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Title Screen


Developers: Monolith Productions
Publishers: Monolith Productions
Platforms: Windows
Released internationally: March 25, 1999

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

Gruntz is a logic puzzle game with the addition of combat and a pinch of absurd humor.

Hidden Level Triggers

Each level of the game (including tutorial levels) contains a secret teleport to a planned hidden level; however, the developers added only one such level, for the first stage of the area "Rocky Roadz". The functionality for each map having its own unique hidden level does still exist, as can be seen by injecting custom levels named using the internal ID of the base level plus 100 (e.g., a level named "LEVEL102.WWD" will load from the teleport in the second stage of Rocky Roadz).

Each teleport is triggered by the player giving their Grunt a certain toy and/or tool (via the game's built-in cheat codes) and having it step on a specific tile.

(Source: Tomalla (level ID info))
Level Tile X Tile Y Tool and/or Toy
1 - The Giant Rock 13 2 Yo-yo
2 - Holy Shovelz! 9 15 Yo-yo
3 - Gruntz, start your enginez! 12 25 Yo-yo
4 - I get by with a little help from my friendz 23 21 Yo-yo
5 - Spyz like us 4 26 Sword
6 - Bricklayerz have all the fun 16 23 Sword
7 - The Grunt that was left behind 27 22 Sword
8 - I want a Rock right now! 25 15 Sword
9 - Toobin' it 37 42 Baby Walker
10 - La La La La La Bomba 15 19 Baby Walker
11 - Now who put that Warpstone piece there?! 41 34 Baby Walker
12 - Guardz! There's a thief on the premisez! 30 40 Baby Walker
13 - Just Wing it 40 45 Time Bomb
14 - Candlez and Cupcakez and Bombz, oh my! 9 34 Time Bomb
15 - You take the high road and I'll take the low 4 21 Time Bomb
16 - The intersection 41 28 Time Bomb
17 - Swordz Akimbo 18 46 Spy Glass and Squeaky Cat
18 - I've always wanted to be a Welder 25 23 Spy Glass and Squeaky Cat
19 - Back from the dead and into the pool 9 42 Spy Glass and Squeaky Cat
20 - Keep your eye on the ball 25 19 Spy Glass and Squeaky Cat
21 - You should never play near electrical outletz! 20 35 Welder's Kit and Gokart
22 - Pay no attention to the Grunt with the Shield 35 3 Welder's Kit and Gokart
23 - The Big Split Up 48 10 Welder's Kit and Gokart
24 - With four Gruntz, you can take on the world! 58 20 Welder's Kit and Gokart
25 - Come back with a friend 5 41 Duck and Beach Ball
26 - Save that Squeak toy! 39 49 Duck and Beach Ball
27 - Golf anyone? 21 39 Duck and Beach Ball
28 - Where's my buddy? 50 67 Duck and Beach Ball
29 - Use those Sponge Gunz! 59 51 Wand and Scroll
30 - Would you like some holez to go with that? 57 46 Wand and Scroll
31 - Could someone get those Purple Switchez for me? 78 70 Wand and Scroll
32 - The Final Battle 44 38 Wand and Scroll
(Source: SwordGrunt (Triggers Locations))

Rocky Roadz - The Giant Rock

To trigger this teleport, give your Grunt a yo-yo (from typing the cheat mplametoy) and step on the middle arrow, just like in the video below:

Unused Original Questz Triggers

Rocky Roadz 3

In Gruntz Level Editor one can notice, that there are unused TileSecretTriggers that should change the direction of arrows. That's because the logic has an ID of a non-existent, cut out switch with ID 260. It would let the player return to the earlier area.

Gruntz RockyRoadz3 leftovers.png

On the image above cut out switch marked with blue, arrows that would change their direction marked with red and actually used secret arrows with green.

(Source: swietymiki (Image source))

Timed Questz Mode

Although a timer can be applied to a custom levels, there are hints that also a "Questz" mode was going to have timed mode. One such hint is that checkpoints have logics with specified values, that are used in levels with a timer.

Gruntz Stopwatch.gif - this pickup can be seen in a statistics menu next to the elapsed time after finishing each of the Questz, but it can be added to a custom map, where after picking it up it gives the player another precious minutes.

Gruntz Pickup time.gif - A Grunt happy to pick up a timer pickup.

Unused Multiplayer Victory Conditions

WarpStone Pads

The game dev Kevin Lambert revelied that in the secret from the rest of the team he had added to the game a secret "WarpStonePad" logic for a hidden "Battlez" mode. This logic functions like a switch. The mapmaker can designate this logic to up to 4 tiles, that a grunt is capable of walking on. Up to 4 Warpstone pieces can be placed anywhere in the world, including a hole, or a rock. Placing 4 Warpston pieces in corresponding spots (as an icon by pressing T) on the map in Battlez mode would allow a player to defeat all the other players at the same time. A grunt just standing on the tile while carrying the warpstone does not activate the logic. Each player must receive the same number of pads as there are Warpstone pieces.

Unlike Quests levels, should a grunt carrying the warpstone die in battle, the warpstone does not break nor does the game end; rather the warpstone falls to the ground where another grunt can pick it up. If a grunt dies by way of a death tile or hazard, i.e. drowns in the water or falls down a hole, etc., then the warpstone returns to the point on the map where it was last on the ground.

An AI grunt merely wander around with the Warpstone.

(Source: Kevin Lambert aka Sylvermyst aka GPF Lith (WarpStone Pads info from Dev))
(Source: FriedGruntzaholic (WarpStonePad Logic))

Gruntz BattleWarpPad2.gif Gruntz WarpPadWin.gif Gruntz WarpPadLoose.gif

The creation pads and forts are randomized but warpstone pads are not randomized, so in this case the first player's Warpstone Pad will be always in the left upper corner, even if the creation pad will change it's place with every new game. So, on the first gif, the player fulfilled the victory condition for the 2nd, green player and lost. On the second gif player won, by placing Warpstones on his pads. On the third gif player placed Warpstones on the pads of the player that didn't take part in the game (player no 3), thus causing his and player's no 2 Gruntz death. The victory screen after this "lose" looks like this:


Defending Multiple Forts

It's possible to assign a multiple forts to a one player in the Battlez Mode. Still, if one of the forts will be conquered, the player looses the game. Curiously enough the rest of the players still can capture the rest of the forts, but without any further benefits. In Questz Mode adding additional forts does nothing, only bringing the Warpstone to the first placed fort gives a victory.

Gruntz MultipleForts.gif

(Source: https://discord.com/channels/431135597227409430/431135597705428994/478170817382055937] (Multiple Forts Discovery))

Unused Enemies

Magic Wand Grunt

Unused enemy Grunt for Questz mode with assigned ID no 15. He casts only Freeze, Health and Resurrection spells (respectively spell ID 1, 2 and 3. Each time a Magic Wand Grunt cast a spell, his health decreases by one-fourth from his original full health state. He is rotten green in colour. He cannot attack[1].

Gruntz Wand Grunt2.gif

The Scroller

"The Scroller" grunt is unused enemy AI type (ID 16), that gives to a player Grunt a scroll. Just like the Wand Grunt, he is rotten green in colour and just like him he can only give Freeze, Health or Resurrection spell scroll. After this action he defaults to a non-assigned AI (usually performing an attack). Probably because his behavior is ridiculous, he can't be found found on standard levels, but in combination with lethal weapons in custom levels he was put to use as "instant death" traps[2].

Gruntz Scroller2.gif

Unused Animations

There are a few unused attacks animations:


A "normal" Grunt (without a weapon) has a folder with this animation called "Projectile", so probably under certain circumstances he could throw some kind of a curved knife?

Gruntz projectile.gif

Warpstone Grunt Attack

There exist an eight animations for all eight of the points of compass. Looks like an attack would irrevocably destroy the Warpstone:

Gruntz WarpStone attackEast.gif Gruntz WarpStone attackSouth.gif

There is also one frame for north and northeast animation folder, that presents early, untextured Warpstone and a Grunt in a bit different position during throwing, probably from earlier animation:

Early In-Game
Gruntz warpstone FRAME011NE.png Gruntz warpstone FRAME002NE.png
Early In-Game
Gruntz Warpstone FRAME011N.png Gruntz warpstone FRAME002N.png

The rest of the six folders also contains one frame of earlier unused animation, but with textured Warpstone, for example:

Gruntz Warpstone FRAME011.png Gruntz Warpstone FRAME011E.png

Wand Grunt Attack

There are two different unused attacks for each of eight sides, here the West for example:

Gruntz Wand attackWest1.gif Gruntz Wand attackWest2.gif

Unused Graphics

Oven Mitt

An unused cursor icon, most probably meant to be used in the Oven menu?

Gruntz Cursorz OvenMitt FRAME001.png

Pre-release Screenshots

Some cut screenshots with prerelease content found in the .REZ file:

Unused Tiles[3]

Area 2

Early In-Game
GruntzREZ AREA2 Tilez267 unused.png GruntzREZ AREA2 Tilez196.png

Area 4

Early In-Game
GruntzREZ AREAX Tilez267.png GruntzREZ AREAX Tilez196.png
Early In-Game
GruntzREZ AREAX Tilez269.png GruntzREZ AREAX Tilez198.png
Early In-Game
GruntzREZ AREAX Tilez268.png GruntzREZ AREAX Tilez197.png

This area also contains this strange tooth in the tiles graphic set:

GruntzREZ AREAX TilezGruntz AREA4 Tilez 102.png

Area 5

Even if it's a solid tile, it's internal number (268) is the same as an unused mound from area 4:

GruntzREZ AREA5 Tilez268.png

Multiple Areas

GruntzREZ AREAX Tilez037.png GruntzREZ AREAX Tilez038.png

Unused Tiles numbers

These Tile numbers do not have any Tile images assigned to them in any graphics set[4]:


Wormhole Colours

There are 4 unused teleport colours (only red, green and light blue are in use), that can be found in ATTRIBUTEZ.TXT:


Via editing the ATTRIBUTEZ.TXT (the encryption key is 1212[5]) file it's possible to swap exisiting teleports with unused ones:

GruntzWhiteWormH.gif GruntzBlueWormH.gif GruntzYellowWormH.gif GruntzBlakWormH.gif

(Source: swietymiki (Wormholes Colors))


Gruntz Test.gif

Removed Cheat Codes

GRUNTZ.REZ contains a CHEATZ.TXT[5] file that contains three removed cheats. The encryption key for CHEATZ.TXT is K3V1 (another Kevin Lambert's hidden credit?...)[6].

Code: Triggered Text: Description
MPWARPSTONEZ Hey, how did you get this cheat? Summon a Warpstone.
MPGOOPUDDLE Goo puddlez Create a goo puddle with a "P" key.
MPCLEARCHEATZ Cheatz cleared clear all cheat codes (player could save the game after using any major cheats).

Three cheat codes had different names:

Early: Final: Description:
mplc mpilovethisgame Enables/Disables the grunt spawn command (Key: I) until a level's completion
mppd mpihatethisgame Enables/Disables the grunt delete command (Key: K) until a level's completion
mpfire mpletsblowstuffup Enables/Disables the explosion spawn command (Key: F9) until a level's completion
(Source: Tomalla)

Debug Cheat Codes[7]

Cheat Code Triggered Text Effect
mpstepitup Loads the next level
mpstepitdown Loads the previous level
mpcheatcheatcheat They should call you Cheat Cheatelson from Cheatstown Virginia who lives at 1105 Cheat Circle just behind the CheatMart superstore. Unlocks all Areaz, all Levelz and the Final Movie
mpstopwatch Elapsed Time Display is ON/OFF Toggles the time counter until a level's completion
mpfps Frame Rate Display is ON/OFF Toggles the Frames Per Second counter until a level's completion
mppos World Position Display is ON/OFF Toggles the main screen's coordinatez counter until a level's completion
mpobjects Count Display is ON/OFF Toggles the object counter until a level's completion
mpnoinfo Toggles all activated counters until a level's completion
mpcrash Gruntz PSYCHE mpcrash.png Displays a fake error message dialogue box titled "PSYCHE" (title is not visible in-game).

Unused Sounds

The mpwawawawawawa cheat code unsuccessfully tries to load the file "GAME_WAWA". However, the file was removed from the final release, but it can be found in a demo version of the game and it is actually called "WAWA.WAV".[7]
A placeholder for a main menu theme.
Warpstone Grunt Attack Shout
Wand Grunt Attack Sound
Freeze Spell victims response
Unfreezing Gruntz Shout
Early picking up Sword sound?
Early picking up Beach Ball sound?
Early sound of attacking unarmed Grunt?
Early sound of attacking Sword Grunt?
Normal Grunt Death Dialog
Struck2.avi leftover placeholder from Captain Claw? (Struck.avi is actually sound of picking up enemies from Captain Claw).

Unused Switch Type

There are 2 empty spaces in switch tiles IDs and there are also 2 empty spaces in user values between switches, so there's very likely, that there were plans for a one more switch type. One of the box images shows blue pyramids, so this might be a hint, that the switches were controlling these pyramids. According to Kevin Lambert aka Sylvermyst, one of the devs:

Oh blue = bridgez. Right. Yeah, before they were bridgez, during prototyping, they were blue pyramids... It was evidently a marketing decision to put more color on the box than to be accurate.

(Source: swietymiki (unused switch tiles ID))
(Source: Sylvermyst (Blue Pyramids))

Hare Krishna Grunt

Interestingly internal name for a Grunt with a Conversion Powerup is "Hare Krishna Grunt".

Developer's Hard Drive

Inside Gruntz.ZZZ file, contained within 1.01 patch, there are a few fixed Questz maps files. When trying to load them, map editor looks for developer's Gruntz folder path, but can't find graphical resources:

Gruntz BeeYotch2.png

The last level 31 had a bit different path...

Gruntz BeeYotch.png

Claw Leftovers

There are a few leftover files from the earlier game by Monolith, Captain Claw:


Unused Map Editor Boxes

The Gruntz .WWD map file is a descendant of previous Monolith games, that used the WAP32 engine (e.g. Captain Claw, Get Medieval). Thus it contains some unused fields in "Edit objects" menu such as "User" and "Misc" categories.

(Source: swietymiki (Unused Editor Boxes))

Hidden Developer's Credits

Typing cheat codes mpgoble and mpscorpio will trigger a line:

Brian L. Goble is a programming God...

One more cheat code is mplambert. It causes all gruntz to self destruct, but it also shows the line:

My name is Kevin Lambert. You typed in my cheat code. Prepare to die.
