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Title Screen


Developer: Nintendo R&D1
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: NES
Released in US: June 1986
Released in EU: June 15, 1988

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Pixel male genitalia.

A detective (the titular "Gumshoe") named Stevenson must rescue his daughter Jennifer from the mob boss King Dom in this ridiculously difficult side-scrolling Zapper game, unreleased in Japan (the very first NES game never to be released there, in fact!) and long forgotten everywhere else.

Somewhat unique in the fact the VS Multisystem version was developed alongside the NES version.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Unused Graphics

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: These bonus items might just be really well-hidden secret items, but I doubt it.
Gumshoe bonus coin.png

Gumshoe bonus bullet.png
These bonus objects simply never appear in either loop on either version of the game. The bullet is a different graphic from the exploding bullet object that appears on the second loop onward (or from the outset of the VS version).

Gumshoe time.png
A Time graphic that seems to be intended for the in-game HUD but isn't used in either version. The time limit is pretty much never an issue, which might explain why this is unused.

Gumshoe go!.png

"Go!" in the in-game HUD font, possibly intended to be used at the beginning of each level. Stevenson already automatically moves, which makes this graphic redundant.

Gumshoe gangster sheet.png

Gumshoe gangster assembled.pngGumshoe gangster shorts.pngGumshoe gangster pantsless.png

One of King Dom's men, no doubt. He has a bullet which he would fire, and apparently you would somehow remove his pants and then undershorts. This graphic only appears in the VS version; the graphics are blanked out in the NES version.

Gumshoe garg.png

A gargoyle enemy that does not appear on either loop, in either version, even with hard difficulty dip switches set.

Unused Music

A very short and very Tanaka-esque loop, located at track 8 in the NSF. It doesn't appear to be used in the VS. System version, either.

Version Differences

To do:
Investigate VS. Gumshoe.
VS. System NES

Aside from a myriad of gameplay differences that are outside the scope of this Wiki, one interesting change between the VS. System version and the NES version is the music in Stage 2. In the earlier VS. System version, this music is an almost exact cover of the song "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves, which was a chart-topper at the time Gumshoe would have been in development. The NES version instead uses a piece more reminiscent of Gyromite, another game Hirokazu Tanaka composed for.

The theme used in VS. Gumshoe still exists in the NES version's ROM. Interestingly, the final Stage 2 theme appears as track 1 in the ROM's NSF followed by the Stage 1 theme as track 2, the unused Stage 2 theme as track 3, and so on, suggesting that the theme was indeed written specifically for the NES Gumshoe and tacked on to the rest of the transplanted music from the VS. System version (though a proper investigation of the VS. System version's data would be necessary to confirm this).