Fruit Ninja (iOS, Android)
Fruit Ninja |
Developer: Halfbrick Studios
Fruit Ninja is everyone's favorite game about murdering fruit.
Developer Comments
Seems to have changed from _SCORE to _KILLED in 1.7... not sure exactly why since Steve isn't here, but only need one leaderboard for total sliced
These are the lite achievements. The same things are defined for SD and HD Lite versions, with provider ids below mik - Game Centre automagically gives you weekly friends leaderboards so that's why they differ to OF SD on normal OF doesn't have the zen and classic weekly scores, so we just don't specify them
These achievements are specific to a product or platform combination.
Several developer comments can be found in socialnetworks.xml
A function name present in the executable.
Debug Menu
To do: Figure out how to access the debug menu. |
Text for a debug menu exists in debugMenu.uiscreen. It is currently unknown how to enable it, however you can enter a different debug console via the ` key (~) and view available commands via "help".
TouchMove_X0: TouchAxisX1; move TouchMove_X1: TouchAxisX2; move TouchMove_X2: TouchAxisX3; move TouchMove_X3: TouchAxisX4; move TouchMove_X4: TouchAxisX5; move TouchMove_X5: TouchAxisX6; move TouchMove_X6: TouchAxisX7; move TouchMove_X7: TouchAxisX8; move TouchMove_X8: TouchAxisX9; move TouchMove_X9: TouchAxisX10; move TouchMove_X10: TouchAxisX11; move TouchMove_X11: TouchAxisX12; move TouchMove_X12: TouchAxisX13; move TouchMove_X13: TouchAxisX14; move TouchMove_X14: TouchAxisX15; move TouchMove_X15: TouchAxisX16; move TouchMove_Y0: TouchAxisY1; move TouchMove_Y1: TouchAxisY2; move TouchMove_Y2: TouchAxisY3; move TouchMove_Y3: TouchAxisY4; move TouchMove_Y4: TouchAxisY5; move TouchMove_Y5: TouchAxisY6; move TouchMove_Y6: TouchAxisY7; move TouchMove_Y7: TouchAxisY8; move TouchMove_Y8: TouchAxisY9; move TouchMove_Y9: TouchAxisY10; move TouchMove_Y10: TouchAxisY11; move TouchMove_Y11: TouchAxisY12; move TouchMove_Y12: TouchAxisY13; move TouchMove_Y13: TouchAxisY14; move TouchMove_Y14: TouchAxisY15; move TouchMove_Y15: TouchAxisY16; move TouchDown_0: Touch1; down TouchDown_1: Touch2; down TouchDown_2: Touch3; down TouchDown_3: Touch4; down TouchDown_4: Touch5; down TouchDown_5: Touch6; down TouchDown_6: Touch7; down TouchDown_7: Touch8; down TouchDown_8: Touch9; down TouchDown_9: Touch10; down TouchDown_10: Touch11; down TouchDown_11: Touch12; down TouchDown_12: Touch13; down TouchDown_13: Touch14; down TouchDown_14: Touch15; down TouchDown_15: Touch16; down TouchReleased_0: Touch1; released TouchReleased_1: Touch2; released TouchReleased_2: Touch3; released TouchReleased_3: Touch4; released TouchReleased_4: Touch5; released TouchReleased_5: Touch6; released TouchReleased_6: Touch7; released TouchReleased_7: Touch8; released TouchReleased_8: Touch9; released TouchReleased_9: Touch10; released TouchReleased_10: Touch11; released TouchReleased_11: Touch12; released TouchReleased_12: Touch13; released TouchReleased_13: Touch14; released TouchReleased_14: Touch15; released TouchReleased_15: Touch16; released PointerMove: MouseAxisX,MouseAxisY; move PointerPressed: MouseButton1; pressed PointerReleased: MouseButton1; released PointerMove: X360_LStick_AxisY; active PointerMove: X360_LStick_AxisX; active PointerPressedX: X360_A; down ShowDebug: D; pressed ShowCollision: C; pressed Particles: P; pressed Fruit: F; pressed PageUpPressed: PgUp; pressed PageDownPressed: PgDn; pressed ParticlesUp: Up; pressed ParticlesDown: Down; pressed PauseGame: Enter; pressed ShowPauseMenu: AppMenu; released ShowPauseMenu: escape; released UpPressed: Up; pressed DownPressed: Down; pressed LeftPressed: Left; pressed RightPressed: Right; pressed SpacePressed: Space; pressed PowerUpPressed: M; pressed Speed: S; pressed RegressMenu: escape; released QuitPressed: Q; pressed AddCreditPressed: Y; pressed OperatorOptions: O; pressed RemoveTime: Z; pressed AddTime: A; pressed AddStarfruit: G; pressed RemoveStarfruit: B; pressed Launch: L; pressed ForceBanana: b; pressed
...Input.txt mentions that pressing D will show the debug menu, as well as mentioning several other keys that correspond to debugging functions!
Debug Settings
In addition to the debug menu, there is also a file named debugSettings.cfg in the Config folder.
// Debug Settings file // Get settings like this: // game_work.debugConfig.GetValue("value name"). Returns a string, will be empty ("") if not found, never null. so // if (strcmp(debugConfig.GetValue("enable_god_mode"), "true") == 0)) is safe. // This file supports C++ style comments. just like this one. // Display display.clearOnNewFrame = 0 // Entities, Fruit entities.fruit.draw = 1 entities.fruit.update = 1 entities.fruit.drawshadows = 1 // Entities, Bomb entities.bomb.draw = 1 entities.bomb.update = 1 // BrickUI brickui.draw_layer_0 = 1 brickui.draw_layer_1 = 1 brickui.draw_layer_4 = 1 brickui.draw_layer_5 = 1 brickui.update = 1 // Backgrounds background.draw = 1 // Particles particles.draw = 1 particles.update = 1 // Sound sound.update = 1 // Music music.update = 1 // Wavemanager wavemanager.update = 1
Developer leftovers
Crashlytics properties
The game uses Crashlytics for monitoring crashes and property files are present.
# This file is automatically generated by # # Generated at 01/19/16 10:08:09 files have this generated.
#This file is automatically generated by Crashlytics to uniquely #identify individual builds of your Android application. # #Do NOT modify, delete, or commit to source control! # #Fri Sep 25 10:45:23 AEST 2020 version_name=2.8.9 package_name=com.halfbrick.mortar build_id=19c53261-2568-4bac-8a03-dc51d584b1ca version_code=55079901 app_name=com.halfbrick.mortar was generated for a different app, likely called Mortar.
Source Code
Flurry ad wrapper
Source code for Flurry Web Adapter exists in the game's executable.
/** * @preserve Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc. * @license */ var Hogan={};(function(a){function h(a){return a=String(a===null||a===undefined?"":a),g.test(a)?a.replace(b,"&").replace(c,"<").replace(d,">").replace(e,"'").replace(f,"""):a}a.Template=function j(a,b,c){a&&(this.r=a),this.c=c,this.text=b||""},a.Template.prototype={r:function(a,b,c){return""},v:h,render:function(b,c,d){return this.ri([b],c||{},d)},ri:function(a,b,c){return this.r(a,b,c)},rp:function(a,b,c,d){var e=c[a];return e?(this.c&&typeof e=="string"&&(e=this.c.compile(e)),e.ri(b,c,d)):""},rs:function(a,b,c){var d="",e=a[a.length-1];if(!i(e))return d=c(a,b);for(var f=0;f<e.length;f++)a.push(e[f]),d+=c(a,b),a.pop();return d},s:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g){var h;return i(a)&&a.length===0?!1:(typeof a=="function"&&(,b,c,d,e,f,g)),h=a===""||!!a,!d&&h&&b&&b.push(typeof a=="object"?a:b[b.length-1]),h)},d:function(a,b,c,d){var e=a.split("."),f=this.f(e[0],b,c,d),g=null;if(a==="."&&i(b[b.length-2]))return b[b.length-1];for(var h=1;h<e.length;h++)f&&typeof f=="object"&&e[h]in f?(g=f,f=f[e[h]]):f="";return d&&!f?!1:(!d&&typeof f=="function"&&(b.push(g),,b,c),b.pop()),f)},f:function(a,b,c,d){var e=!1,f=null,g=!1;for(var h=b.length-1;h>=0;h--){f=b[h];if(f&&typeof f=="object"&&a in f){e=f[a],g=!0;break}}return g?(!d&&typeof e=="function"&&(,b,c)),e):d?!1:""},ho:function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=this.c,,d,function(a){return f.compile(a,{delimiters:e}).render(b,c)}),h=f.compile(g.toString(),{delimiters:e}).render(b,c);return this.b=h,!1},b:"",ls:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g){var h=b[b.length-1],i=null;if(!d&&this.c&&a.length>0)return this.ho(a,h,c,this.text.substring(e,f),g);;if(typeof i=="function"){if(d)return!0;if(this.c)return this.ho(i,h,c,this.text.substring(e,f),g)}return i},lv:function(a,b,c){var d=b[b.length-1],;return typeof e=="function"&&(,e=e.toString(),this.c&&~e.indexOf("{{")?this.c.compile(e).render(d,c):e}};var b=/&/g,c=/</g,d=/>/g,e=/\'/g,f=/\"/g,g=/[&<>\"\']/,i=Array.isArray||function(a){return"[object Array]"}})(typeof exports!="undefined"?exports:Hogan),function(a){function h(a){a.n.substr(a.n.length-1)==="}"&&(a.n=a.n.substring(0,a.n.length-1))}function i(a){return a.trim?a.trim():a.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"")}function j(a,b,c){if(b.charAt(c)!=a.charAt(0))return!1;for(var d=1,e=a.length;d<e;d++)if(b.charAt(c+d)!=a.charAt(d))return!1;return!0}function k(a,b,c,d){var e=[],f=null,g=null;while(a.length>0){g=a.shift();if(g.tag=="#"||g.tag=="^"||l(g,d))c.push(g),g.nodes=k(a,g.tag,c,d),e.push(g);else{if(g.tag=="/"){if(c.length===0)throw new Error("Closing tag without opener: /"+g.n);f=c.pop();if(g.n!=f.n&&!m(g.n,f.n,d))throw new Error("Nesting error: "+f.n+" vs. "+g.n);return f.end=g.i,e}e.push(g)}}if(c.length>0)throw new Error("missing closing tag: "+c.pop().n);return e}function l(a,b){for(var c=0,d=b.length;c<d;c++)if(b[c].o==a.n)return a.tag="#",!0}function m(a,b,c){for(var d=0,e=c.length;d<e;d++)if(c[d].c==a&&c[d].o==b)return!0}function n(a){return'i = i || "";var b = i + "";var _ = this;'+q(a)+"return b;"}function o(a){return a.replace(f,"\\\\").replace(c,'\\"').replace(d,"\\n").replace(e,"\\r")}function p(a){return~a.indexOf(".")?"d":"f"}function q(a){var b="";for(var c=0,d=a.length;c<d;c++){var e=a[c].tag;e=="#"?b+=r(a[c].nodes,a[c].n,p(a[c].n),a[c].i,a[c].end,a[c].otag+" "+a[c].ctag):e=="^"?b+=s(a[c].nodes,a[c].n,p(a[c].n)):e=="<"||e==">"?b+=t(a[c]):e=="{"||e=="&"?b+=u(a[c].n,p(a[c].n)):e=="\n"?b+=w('"\\n"'+(a.length-1==c?"":" + i")):e=="_v"?b+=v(a[c].n,p(a[c].n)):e===undefined&&(b+=w('"'+o(a[c])+'"'))}return b}function r(a,b,c,d,e,f){return"if(_.s(_."+c+'("'+o(b)+'",c,p,1),'+"c,p,0,"+d+","+e+', "'+f+'")){'+"b +=,p,"+'function(c,p){ var b = "";'+q(a)+"return b;});c.pop();}"+'else{b += _.b; _.b = ""};'}function s(a,b,c){return"if (!_.s(_."+c+'("'+o(b)+'",c,p,1),c,p,1,0,0,"")){'+q(a)+"};"}function t(a){return'b += _.rp("'+o(a.n)+'",c,p,"'+(a.indent||"")+'");'}function u(a,b){return"b += (_."+b+'("'+o(a)+'",c,p,0));'}function v(a,b){return"b += (_.v(_."+b+'("'+o(a)+'",c,p,0)));'}function w(a){return"b += "+a+";"}var b=/\S/,c=/\"/g,d=/\n/g,e=/\r/g,f=/\\/g,g={"#":1,"^":2,"/":3,"!":4,">":5,"<":6,"=":7,_v:8,"{":9,"&":10};a.scan=function(c,d){function w(){p.length>0&&(q.push(new String(p)),p="")}function x(){var a=!0;for(var c=t;c<q.length;c++){a=q[c].tag&&g[q[c].tag]<g._v||!q[c].tag&&q[c].match(b)===null;if(!a)return!1}return a}function y(a,b){w();if(a&&x())for(var c=t,d;c<q.length;c++)q[c].tag||((d=q[c+1])&&d.tag==">"&&(d.indent=q[c].toString()),q.splice(c,1));else b||q.push({tag:"\n"});r=!1,t=q.length}function z(a,b){var c="="+v,d=a.indexOf(c,b),e=i(a.substring(a.indexOf("=",b)+1,d)).split(" ");return u=e[0],v=e[1],d+c.length-1}var e=c.length,f=0,k=1,l=2,m=f,n=null,o=null,p="",q=[],r=!1,s=0,t=0,u="{{",v="}}";d&&(d=d.split(" "),u=d[0],v=d[1]);for(s=0;s<e;s++)m==f?j(u,c,s)?(--s,w(),m=k):c.charAt(s)=="\n"?y(r):p+=c.charAt(s):m==k?(s+=u.length-1,o=g[c.charAt(s+1)],n=o?c.charAt(s+1):"_v",n=="="?(s=z(c,s),m=f):(o&&s++,m=l),r=s):j(v,c,s)?(q.push({tag:n,n:i(p),otag:u,ctag:v,i:n=="/"?r-v.length:s+u.length}),p="",s+=v.length-1,m=f,n=="{"&&(v=="}}"?s++:h(q[q.length-1]))):p+=c.charAt(s);return y(r,!0),q},a.generate=function(b,c,d){return d.asString?"function(c,p,i){"+b+";}":new a.Template(new Function("c","p","i",b),c,a)},a.parse=function(a,b){return b=b||{},k(a,"",[],b.sectionTags||[])},a.cache={},a.compile=function(a,b){b=b||{};var c=a+"||"+!!b.asString,d=this.cache[c];return d?d:(d=this.generate(n(this.parse(this.scan(a,b.delimiters),b)),a,b),this.cache[c]=d)}}(typeof exports!="undefined"?exports:Hogan)
// // flurry_bridge.js // Flurry Web Adapter // // Copyright 2012 Flurry, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Methods in this header file are for use with Flurry Ads WebView // constructor, taking the global window object var flurryBridgeCtor = function(w) { var flurryadapter = {}; // could be private? flurryadapter.flurryCallQueue = [ ]; flurryadapter.callComplete = function( cmd ) { if ( this.flurryCallQueue.length == 0 ) { return; } var adapterCall = this.flurryCallQueue.splice(0,1)[0]; this.executeNativeCall(adapterCall); return "OK"; }; flurryadapter.executeCall = function( command ) { var adapterCall = "flurry://flurrycall?event=" + command; var value; for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 2 ) { value = arguments[i + 1]; if ( value == null ) { continue; } adapterCall += "&" + arguments[i] + "=" + escape( value ); } if ( this.flurryCallQueue.length > 0 ) { this.flurryCallQueue.push( adapterCall ); } else { this.executeNativeCall(adapterCall); } }; // also could be private? flurryadapter.executeNativeCall = function( adapterCall ) { if ( adapterCall.length == 0 ) { return; } var iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME"); iframe.setAttribute("src", adapterCall); document.documentElement.appendChild(iframe); iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); iframe = null; }; return flurryadapter; };h�//document.write("<script src=\"mraid.js\"></script>"); var mraidCtor = function(flurryBridge, initState) { // to be returned var mraid = {}; var STATES = mraid.STATES = { LOADING : 'loading', UNKNOWN : 'unknown', // not in MRAID 1.0 spec? DEFAULT : 'default', EXPANDED : 'expanded', HIDDEN : 'hidden' }; var EVENTS = mraid.EVENTS = { // where did these other states come from? ASSETREADY : 'assetReady', ASSETREMOVED : 'assetRemoved', ASSETRETIRED : 'assetRetired', INFO : 'info', // only the states below are defined in MRAID 1.0 spec ERROR : 'error', ORIENTATIONCHANGE : 'orientationChange', READY : 'ready', STATECHANGE : 'stateChange', VIEWABLECHANGE : 'viewableChange' }; // private vars var listeners = {}; // this is an associative array mapping strings (event names) to lists of either functions or strings // {'eventA':[function(e){...}, 'listenerFoo', ...], eventB: ...} var currentState = STATES.LOADING; // start out in LOADING state, SDK puts MRAID into DEFAULT state var expandProperties = { width:initState.width, height:initState.height, isModal:initState.isModal, useCustomClose:false }; var collapseProperties = {}; var placementType = initState.placementType; var disable = false; // default close button var closeId = 'flurry-mraid-default-close'; var imgUrl = ''; var safeClose = function() { try { if(window.mraid) { window.mraid.close(); } else if(window.flurryadapter) { flurryadapter.executeCall('adWillClose'); } else { console.log('unable to close'); } } catch (error) { console.log('unable to close: ' + error); } }; var makeDefaultClose = function() { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = imgUrl; = closeId; // we can't use img.onclick or img.addEventListener for 'click' because phluant sdk ruthlessly // cleans any event listeners by recreating body content using code like this: a.innerHTML += "". // As workaround, we use document.body.addEventListener for 'click' in setupDefaultCloseHandler // img.onclick = safeClose; = 'absolute'; = '10px'; = '10px'; = '50px'; = '50px'; = 10000; return img; } var setupDefaultCloseHandler = function() { document.body.addEventListener('click', function(e) { e = e || window.event; var target = || e.srcElement; if ( === closeId) { safeClose(); } }); } var updateDefaultClose = function() { // show default close button only for interstitial or expanded ad with expandProperties.useCustomClose === false if (!expandProperties.useCustomClose && (placementType === 'interstitial' || currentState === STATES.EXPANDED)) { addDefaultClose(); } else { removeDefaultClose(); } } var addDefaultClose = function() { var closeButton = document.getElementById(closeId); if(!closeButton) { closeButton = makeDefaultClose(); document.body.appendChild(closeButton); } } var removeDefaultClose = function() { var closeButton = document.getElementById(closeId); if(closeButton) { document.body.removeChild(closeButton); } } /* * Checking for the state of the mraid client library and subscribing to the ready event if necessary * When the client library is ready call the showAd method to render the ad */ /* js helper functions */ var contains = function(value, obj) { for (var i in obj) { if (obj[i] === value) { return true; } } return false; }; var stringify = function(obj) { if (typeof obj == 'object') { if (obj.push) { var out = []; for (var p in obj) { if(obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { out.push(obj[p]); } } return '[' + out.join(',') + ']'; } else { var out = []; for (var p in obj) { if(obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { out.push('\''+p+'\':'+obj[p]); } } return '{' + out.join(',') + '}'; } } else { return new String(obj); } }; var broadcastEvent = function() { var args = new Array(arguments.length); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } var event = args.shift(); try { if (listeners[event]) { for(var j = 0; j < listeners[event].length; j++) { if(typeof listeners[event][j] === 'function') { listeners[event][j].apply(undefined, args); } else if(typeof listeners[event][j] === 'string' && typeof window[listeners[event][j]] === 'function') { window[listeners[event][j]].apply(undefined, args); } } } } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } mraid.disable = function() { removeDefaultClose(); disable = true; } // Takes an event name (string) and either a function or a string, Registers a listener for this event. // String listener is taken to be the name of a global var -- ie a property of window mraid.addEventListener = function(event, listener) { if (disable) { return; } if (!event || !listener) { broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Both event and listener are required.', 'addEventListener'); } else if (!contains(event, EVENTS)) { broadcastEvent(EVENTS.ERROR, 'Unknown event: ' + event, 'addEventListener'); } else { if (!listeners[event]) { listeners[event] = [listener]; } else { listeners[event].push(listener); } } flurryBridge.executeCall("eventListenerAdded"); } mraid.stateChange = function(newState) { if (disable) { return; } if(currentState === newState) { return; } broadcastEvent(EVENTS.INFO, 'setting state to ' + stringify(newState)); var oldState = currentState; currentState = newState; if(oldState === STATES.LOADING && newState === STATES.DEFAULT) { setupDefaultCloseHandler(); updateDefaultClose(); broadcastEvent(EVENTS.READY); } else if(oldState === STATES.HIDDEN || newState === STATES.HIDDEN) { broadcastEvent(EVENTS.VIEWABLECHANGE); } else if(oldState === STATES.DEFAULT && newState === STATES.EXPANDED) { updateDefaultClose(); } else if(newState === STATES.DEFAULT && oldState === STATES.EXPANDED) { updateDefaultClose(); } broadcastEvent(EVENTS.STATECHANGE, currentState); } mraid.close = function () { if (disable) { return; } // webview should downgrade its state, should also fire the // stateChange event. // ads in expanded state -> close() -> default // ads in default state-> close() -> hidden var state = mraid.getState(); if(state === STATES.DEFAULT) { mraid.stateChange(STATES.HIDDEN); flurryBridge.executeCall("adWillClose"); } else if(state === STATES.EXPANDED) { mraid.stateChange(STATES.DEFAULT); flurryBridge.executeCall("collapse"); } else { console.log("close() called in state " + state); // TODO } }; mraid.expand = function(url) { if (disable) { return; } var state = mraid.getState(); if(state !== STATES.DEFAULT) { console.log("expand() called in state " + state); return; } if(url) { flurryBridge.executeCall('expand', 'width', expandProperties.width, 'height', expandProperties.height, 'url', url); } else { flurryBridge.executeCall('expand', 'width', expandProperties.width, 'height', expandProperties.height); } mraid.stateChange(STATES.EXPANDED); }; mraid.setExpandProperties = function(properties) { if (disable) { return; } if(typeof properties.width === 'number' && !isNaN(properties.width)) { expandProperties.width = properties.width; } if(typeof properties.height === 'number' && !isNaN(properties.height)) { expandProperties.height = properties.height } if(typeof properties.useCustomClose === 'boolean') { expandProperties.useCustomClose = properties.useCustomClose; updateDefaultClose(); } }; mraid.getExpandProperties = function(properties) { if (disable) { return; } var ret = {}; ret.width = expandProperties.width; ret.height = expandProperties.height; ret.isModal = expandProperties.isModal; ret.useCustomClose = expandProperties.useCustomClose; return ret; }; mraid.getPlacementType = function() { return placementType; }; /* * The getversion method should return the version of mraid. Since we are 1.0 compliant, should * return 1.0. */ mraid.getVersion = function () { if (disable) { return ""; } return "1.0"; }; mraid.getState = function() { if (disable) { return ""; } // the default states are loading, default, expanded, hidden // loading: the sdk is not yet ready for interactions with the Controller // default: initial position and size of the ad container as placed by app and sdk // expanded: the ad container has expanded to cover the app. content at top of view hierarchy // hidden: the ad container no longer displays the ad return currentState; }; mraid.isViewable = function() { if (disable) { return false; } if(mraid.getState() === 'hidden') { return false; } else { return true; } }; = function(url) { if (disable) { return; } try{ flurryBridge.executeCall("open", "url", url); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }; // Deregisters the listener for this event mraid.removeEventListener = function(event, listener) { if (disable) { return; } if (!event) { broadcastEvent('error', 'Must specify an event.', 'removeEventListener'); } else { if(listener && (listeners[event])) { for(var i = 0; i < listeners[event].length; i++) { if(listeners[event][i] === listener) { listeners[event].splice(i,1); // remove listener from array } } } else if (listeners[event]) { listeners[event] = []; } } }; mraid.useCustomClose = function(use) { if (disable) { return; } // true - ad creative supplies its own designed for the close area // false - SDK defualt image should be displayed for the close area if(typeof use === 'boolean') { expandProperties.useCustomClose = use; updateDefaultClose(); } }; return mraid; };
Engine leftovers
On Windows 8, the MortarEngine_VS11 folder is present, containing a portion of source files for the Mortar Engine, the proprietary engine used by Halfbrick. The same applies to the root of the free iOS release, excluding that folder.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: .h // // Description - // Author - // // Modifications: // -------------- // month day, year - Initial creation. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef __<FILENAME>_H #define __<FILENAME>_H //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // INCLUDES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace Mortar { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // DEFINES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // STRUCTURES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CLASSES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class { //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // enums / type defs //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: protected: public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Classes //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: protected: public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Members //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: protected: public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: protected: public: }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // FUNCTIONS. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // EXTERNALS. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } #endif //__<FILENAME>_H
On the first release:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: .h // // Description - // Author - // // Modifications: // -------------- // month day, year - Initial creation. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef _H #define _H //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // INCLUDES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // DEFINES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // STRUCTURES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CLASSES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class { //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // enums / type defs //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: protected: public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Classes //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: protected: public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Members //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: protected: public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: protected: public: }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // FUNCTIONS. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // EXTERNALS. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif //_H
A template used for headers of source code files.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: .cpp // // Description - // Author - // // Modifications: // -------------- // month day, year - Initial creation. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // INCLUDES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // DEFINES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // STRUCTS. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // VARIABLES. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // STATICS. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // LOCAL FUNCTIONS. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// // MAIN FUNCTIONS. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Shortdesc. // // // Input - Var1 - what it does // - Var2 - What it does // // Returns type what it means //
A template used for source code files.
To include Box2D in your project, add 3rdParty/Source/Box2D_v2.2.1 to your additional include paths and 3rdParty/Source/Box2D_v2.2.1/lib/$(Platform)/[debug or release]/Box2D.lib to your libs
A note on Box2D support.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: Colour.inl // // Description - Implementation of the inline Colour functions // Author - Aidan Millott // // Modifications: // -------------- // July 30, 2009 - Initial creation. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4244) // TODO: fix this properly so we don't get any "conversion from 'xxx' to 'yyy', possible loss of data" warnings // Operator + // inline Colour Colour::operator + ( const Colour& rhs ) const { return Colour((r + rhs.r), (g + rhs.g), (b + rhs.b), a/*(s32)(a + rhs.a)*/ ); } inline Colour Colour::operator + ( kf32 rhs ) const { s32 val = (s32)rhs; if(rhs < 1.0f) { val = (s32)(rhs*255); } return Colour( (r + val), (g + val),( b + val),a/*(s32)(a + val)*/); } // Operator = // inline Colour Colour::operator = ( const Colour& rhs ) { a = rhs.a; r = rhs.r; g = rhs.g; b = rhs.b; return *this; } inline Colour Colour::operator = ( kf32 rhs ) { a = rhs; r = rhs; g = rhs; b = rhs; return *this; } // Operator - // inline Colour Colour::operator - ( const Colour& rhs ) const { return Colour((r - rhs.r), (g - rhs.g),( b - rhs.b), a /*(s32)(a - rhs.a)*/ ); } inline Colour Colour::operator - ( kf32 rhs ) const { s32 val = (s32)rhs; if(rhs < 1.0f) { val = (s32)(rhs*255); } return Colour(( r - val), (g - val),( b - val),a/*(s32)(a - val)*/); } // Operator * // inline Colour Colour::operator * ( const kf32& rhs ) const { return Colour ( ( r* rhs ), ( g* rhs ), ( b* rhs ), //(s32)( a* rhs ) a ); } inline Colour Colour::operator / ( const kf32& rhs ) const { return Colour ( ( r/ rhs ), ( g/ rhs ), ( b/ rhs ), //(s32)( a/ rhs ) a ); } // Operator += // inline Colour& Colour::operator += (const Colour& rhs ) { r += rhs.r; g += rhs.g; b += rhs.b; //a += rhs.a; return *this; } inline Colour& Colour::operator += (const kf32 rhs ) { s32 val = (s32)rhs; if(rhs < 1.0f) { val = (s32)(rhs*255); } r += val; g += val; b += val; //a += val; return *this; } // Operator -= // inline Colour& Colour::operator -= ( const Colour& rhs ) { r -= rhs.r; g -= rhs.g; b -= rhs.b; //a -= rhs.a; return *this; } inline Colour& Colour::operator -= ( const kf32 rhs ) { s32 val = (s32)rhs; if(rhs < 1.0f) { val = (s32)(rhs*255); } r -= val; g -= val; b -= val; //a -= val; return *this; } // Operator *= // inline Colour& Colour::operator *= ( const kf32 val ) { r = ( r* val ); g = ( g* val ); b = ( b* val ); //a = ( a* val ); return *this; } // Operator /= inline Colour& Colour::operator /= ( const kf32 val ) { r = ( r/ val ); g = ( g/ val ); b = ( b/ val ); //a = ( a/ val ); return *this; } // Operator == inline bool Colour::operator == (const Colour &v) const { return (element == v.element); } // Operator != inline bool Colour::operator != (const Colour &v) const { return (element != v.element); } #pragma warning(pop)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: Delegates.inl // // Description - Implements the Delegate##DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT class which allow for generic and // flexible function pointers, if you need to add more parameters, please // add them via the #define/#include method used in "Delegates.h" // // Author - Grant Peters // // Modifications: // -------------- // Sept 8, 2009 - Grant: Copied from my private engine. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME PP_CONCAT(Delegate, DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) #define DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS PP_REPEAT_TEMPLATE_PARAM(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) #define DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES PP_REPEAT_TEMPLATE_VALUE(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) #define DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_TYPES PP_REPEAT_TEMPLATE_TYPE(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) namespace Mortar { template<class ReturnType PP_COMMA_IF(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) PP_REPEAT_TEMPLATE_DECL(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT)> class DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME { struct BaseDelegate; typedef StackAllocatedPointer<BaseDelegate, 32> DelegatePointer; struct BaseDelegate { friend class DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME/*<ReturnType PP_COMMA_IF(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_TYPES>*/; friend class StackAllocatedPointer<BaseDelegate, 32>; virtual ~BaseDelegate() {} private: virtual void Clone(DelegatePointer &ptr) const = 0; virtual ReturnType Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) = 0; }; DelegatePointer m_delegate; public: DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME() {} ReturnType operator() (DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) const { return Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); } ReturnType Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) const { BaseDelegate *func = m_delegate.Resolve(); if(func != NULL) return func->Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); // If the program fails to compile at this line, use 'CallNoNullCheck()' instead // you should also wrap the code in 'if(Delegate.IsNull())' when doing this so as // to handle NULL pointers and AVOID A CRASH!!! return ReturnType(); } // You should also wrap the code in 'if(Delegate.IsNull())' when using this function // so as to handle NULL pointers and AVOID A CRASH!!! ReturnType CallNoNullCheck (DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) const { BaseDelegate *func = m_delegate.Resolve(); ASSERT_MSG(func != NULL, "'Delegate.CallNoNullCheck()' called when the delegate was NULL,\nplease wrap code in an 'if(Delegate.IsNull())' to protect against this scenario!"); return func->Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); } bool IsNull() { return m_delegate.Resolve() == NULL; } #pragma region(BaseDelegate assignments) void operator=(const BaseDelegate &func) { func.Clone(m_delegate); } DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME(const BaseDelegate &func) { func.Clone(m_delegate); } #pragma endregion #pragma region(Static/Global function delegate) class Global : public BaseDelegate { public: typedef ReturnType (*FuncPtr)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS); Global(FuncPtr function) : m_function(function) { } Global(const Global ©) : m_function(copy.m_function) { } private: FuncPtr m_function; void Clone(DelegatePointer &ptr) const { ptr.CopyConstruct(*this); } ReturnType Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) { return m_function(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); } }; #pragma region(Assignment helper) DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME(typename Global::FuncPtr globalFunc) { if(globalFunc != NULL) *this = Global(globalFunc); else m_delegate.Delete(); } void operator=(typename Global::FuncPtr globalFunc) { if(globalFunc != NULL) *this = Global(globalFunc); else m_delegate.Delete(); } #pragma endregion #pragma endregion #pragma region(Callee function delegate) template<typename CalleeType> class Callee : public BaseDelegate { public: typedef ReturnType (CalleeType::*FuncPtr)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS); Callee(CalleeType *callee, FuncPtr function) : m_callee(callee), m_function(function) { } Callee(CalleeType &callee, FuncPtr function) : m_callee(&callee), m_function(function) { } private: CalleeType *m_callee; FuncPtr m_function; void Clone(DelegatePointer &ptr) const { ptr.CopyConstruct(*this); } ReturnType Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) { return (m_callee->*m_function)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); } }; #pragma region(Assignment helper) template <typename CalleeType> static Callee<CalleeType> QCallee(CalleeType &callee, ReturnType (CalleeType::*func)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS)) { return Callee<CalleeType>(callee, func); } template <typename CalleeType> static Callee<CalleeType> QCallee(CalleeType *callee, ReturnType (CalleeType::*func)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS)) { return Callee<CalleeType>(callee, func); } #pragma endregion #pragma endregion #pragma region(CopyCallee function delegate) template<typename CalleeType> class CopyCallee : public BaseDelegate { public: typedef ReturnType (CalleeType::*FuncPtr)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS); CopyCallee(CalleeType *callee, FuncPtr function) : m_callee(*callee), m_function(function) { } CopyCallee(CalleeType &callee, FuncPtr function) : m_callee(callee), m_function(function) { } private: CalleeType m_callee; FuncPtr m_function; void Clone(DelegatePointer &ptr) const { ptr.CopyConstruct(*this); } ReturnType Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) { return (m_callee.*m_function)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); } }; #pragma region(Assignment helper) template <typename CalleeType> static CopyCallee<CalleeType> QCopyCallee(CalleeType &callee, ReturnType (CalleeType::*func)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS)) { return CopyCallee<CalleeType>(callee, func); } template <typename CalleeType> static CopyCallee<CalleeType> QCopyCallee(CalleeType *callee, ReturnType (CalleeType::*func)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS)) { return CopyCallee<CalleeType>(callee, func); } #pragma endregion #pragma endregion }; } #undef DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME #undef DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS #undef DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES #undef DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT
template <typename T> void DataSourceManager::RegisterDataSource() { DataSourcePtr dataSource = new T(); Mortar::AsciiString name = dataSource->GetName(); DataSourceMap::const_iterator it = m_dataSources.find(name); if (it == m_dataSources.end()) { m_dataSources[name].SetPtr(dataSource); } else { ASSERT_MSG(false, "There is already a datasource in the manager with name '%s'", name.c_str()); } } template <typename T> DataSourcePtr DataSourceManager::GetDataSourceProxy() { return GetDataSourceProxy(T::DataSourceName); } struct FindBinderByTypeId { FindBinderByTypeId(u32 id) : m_id(id) {} bool operator()(const ComponentBinderPtr& binder) { ASSERT(binder != NULL); return binder.GetPtr()->GetComponentType() == m_id; } u32 m_id; }; template <typename T> void DataSourceManager::RegisterComponentDataBinder() { ComponentBinderPtr binder; binder.SetPtr(new T()); if (std::find_if(m_dataBinders.begin(), m_dataBinders.end(), FindBinderByTypeId(binder->GetComponentType())) == m_dataBinders.end()) { m_dataBinders.push_back(binder); } }
template <class T> void EffectManager::AddEffectBuilder() { Effect::BuilderBase *builder = new T(); // we make sure this builder doesn't already exist! Mortar::AsciiString builderName = builder->GetName(); EffectBuilderMap::iterator i = m_effectBuilderMap.find(builderName); if (i == m_effectBuilderMap.end()) { m_effectBuilderMap[builderName] = builder; } else { delete builder; } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: Delegates.inl // // Description - Implements the Delegate##DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT class which allow for generic and // flexible function pointers, if you need to add more parameters, please // add them via the #define/#include method used in "Delegates.h" // // Author - Grant Peters // // Modifications: // -------------- // Sept 8, 2009 - Grant: Copied from my private engine. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME PP_CONCAT(Delegate, DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) #define DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS PP_REPEAT_TEMPLATE_PARAM(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) #define DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES PP_REPEAT_TEMPLATE_VALUE(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) #define DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_TYPES PP_REPEAT_TEMPLATE_TYPE(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) namespace Mortar { template<class ReturnType PP_COMMA_IF(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) PP_REPEAT_TEMPLATE_DECL(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT)> class DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME { struct BaseDelegate; typedef StackAllocatedPointer<BaseDelegate, 32> DelegatePointer; struct BaseDelegate { friend class DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME/*<ReturnType PP_COMMA_IF(DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT) DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_TYPES>*/; friend class StackAllocatedPointer<BaseDelegate, 32>; virtual ~BaseDelegate() {} private: virtual void Clone(DelegatePointer &ptr) const = 0; virtual ReturnType Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) = 0; }; DelegatePointer m_delegate; public: DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME() {} ReturnType operator() (DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) const { return Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); } ReturnType Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) const { BaseDelegate *func = m_delegate.Resolve(); if(func != NULL) return func->Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); // If the program fails to compile at this line, use 'CallNoNullCheck()' instead // you should also wrap the code in 'if(Delegate.IsNull())' when doing this so as // to handle NULL pointers and AVOID A CRASH!!! return ReturnType(); } // You should also wrap the code in 'if(Delegate.IsNull())' when using this function // so as to handle NULL pointers and AVOID A CRASH!!! ReturnType CallNoNullCheck (DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) const { BaseDelegate *func = m_delegate.Resolve(); ASSERT_MSG(func != NULL, "'Delegate.CallNoNullCheck()' called when the delegate was NULL,\nplease wrap code in an 'if(Delegate.IsNull())' to protect against this scenario!"); return func->Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); } bool IsNull() { return m_delegate.Resolve() == NULL; } #pragma region(BaseDelegate assignments) void operator=(const BaseDelegate &func) { func.Clone(m_delegate); } DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME(const BaseDelegate &func) { func.Clone(m_delegate); } #pragma endregion #pragma region(Static/Global function delegate) class Global : public BaseDelegate { public: typedef ReturnType (*FuncPtr)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS); Global(FuncPtr function) : m_function(function) { } Global(const Global ©) : m_function(copy.m_function) { } private: FuncPtr m_function; void Clone(DelegatePointer &ptr) const { ptr.CopyConstruct(*this); } ReturnType Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) { return m_function(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); } }; #pragma region(Assignment helper) DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME(typename Global::FuncPtr globalFunc) { if(globalFunc != NULL) *this = Global(globalFunc); else m_delegate.Delete(); } void operator=(typename Global::FuncPtr globalFunc) { if(globalFunc != NULL) *this = Global(globalFunc); else m_delegate.Delete(); } #pragma endregion #pragma endregion #pragma region(Callee function delegate) template<typename CalleeType> class Callee : public BaseDelegate { public: typedef ReturnType (CalleeType::*FuncPtr)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS); Callee(CalleeType *callee, FuncPtr function) : m_callee(callee), m_function(function) { } Callee(CalleeType &callee, FuncPtr function) : m_callee(&callee), m_function(function) { } private: CalleeType *m_callee; FuncPtr m_function; void Clone(DelegatePointer &ptr) const { ptr.CopyConstruct(*this); } ReturnType Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) { return (m_callee->*m_function)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); } }; #pragma region(Assignment helper) template <typename CalleeType> static Callee<CalleeType> QCallee(CalleeType &callee, ReturnType (CalleeType::*func)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS)) { return Callee<CalleeType>(callee, func); } template <typename CalleeType> static Callee<CalleeType> QCallee(CalleeType *callee, ReturnType (CalleeType::*func)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS)) { return Callee<CalleeType>(callee, func); } #pragma endregion #pragma endregion #pragma region(CopyCallee function delegate) template<typename CalleeType> class CopyCallee : public BaseDelegate { public: typedef ReturnType (CalleeType::*FuncPtr)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS); CopyCallee(CalleeType *callee, FuncPtr function) : m_callee(*callee), m_function(function) { } CopyCallee(CalleeType &callee, FuncPtr function) : m_callee(callee), m_function(function) { } private: CalleeType m_callee; FuncPtr m_function; void Clone(DelegatePointer &ptr) const { ptr.CopyConstruct(*this); } ReturnType Call(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS) { return (m_callee.*m_function)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES); } }; #pragma region(Assignment helper) template <typename CalleeType> static CopyCallee<CalleeType> QCopyCallee(CalleeType &callee, ReturnType (CalleeType::*func)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS)) { return CopyCallee<CalleeType>(callee, func); } template <typename CalleeType> static CopyCallee<CalleeType> QCopyCallee(CalleeType *callee, ReturnType (CalleeType::*func)(DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS)) { return CopyCallee<CalleeType>(callee, func); } #pragma endregion #pragma endregion }; } #undef DELEGATE_DECLARE_NAME #undef DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_PARAMS #undef DELEGATE_DECLARE_FUNC_VALUES #undef DELEGATE_PARAM_COUNT
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: DeviceResource.inl // // Description - Implements the static functions that enumerate through all resources // informing them of a specific event. // Author - Grant Peters // // Modifications: // -------------- // Sept 8, 2009 - Grant: Copied from my private engine. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace Mortar { template<typename DeviceType> void DeviceResource<DeviceType>::TriggerDeviceLost(DeviceType *device) { for(DeviceResource *resource = HeadInstance(); resource != NULL; resource = resource->NextInstance()) { resource->DeviceLost(device); } } template<typename DeviceType> void DeviceResource<DeviceType>::TriggerDeviceReset(DeviceType *device) { for(DeviceResource *resource = HeadInstance(); resource != NULL; resource = resource->NextInstance()) { resource->DeviceReset(device); } } }
// template implementation template <class T> T Effect::Animation::Interpolate(const Mortar::AsciiString &interpolationType, T v1, T v2, float time) { static float s_pi = 3.141592f; static float s_piOn2 = s_pi * 0.5f; if (interpolationType.EqualsI("sin") == true) { T diff = v2 - v1; time *= s_piOn2; return v1 + (diff * sinf(time)); } else if (interpolationType.EqualsI("cos") == true) { T diff = v2 - v1; time *= s_piOn2; return v1 + (diff * (1.0f - cosf(time))); } // default to linear return v1 + ((v2 - v1) * time); } template <class T> void Effect::SetVariableFromParam(T &var, const Mortar::AsciiString ¶mKey, ParamMap ¶ms) { ParamMap::iterator param = params.find(paramKey); if (param != params.end()) { SetVariableFromString(var, param->second); } } template <class T> bool Effect::SetVariableIfDefault(T &var, const Mortar::AsciiString &valueString, T def) { if (valueString.Equals("*") == true) { var = def; return true; } return false; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // List.inl // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "../Startup/Macros.h" #include "../Memory/MortarMemory.h" template<typename T> FreeList* List<T>::CreateNewMemoryAlloc(StackHeap *heap, u32 size) { FreeList *free_list = new FreeList(heap, size); return free_list; } template<typename T> void* List<T>::AllocMemory(FreeList *free_list) { return free_list->Allocate(); } template<typename T> void List<T>::ReleaseMemory(FreeList *free_list, void *p) { free_list->Release(p); } // Constructor // template<typename T> List<T>::List() { count = 0; head = 0; tail = 0; method = METHOD_NONE; private_mem_alloc = 0; memory_allocator = NULL; } template<typename T> List<T>::List(StackHeap *heap) { count = 0; head = 0; tail = 0; method = METHOD_NONE; private_mem_alloc = 1; if(heap) memory_allocator = CreateNewMemoryAlloc(heap, sizeof(List<T>::Node)); else memory_allocator = NULL; } template<typename T> List<T>::List(FreeList *list) { count = 0; head = 0; tail = 0; method = METHOD_NONE; private_mem_alloc = 0; memory_allocator = list; } template<typename T> void List<T>::Init() { count = 0; head = 0; tail = 0; method = METHOD_NONE; private_mem_alloc = 0; memory_allocator = NULL; } template<typename T> void List<T>::Init(StackHeap *heap) { count = 0; head = 0; tail = 0; method = METHOD_NONE; private_mem_alloc = 1; if(heap) memory_allocator = CreateNewMemoryAlloc(heap, sizeof(List<T>::Node)); else memory_allocator = NULL; } template<typename T> void List<T>::Init(FreeList *list) { count = 0; head = 0; tail = 0; method = METHOD_NONE; private_mem_alloc = 0; memory_allocator = list; } // Destructor // template<typename T> List<T>::~List() { Destroy(); } // Destroy // template<typename T> void List<T>::Destroy() { Clear(); if(private_mem_alloc) SAFE_DELETE(memory_allocator); } // Method: Clear // // The list is completely cleared by this call and is then free to be reused with either method. // template<typename T> void List<T>::Clear() { // Only delete nodes if we created them. if (method == METHOD_CREATE) { Node* curr = head; Node* next; if(!memory_allocator) { while (curr) { next = curr->next; delete curr; curr = next; } } else { while (curr) { next = curr->next; ReleaseMemory(memory_allocator, curr); curr = next; } } } count = 0; head = 0; tail = 0; method = METHOD_NONE; // if(memory_allocator) } template<typename T> void List<T>::ClearFreeList() { ASSERT(private_mem_alloc); if(memory_allocator)memory_allocator->Clear(); } // Adds a node at the head of the linked list. // template<typename T> void List<T>::AddHead(Node* node) { ASSERT(node); if (method == METHOD_NONE) method = METHOD_ADD; ASSERT(method == METHOD_ADD); AddNodeToHead(node); } // Adds a node at the tail of the linked list. // template<typename T> void List<T>::AddTail(Node* node) { ASSERT(node); if (method == METHOD_NONE) method = METHOD_ADD; ASSERT(method == METHOD_ADD); AddNodeToTail(node); } // Method: AddHead // // Adds an item at the head of the linked list. // template<typename T> void List<T>::AddHead(T item) { if (method == METHOD_NONE) method = METHOD_CREATE; ASSERT(method == METHOD_CREATE); Node* node = NULL; if(!memory_allocator) { node = new Node(item); } else { node = (Node*)AllocMemory(memory_allocator); } ASSERT(node); node->item = item; node->prev = 0; node->next = 0; AddNodeToHead(node); } // Method: AddTail // // Adds a node at the tail of the linked list. // template<typename T> void List<T>::AddTail(T item) { if (method == METHOD_NONE) method = METHOD_CREATE; ASSERT(method == METHOD_CREATE); Node* node = NULL; if(!memory_allocator) { node = new Node(item); } else { node = (Node*)AllocMemory(memory_allocator); } ASSERT(node); node->item = item; node->prev = 0; node->next = 0; AddNodeToTail(node); } // Finds an items node if it is held within the list. // template<typename T> void List<T>::Remove(const T item) { Node* node = Find(item); if ( node) { Remove(node); } } // Finds an items node if it is held within the list. // template<typename T> void List<T>::Remove(Node* node) { if (node) { // Keep a pointer to the current node, so we can delete it. Node* temp = node; // Remove the head node? if (node == head) { // Are there any nodes left? if (head->next) { // Remove old head node. head = head->next; head->prev = 0; } else { head = 0; tail = 0; } } // Remove the tail node? else if (node == tail) { // Are there any nodes left? if (tail->prev) { // Remove old tail node. tail = tail->prev; tail->next = 0; } else { head = 0; tail = 0; } } // Remove inbetween node. else { node->prev->next = node->next; node->next->prev = node->prev; } // Now we can call delete on the node that has been unlinked. if (method == METHOD_CREATE) { if(!memory_allocator) { delete temp; } else { ReleaseMemory(memory_allocator, temp); } } // Reduce count. if (--count == 0) { method = METHOD_NONE; } } } // Inserts an item into the list. // template<typename T> void List<T>::Insert(Node* curr, const T item, const InsertPos insert) { if (method == METHOD_NONE) method = METHOD_CREATE; ASSERT(method == METHOD_CREATE); Node* node = NULL; if(!memory_allocator) { node = new Node(item); } else { node = (Node*)AllocMemory(memory_allocator); } node->item = item; node->prev = 0; node->next = 0; ASSERT(node); ASSERT(curr); InsertNode(curr, node, insert); } // Inserts a node into the list. // template<typename T> void List<T>::Insert(Node* curr, Node* node, const InsertPos insert) { if (method == METHOD_NONE) method = METHOD_ADD; ASSERT(method == METHOD_ADD); ASSERT(node); ASSERT(curr); InsertNode(curr, node, insert); } // Inserts an item into the list. // template<typename T> void List<T>::Insert(Iterator it, const T item, const InsertPos insert) { if (method == METHOD_NONE) method = METHOD_CREATE; ASSERT(method == METHOD_CREATE); Node* node = NULL; if(!memory_allocator) { node = new Node(item); } else { node = (Node*)AllocMemory(memory_allocator); } node->item = item; node->prev = 0; node->next = 0; ASSERT(node); ASSERT(it.curr); InsertNode(it.curr, node, insert); } // Inserts a node into the list. template<typename T> void List<T>::Insert(Iterator it, Node* node, const InsertPos insert) { if (method == METHOD_NONE) method = METHOD_ADD; ASSERT(method == METHOD_ADD); ASSERT(node); ASSERT(it.curr); InsertNode(it.curr, node, insert); } // Removes an current item from the list. template<typename T> void List<T>::RemoveAt(int index) { ASSERT(index < count); ASSERT(head); Node* node = head; int i = 0; while(node) { if (i++ == index) { Remove(node); return; } node = node->next; } } // Removes all the items at the specified indices // template<typename T> void List<T>::RemoveRange(int start, int end) { ASSERT(start < count); ASSERT(end < count); ASSERT(start > -1); ASSERT(end > -1); if (start > end) { SWAP(start, end); } int count = (end - start); for (int i=0; i<count; i++) { RemoveAt(start); // Removes same index *count* times as the links shift down } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Private methods. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Adds a new node at the lists beginning. // template<typename T> void List<T>::AddNodeToHead(Node* node) { if (0 == head) { head = node; tail = node; node->prev = 0; node->next = 0; } else { node->prev = 0; // As this is the new head node, there will be no previous. node->next = head; // New head nodes next will be old head node. head->prev = node; // Old head nodes previous must now point to the new head. head = node; // Set new head node. } count++; } // Adds a new node at the lists end. // template<typename T> void List<T>::AddNodeToTail(Node* node) { if (0 == tail) { head = node; tail = node; node->prev = 0; node->next = 0; } else { tail->next = node; // Old tails next must be set to point at the new node. node->prev = tail; // New nodes previous must be the current tail. node->next = 0; // New nodes next is 0. tail = node; // Now set tail node to point to the new node. } count++; } // Inserts a node into the list. // template<typename T> void List<T>::InsertNode(Node* curr, Node* node, const InsertPos insert) { if (insert == AFTER) { node->next = curr->next; node->prev = curr; if (curr->next) { curr->next->prev = node; } curr->next = node; // Is inserted node the new tail? if (curr == tail) { tail = node; } } else { node->prev = curr->prev; node->next = curr; if (curr->prev) { curr->prev->next = node; } curr->prev = node; // Is inserted node the new head? if (curr == head) { head = node; } } count++; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Matrix.inl // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class T> const _Matrix44<T> _Matrix44<T>::Identity( 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1); template<class T> void _Matrix33<T>::Copy33To43(_Matrix43<T> &dest) const { for(int i =0;i<9;i++) dest.a[i]=a[i]; dest._30 = 0; dest._31 = 0; dest._32 = 0; } template<class T> void _Matrix33<T>::Copy33To44(_Matrix44<T> &dest) const { dest._00 = _00; dest._01 = _01; dest._02 = _02; dest._03 = 0; dest._10 = _10; dest._11 = _11; dest._12 = _12; dest._13 = 0; dest._20 = _20; dest._21 = _21; dest._22 = _22; dest._23 = 0; dest._30 = 0; dest._31 = 0; dest._32 = 0; dest._33 = 1.0f; } template<class T> void _Matrix43<T>::Copy43To33(_Matrix33<T> &dest) const { for(int i =0;i<9;i++) dest.a[i]=a[i]; } template<class T> void _Matrix43<T>::Copy43To44(_Matrix44<T> &dest) const { dest._00 = _00; dest._01 = _01; dest._02 = _02; dest._03 = 0; dest._10 = _10; dest._11 = _11; dest._12 = _12; dest._13 = 0; dest._20 = _20; dest._21 = _21; dest._22 = _22; dest._23 = 0; dest._30 = _30; dest._31 = _31; dest._32 = _32; dest._33 = 1.0f; } template<class T> void _Matrix44<T>::Copy44To33(_Matrix33<T> &dest) const { dest._00 = _00; dest._01 = _01; dest._02 = _02; dest._10 = _10; dest._11 = _11; dest._12 = _12; dest._20 = _20; dest._21 = _21; dest._22 = _22; } template<class T> void _Matrix44<T>::Copy44To43(_Matrix43<T> &dest) const { dest._00 = _00; dest._01 = _01; dest._02 = _02; dest._10 = _10; dest._11 = _11; dest._12 = _12; dest._20 = _20; dest._21 = _21; dest._22 = _22; dest._30 = _30; dest._31 = _31; dest._32 = _32; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: MatrixStack.inl // // Description - Implementation of the inline MatrixStack functions // Author - Aidan Millott // // Modifications: // -------------- // August 4, 2009 - Initial creation. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Push the current Matrix onto the stack inline void MatrixStack::Push() { ASSERT(m_currentStackIndex < MAX_STACK_SIZE); m_currentStackIndex++; m_mtxStack[m_currentStackIndex] = m_currentMtx; } // Pop the required amount of matricies off the stack inline void MatrixStack::Pop(u8 num) { ASSERT(m_currentStackIndex >= num); m_currentStackIndex = (u8)(m_currentStackIndex - num); m_currentMtx = m_mtxStack[m_currentStackIndex]; } // copy the current matrix to the desired area of the stack inline void MatrixStack::Store(u8 num) { ASSERT(num < MAX_STACK_SIZE); m_mtxStack[num] = m_currentMtx; } // restores a previously stored Matrix inline void MatrixStack::Restore(u8 num) { ASSERT(num < MAX_STACK_SIZE); m_currentMtx = m_mtxStack[num]; } // reset the matrix stack to the default values inline void MatrixStack::Reset() { m_currentStackIndex = 0; m_mtxStack[m_currentStackIndex] = Mtx44::Identity; m_currentMtx = Mtx44::Identity; } inline void MatrixStack::Translate(Vector3 amount) { m_currentMtx.GlobalTranslate44(amount.x, amount.y, amount.z); } inline void MatrixStack::Translate2D(Vector2 amount) { //m_currentMtx._20 = amount.x * m_currentMtx._00 + amount.y * m_currentMtx._10; //m_currentMtx._21 = amount.x * m_currentMtx._01 + amount.y * m_currentMtx._11; m_currentMtx._20 += amount.x; m_currentMtx._21 += amount.y; } inline void MatrixStack::TranslateLocal(Vector3 amount) { m_currentMtx.LocalTranslate44(amount.x, amount.y, amount.z); } inline void MatrixStack::Scale(Vector3 amount) { m_currentMtx.Scale44(amount.x, amount.y, amount.z); } inline void MatrixStack::RotX(dec32 amount) { m_currentMtx.RotX44(Math::SinIdx(DEGREE_TO_IDX(amount)),Math::CosIdx(DEGREE_TO_IDX(amount))); } inline void MatrixStack::RotY(dec32 amount) { m_currentMtx.RotY44(Math::SinIdx(DEGREE_TO_IDX(amount)),Math::CosIdx(DEGREE_TO_IDX(amount))); } inline void MatrixStack::RotZ(dec32 amount) { m_currentMtx.RotZ44(Math::SinIdx(DEGREE_TO_IDX(amount)),Math::CosIdx(DEGREE_TO_IDX(amount))); } inline void MatrixStack::MtxMul(Mtx44 mul) { m_currentMtx.Mul44(mul); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: Vector2.inl // // Description - Implementation of the inline Vector2 functions // Author - Aidan Millott // // Modifications: // -------------- // July 29, 2009 - Initial creation. // July 30, 2009 - Woody Updated to templates // July 30, 2009 - Paul McNab converted for 2D use. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Operator + // template <class T> const _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::One = _Vector2<T>(1.0f, 1.0f); template <class T> const _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::Zero = _Vector2<T>(0.0f, 0.0f); template <class T> const _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::UnitY = _Vector2<T>(0.0f, 1.0f); template <class T> const _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::UnitX = _Vector2<T>(1.0f, 0.0f); template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator + ( const _Vector2<T>& rhs ) const { return _Vector2<T>( x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y ); } template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator + ( T rhs ) const { return _Vector2<T>( x + rhs, y + rhs ); } // Operator - // template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator - ( const _Vector2<T>& rhs ) const { return _Vector2<T>( x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y ); } template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator - ( T rhs ) const { return _Vector2<T>( x - rhs, y - rhs ); } // Operator * // template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator * ( const T& rhs ) const { return _Vector2<T> ( x * rhs, y * rhs ); } template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator * (const _Vector2<T>& val) const { return _Vector2<T> ( x * val.x, y * val.y ); } // Operator >>/<< // template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator >> ( const u32 val ) const { return _Vector2<T> ( x>>val, y>>val ); } template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator << ( const u32 val ) const { return _Vector2<T> ( x<<val, y<<val ); } // Operator / // template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator / ( const T& rhs ) const { return _Vector2<T> ( x / rhs, y / rhs ); } // Operator += // template <class T> _Vector2<T>& _Vector2<T>::operator += (const _Vector2<T>& rhs ) { x += rhs.x; y += rhs.y; return *this; } // Operator >>=/<<= // template <class T> _Vector2<T>& _Vector2<T>::operator >>= (const u32 val ) { x >>= val; y >>= val; return *this; } template <class T> _Vector2<T>& _Vector2<T>::operator <<= (const u32 val ) { x <<= val; y <<= val; return *this; } // Operator -= // template <class T> _Vector2<T>& _Vector2<T>::operator -= ( const _Vector2<T>& rhs ) { x -= rhs.x; y -= rhs.y; return *this; } // Operator *= // template <class T> _Vector2<T>& _Vector2<T>::operator *= ( const T val ) { x *= val; y *= val; return *this; } template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator *= (const _Vector2<T>& val) { x *= val.x; y *= val.y; return *this; } // Operator /= // template <class T> _Vector2<T>& _Vector2<T>::operator /= ( const T val ) { x /= val; y /= val; return *this; } // Operator - // template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::operator - () const { return _Vector2<T>(-x, -y); } // Operator == // template <class T> bool _Vector2<T>::operator == (const _Vector2<T> &v) const { return (x == v.x && y == v.y); } // Operator != // template <class T> bool _Vector2<T>::operator != (const _Vector2<T> &v) const { return (x != v.x || y != v.y ); } template <class T> bool _Vector2<T>::Equals(const _Vector2 &v, float tolerance) const { return BETWEEN(x-v.x, -tolerance, tolerance) && BETWEEN(y-v.y, -tolerance, tolerance); } // Magnitude // template <class T> T _Vector2<T>::Magnitude() const { return Math::Sqrt(MagnitudeSqr()); } // MagnitudeSqr // template <class T> T _Vector2<T>::MagnitudeSqr() const { return Dot(*this); } // Normalise // template <class T> float _Vector2<T>::Normalise() { if(x == 0 && y == 0) return 0; T denom = Magnitude(); if(denom != 0) { *this /= denom; } else { //wasn't 0, but was very small, multiply by a large number *this *= 1000000; Normalise(); } return denom; } // Cross // /* template <class T> T _Vector2<T>::Cross(const _Vector2<T>& rhs) const { _Vector2<T> res; res.x = (y * rhs.z) - (rhs.y * z); res.y = (z * rhs.x) - (rhs.z * x); return res; } */ // Dot // template <class T> T _Vector2<T>::Dot(const _Vector2<T>& rhs) const { return (x * rhs.x) + (y * rhs.y); } // Lerp // template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::Lerp(const _Vector2<T>& rhs, const T time) const { _Vector2<T> tmp = (rhs - *this) * time; return *this + tmp; } // Magnitude // template <class T> T _Vector2<T>::Magnitude(_Vector2<T> v) { return v.Magnitude(); } // MagnitudeSqr // template <class T> T _Vector2<T>::MagnitudeSqr(_Vector2<T> v) { return v.MagnitudeSqr(); } // Normalise // template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::Normalise(_Vector2<T> v) { v.Normalise(); return v; } // Cross // template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::Cross(_Vector2<T> lhs, _Vector2<T> rhs) { return lhs.Cross(rhs); } // Dot // template <class T> T _Vector2<T>::Dot(_Vector2<T> lhs, _Vector2<T> rhs) { return lhs.Dot(rhs); } // Lerp // template <class T> _Vector2<T> _Vector2<T>::Lerp(_Vector2<T> lhs, _Vector2<T> rhs, T time) { return lhs.Lerp(rhs, time); } template <class T> inline _Vector2<T> operator + ( const T& lhs, const _Vector2<T>& rhs) { return _Vector2<T>(lhs + rhs.x, lhs + rhs.y); } template <class T> inline _Vector2<T> operator - ( const T& lhs, const _Vector2<T>& rhs) { return _Vector2<T>(lhs - rhs.x, lhs - rhs.y); } template <class T> inline _Vector2<T> operator * ( const T& lhs, const _Vector2<T>& rhs) { return _Vector2<T>(lhs * rhs.x, lhs * rhs.y); } template <class T> inline _Vector2<T> operator / ( const T& lhs, const _Vector2<T>& rhs) { return _Vector2<T>(lhs / rhs.x, lhs / rhs.y); } // Returns the points data as a string. // template <class T> const char *_Vector2<T>::ToString() const { static char buffer[256]; #if defined(PLATFORM_PC) || defined(PLATFORM_360) sprintf_s(buffer, "%i, %i", (s32)x, (s32)y); #else sprintf(buffer, "%i, %i", (s32)x, (s32)y); #endif return buffer; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: Vector3.inl // // Description - Implementation of the inline Vector3 functions // Author - Aidan Millott // // Modifications: // -------------- // July 29, 2009 - Initial creation. // July 30, 2009 - Woody Updated to templates // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Operator + // template <class T> const _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::One = _Vector3<T>(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); template <class T> const _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::Zero = _Vector3<T>(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); template <class T> const _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::UnitX = _Vector3<T>(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); template <class T> const _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::UnitY = _Vector3<T>(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); template <class T> const _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::UnitZ = _Vector3<T>(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator + ( const _Vector3<T>& rhs ) const { return _Vector3<T>( x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z ); } template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator + ( T rhs ) const { return _Vector3<T>( x + rhs, y + rhs, z + rhs ); } // Operator - // template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator - ( const _Vector3<T>& rhs ) const { return _Vector3<T>( x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y, z - rhs.z ); } template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator - ( T rhs ) const { return _Vector3<T>( x - rhs, y - rhs, z - rhs ); } // Operator * // template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator * ( const T& rhs ) const { return _Vector3<T> ( x * rhs, y * rhs, z * rhs ); } template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator * (const _Vector3<T>& val) const { return _Vector3<T> ( x * val.x, y * val.y, z * val.z ); } // Operator >>/<< template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator >> ( const u32 val ) const { return _Vector3<T> ( x>>val, y>>val, z>>val ); } template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator << ( const u32 val ) const { return _Vector3<T> ( x<<val, y<<val, z<<val ); } // Operator / // template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator / ( const T& rhs ) const { return _Vector3<T> ( x / rhs, y / rhs, z / rhs ); } // Operator += // template <class T> _Vector3<T>& _Vector3<T>::operator += (const _Vector3<T>& rhs ) { x += rhs.x; y += rhs.y; z += rhs.z; return *this; } // Operator >>=/<<= template <class T> _Vector3<T>& _Vector3<T>::operator >>= (const u32 val ) { x >>= val; y >>= val; z >>= val; return *this; } template <class T> _Vector3<T>& _Vector3<T>::operator <<= (const u32 val ) { x <<= val; y <<= val; z <<= val; return *this; } // Operator -= // template <class T> _Vector3<T>& _Vector3<T>::operator -= ( const _Vector3<T>& rhs ) { x -= rhs.x; y -= rhs.y; z -= rhs.z; return *this; } // Operator *= // template <class T> _Vector3<T>& _Vector3<T>::operator *= ( const T val ) { x *= val; y *= val; z *= val; return *this; } template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator *= (const _Vector3<T>& val) { x *= val.x; y *= val.y; z *= val.z; return *this; } // Operator /= template <class T> _Vector3<T>& _Vector3<T>::operator /= ( const T val ) { x /= val; y /= val; z /= val; return *this; } // Operator - // template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::operator - () const { return _Vector3<T>(-x, -y, -z); } // Operator == template <class T> bool _Vector3<T>::operator == (const _Vector3<T> &v) const { return (x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z); } // Operator != template <class T> bool _Vector3<T>::operator != (const _Vector3<T> &v) const { return (x != v.x || y != v.y || z != v.z); } template <class T> bool _Vector3<T>::Equals(const _Vector3 &v, float tolerance) const { return BETWEEN(x-v.x, -tolerance, tolerance) && BETWEEN(y-v.y, -tolerance, tolerance) && BETWEEN(z-v.z, -tolerance, tolerance) ; } // Magnitude // template <class T> T _Vector3<T>::Magnitude() const { return Math::Sqrt(MagnitudeSqr()); } // MagnitudeSqr // template <class T> T _Vector3<T>::MagnitudeSqr() const { return Dot(*this); } // Normalise // template <class T> float _Vector3<T>::Normalise() { if(x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0) return 0; T denom = Magnitude(); if(denom != 0) { *this /= denom; } else { //wasn't 0, but was very small, multiply by a large number *this *= 1000000; Normalise(); } return denom; } // Cross // template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::Cross(const _Vector3<T>& rhs) const { _Vector3<T> res; res.x = (y * rhs.z) - (rhs.y * z); res.y = (z * rhs.x) - (rhs.z * x); res.z = (x * rhs.y) - (rhs.x * y); return res; } // Dot // template <class T> T _Vector3<T>::Dot(const _Vector3<T>& rhs) const { return (x * rhs.x) + (y * rhs.y) + (z * rhs.z); } // MultMtx // /*_Vector3<T> Vector3::MultMtx(const Mtx33& rhs) const { VecFx32 tmp; VEC_Set(&tmp, x, y, z); MTX_MultVec33(&tmp, &rhs, &tmp); return Vector3(tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z); }*/ // Lerp // template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::Lerp(const _Vector3<T>& rhs, const T time) const { _Vector3<T> tmp = (rhs - *this) * time; return *this + tmp; } // // Static Functions // // Magnitude // template <class T> T _Vector3<T>::Magnitude(_Vector3<T> v) { return v.Magnitude(); } // MagnitudeSqr // template <class T> T _Vector3<T>::MagnitudeSqr(_Vector3<T> v) { return v.MagnitudeSqr(); } // Normalise // template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::Normalise(_Vector3<T> v) { v.Normalise(); return v; } // Cross // template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::Cross(_Vector3<T> lhs, _Vector3<T> rhs) { return lhs.Cross(rhs); } // Dot // template <class T> T _Vector3<T>::Dot(_Vector3<T> lhs, _Vector3<T> rhs) { return lhs.Dot(rhs); } // MultMtx // //Vector3 Vector3::MultMtx(Vector3 v, Mtx33 m) //{ // VecFx32 tmp = *(VecFx32 *)(&v); // // MTX_MultVec33(&tmp, &m, &tmp); // // return Vector3(tmp); //} // Lerp // template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::Lerp(_Vector3<T> lhs, _Vector3<T> rhs, T time) { return lhs.Lerp(rhs, time); } // Returns the points data as a string. // template <class T> const char *_Vector3<T>::ToString() const { static char buffer[256]; #if defined(PLATFORM_PC) || defined(PLATFORM_360) sprintf_s(buffer, "%i, %i, %i", (s32)x, (s32)y, (s32)z); #else sprintf(buffer, "%i, %i, %i", (s32)x, (s32)y, (s32)z); //sprintf_s(buffer, "%i, %i, %i", (s32)x, (s32)y, (s32)z); #endif return buffer; } // CatmullRom // template <class T> _Vector3<T> _Vector3<T>::CatmullRom(const _Vector3<T> &p0, const _Vector3<T> &p1, const _Vector3<T> &p2, const _Vector3<T> &p3, T time) { T time2 = time * time; T time3 = time2 * time; return ((p1 * 2) + (-p0 + p2) * time + (p0*2 - p1*5 + p2*4 - p3) * time2 + (-p0 + p1*3- p2*3 + p3) * time3) / 2; } //// Friends. //// //ErrorLogManager& operator << (ErrorLogManager& elm, Vector3& vector) //{ // elm << vector.ToString(); // return elm; //} // // // //// Friends. //// //ErrorLogManager& operator << (ErrorLogManager& elm, const Vector3& vector) //{ // elm << vector.ToString(); // return elm; //}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // File: Vector3.inl // // Description - Implementation of the inline Vector3 functions // Author - Aidan Millott // // Modifications: // -------------- // July 29, 2009 - Initial creation. // July 30, 2009 - Woody Updated to templates // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Operator + // template <class T> const _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::One = _Vector4<T>(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); template <class T> const _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::Zero = _Vector4<T>(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator + ( const _Vector4<T>& rhs ) const { return _Vector4<T>( x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z, w + rhs.w ); } template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator + ( T rhs ) const { return _Vector4<T>( x + rhs, y + rhs, z + rhs, w + rhs ); } // Operator - // template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator - ( const _Vector4<T>& rhs ) const { return _Vector4<T>( x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y, z - rhs.z, w - rhs.w ); } template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator - ( T rhs ) const { return _Vector4<T>( x - rhs, y - rhs, z - rhs, w - rhs ); } // Operator * // template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator * ( const T& rhs ) const { return _Vector4<T> ( x * rhs, y * rhs, z * rhs, w * rhs ); } template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator * (const _Vector4<T>& val) const { return _Vector4<T> ( x * val.x, y * val.y, z * val.z, w * val.w ); } // Operator >>/<< template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator >> ( const u32 val ) const { return _Vector4<T> ( x>>val, y>>val, z>>val, w>>val ); } template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator << ( const u32 val ) const { return _Vector4<T> ( x<<val, y<<val, z<<val, w<<val ); } // Operator / // template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator / ( const T& rhs ) const { T inverse = 1 / rhs; return _Vector4<T> ( x * inverse, y * inverse, z * inverse, w * inverse ); } // Operator += // template <class T> _Vector4<T>& _Vector4<T>::operator += (const _Vector4<T>& rhs ) { x += rhs.x; y += rhs.y; z += rhs.z; w += rhs.w; return *this; } // Operator >>=/<<= template <class T> _Vector4<T>& _Vector4<T>::operator >>= (const u32 val ) { x >>= val; y >>= val; z >>= val; w >>= val; return *this; } template <class T> _Vector4<T>& _Vector4<T>::operator <<= (const u32 val ) { x <<= val; y <<= val; z <<= val; w <<= val; return *this; } // Operator -= // template <class T> _Vector4<T>& _Vector4<T>::operator -= ( const _Vector4<T>& rhs ) { x -= rhs.x; y -= rhs.y; z -= rhs.z; w -= rhs.w; return *this; } // Operator *= // template <class T> _Vector4<T>& _Vector4<T>::operator *= ( const T val ) { x *= val; y *= val; z *= val; w *= val; return *this; } template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator *= (const _Vector4<T>& val) { x *= val.x; y *= val.y; z *= val.z; w *= val.w; return *this; } // Operator /= template <class T> _Vector4<T>& _Vector4<T>::operator /= ( const T val ) { *this *= 1 / val; return *this; } // Operator - // template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::operator - () const { return _Vector4<T>(-x, -y, -z, -w); } // Operator == template <class T> bool _Vector4<T>::operator == (const _Vector4<T> &v) const { return (x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z && w == v.w); } // Operator != template <class T> bool _Vector4<T>::operator != (const _Vector4<T> &v) const { return (x != v.x || y != v.y || z != v.z || w != v.w); } template <class T> bool _Vector4<T>::Equals(const _Vector4 &v, float tolerance) const { return BETWEEN(x-v.x, -tolerance, tolerance) && BETWEEN(y-v.y, -tolerance, tolerance) && BETWEEN(z-v.z, -tolerance, tolerance) && BETWEEN(w-v.w, -tolerance, tolerance) ; } // Magnitude // template <class T> T _Vector4<T>::Magnitude() const { return Math::Sqrt(MagnitudeSqr()); } // MagnitudeSqr // template <class T> T _Vector4<T>::MagnitudeSqr() const { return Dot(*this); } // Normalise // template <class T> float _Vector4<T>::Normalise() { if(x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0) return 0; T denom = Magnitude(); if(denom != 0) { *this /= denom; } else { //wasn't 0, but was very small, multiply by a large number *this *= 1000000; Normalise(); } return denom; } // Dot // template <class T> T _Vector4<T>::Dot(const _Vector4<T>& rhs) const { return (x * rhs.x) + (y * rhs.y) + (z * rhs.z) + (w * rhs.w); } // Lerp // template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::Lerp(const _Vector4<T>& rhs, const T time) const { _Vector4<T> tmp = (rhs - *this) * time; return *this + tmp; } // // Static Functions // // Magnitude // template <class T> T _Vector4<T>::Magnitude(_Vector4<T> v) { return v.Magnitude(); } // MagnitudeSqr // template <class T> T _Vector4<T>::MagnitudeSqr(_Vector4<T> v) { return v.MagnitudeSqr(); } // Normalise // template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::Normalise(_Vector4<T> v) { v.Normalise(); return v; } // Dot // template <class T> T _Vector4<T>::Dot(_Vector4<T> lhs, _Vector4<T> rhs) { return lhs.Dot(rhs); } // MultMtx // //Vector3 Vector3::MultMtx(Vector3 v, Mtx33 m) //{ // VecFx32 tmp = *(VecFx32 *)(&v); // // MTX_MultVec33(&tmp, &m, &tmp); // // return Vector3(tmp); //} // Lerp // template <class T> _Vector4<T> _Vector4<T>::Lerp(_Vector4<T> lhs, _Vector4<T> rhs, T time) { return lhs.Lerp(rhs, time); } // Returns the points data as a string. // template <class T> const char *_Vector4<T>::ToString() const { static char buffer[256]; #if defined(PLATFORM_PC) || defined(PLATFORM_360) sprintf_s #else sprintf #endif (buffer, "%f, %f, %f, %f", (float)x, (float)y, (float)z); return buffer; }
Rectangle.inl and WeakComponentPtr.inl are unfortunately empty.
Xcode configurations
A portion of configurations for the said game engine are present in the root of the HD paid version.
#include "Mortar_Common_OSX.xcconfig" #include "Mortar_Common_Release.xcconfig" GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = $(inherited) NDEBUG=1 OSX_SYSTEM_DEFINE MAGIC_3D RENDERING_API=GLES2 USE_HTTP_CLIENT CURL_STATICLIB
#include "Mortar_Common_iOS.xcconfig" #include "Mortar_Common_Release.xcconfig" GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = $(inherited) NDEBUG=1 IPHONE_SYSTEM_DEFINE MAGIC_3D RENDERING_API=GLES1 USE_HTTP_CLIENT
#include "Mortar_Common_iOS.xcconfig" #include "Mortar_Common_Release.xcconfig" GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = $(inherited) NDEBUG=1 IPHONE_SYSTEM_DEFINE MAGIC_3D RENDERING_API=GLES2 USE_HTTP_CLIENT USE_FREE_IMAGE_LIB
ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO ProjectMortarDir=$(RootProjectsDir)/Engines/MortarWorking/src FrameworksProjectDir=$(RootProjectsDir)/Frameworks MORTAR_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(ProjectMortarDir)/Source" "$(ProjectMortarDir)/3rdParty" "$(ProjectMortarDir)/3rdParty/agg-2.4/include" "$(ProjectMortarDir)/3rdParty/libzip/libzip-0.10/lib" "$(ProjectMortarDir)/3rdParty/freetype/includes_244" "$(ProjectEntityDir)/Source" "$(ProjectMortarDir)/3rdParty/Ogg/libogg-1.2.0/include/" FRAMEWORKS_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(FrameworksProjectDir)/Entity/Source" "$(FrameworksProjectDir)/GameProperty/Source"; HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) $(MORTAR_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS) $(FRAMEWORKS_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS) LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) "$(ProjectMortarDir)/3rdParty/libcurl/iOS/libcurl/lib" "$(ProjectMortarDir)/3rdParty/freetype/libs"
#include "Mortar_Paths.xcconfig" HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) "$(ProjectMortarDir)/Modules/GameCoreLib" $(MORTAR_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS) LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) "$(ProjectMortarDir)/3rdParty/libcurl/iOS/libcurl/lib" "$(ProjectMortarDir)/3rdParty/freetype/libs"
#include "Mortar_Common_iOS.xcconfig" #include "Mortar_Common_Debug.xcconfig" GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = $(inherited) _DEBUG=1 DEBUG=1 ENABLE_ASSERTS IPHONE_SYSTEM_DEFINE MAGIC_3D RENDERING_API=GLES1 USE_HTTP_CLIENT
SDKROOT = macosx OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) -ObjC
The Fruit Ninja series
| |
iOS/Android | Fruit Ninja • Puss In Boots • Math Master |
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