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Fallout 3/Unused NPCs and Critters

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All NPCs that still exist in NPC form can be placed in-game by entering the command player.placeatme in the console, followed by the specific NPC's provided form ID.

Christine Kendall

Form ID: 00095501 Christine Kendall as she would've appeared during "Growing Up Fast" at your birthday party. In the final game, the earliest you encounter her, is during the quest "Future Imperfect". In this unused form she would've worn a standard children's vault suit, as well as a kid's party hat. She lacks the standard Pip-Boy and glove.


Form ID: 000300A2

An early version of the friendly Glowing One in the Underworld's Chop Shop.

Gary Template


Form ID: 8D0F5

Basis for the Gary clones in Vault 108. He's wearing Dad's Vault 101 Jumpsuit.

Karen Johnson


Form ID: 29AA8

An unused Andale resident that has some scripting to interact with the other residents of Andale, but not the player. Wears dirty pre-War casualwear and is related to another unused NPC, Tuck Johnson.

Little Toe


Form ID: 259F9

A man with nothing on him but his set of Metal Armor. The only internal reference to him is a line of dialog associated with the quest "The Replicated Man".

Lucy West's Father

Davis West's appearance in-game.

Form ID: 17C2F An early placeholder for Davis West, who appears in-game as a rotten corpse.



Form ID: 300A3 An early version of the friendly Glowing One in the Underworld's Chop Shop.

Paladin Northup


Form ID: 2E032 A Brotherhood of Steel paladin with some unique dialog lines. His internal name, "FFDCChesterbrookBoS02" places him in Chesterbrook, PA. It also reveals that there were meant to be other Brotherhood members here, although almost all trace of them has been removed from the files. The internal naming for his dialog indicates that he was either originally called "Paladin Bishop", or that he was given Bishop's dialog. No other reference of Bishop exists.

Professor Malleus


Form ID: A1212 A scientist from Vault 92. He does not appear in the flesh in-game, but this unseen NPC is tied to some notes and audio logs related to the quest "Agatha's Song".

Rock Crick Hunter

A group of elusive Rock Crick Hunters in their natural habitat.

Form ID: 5215D, 5215E, 52160, 52161, 62162, 52163

Generic NPC templates designed for Rock Creek Caverns. There are six of them, numbered 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, and 07 internally.

Sleeping Guy


Form ID: 32EB8 A test NPC, only meant to lie down on a mattress in one of the test maps, testqaitems.



Form ID: 156AB

An unused Little Lamplighter. She has a plethora of unique lines, and wears a junior officer outfit with a kid's baseball cap.

Stevie Mack

Form ID: 000309B0 Stevie Mack as he would've appeared during "Growing Up Fast" at your birthday party. In the final game, the earliest you encounter him is during the quest "Escape!". In this unused form he would've worn a standard vault suit, as well as the standard Pip-Boy and glove.

Susie Mack

Form ID: 0009550A Susie Mack as she would've appeared during "Growing Up Fast" at your birthday party. In the final game, the earliest you encounter her, is during the quest "Future Imperfect". In this unused form she would've worn a standard children's vault suit, the standard Pip-Boy and glove, as well as a kid's party hat.



Form ID: 25A90 A man wearing a brahmin-skin outfit and a ballcap with glasses. He would've originally gave the player a clue during the quest "The Replicated Man", as revealed by a script from that quest.

Tuck Johnson


Form ID: 29AA7

An unused Andale resident that has some scripting to interact with the other residents of Andale, but not the player. Wears pre-War casualwear and is related to another unused NPC, Karen Johnson.

Brotherhood of Steel Robobrain


There are textures for a Brotherhood of Steel Robobrain in the game's files, but there are no matching robots in the GECK, unused or otherwise.

Enclave Robobrain

Form ID: 1CF74 There are models and a GECK entry for an Enclave Robobrain, but no corresponding textures.



Form ID: 2D3BE A uniquely-named Centaur. His internal name associates him with the quest "Wasteland Survival Guide".



Doc, the dog that the player character's father takes the form of in Tranquility Lane, has a unique skin which was likely cut because of the simulation's grayscale color scheme. Still, it would have been useful as a unique skin for Dogmeat or an alternative for the generic wasteland pups.

Mister Mulberry


Form ID: 1D770 A generic Mister Handy. His editor ID places him in Megaton. He has two extremely generic dialog lines.

Outcast Eyebot


It seems that at one point the Eyebot was considered a generic robot like the Protectron, et. al, as opposed to an Enclave-specific model. There are textures for an Outcast variant (but no model or unused GECK creature) and textureless models for U.S. Army, Brotherhood, and Enclave versions (the model used in-game is the generic version, not Enclave). None of these creatures can be summoned in-game without modding.

Outcast Mister Gutsy


There is an unused Mister Gutsy creature with an editor ID which affiliates him with the Outcasts, using the green U.S. Army skin. In the game's texture files, a skin for the Outcast variant can be found, but with no model (however it's a simple matter to use the skin on an identical model). Additionally, there is a GECK entry for an Enclave Mister Gutsy, but no resources. Later, an Enclave-skinned Gutsy was added to the game with Broken Steel. Outcast Mister Gutsy: 21EC0 Enclave Mister Gutsy: 21EBE

Untextured Sentry Bot Models

Looking through the game's meshes, it appears that the Brotherhood and Enclave were to have their own uniquely-skinned Sentry Bots at one point in development. However, the only unique Sentry Bot skins used in the game are U.S. Army and Outcast. Enclave Sentry Bots use the generic steel skin.

Unused Protectron Decals

There are several unused model attachments for the Protectron.

Unrelated to the above, there are untextured models for Enclave and Brotherhood Protectrons, and an unused GECK entry for the Enclave version. Like the Mister Gutsys, Enclave Protectrons would later be added to Broken Steel. Enclave Protectron: 1CF8B