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Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries

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Title Screen

Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries

Developer: Humongous Entertainment
Publisher: Humongous Entertainment
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Classic
Released in US: 1996

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries is the other Freddi Fish arcade-styled game. When Freddi and Luther prepare for a picnic, Luther finds a whirlpool. After he plays around in it though, he gets sucked into the cave under it and has to find his way out. However, instead of actually looking for a way out, he decides to mess around and wait for some worm doodles to arise among the bubbles. He tries to pop the bubbles with his slingshot before they rise to the top and lower the water level too much.

Unused Text

Par the course of Humongous games, this one has normally inaccessible subtitles. You can turn them on by either entering


into hegames.ini or scummvm.ini, or use ScummVM's UI.

In-House Level Editor


Much like other Junior Arcades, this one includes an in-house level editor the developers used. To access it, type "room 13" in ScummVM's debugger. It's actually a rather complicated level editor, so instructions are needed in this case. One nice thing is that you can actually save levels in this game as the feature was not removed from the final product.

The Bubble Costumes box allows you to decide what the chance will be of a bubble appearing in a stage. Use the arrows to cycle through the objects, and click the numerator of the fraction to change the chance. The denominator will adjust depending on how much every percentage totals up. Click Clear Costume to reset it to zero.

The Background Artwork box shows you the current background you want to use for the level. Use the arrows to cycle through backgrounds. Underneath the background, you can choose where the bubbles will appear and at what frequency (each number is multiplied by ten to get the percentage, so 3 is 30%). The percentage on the left of them shows what the total percentage is from what you have selected.

Click on the purple speaker to toggle the music on or off.

Under the File drop down menu, you may pick from these options:

  • Save Array saves the current level. Load Array loads from the last save to revert mistakes.
  • Save Text saves the levels to a CSV file (likely a SCUMM formatted file). Load Text loads from the last save.
  • Exit exits the editor.

The Level drop down menu allows you to go between the levels, and also lets you easily skip between sets of ten.

The Scenario drop down lets you edit the values on the left of the screen:

  • Set water level changes the starting water level by pixel line.
  • rows to drop changes how many pixel lines will drop at a time.
  • bubs 2 do drop changes how many bubbles will surface before the water level drops.
  • Worms to get changes how many worm doodles are needed to advance.
  • Adjacency changes how far the bubbles must go up before another one can appear, from 0 to 180 degrees.
  • Bub gen % changes how often bubbles show up.
  • Level speed changes how fast the bubbles travel, at a value of 0 to 6.

Music allows you to change the background music of the level. Unlike other Junior Arcades, this one does not marry specific background music tracks to backgrounds, meaning you are free to pick which ever one you want for any background.

INI Settings

To do:
There are also mentions of a "Rotide" and an "AlwaysPig" INI setting in the file, but they don't seem to do anything. Somebody should investigate.

Adding the line


to hegames.ini makes it so that the water level never lowers, no matter how many bubbles surface.

Special Names

By signing in as CHEATER-X, all levels are accessible from the very beginning.

(Source: The ScummVM Wiki)