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George of the Jungle and the Search for the Secret (Nintendo DS)

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Title Screen

George of the Jungle and the Search for the Secret

Also known as: George of the Jungle (EU)
Developer: 7 Studios
Publisher: Crave Entertainment
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in US: April 1, 2008
Released in EU: March 28, 2008

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

To do:
The data for both test levels appear to be completely intact. Try to get them to work

George of the Jungle and the Search for the Secret is a platformer game based on the popular cartoon of the same name.

Developer Text

Font Notes

File arial_16_glyphtable.xml has a silly note :p

	These characters are known to have problems with the parsing.. =P
	<glyph char="&" animNum="71" width="12" />
	<glyph char="\"" animNum="84" width="12" />  
	<glyph char="<" animNum="89" width="12" />  
	These characters have not been entered into the glyph table yet.

Level Comments

All six levels in /root/cooked/Levels/ have developer comments regarding the collision layer. For 01_Laws:

<!-- Collision Layer to test without art. Uncomment this, comment layers 0-3 and make sure bg "a" only shows layer 0 
  <layer layer="0" dir="01_Laws" palette="01_Laws_data" tile="01_Laws_Data" map="01_Laws_Data_Collision" />


<!-- Collision Layer, to be used when viewing collision w/no art. Uncomment this, comment layers 0-3 and make sure bg "a" only shows layer 0. -->
  <!--layer layer="0" dir="02_Beehave" palette="02_Beehave_data" tile="02_Beehave_Data" map="02_Beehave_Data_Collision" />  -->


<!-- Collision Layer, to be used when viewing collision w/no art. Uncomment this, comment layers 0-3 and make sure bg "a" only shows layer 0. -->
  <!--layer layer="0" dir="03_Rumble" palette="03_Rumble_data" tile="03_Rumble_Data" map="03_Rumble_Data_Collision" /> -->


<!-- Collision Layer, to be used when viewing collision w/no art. Uncomment this, comment layers 0-3 and make sure bg "a" only shows layer 0. -->
  <!--layer layer="0" dir="04_Spooky" palette="04_Spooky_data" tile="04_Spooky_Data" map="04_Spooky_Data_Collision" /> -->


<!-- Collision Layer, to be used when viewing collision w/no art. Uncomment this, comment layers 0-3 and make sure bg "a" only shows layer 0. -->
  <!--layer layer="0" dir="05_Nest" palette="05_Nest_data" tile="05_Nest_Data" map="05_Nest_Data_Collision" />  -->


<!-- Collision Layer, to be used when viewing collision w/no art. Uncomment this, comment layers 0-3 and make sure bg "a" only shows layer 0. -->
  <!--layer layer="0" dir="05_Nest" palette="05_Nest_data" tile="05_Nest_Data" map="05_Nest_Data_Collision" />  -->

Template Comments

The folder ObjectTemplates has a file GeorgetestTemplate.xml with the following developer comments.

<!-- SS_Movement_BehaviorModule 
	movement_collision_width and movement_collision_height define the rectangle to use for movement collision.  
	At present, just for dynamic collision with dynamic collision objects, not with map collision.  The width is centered
	horizontally on the object position, and the height is from the object position up to object position  

In the same folder is file ShepTemplate.xml with the following comments.

  <!-- speed: like in the BCS 'vel' tag, speed is a percentage out of 100, which is then multiplied by the max pixel movement rate on the DS -->
  <LinePathMovementAI_BehaviorModule speed="12" />
<!-- 	DynamicCollision_BehaviorModule	11/13/2006 DSC
	edge: is "top", "bottom", "left" or "right".  It specifies which side of the rectangle to use as the collision.
	multiple edge collision is coming.. 
	width: of the collision rectangle.  The rectangle WIDTH is centered on the object position.
	height: of the collision rectangle.  The rectangle extends from the object position to object position  'height'

Test Scripts

The folder scripts contains test scripts for debugging for all levels, actions, items and triggers in the game, as well as player velocity and delay time.

Level Test Header

File test_ClimbSink.xml in shows a test script with developer comments used for debugging. File test_character.xml and 01_Laws.xml in the same folder both use the same header, but use different triggers for testing. Note that this 01_Laws.xml is a different XML file from the file described above in the Levels section.

<!-- Location Numbering Conventions:
  			Aggressive enemies: 	2xx
			Platforms: 					17x
			Animated Sprites:		15x-169
			Powerups:					8x
			Triggers: 					5x -> 7x
			Kill:							90
			Path Nodes:				2x -> 4x
			Tutorials:	 	23x -> 255
			Eggs:			1xx -> 149

<!-- Do all of these wild and crazy actions on level initialization --> 

    <trigger name="start">
        <!-- var1 = how many joints in the vine (and therefore length) -->
        <action type="swing" location="2" object="SwingVine" name="SwingVine" intVar1="4"/>
        <action type="spawn" location="1" object="George" name="George" anim="idle" player="true"/>

Action Tests

The folder has multiple XML files that were likely used to test player actions. All of these contain the following excerpt.

   <trigger name="hitplayer">
	<!--<action type="debug" name="Ow!"/>-->

   <trigger name="death">
	<!--<action type="debug" name="I'm dead. :("/>-->


The game has empty text files all named New_Text_Document.txt spread across the ROM.