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Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Unused Items

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This is a sub-page of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

There are many unused items in this game, some of which went used in Radiant Dawn. The majority of them lack proper name and help strings.


Icon Name (JP) WLv Mt Hit Crt Wt Rng Effects Uses Worth Exp Help Text (JP) Notes
Name (EN) Help Text (EN)
FireEmblemPoRDevilAxe.png デビルアクス
(Devil Axe)
Axe: E 18 55 0 18 1 Has a chance to backfire and damage the user instead. 20 900 8 のろわれた斧 与えるダメージは大きいが
A recurring weapon from earlier games. Has no model for battle animations, so using it with them enabled will cause the game to hang.
Devil Axe A cursed axe. It is very powerful, but there is
a chance that it will harm its wielder.
FireEmblemPoRUrvan.png ウルヴァン
Axe: S 18 70 5 18 1 Resistance +3 when equipped. 20 Unsellable 2 名匠がきたえあげた世に2つなき名斧
Greil's signature axe. While absent from gameplay, it's still prominently seen in cutscenes and interstitial artwork. Used in Radiant Dawn.
Urvan A unique axe forged by a master craftsman.
It's powerful but difficult to wield.
FireEmblemPoRVeninLance.png どくの槍
(Poison Lance)
Lance: D 4 65 0 9 1 Inflicts the Poison status on the target on contact. 40 440 1 毒が刃にしこまれた槍
A lance counterpart to the other Venin weapons. Used in Radiant Dawn.
Venin Lance A lance whose blade conceals a poison reservoir.
Units hit with this will be poisoned.
FireEmblemPoRBrightBow.png ブライトボウ
(Bright Bow)
Bow: B 10 70 0 9 1-2 Calculates damage using user's magic and target's resistance. Effective against fliers. 25 5,750 1 魔力をひめた弓
A bow counterpart to the four magic weapons. The concept of light magic-themed bows would eventually resurface with Fates' shining bow as well as Shadows of Valentia's and Engage's radiant bow.
Bright Bow An arcane bow that uses magic,
not strength, to attack.
FireEmblemPoRRexflame.png レクスフレイム
Fire: S 14 85 0 12 1-2 Speed +3 when equipped. 20 Unsellable 2 炎の最上位魔法
あつかいが非常に難しいが とても威力がある
A fire magic counterpart to Rexbolt and Rexaura. Used in Radiant Dawn.
Rexflame The highest level of fire magic. Mastery is
quite difficult, but it is devastatingly powerful.
FireEmblemPoRRexcalibur.png レクスカリバー
Wind: S 12 85 0 9 1-2 Luck +3 when equipped. 20 Unsellable 2 風の最上位魔法
あつかいが非常に難しいが とても威力がある
A wind magic counterpart to Rexbolt and Rexaura. Used in Radiant Dawn.
Rexcalibur The highest level of wind magic. Mastery is
quite difficult, but it is devastatingly powerful.


All of the unused staves' associated text strings were removed in localization, so instead the game just defaults to displaying the internal message names for those strings in their place. Their Japanese help descriptions are noticeably much, much shorter than those of any of the other staves.

Icon Name (JP) WLv Hit Wt Rng Effects Uses Worth Exp Help Text (JP) Notes
Name (EN) Help Text (EN)
FireEmblemPoRBerserk.png バサーク
Staff: B 60 8 1-(Magic/2) Has no observable effect 3 1,500 5 バサーク 製作中
(Berserk - in development)
The Berserk staff from previous games. This is actually the staff's last appearance in any form in any Fire Emblem game.
FireEmblemPoRWarp.png ワープ
Staff: A None 5 1 Transports an adjacent ally to a nearby space 5 7,500 7 別の地点へ
(Warps someone to a different space.)
The Warp staff from previous games.
FireEmblemPoRUnlock.png アンロック
Staff: D None 7 1-2 Unlocks one door within range 10 1,500 5 扉、宝箱を開ける
(Opens doors and chests.)
The Unlock staff from previous games. Used in Radiant Dawn.

Other Items

Again, the majority of these items' associated text strings were removed in localization, so they instead just display the internal message name.

Icon Name (JP) Effects Uses Worth Help Text (JP) Notes
Name (EN) Help Text (EN)
FireEmblemPoRSilverCard.png シルバーカード
(Silver Card)
Reduces item prices at base shops by 50% None 0 誰かが持っていれば
A recurring item from previous games. Used in Radiant Dawn.
Silver Card A special card that brings the bearer
bargains galore at shops.
FireEmblemPoRParagon.png エリートの書
(Elite Book)
Use in the base's Skills menu to assign Paragon to a unit; usable only by Astrid and Geoffrey 1 3,000 拠点でスキル『エリート』を
Used in Radiant Dawn.
IID_ELITE An item that allows you to acquire the skill
Paragon when you're at a base.
FireEmblemPoRCelerity.png 俊足の書
(Swift-Foot Book)
Use in the base's skills menu to assign Celerity to a unit 1 3,000 拠点でスキル『俊足』を
(Can acquire the skill "Swift-Foot" at a base.)
Used in Radiant Dawn.
FireEmblemPoRImpregnable.png 鉄壁の書
(Iron Wall Book)
Use in the base's skills menu to assign 鉄壁 to a unit; usable only by Astrid and Geoffrey 1 1,000 拠点でスキル『鉄壁』を
(Can acquire the skill "Iron Wall" at a base.)
FireEmblemPoRTempest.png 気分屋の書
(Moody Book)
Use in the base's skills menu to assign Tempest to a unit 1 1,000 拠点でスキル『気分屋』を
(Can acquire the skill "Moody" at a base.)
Also goes unused in Radiant Dawn, where the Tempest skill is also unused.
FireEmblemPoRSerenity.png 安定の書
(Even-Handed Book)
Use in the base's skills menu to assign Serenity to a unit 1 1,000 拠点でスキル『安定』を
(Can acquire the skill "Even-Handed" at a base.)
Also goes unused in Radiant Dawn, where the Serenity skill is also unused.
FireEmblemPoRDaunt.png 恐怖の書
(Fear Book)
Use in the base's skills menu to assign Daunt to a unit 1 2,000 拠点でスキル『恐怖』を
(Can acquire the skill "Fear" at a base.)
Used in Radiant Dawn.
FireEmblemPoRGaldrar.png 再行動の歌
(Act Again Song)
Use in the base's skills menu to assign Canto to a unit; usable only by transformed herons 1 6,000 拠点でスキル『再行動の歌』を
取得できる 白鷺専用
(Can acquire the skill "Act Again Song" at a base. For herons only.)
Since laguz can never ordinarily be transformed when in the base, it's not actually usable under legitimate circumstances. The help text suggests that when this item was in development, Canto's Japanese name was "Act Again Song" (再行動の歌) rather than just "Act Again" (再行動) as it is in the final game, which fits with its presentation as singing (and by extension, the singing connotation of the "Canto" name in English); this also makes it the only skill acquisition item that doesn't use the usual "book" (の書) suffix.
FireEmblemPoRBlossom.png 晩成の書
(Late Bloomer Book)
Use in the base's skills menu to assign Blossom to a unit; usable only on Sothe 1 3,000 拠点でスキル『大器晩成』を
取得できる サザ専用
(Can acquire the skill "Great Talents Bloom Late" at a base. For Sothe only.)
The item name uses a shortened version of the skill's final Japanese name, "Great Talents Bloom Late" (大器晩成). Used in Radiant Dawn.
FireEmblemPoRReinforce.png 援軍の書
(Reinforcements Book)
Use in the base's skills menu to assign Reinforce to a unit; usable only on Tanith 1 1,000 拠点でスキル『援軍』を
取得できる タニス専用
(Can acquire the skill "Reinforcements" at a base. For Tanith only.)
FireEmblemPoRInsight.png 千里眼の書
(Clairvoyance Book)
Use in the base's skills menu to assign Insight to a unit; usable only on Janaff 1 3,000 拠点でスキル『千里眼』を
取得できる ヤナフ専用
(Can acquire the skill "Clairvoyance" at a base. For Janaff only.)
In the final game, Insight cannot be unequipped from Janaff, so this would've been basically useless.
FireEmblemPoRVigilance.png 順風耳の書
(Fair-Wind Ear Book)
Use in the base's skills menu to assign Vigilance to a unit; usable only on Ulki 1 3,000 拠点でスキル『順風耳』を
取得できる ウルキ専用
(Can acquire the skill "Fair-Wind Ear" at a base. For Vulci only.)
In the final game, Vigilance cannot be unequipped from Ulki, so this would've been basically useless.

Text Leftovers

In addition to these proper items, there is a substantial amount of leftover text for cut items that generally don't have any other surviving data. Even then, a lot of the text for most of these was removed in localization. Because of how fragmented this data is between the versions, here's a chart containing both English and Japanese strings where they exist.

Message Name Name (JP) Help Text (JP) Notes
Name (EN) Help Text (EN)
The traditional starting weapon of Fire Emblem protagonists. A very early screenshot shows Ike wielding one. In the finished game, Ike instead gets the regal sword, which has all the same effects as a regular rapier.
Rapier A thin sword favored by royalty. Its narrow tip easily penetrates armor, causing great damage.
A recurring weapon. Used in Radiant Dawn.
Wyrmslayer A sword designed to deal increased damage against wyvern-mounted warriors.
(Light Sword)
ライトニングソード 製作中
(Lightning sword - in development)
Possibly intended to be a version of the Light Brand from the Jugdral and GBA games.
Light Sword (N/A)
(N/A) Shadow Dragon later introduced a legendary axe called Hauteclere, but since this unused listing is in the same block as most of the game's swords, it's likely that this one was intended to be a sword as well.
(N/A) (N/A)
(Fire Emblem)
(N/A) This suggests that the game's Fire Emblem item, Lehran's Medallion, may have been intended to appear in players' inventories at some point, although a) the placement of this in the middle of most of the swords and b) the finished Japanese game generally referring to the Fire Emblem in kanji (炎の紋章) rather than katakana does raise questions about what the Emblem was meant to be at this point.
(N/A) (N/A)
MIID_ASHU アシュナード専用剣
(Ashnard-Only Sword)
(N/A) This might have been an early placeholder of some sort. Ashnard's actual sword, Gurgurant, is listed much further on down in the item name strings.
(N/A) (N/A)
(Dragon Axe)
An axe counterpart to the wyrmslayer that was introduced in the GBA games.
Dragon Axe An axe designed to deal increased damage against wyvern-mounted warriors.
(Sonic Bow)
ソニックボウ 製作中
(Sonic bow - in development)
Likely meant to be a second magic-based bow. Fates later introduced the shining bow as a light-themed magic bow.
Sonic Bow (N/A)
猫がもつするどい爪 耐久度がへらない
(Sharp fangs used by cats. Their durability never decreases and, since they are natural, they cannot be unequipped or discarded.)
Alternative weapons other than the used claws were evidently considered for the beast laguz classes. In Radiant Dawn, lions and tigers get fang weapons instead of the claws they have here.
(N/A) (N/A)
虎がもつするどい牙 耐久度がへらない
(Sharp fangs used by tigers. Their durability never decreases and, since they are natural, they cannot be unequipped or discarded.)
(N/A) (N/A)
獅子がもつするどい牙 耐久度がへらない
(Sharp fangs used by lions. Their durability never decreases and, since they are natural, they cannot be unequipped or discarded.)
(N/A) (N/A)
(N/A) This would have been a breath weapon for the unused black dragon class. Used in Radiant Dawn.
(N/A) (N/A)
タカがもつするどい爪 耐久度がへらない
(Sharp talons used by hawks. Their durability never decreases and, since they are natural, they cannot be unequipped or discarded.)
Like the fangs, talons were apparently an alternative to beaks for bird laguz. In Radiant Dawn, hawks get talon weapons while ravens keep beaks.
(N/A) (N/A)
カラスがもつするどい爪 耐久度がへらない
(Sharp talons used by ravens. Their durability never decreases and, since they are natural, they cannot be unequipped or discarded.)
(N/A) (N/A)
(N/A) Listed with the light spells. Shares its name with the combined goddess of Tellius (Ashunera in localizations).
(N/A) (N/A)
(Thief's Key)
とうぞくのかぎ 製作中
(Thief's key - in development)
Lockpicks ("thief's key" in Japanese) are a recurring item used by thieves to open doors and chests. In the finished game, thieves have the ability to unlock things without using items at all.
Lock pick - in development
(Member Card)
(If somebody holds it, they can go to a shop they would not ordinarily go to.)
A recurring item used to access secret shops. Given the help text's vagueness, and the differences between Path of Radiance shops and the shops in games with the member card, how this would've worked is anyone's guess.
(N/A) The mine item from The Blazing Blade, left on the cutting room floor for the second game in a row! Radiant Dawn has an only slightly more complete version of it that also goes unused.
(N/A) (N/A)
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Internal Name Oddities

While most of the time the internal names of everything accurately reflect of what a given thing actually is, there's a surprisingly large number of items whose internal names differ significantly from what the player sees them called, suggesting earlier item and name ideas that were replaced in development. A lot of them allude to weapons from prior Fire Emblem games, especially the GBA ones, and some of them even wound up as the basis, justifiably or otherwise, for the names that the final items received in various localizations of the game!

Internal Name Name (JP) Name (EN) Notes
(Practice Sword)
Trainer The French and Italian localizations of this game renamed this weapon "Epée-bronze" and "Spada bronzo" respectively to follow suit with the internal name. Bronze weapons later became a thing starting with Radiant Dawn, as a tier of basic weapons that are even cheaper and weaker than irons and totally lack the ability to deal critical hits, but which have better durability. Admittedly, lack of criticals aside, "weaker than iron swords" isn't something that you can say about the trainer.
IID_WATOU ヴァーグ・カティ
(Vague Katti)
Vague Katti Wo Dao ("Watou" in Japanese - both translate to "Japanese sword" from Chinese and Japanese respectively) are swords from the Elibe games which, like the Vague Katti, are vaguely katana-esque and have huge crit stats. Unlike the Vague Katti, though, they're entirely common weapons with a modest required weapon level. Radiant Dawn later included them for real.
(Laguz Sword)
Laguzslayer Lancereavers ("lancebuster" in Japanese) are weapon triangle-reversing swords from the GBA games. The first of three GBA weapons that were ultimately ditched in favor of the line of anti-laguz weapons.
Longsword Simultaneously kinda interesting and also really not: "HORSEKILLER" absolutely accurately describes what the sword does in the final version, and the series absolutely did already have a history of calling its anti-cavalry swords "longswords", but the mismatch between internal and final name does make one wonder whether they were ever considering calling it something else. Say, following The Sacred Stones' lead and calling them "zanbato" (which, of course, translates as "horse-killing sword") again?
(Short Spear)
Short Spear Axereavers ("axebuster" in Japanese) are weapon triangle-reversing lances from the GBA games. One of the few cases where the final version's replacement weapon also previously existed in the series, as short spears debuted back in The Blazing Blade. This internal name caused a very noticeable error in the Spanish and French localizations: it called the short spear "antihachas" and "Brise-hache", which were the axereaver's Spanish and French names respectively in prior games.
(Practice Axe)
Practice Axe Ditto the trainer except that the German localization also renamed this weapon "Bronzeaxt" to follow suit with the internal name.
(Bolt Axe)
Bolt Axe Evidently, this was another case where they were going back and forth about what magic element the various magic weapons would be; in the final game, it was swords that got the sonic/wind element. The first wind-themed axe in the series would later be the Hurricane Axe in Fire Emblem Engage, but no axe has described itself as "sonic" yet.
(Short Axe)
Short Axe Swordreavers ("swordbuster" in Japanese) are weapon triangle-reversing axes from the GBA games. Replaced with the brand-new axe counterpart to the short spear. The subject of another Spanish localization oopsie: it is known there as the "antiespadas", the Spanish term for the swordreaver.
(Laguz Bow)
Laguz Bow Short bows previously appeared in every game between Thracia 776 and The Sacred Stones as variously nondescript common bow models, and later became a weapon with close-range functionality from Fates onward (under the English name "mini bow"). The second of three GBA weapons that were ultimately ditched in favor of the line of anti-laguz weapons.
Rexflame All four of the S-rank "Rex-" tomes originally bore the names of powerful tomes from previous Fire Emblem games, and three of these early names are also present in the Battle Previewer listings. In this case, Forblaze is Athos's legendary anima tome in the Elibe games. This is the only "Rex-" tome to not retain some form of the internal name in French localizations.
Rexcalibur Fimbulvetr is the penultimate, A-rank anima tome in the GBA games which, like Rexcalibur and unlike most wind tomes, features ice and blizzards as part of its animation. Oddly, this internal listing uses its longer English name rather than the shorter Japanese name, "Fimbul". The French localizations of this game and Radiant Dawn renamed this weapon "Fimbulvetr" to follow suit with the internal name.
Rexbolt While at the time there was technically nothing known as "Mjölnir" in Japanese Fire Emblem material, there's an obvious connection to Reptor/Blume/Ishtar's legendary thunder tome from Seisen no Keifu, known as "Thor Hammer" in Japanese and subsequently rechristened "Mjölnir" in English localizations in the decade following Path of Radiance. (Various other, unrelated "Mjölnirs" have also since been introduced in Japanese material.) The French localizations of this game and Radiant Dawn renamed this weapon "Mjolnir" (without the umlaut, unlike later localized Fire Emblem usages) to match the internal name.
Light In the Jugdral and GBA games, the basic light tome was called Lightning instead of Light. As with the "Rex-" tomes, the "Lightning" name is also present in the Battle Previewer listings.
IID_AURA レクスオーラ
Rexaura Aura is a highly damaging light tome that appears in all of the first four games, most notably as Linde's exclusive weapon in the Archanea games. The French localizations of this game and Radiant Dawn renamed this weapon "Aura" to match the internal name.
(Energy Drop)
Energy Drop In many prior games, the power ring was the strength-boosting item.
(Spirit Dust)
Spirit Dust In the Jugdral games, the magic ring was the magic-boosting item.
(Statue Fragment)
Statue Frag In Thracia 776 and the GBA games, the body ring was the constitution-boosting item.
(Full Guard)
Full Guard In the Elibe games, the Delphi shield was a held item with a similar effect to the full guard, but limited to protecting only against anti-flier effectiveness. Not only did the Spanish localization (mistakenly again?) follow the internal name's lead and call the item "Esc Delphi", but the Italian localization seems to have taken similar inspiration and rechristened it "Scudo Fili" (Fili shield, the identical reskinned version of the Delphi shield from The Sacred Stones).
Alondite Surprise! The big localization rename of the Black Knight's sword, right down to the exact funky spelling of its pseudo-Arthurian namesake, actually came straight from the horse's hitherto-unseen mouth all along!
(Regal Sword)
Regal Sword As seen in pre-release screenshosts, "longsword" (no, not the aforementioned item) was the second name/concept for Ike's obligatory anti-cavalry/anti-armor starting personal weapon that Intelligent Systems is known to have considered.
(Laguz Lance)
Laguz Lance Refers to an anti-dragon weapon known variously as the "dragonlance" and "dragonspear" in Japanese, and as the "dragonpike" and "dragonspear" in English. The third of three GBA weapons that were ultimately ditched in favor of the line of anti-laguz weapons (the laguz axe was always the laguz axe, as far as the internal names recall anyway).
(Sonic Sword)
Sonic Sword A subtle difference, but a difference nonetheless.
(Bright Bow)
Bright Bow The "lightning" prefix is consistent with both the Light tome's internal name and the abandoned light sword's internal references (MIID_LIGHTNINGSWORD).
Double Bow May just be a simple placeholder name while they figured out what they would actually call it. It's a pretty funny one, though...
Amiti Likely a placeholder name. Reminiscent of the "Ashnard-only sword" name string.
(Half-Embodiment Armlet)
Demi Band More placeholders?
(Embodiment Armlet)
Laguz Band

Secondary Help Texts

In the GBA games, non-weapon items used two sets of help text: a longer one used for the traditional R Button help popup, and a shorter one used in a small box in item use menus. While this didn't return in any subsequent games, they were evidently considering it for Path of Radiance, as the Japanese build has a whole series of single-line alternate texts for most of the game's items, listed internally under the internal message name structure MH_I_(itemname)_2 (as opposed to the R Button text being MH_I_(itemname)). The only items that do not have the secondary help text are the last few in the internal ordering of name strings: the demi band, laguz band, coin, laguz stone, and the Smite manual.

The text itself isn't especially exciting, as it generally boils down to a somewhat shortened version of the R Button text. Naturally, all of this text was cut in localization.

Used Items

Message Name Item Secondary Help Text (JP) Notes
MH_I_ANGELROBE_2 Seraph Robe 『最大HP』が増える
(Increases maximum HP.)
All of the stat boosters' unused help texts are identical to the final R Button ones.
MH_I_POWERRING_2 Energy Drop 『力』が増える
(Increases strength.)
MH_I_MAGICRING_2 Spirit Dust 『魔力』が増える
(Increases magic.)
MH_I_SECRETBOOK_2 Secret Book 『技』が増える
(Increases skill.)
MH_I_SPEEDWING_2 Speedwing 『速さ』が増える
(Increases speed.)
MH_I_GODDESSICON_2 Ashera Icon 『幸運』が増える
(Increases luck.)
MH_I_DRAGONSHIELD_2 Dracoshield 『守備』が増える
(Increases defense.)
MH_I_TALISMAN_2 Talisman 『魔防』が増える
(Increases resistance.)
MH_I_BOOTS_2 Boots 『移動力』が増える
(Increases movement.)
MH_I_BODYRING_2 Statue Frag 『体格』が増える
(Increases constitution.)
MH_I_VSBEAST_2 Laguzguard 装備すれば ラグズからのダメージ半減
(When equipped, halves damage from laguz.)
The final R Button text phrases the effect as "reducing damage dealt by laguz attacks" (ラグズから受けるダメージが半減する), while this simplifies the sentiment considerably and removes the second "For beorc only." line.
MH_I_VSHUMAN_2 Beorcguard 装備すれば 対ラグズの特攻無効
(When equipped, negates anti-laguz bonus damage.)
The final R Button text phrases the effect as "negating bonus damage dealt by beorc attacks" (ベオクから受ける特効が無効になる), while this simplifies the sentiment considerably and removes the second "For laguz only." line.
MH_I_KNIGHTSHIELD_2 Knight Ward 装備すれば 防御が上がる
(When equipped, boosts defenses.)
Keeps the first line of their R Button counterparts without change, but drops the second line listing compatible classes.
MH_I_MASTERPROOF_2 Master Seal 上級職になることができる
(Can become an advanced class.)
Completely different from the final R Button text.
MH_I_TREASUREKEY_2 Chest Key 宝箱を開けることができる
(Can open treasure chests.)
Removes a clause from the final R Button text talking about "acquiring [the chest's] contents" (中身を入手).
MH_I_DOORKEY_2 Door Key 扉を開けることができる
(Can open doors.)
Removes a clause from the final R Button text talking about how doors are opened "so you can pass" (通れるように...).
MH_I_VULNERARY_2 Vulnerary HPを10回復する
(Restores 10 HP.)
Identical to the final R Button text.
MH_I_ELIXIR_2 Elixir HPを完全に回復する
(Fully restores HP.)
Identical to the final R Button text.
MH_I_HOLYWATER_2 Pure Water 少しの間、魔法攻撃から守る
(Protects against magic attacks for a brief period of time.)
The final R Button text describes the pure water effect as "reducing damage dealt by magical attacks" (魔法攻撃で受けるダメージを減らす), while this simplifies the sentiment considerably.
MH_I_DETOXDRUG_2 Antitoxin 毒を消し去り正常にする
(Neutralizes poison and restores normal condition.)
Identical to the final R Button text, aside from the removal of a frankly inexplicable line break in the very short line.
MH_I_JACKLIGHT_2 Torch 少しの間
(Brightly illuminates surroundings
for a brief period of time.)
Oddly enough, not only is this the only member of the unused help text type to include a line break, but the full-length text for the torch is a single line with no line break that's slightly shorter than this one! (They use different verbs for "illuminate" from each other, with the final text's one (明るくする) being shorter.)
MH_I_DELPHISHIELD_2 Full Guard 装備すると特効が無効になる
(When equipped, negates bonus damage.)
Identical to the final R Button text.
MH_I_WHITEGEM_2 White Gem とても高価な宝玉
(A very valuable gemstone.)
All of the gem item texts keep the first line of their R Button counterparts without change, but drop the second line talking about the sums they can be sold for.
MH_I_BLUEGEM_2 Blue Gem 高価な宝玉
(A valuable gemstone.)
MH_I_REDGEM_2 Red Gem 少し高価な宝玉
(A somewhat valuable gemstone.)
MH_I_ESOTERIC_2 Occult スキル『奥義』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Secret Technique".)
All of the skill manual texts are mostly identical to their R Button counterparts, but drop the "when at a base" qualifier.
MH_I_BLAVE_2 Resolve スキル『勇将』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Brave General".)
MH_I_RESCUEP_2 Savior スキル『護り手』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Defender".)
MH_I_AMBUSH_2 Vantage スキル『待ち伏せ』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Ambush".)
MH_I_GRASP_2 Nihil スキル『見切り』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Abandonment".)
MH_I_ANGER_2 Wrath スキル『怒り』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Anger".)
MH_I_WEAPONDESTROY_2 Corrosion スキル『武器破壊』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Weapon Destroy".)
MH_I_PRAY_2 Miracle スキル『祈り』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Prayer".)
MH_I_COUNTER_2 Counter スキル『カウンター』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Counter".)
MH_I_PROVOKE_2 Provoke スキル『挑発』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Provocation".)
MH_I_SHADE_2 Shade スキル『影』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Shade".)
MH_I_GAMBLE_2 Gamble スキル『一発屋』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "All-or-Nothing Gambler".)
MH_I_FAIRNESS_2 Parity スキル『能力勝負』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Stat Duel".)
MH_I_TACKLE2_2 Smite スキル『ぶちかまし』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Heavy Collision".)
MH_I_DEFENCE_2 Guard スキル『キャンセル』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Cancel".)
MH_I_SWORDERSRING_2 Sword Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
All of the growth band items keep only the first line of what's seen in the final R Button text, omitting the "it contains the essence of a (class)" line.
MH_I_SOLDIERRING_2 Soldier Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
MH_I_FIGHTERSRING_2 Fighter Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
MH_I_ARCHERSRING_2 Archer Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
MH_I_ARMORSRING_2 Knight Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
MH_I_SOCIALKNIGHTSRING_2 Paladin Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
MH_I_PEGASUSKNIGHTSRING_2 Pegasus Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
MH_I_DRAGONKNIGHTSRING_2 Wyvern Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
MH_I_MAGESRING_2 Mage Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
MH_I_PRIESTSRING_2 Priest Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
MH_I_THIEFSRING_2 Thief Band 装備すると成長を変化させる腕輪
(An armlet that, when equipped, modifies growths.)
MH_I_CONTINUATION_2 Adept スキル『連続』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Continuation".)
All of the skill manual texts are mostly identical to their R Button counterparts, but drop the "when at a base" qualifier. Renewal's also drops the "for certain units only" (特定のユニット専用) clause.
MH_I_TURNREGENE_2 Renewal スキル『回復』を取得できる
(Can acquire the skill "Recovery".)
MH_I_WEAPONDROP_2 Arms Scroll 使用できる武器の武器レベルを上げる
(Increases the weapon level of a usable weapon type.)
Identical to the final R Button text.
MH_I_KNIGHTRING_2 Knight Ring 装備すれば 再移動ができる
(When equipped, enables moving again.)
Uses a much shorter verb for "enables" than the final R Button text (可能になる); otherwise identical.

Unused/Nonexistent Items

Message Name Item Secondary Help Text (JP) Notes
とうぞくのかぎ2 製作中
(Thief's key 2 - in development)
Just a detail-less placeholder, like the R Button text.
(Can go to a shop you would not ordinarily go to.)
Consists of the second line of its R Button counterpart.
MH_I_SILVERCARD_2 Silver Card 安く買い物ができる
(Enables cheap shopping.)
Consists of the second line of its R Button counterpart.
(Celerity manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Swift-Foot".)
All of the skill manual texts are mostly identical to their R Button counterparts, but drop the "when at a base" qualifier and any "For (x) only." criteria listed in the second line.
(鉄壁 manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Iron Wall".)
(Tempest manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Moody".)
(Serenity manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Even-Handed".)
(Daunt manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Fear".)
(Paragon manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Elite".)
(Canto manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Act Again Song".)
(Blossom manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Great Talents Blossom Late".)
(Reinforce manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Reinforcements".)
(Insight manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Clairvoyance".)
(Vigilance manual)
(Can acquire the skill "Fair-Wind Ear".)