Gameloft Classics
Gameloft Classics |
Developer: Gameloft
To do: Check for unused text.
For Gameloft's 20th anniversary, the company decided to package 30 legacy Java titles in this single app. If you want to relive this era, this is the app for you.
Development Leftovers
Compatibility List Document
support.txt in the root of the app is a compatibility list for various devices.
support jsr 030 - cldc 1.0 jsr 037 - midp 1.0 jsr 075 - file connection 1.0 (pda) jsr 082 - bluetooth jsr 118 - midp 2.0 jsr 120 - wma 1.1 jsr 135 - mobile media api jsr 139 - cldc 1.1 jsr 184 - m3g jsr 205 - wma 2.0 jsr 234 - amms sprint api sprint pcs licence mrc nokia UI samsung api vodafone vscl 1.1.0 vodafone vscl 2.0 jscl 1.2.2 doja up to doja 5.1
Internal Sound Material
Present in the sounds directory are two files not used by the game, a sound design document written by an unknown author, modified on February 14th in 2019 at 7:15AM. There is also _ForSoundTech.7z, most likely for sound designers but its contents are locked under a password... PHD is most likely Pocket HD as Gameloft's other games internally or itself as a company commonly mentions that term.
![]() |
Download Gameloft Classics Sound Leftovers
File: (440 KB) (info)
Uncompiled Sprites
To do: Check other distributions for these files. |
In the assets directory, there are three uncompiled sprite files along with said images as .png files.
// C:\1.Project\ClassicGooglePlay\__Wrapper_Rewirte_Freemium\data\USE_MULTI_GAMES\assets\Anim_coin.sprite // saved by AuroraGT v0.7.1 (SpriteEditor v0.8.1) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*SPRITE*/ { VERSION 0001 // Images: 1 // Modules: 6 // Frames: 6 // Anims: 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Images... // <Image> := IMAGE [id] "file" [TRANSP transp_color] IMAGE 0x0000 ".\Anim_coin.png" TRANSP 0x00FF00FF // 0 size: 615 x 133 palettes: 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Modules... // <Modules> := MODULES { <MD1> <MD2> ... } // <MDi> := MD id Type [params] ["desc"] // Type := MD_IMAGE | MD_RECT | ... // [params] := if (Type == MD_IMAGE) -> image x y width height // if (Type == MD_RECT) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_FILL_RECT) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_ARC) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_FILL_ARC) -> color width height MODULES { MD 0x1003 MD_IMAGE 0 65 3 126 126 MD 0x1002 MD_IMAGE 0 346 3 67 126 MD 0x1001 MD_IMAGE 0 218 3 110 126 MD 0x1000 MD_IMAGE 0 5 3 24 126 MD 0x1004 MD_IMAGE 0 420 3 111 126 MD 0x1005 MD_IMAGE 0 538 3 67 126 } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Frames... // <Frame> := FRAME ["desc"] { id <RC1> [<RC2> ...] <FM1> [<FM2> ...] } // <RCi> := RC x1 y1 x2 y2 // <FMi> := FM module_or_frame_id ox oy [FLAGS hex_flags] [+Flags] // Flags := HYPER_FM | FLIP_X | FLIP_Y | ROT_90 FRAME "" // Index = 0, FModules = 1 { 0x2000 FM 0x1000 -10 0 } FRAME "" // Index = 1, FModules = 1 { 0x2002 FM 0x1002 -31 1 } FRAME "" // Index = 2, FModules = 1 { 0x2001 FM 0x1001 -53 1 } FRAME "" // Index = 3, FModules = 1 { 0x2003 FM 0x1003 -63 1 } FRAME "" // Index = 4, FModules = 1 { 0x2004 FM 0x1004 -55 0 } FRAME "" // Index = 5, FModules = 1 { 0x2005 FM 0x1005 -33 0 } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Animations... // <Anim> := ANIM ["desc"] { id [<AF1> <AF2> ...] } // <AFi> := AF frame_id time ox oy [FLAGS hex_flags] [+Flags] // Flags := FLIP_X | FLIP_Y | ROT_90 ANIM "" // Index = 0, AFrames = 6 { 0x3000 AF 0x2000 100 0 1 AF 0x2002 100 0 0 AF 0x2001 100 0 0 AF 0x2003 100 0 0 AF 0x2004 100 0 1 AF 0x2005 100 0 1 } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tilesets... SPRITE_END } // SPRITE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// saved by AuroraGT v0.1.1.5 (SpriteEditor v0.1.1.0) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*SPRITE*/ { VERSION 0001 // Images: 1 // Modules: 19 // Frames: 18 // Anims: 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Images... // <Image> := IMAGE [id] "file" [ALPHA "alpha_file"] [TRANSP transp_color] IMAGE 0x0000 ".\giftbox_animation.png" TRANSP 0x00FF00FF // 0 size: 3523 x 2799 palettes: 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Modules... // <Modules> := MODULES { <MD1> <MD2> ... } // <MDi> := MD id Type [params] ["desc"] // Type := MD_IMAGE | MD_RECT | ... // [params] := if (Type == MD_IMAGE) -> image x y width height // if (Type == MD_RECT) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_FILL_RECT) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_ARC) -> color width height startAngle arcAngle // if (Type == MD_FILL_ARC) -> color width height startAngle arcAngle // if (Type == MD_MARKER) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_TRIANGLE) -> color p2X p2Y p3X p3Y // if (Type == MD_FILL_TRIANGLE) -> color p2X p2Y p3X p3Y // if (Type == MD_LINE) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_FILL_RECT_GRAD) -> color01 color02 direction width height // if (Type == MD_GRADIENT_TRIANGLE) -> x0 y0 color0 x1 y1 color1 x2 y2 color2 // if (Type == MD_GRADIENT_RECT) -> x0 y0 color0 x1 y1 color1 x2 y2 color2 x3 y3 color3 MODULES { MD 0x1012 MD_IMAGE 0 2129 2112 650 650 MD 0x1011 MD_IMAGE 0 1410 2112 650 650 MD 0x1010 MD_IMAGE 0 709 2105 650 650 MD 0x100F MD_IMAGE 0 8 2106 650 650 MD 0x100E MD_IMAGE 0 2832 1396 650 650 MD 0x100D MD_IMAGE 0 2134 1394 650 650 MD 0x100C MD_IMAGE 0 1414 1394 650 650 MD 0x100A MD_IMAGE 0 717 1401 650 650 MD 0x1009 MD_IMAGE 0 6 1400 650 650 MD 0x1008 MD_IMAGE 0 2832 693 650 650 MD 0x1007 MD_IMAGE 0 2140 694 650 650 MD 0x1006 MD_IMAGE 0 1424 694 650 650 MD 0x1005 MD_IMAGE 0 712 694 650 650 MD 0x1004 MD_IMAGE 0 0 697 650 650 MD 0x1003 MD_IMAGE 0 2584 4 650 650 MD 0x1002 MD_IMAGE 0 1880 0 650 650 MD 0x1001 MD_IMAGE 0 1181 0 650 650 MD 0x1000 MD_IMAGE 0 481 0 650 650 MD 0x100B MD_IMAGE 0 27 47 417 518 } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Frames... // <Frame> := FRAME ["desc"] { id <RC1> [<RC2> ...] <FM1> [<FM2> ...] } // <RCi> := RC x1 y1 x2 y2 // <FMi> := FM module_or_frame_id ox oy [FLAGS hex_flags] [+Flags] // Flags := HYPER_FM | FLIP_X | FLIP_Y | ROT_90 | FREE_ROT FRAME "" // Index = 0, FModules = 2 { 0x2000 FM 0x1012 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 1, FModules = 2 { 0x2001 FM 0x1011 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 2, FModules = 2 { 0x2002 FM 0x1010 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 3, FModules = 2 { 0x2003 FM 0x100F -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 4, FModules = 2 { 0x2004 FM 0x100E -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 5, FModules = 2 { 0x2005 FM 0x100D -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 6, FModules = 2 { 0x2006 FM 0x100C -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 7, FModules = 2 { 0x2007 FM 0x100A -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 8, FModules = 2 { 0x2008 FM 0x1009 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 9, FModules = 2 { 0x2009 FM 0x1008 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 10, FModules = 2 { 0x200A FM 0x1007 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 11, FModules = 2 { 0x200B FM 0x1006 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 12, FModules = 2 { 0x200C FM 0x1005 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 13, FModules = 2 { 0x200D FM 0x1004 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 14, FModules = 2 { 0x200E FM 0x1003 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 15, FModules = 2 { 0x200F FM 0x1002 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 16, FModules = 2 { 0x2010 FM 0x1001 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } FRAME "" // Index = 17, FModules = 2 { 0x2011 FM 0x1000 -241 -168 FM 0x100B -117 -125 } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Animations... // <Anim> := ANIM ["desc"] { id [<AF1> <AF2> ...] } // <AFi> := AF frame_id time ox oy [FLAGS hex_flags] [+Flags] // Flags := FLIP_X | FLIP_Y | ROT_90 ANIM "" // Index = 0, AFrames = 18 { 0x3000 AF 0x2000 120 0 0 AF 0x2001 120 0 0 AF 0x2002 120 0 0 AF 0x2003 120 0 0 AF 0x2004 120 0 0 AF 0x2005 120 0 0 AF 0x2006 120 0 0 AF 0x2007 120 0 0 AF 0x2008 120 0 0 AF 0x2009 120 0 0 AF 0x200A 120 0 0 AF 0x200B 120 0 0 AF 0x200C 120 0 0 AF 0x200D 120 0 0 AF 0x200E 120 0 0 AF 0x200F 120 0 0 AF 0x2010 120 0 0 AF 0x2011 120 0 0 } SPRITE_END } // SPRITE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// saved by AuroraGT v0.1.1.5 (SpriteEditor v0.1.1.0) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*SPRITE*/ { VERSION 0001 // Images: 1 // Modules: 3 // Frames: 3 // Anims: 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Images... // <Image> := IMAGE [id] "file" [ALPHA "alpha_file"] [TRANSP transp_color] IMAGE 0x0000 ".\unlock_animation.png" TRANSP 0x00FF00FF // 0 size: 751 x 233 palettes: 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Modules... // <Modules> := MODULES { <MD1> <MD2> ... } // <MDi> := MD id Type [params] ["desc"] // Type := MD_IMAGE | MD_RECT | ... // [params] := if (Type == MD_IMAGE) -> image x y width height // if (Type == MD_RECT) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_FILL_RECT) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_ARC) -> color width height startAngle arcAngle // if (Type == MD_FILL_ARC) -> color width height startAngle arcAngle // if (Type == MD_MARKER) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_TRIANGLE) -> color p2X p2Y p3X p3Y // if (Type == MD_FILL_TRIANGLE) -> color p2X p2Y p3X p3Y // if (Type == MD_LINE) -> color width height // if (Type == MD_FILL_RECT_GRAD) -> color01 color02 direction width height // if (Type == MD_GRADIENT_TRIANGLE) -> x0 y0 color0 x1 y1 color1 x2 y2 color2 // if (Type == MD_GRADIENT_RECT) -> x0 y0 color0 x1 y1 color1 x2 y2 color2 x3 y3 color3 MODULES { MD 0x1000 MD_IMAGE 0 0 0 230 233 MD 0x1001 MD_IMAGE 0 254 0 230 233 MD 0x1002 MD_IMAGE 0 521 0 230 233 } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Frames... // <Frame> := FRAME ["desc"] { id <RC1> [<RC2> ...] <FM1> [<FM2> ...] } // <RCi> := RC x1 y1 x2 y2 // <FMi> := FM module_or_frame_id ox oy [FLAGS hex_flags] [+Flags] // Flags := HYPER_FM | FLIP_X | FLIP_Y | ROT_90 | FREE_ROT FRAME "" // Index = 0, FModules = 1 { 0x2000 FM 0x1000 0 0 } FRAME "" // Index = 1, FModules = 1 { 0x2001 FM 0x1001 0 0 } FRAME "" // Index = 2, FModules = 1 { 0x2002 FM 0x1002 0 0 } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Animations... // <Anim> := ANIM ["desc"] { id [<AF1> <AF2> ...] } // <AFi> := AF frame_id time ox oy [FLAGS hex_flags] [+Flags] // Flags := FLIP_X | FLIP_Y | ROT_90 ANIM "" // Index = 0, AFrames = 3 { 0x3000 AF 0x2000 200 0 0 AF 0x2001 200 0 0 AF 0x2002 200 0 0 } SPRITE_END } // SPRITE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Oddly the versions of Aurora Game Tools and the related sprite editor are different.
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Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Ubisoft > Games developed by Gameloft
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2020