be engaged to activate rocket test fire.

Power Up

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
C2A1_0 buzwarn buzwarn. warning. track power failure. check lower level power plant. [Warning] Warning: Track power failure. Check lower level power plant.
C2A1_1 deeoo (e95) maintenance team yellow, please(s0 e100) service relay three hundred ninety four(e100) [Alert] Maintenance Team Yellow, please service Relay 394.
C2A1_2 (p130) dadeda (p98 e95) attention. gordon freeman report to military personnel for immediate security check [Jingle] Attention: Gordon Freeman, report to military personnel for immediate security check.
C2A1_3 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) delta team reports launch control secured [Warning] Delta Team reports Launch Control secured.
C2A1_4 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn danger, turret defense systems activated, silo e [Danger] Danger: Turret defense systems activated, Silo E.
C2A1_5 deeoo sector e track control please report status [Alert] Sector E Track Control, please report status.
C2A1_6 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) echo force reports perimeter breach, sector e [Warning] Echo Force reports perimeter breach, Sector E.
C2A1_7 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) attention, search and destroy force go to code three. eliminate all biological forms. [Warning] Attention: Search and Destroy Force go to Code 3. Eliminate all biological forms.
C2A1_8 bizwarn bizwarn danger, unauthorized detonation detected in experimental propulsion lab [Danger] Danger: Unauthorized detonation detected in Experimental Propulsion Laboratory.
POWER_ON deeoo main power is on [Alert] Main power is on.

POWER_ON was very likely meant to be used for turning on the main track power at the end of the chapter.

On A Rail

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
C2A2_0 buzwarn buzwarn. attention, clear silo e launch area immediately [Warning] Attention: Clear Silo E launch area immediately.
C2A2_1 deeoo (e95) containment inspection team, to(e70) advanced biological research lab(e100) [Alert] Containment Inspection Team to Advanced Biological Research Laboratory.
C2A2_2 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) medical team to sector e, echo team has men down [Warning] Medical team to Sector E, Echo Team has men down.
C2A2_3 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) alert, military personnel authorized to prosecute gordon freeman with extreme force [Warning] Alert: Military personnel, authorized to prosecute Gordon Freeman with extreme force.
C2A2_3 [sic] (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) alert, military personnel, you are authorized to shoot the renegade on sight [Warning] Alert: Military personnel, you are authorized to shoot the renegade on sight.
C2A2_4 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) alert, squad in silo e, freeman may be operating inside your perimeter [Warning] Alert: Squad in Silo E, Freeman may be operating inside your perimeter.
C2A2_5 deeoo deeoo launch control train activity detected [Alert] Launch Control train activity detected.
C2A2_6 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) medical team to sector e, echo team squad failed to reach checkpoint [Warning] Medical team to Sector E, Echo Team squad failed to reach checkpoint.
C2A2_7 deeoo deeoo satellite rocket loading bay reports status green [Alert] Satellite Rocket Loading Bay reports status green.
C2A2_launch (p50) deeoo deeoo deeoo (p100) satellite launch system activated. five deeoo(p50) four deeoo(p51) three deeoo(p52) two deeoo(p53) one deeoo(p54) launch is go [Special alert] Satellite launch system activated. Five. [Beep] Four. [Beep] Three. [Beep] Two. [Beep] One. [Beep] Launch is go.

Due to (assumedly) a typo in the sentences file, the second "C2A2_3" would not play in maps due to duplicate names.

Residue Processing / Questionable Ethics

The internal name "C2A4" covers both Residue Processing and Questionable Ethics, making it impossible to know what chapter each announcement was for. Mentions of lasers and sterilization systems, however, lean heavily towards the description of the latter chapter.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
C2A4_0 buzwarn buzwarn warning. emergency containment system activated [Warning] Warning: Emergency containment system activated.
C2A4_1 bizwarn bizwarn. alert. biological containment breach detected [Danger] Alert: Biological containment breach detected.
C2A4_2 bizwarn bizwarn. warning, biological sterilization system activated [Danger] Warning: Biological sterilization system activated.
C2A4_3 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) attention, hostile alien military force detected, advanced biological research lab [Warning] Attention: Hostile alien military force detected, Advanced Biological Research Laboratory.
C2A4_4 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) search and destroy force reports back up required, engaged with extreme resistance [Warning] Search and Destroy Force reports backup required, engaged with extreme resistance.
C2A4_5 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) topside containment force alert, hostile alien military force detected [Warning] Topside Containment Force alert, hostile alien military force detected.
C2A4_6 deeoo deeoo high power laser status is green [Alert] High Power Laser status is green.
C2A4_7 bizwarn bizwarn, alien containment system failure, use sterilization chamber [Danger] Alien containment system failure, use sterilization chamber.
C2A4_8 bizwarn bizwarn attention. all topside military personnel clear helicopter hangar four [Danger] Attention: All topside military personnel, clear Helicopter Hangar 4.
C2A4_9 bizwarn bizwarn, hostile alien breach, topside checkpoint alpha, checkpoint delta [Danger] Alien breach, Topside Checkpoint Alpha, Checkpoint Delta.
C2A4_10 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) alert topside containment force, use any force to prosecute gordon freeman. you are authorized to shoot on sight. [Warning] Alert: Topside Containment Force, use any force to prosecute Gordon Freeman. You are authorized to shoot on sight.
C2A4_11 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) alert topside containment force, freeman may approach your perimeter [Warning] Alert: Topside Containment Force, Freeman may approach your perimeter.
C2A4_12 (p105) gordon, all science personnel will be terminated until you surrender Gordon, all science personnel will be terminated until you surrender.
C2A4_ster bizwarn bizwarn sterilization system activated [Danger] Sterilization system activated.

Forget About Freeman!

Many of these announcements reference areas that are not in Forget About Freeman!, but seem to fit more for the cut chapter that evolved into Forget About Freeman!, The Communication Center.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
C3A1_0 buzwarn buzwarn warning primary antenna failure detected [Warning] Warning: Primary Antenna failure detected.
C3A1_1 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) clear topside motorpool for emergency medical helicopter [Warning] Clear Topside Motorpool for emergency medical helicopter.
C3A1_2 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) warning, topside armory security bypass detected [Warning] Warning: Topside Armory security bypass detected.
C3A1_3 bizwarn bizwarn warning, radiation leak detected in primary antenna area [Danger] Warning: Radiation leak detected in Primary Antenna area.
C3A1_4 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) search and destroy force kilo, central command reports hostile alien force inside perimeter [Warning] Search and Destroy Force Kilo, Central Command reports hostile alien force inside perimeter.
C3A1_5 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) message for gordon freeman, you will not escape this time [Warning] Message for Gordon Freeman: you will not escape this time.
C3A1_6 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) attention all units, renegade freeman is now your primary target [Warning] Attention: All (units, renegade Freeman is now your primary target.)
C3A1_7 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) alert remaining containment force, freeman may have experimental weapon [Warning] Alert: Remaining Containment Force, Freeman may have experimental weapon.
C3A1_8 (p130) buzwarn buzwarn (p98 e95) all personnel evacuate lambda complex, extreme dimensional malfunction detected [Warning] All personnel evacuate Lambda Complex, extreme dimensional malfunction detected.
C3A1_9 bizwarn bizwarn fire control team to topside armory, checkpoint delta, topside hydro plant [Danger] Fire Control Team to Topside Armory, Checkpoint Delta, Topside Hydro Plant.

"units" is missing from the announcement system's vocabulary, causing C3A1_6 to break if played in-game.

Note that C3A1_8 is identical to C3A2_2, a Vox line reused in the next chapter, Lambda Core.

Lambda Core

Lambda Core does contain random Vox sentences. However, these more specific sentences go unused.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
C3A2_target bloop(p150) bloop(p150) satellite target system, engaged [Info] Satellite target system engaged.
C3A2_portal bizwarn(p80) bizwarn(p80) bizwarn(p80) warning, cross(e80) dimensional portal device power level is one hundred twenty percent [Danger] Warning: Cross-Dimensional Portal Device power level is 120%.
C3A2_core bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn, attention lambda complex personnel, primary core activated [Danger] Attention Lambda Complex personnel: Primary Core activated.


Several of these are used in server-side deathmatch mods.

Sound Name Sentence
CTR0 zero
CTR1 one second
CTR2 two
CTR3 three seconds
CTR4 four
CTR5 five seconds remaining
CTR6 six
CTR7 seven
CTR8 eight
CTR9 nine
CTR10 ten seconds remaining
CTR11 eleven
CTR12 twelve
CTR13 thirteen
CTR14 fourteen
CTR15 fifteen seconds remaining
CTR16 sixteen
CTR17 seventeen
CTR18 eighteen
CTR19 nineteen
CTR20 twenty seconds remaining

Door Interaction Announcements

Granting Access

Sound Name Sentence
EA0 access granted
EA1 access permitted
EA2 entry granted
EA3 entry permitted
EA4 access authorized
EA5 entry is permitted
EA6 access authorized
EA7 access to facility granted
EA8 access granted

Security Lock On

Sound Name Sentence
ND0 security lock is engaged
ND1 secure area, no entry
ND2 security lockout, no entry
ND3 secure door, no entry
ND4 security system in force
ND5 security system armed, no entry
ND6 door is secured
ND7 illegal access, move away

Security Lock Off

Sound Name Sentence
ED0 security lock disengaged
ED1 security clear, proceed
ED2 security lockout released
ED3 secure override accepted
ED4 security access acknowledged
ED5 security system disengaged
ED6 door security disengaged

Blast Door

Sound Name Sentence
EF0 emergency blast door, open
EF1 emergency blast shield, deactivated
EF3 blast containment shield is, open

Specialized Containment Doors

Sound Name Sentence
EFIRE0 fire containment door open
NCHEM0 chemical leak containment door activated
ECHEM0 chemical leak containment door open
NRAD0 radiation containment door activated
ERAD0 radiation containment door open
ECON0 emergency containment door disengaged
NH0 no access, Maintenance area
NH1 no personnel permitted in maintenance area
EH0 maintenance area access granted
EH1 maintenance area door open

Defense System Warnings

Sound Name Sentence
T0 Extreme hazard defense system is armed in this zone
T1 hazard area defense system activated
T2 danger, turret perimeter defense system armed
T3 extreme hazard, nearest defense system engaged
T4 danger, base defense turret system may power up
T5 danger, automatic defense system activated

Warning and Danger Notifications


Sound Name Sentence
WE0 warning, high voltage cable
WE1 warning, high power cable
WE2 warning, electric shock hazard
WE3 warning, severe electric shock hazard


Sound Name Sentence
DR0 danger, radiation leak detected
DR1 danger, radiation hazard detected
DR2 danger, high radiation level detected
DR3 danger, severe radiation hazard, evacuate area immediately
DR4 danger, safety violation, extreme radiation level detected


Sound Name Sentence
DC0 danger, chemical leak, area now a high health hazard
DC1 danger, chemical coolant leak, health hazard zone
DC2 danger, chemical containment breach, all personnel evacuate this area
DC3 danger, supercooled chemical leak
DC4 danger, supercooled helium leak


Sound Name Sentence
DB0 danger, liquid biohazard leak in immediate area
DB1 danger, coolant leak, severe biohazard now in this area
DB2 danger, liquid biohazard released, evacuate area
DB3 danger, biohazard detected in immediate area

Hazard Course

Two unused Vox lines may imply the idea of live fire in the Hazard Course.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
TR_A three, two, one, deeoo(p110) Three. Two. One. [Alert]
TR_B deeoo(p110) (p102 t20) target system deactivated [Alert] Target system deactivated.

Sentenceless Files

The Announcement System does contain some sound files that aren't used in any used or unused sentence.

Adios, Amigo

Two sound files that seem out-of-place for the tone Half-Life tries to go for.

Sound Name

Phonetic/Military Alphabet

The Announcement System contains (almost) the entire phonetic alphabet in its sound files. While most of these files are used, there are some that aren't used at all.

Sound Name


Two sound files meant to used as "punctuation" for the Announcement System. The _comma file is empty, however, the _period file contains a one-second "woosh" noise.

Separated vox_login

At one point, the vox_login sound file was originally multiple words instead of one word. While some of these files are used in other announcements, others are completely unused. Certain files are missing altogether (i.e. welcomes).

Sound Name


To do:
Upload the rest of the sound files.

More words not used in any sentence whatsoever.

Sound Name

Security Guard

Unused Hearing Mechanic

A feature involving hearing a concerning sound and reacting to it was left unused in both security guards and scientists.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
BA_HEAR0 barney/hearsomething I hear something.
N/A barney/hearsomething2 Hey, hey, I hear something.
BA_HEAR1 barney/icanhear That doesn't sound right.
BA_HEAR2 barney/soundsbad Man, that sounded bad.

barney/icanhear was later reused in the intro to Half-Life: Blue Shift. barney/hearsomething2 was also used as one of the "lyrics" in the main theme of the Half-Life 2 promotional spinoff game, Codename Gordon.

Area-Specific Lines

Hazard Course

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
BA_LIGHTSON holo/tr_ba_lightson Let me get the lights and you can try that again.

Office Complex

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
BA_SLEW barney/c1a2_ba_slew Word is once we get to the surface, the military's made arrangements for us.
BA_TOPSIDE barney/c1a2_ba_top Maybe help is on its way, but I'm not waiting around for it. We got to get topside.

Blast Pit

Unused alternate takes of Barney threatening the first bunch of Tentacles. c1a4_ba_octo4 is used in Half-Life: Uplink.

Sound Filename Transcript
c1a4_ba_octo2 Hey, hey you take me down!
c1a4_ba_octo4 Hey, eat this you bastard!

Power Up

Sound Filename Transcription
c2a1_ba_again What I said is, you got to get to the generator.

Questionable Ethics

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
BA_LONGNITE barney/c2a4_ba_longnite Jeez, and I thought I had a long night. You look like hell! I don't suppose the day's going to be any easier. Listen, I'm going to wait it out right here. You go on ahead if you have to.
BA_STERIL barney/c2a4_ba_steril Get in here, quick!
BA_TEACH barney/c2a4_ba_teach These sterilizers come in handy. You ever find yourself in a bind, just duck into one of these booths, hit the big button. They're supposed to kill microorganisms, but they work on the big stuff too.

Surface Tension

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
BA_LETMEOUT c2a5_ba_letout Hey! Hey! Hey, lemme outta here!
BA_RPG c2a5_ba_rpg This is your lucky day. There's a rocket propelled grenade launcher in there, laser sight and everything. Now, if you can figure a way in, you'll be an even match for these bastards.
BA_SNIPED c2a5_ba_sniped I've been hit! Stay back! Sniper got me!

Lambda Core

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
BA_PORTSTAY barney/c3a2_ba_stay I'm gonna stay down here. If I see anything looks like it doesn't belong here, I'll start shooting.


Sound Filename Transcript
barney/badarea This area just doesn't feel right.
barney/whatgood I don't know what good we could do here.


Unused Mechanics

Monster Alert

Two lines connected to the scientist spotting an alien. The nomenclature of the sentences matches that of the Human Grunts calling out an alien, suggesting a similar purpose.

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_MONST0 scientist/seeheadcrab Why look, another headcrab.
SC_MONST1 scientist/importantspecies Another important species revealed in action.


A feature involving hearing a concerning sound and reacting to it was left unused in both security guards and scientists. Notably, SC_HEAR0 was reused as an idle line for the scientist (SC_IDLE13).

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_HEAR0 scientist/ihearsomething I hear something.
SC_HEAR1 scientist/didyouhear Did you hear that?
SC_HEAR2 scientist/whatissound That sound... What is it?

Area-Specific Lines

Anomalous Materials

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
N/A c1a0_sci_itsyou Oh, it's you. I thought it might be another of the Administrator's men. They're everywhere this morning.
SC_DIS4A scientist/c1a0_sci_dis4a Tell him to stand back from the focal stage. That suit won't do him any good if he wanders into the beam.
N/A SC_DIS8A scientist/c1a0_sci_dis8a [File is empty]
SC_DIS17A scientist/c1a0_sci_dis17a He waited too long! We can't contain it!
N/A SC_NOTTHAT scientist/c1a0_sci_desk [File does not exist]
N/A SC_LOCK9A scientist/c1a0_sci_lock9a [File does not exist]

Unforeseen Consequences

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_CONSOLE5A scientist/c1a1_sci_5scan Be careful, Gordon!
SC_CONSOLERPT c1a1_sci_scanrpt You'll need me to activate the retinal scanners.

Interestingly, SC_CONSOLE5A is not called due to what appears to be a typo in the map coding: After using the retinal scanner in map c1a0c, Eli is programmed to speak sentence "SC_CONSOLE5", a letter off from the actual sentence. In addition, SC_CONSOLERPT is a cropped version of the used c1a1_sci_4scan.

Office Complex

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_ELEVATOR c1a2_sci_elevator If you can make it up the elevator shaft, you should able to get to the surface. Try to send help and let the world know what has happened.

"We've Got Hostiles!"

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_ATLAST c1a3_sci_atlast Rescued at last!

This line is a cropped version of the used file "c1a3_sci_rescued".

Blast Pit

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_TRAINEND c1a4_sci_trainend Have you heard? They're killing scientists. Our own race turning against us. I think I'll stay here and take my chances with the creatures.
SC_BLIND scientist/c1a4_sci_blind Is someone there? I-I can't see a thing.

SC_BLIND would be reused in the Uplink demo.

Questionable Ethics

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_ALLDIE c2a4_sci_alldie If you let us all die, Freeman, you'll never get out of here!

Surface Tension

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_LEBUZ c2a5_sci_lebuz Thank you, Mr. Freeman. You are Gordon Freeman, aren't you? The one they're expecting in the Lambda Complex? If you can figure a way past that Gargantua on the landing field and through the bunker door out there, you'll find yourself at the Lambda Lab's doorstep.

Note that the "Gargantua on the landing field" can be seen in prerelease media, and oddly, the color test image used in pre-Steam versions of the game.

Forget About Freeman!

All unused lines in this section seem to be made for The Communications Center, an earlier version of this chapter. Of note is that all lines in this section were repurposed for the Uplink demo.

Sound Filename Transcript
c3a1_sci_dome Freeman. You want to work quickly. Tune the transmitter to US NRC. I repeat! Tune to the US NRC.
c3a1_sci_done Excellent. I'm sending the "All-Clear" and the door should open now. We'll meet you down below.

Lambda Core

Sound Filename Description
c3a2_sci_1glu Psst! Over here.
c3a2_sci_3glu I see you found the Gluon Gun. I hope it serves you better than it has me. I built the thing, but I can't bring myself to use it on a living creature.
c3a2_sci_shower Freeman! What a relief to see you. We've been tracking your progress. I've stayed behind to let you into the Reactor Complex. You'll need me to activate the retinal scanner.

A differently-written version of c3a2_sci_3glu is used in-game as c3a2_sci_2glu.


Sound Name Sentence Transcript
SC_NOGO scientist/dontgothere No, don't go that way!
SC_OVERHERE scientist/overhere Psst, over here.
N/A scientist/protectme I can get you some valuable supplies, if you'll protect me.
scientist/sorryimleaving Sorry, I'm leaving now.
scientist/ushouldsee There's something you should see.
scientist/waithere Don't you think we should wait here for a while?
scientist/whoareyou Who are you? I've been waiting here for ages hoping someone would come along.
scientist/yesihope Yes, I sincerely hope you know what you are doing.
scientist/yesok Yes, okay.

SC_OVERHERE was later used in Half-Life: Decay.

Obsoleted Sentences

Two Blast Pit sentences for the opening of the chapter are left unused, due to the sound files instead being called from the scientist model's animations.

Name Sentence
SC_ROCKET scientist/c1a4_sci_rocket
SC_TENT scientist/c1a4_sci_tent

Scientist-Security Conversations

C1A2 "Zombie" Scene

Multiple lines for an unused scene in Office Complex involving a security guard being overcome by a zombie, requiring the player to shoot it.

Sound Name Sentence Character Transcript
SC_ZOMBIE1A scientist/c1a2_sci_1zomb Scientist Get out of there! Run, man, run!
BA_ZOMBIE2 barney/c1a2_ba_2zomb Guard It's okay, sir, I can take him!
SC_ZOMBIE3A scientist/c1a2_sci_3zomb Scientist Don't be a fool!
BA_ZOMBIE4 barney/c1a2_ba_4zomb Guard Argh, oh shit!
SC_ZOMBIE5A scientist/c1a2_sci_5zomb Scientist No!
SC_ZOMBIE6A scientist/c1a2_sci_6zomb Scientist Don't just stand there! Pick up that gun and shoot it!

c1a2_ba_2zomb was re-used in Half-Life: Opposing Force.

C2A4 "Argument" Scene

An unused scene in Questionable Ethics in which a security guard, fittingly, questions the ethics of one of the scientists.

Sound Name Sentence Character Transcript
BA_ARG1A barney/c2a4_ba_arg1a Guard This is all happening because of you scientists!
SC_ARG1A scientist/c2a4_sci_arg2a Scientist It's not our fault, I tell you.
BA_ARG2A barney/c2a4_ba_arg3a Guard It is, you made these mutants!
SC_ARG2A scientist/c2a4_sci_arg4a Scientist Nature made them. We were only studying them.
BA_ARG3A barney/c2a4_ba_arg5a Guard Shut up, someone's coming.

c2a4_ba_arg1a was re-used in the trailer for Half-Life: Opposing Force.

C3A1 "Satellite" Scene

Unused dialogue for a scene in the scrapped Communications Center chapter, reused for the Uplink demo.

Sound Filename Character Transcript
c3a1_ba_1sat Guard Open up the Reactor Complex so we can get down to safety.
c3a1_sci_2sat Scientist I'm sorry, but those doors will not open until we send the "All-Clear".
c3a1_ba_3sat Guard So send it already!
c3a1_sci_4sat Scientist I would love to do that, but the aerial bombardment has made a wreck of my transmitter. The cables are severed, we'd have to aim it by hand, and I'm getting high radiation levels in the transmitter dome. Nobody but a fool would go in there.
c3a1_ba_5sat Guard What about this guy?
c3a1_sci_6sat Scientist Yes. You could survive in that suit of yours. Very well. I will lower security on the satellite access elevator, and you can go up into the dome. I'll try to help you over the intercom.



Half of the glass-muffled conversation from Anomalous Materials goes unused.

Sound Name Sentence
GM_2MUMBLE gman/gman_mumble2
GM_3MUMBLE gman/gman_mumble3
GM_6MUMBLE gman/gman_mumble6

Unused Ending Line

An expanded version of the voice lines used if one refuses to work for G-Man at the end of the game.

Sound Filename Transcript
gman_noregret Well, it looks like we won't be working together. No regrets, Mr. Freeman, but there are a few survivors of your personal holocaust who would like the chance to meet the man responsible for the total annihilation of their race.

Unsplit Ending Speech

The G-Man's ending speech is split across multiple sentences for ease of access. However, a commented-out sentence and unused wave file contain the speech unfragmented and with a less consistent volume.

Sound Name Sentence
//GM_OFFER gman/gman_offer


The Nihilanth has some unused quotes as well.

Sound Filename Transcript
nil_win Win... you cannot win...
nil_last The last... you are the last... you are...
nil_man_notman You are man... he is not man... for you he waits... for you...
nil_slaves Their slaves... we are their slaves... we are...


Unused Lines

Sound Name Sentence Transcript
HOLO_RETRY holo/tr_holo_retry Give it another try. Remember to move forward, jump, and while in midair, crouch.
HOLO_RUNSTART holo/tr_holo_runstart It helps to have a running start.
HOLO_TRYAGAIN holo/tr_holo_tryagain No harm done. Try again.

Obsoleted Sentences

A variety of voice lines for the Hazard Course remain in the sentence directory, but their contents were moved instead to inside the map files, making them unused.

Name Sentence
HOLO_BREATH holo/tr_holo_breath
HOLO_DONE holo/tr_holo_done
HOLO_FALLSHORT holo/tr_holo_fallshort
HOLO_FANTASTIC holo/tr_holo_fantastic
HOLO_FLASHLIGHT holo/tr_holo_flashlight
HOLO_GREATWORK holo/tr_holo_greatwork
HOLO_JUMPDOWN holo/tr_holo_jumpdown
HOLO_KEEPTRYING holo/tr_holo_keeptrying
HOLO_LIGHTOFF holo/tr_holo_lightoff
HOLO_NICEJOB holo/tr_holo_nicejob
HOLO_RADIATION holo/tr_holo_radiation

Unused German Hologram Sounds

To do:
Check other language versions for similar files.

The holographic assistant from the Hazard Course has unused voice lines in the German version that have no equivalent in the original, and seem to be referring to cut areas seen in an unused texture from Half-Life: Day One, depicting the layout of an early Training Room. The filenames correlate to unused animations in the hologram model (holo.mdl) as well.

Sound Clip File Name Translation Notes
holointro Hello, and welcome to the Black Mesa Training Facility. I am your holographic assistant. If you want to see a demonstration of a specific obstacle, just press one of these buttons, and I'll be right there to accompany you through the course. A shorter intro, which calls it the "Training Facility" instead of Hazard Course, and goes straight into explaining what the buttons do.
holostn1 This is the charging unit for your hazard suit. If your energy level gets too low, just step in front of the next charging station and press the "use" key. Your suit will quickly charge up fully. Mostly just an alternate take of the used charging station line with minor differences, and without any mention of batteries at the end.
holostn2 The first two jumps are easy. Just press the "jump" key while running. The next two jumps may take some practice. Jump, and while you are in the air, hold the "duck" key. Watch me, and then try it yourself. A very different version of the part where the player has to do 3 jumps in a row. In the final course, you are also not told to do a duck jump at the end, and the hologram does not demonstrate the jumps.
holostn3 This is another spot where you should practice your duck jump. The key here is to jump and press the "duck" key while you are still in the air. Another line that has no equivalent in the final version.
holostn4 This is a special jump module, with which you can do very far jumps. Hold both the "duck" key and the "forward" key, and then press the "jump" key to jump forwards. Try the first jump yourself. If you need help, I will demonstrate it on the next platform. Another very different line, this one implying that there was another jump before the long jump, or even two long jumps (but the hologram would only demonstrate the second one?).
holostn5 I will now show you the long jump. Hold the keys for "ducking" and "forward", and then press "jump". With some practice you will quickly master it. In the final, the hologram has no lines for demonstrating the long jump.
holostn6 You will find such medkits everywhere on the Black Mesa site. If you want to restore your health, go to a medkit and press the "use" key. But don't forget that a kit can only be used a single time. Likely an intro to the single-use wall-mounted medical cabinets from earlier iterations of the game, replaced with health chargers in the final version.
holostn7 Now you know how to do your basic movements. You can keep training here, or go through the door to the next training level. An unused outro for basic movement practice.
holostn8 In the climbing tower you will learn how to climb ladders, break open grates, and use elevators. I will leave you on your own. We'll meet at the exit. A line intended for the cut "climbing tower", a sign for which can still be found in the game files.
holostn9 Wouldn't you like to try the strength enhancer of your suit now? Break yourself a way through this wall using a crowbar, then you can either continue training in the climbing tower, or go on to the next section. Mentions breaking through a wall and a "strength enhancer", which might just be a canon way of explaining why Gordon is so strong. The line also shows that the Hazard Course was a lot more open in an earlier version.
holostn10 Almost everything in this room can be pulled, pushed, or broken. You will see... Sounds like it was intended for a "physics playground" type of area, which is not in the final course.
holostn10a If you want to pull a box, you have to hole the "use" key while moving backwards. You can push a box by simply moving forward towards the box. The final course has an area each for learning how to push and pull boxes.
holostn11 If you have caused enough damage, or there is nothing left to break, just go through this door. Another line intended for the physics playground area.
holostn13 Welcome to the aquatic training center. Jump in, I will wait for you further ahead, around there area where you will need air again. A vastly different intro to swimming, which still mentions the cut "aquatic training center".
holostn14 You can cure a possible lack of oxygen by swimming to an air bubble and waiting until your health shows the previous level again. As soon as you have caught air you can keep on swimming. A similar area exists in the final course, but the hologram's line is very different.
holostn15 From here we go back through the main training room and on to the shooting range. Another line showing that the original course had a more open layout and allowed for backtracking.
holostn16 The shooting range is just around the corner there. First door on the right. There is an area in the final course where this could be used, but the first door on the right leads to the armory, not the actual range.

Unused Ambience Variations

Due to the workings of the sentence system, a sentence with the same ID as another will become unable to be played in-game. Either due to error or intentional dummying-out, this leaves three random "wild" outdoor ambience sequences unplayable.

Sound Name Sentence
WILD9 ambience/des_wind1(v40 p105)
WILD10 ambience/des_wind2(v40 p98)
WILD11 ambience/des_wind3(v40 p103)

Sound Effects

Hassault Weapon

The cut Hassault enemy has a full set of sounds related to his gun that go unused.

Sound Name

Unused Item Sounds

Several unused item sounds exist.

Sound Clip File Name Notes
items/airtank1 Likely meant for the cut Oxygen Tank item.
items/ammopickup1 Reused for sound played when picking up a backpack in Team Fortress Classic.
items/ammopickup2 Reused for sound played when picking up a backpack in Team Fortress Classic.
items/medshot5 Reused as a sound used for the Medkit weapon in Team Fortress Classic.
items/smallmedkit2 Lower-quality version of the used Medkit sound.

Unused Weapon Sound

A sound called "gren_cock1" can be found in the weapons subfolder. It's a slightly slower and lower quality version of the "reloading" type sound heard after firing an SMG grenade.