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Escape From CyberCity

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Title Screen

Escape From CyberCity

Developer: Fathom Pictures
Publisher: Philips Media
Platform: CD-i
Released in US: 1992

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

So very stubbly.
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A somewhat butchered home version of an extremely rare 1987 Laserdisc-based arcade game called Freedom Fighter. Sadly, this version is missing over half the content (having about 8 minutes of video compared to the arcade having over 20) due to the CD-i's hardware limitations without the Digital Video Cartridge causing all scenes with lots of camera movement to be removed entirely and the scenes that were brought over have been modified to be much more static. The controls are also not as responsive, screen panning is only present when choosing paths, and the sound effects cut out all the other audio when they play, among other problems.

Neither the dedicated or Star Rider-based arcade versions are emulated yet, so unfortunately this is currently the only way to play the game in any form.

Cut off Sounds

A number of scenes in the game have their animations finish before the audio, most notably during a scene near the end where you fight a robot and win, the sound of the train is almost entirely cut off in-game. This train sound is not in the scene at all in the arcade original, so maybe this is a fragment from a deleted scene?

Duplicated Game Data

The game's two main files, CCStart.rtf and cyber.rtf both have two copies on the disc. The two versions of each of these files are byte-for-byte identical to each other.

Copyright/Abstract/Bibliographic Text

ESCAPE FROM CYBERCITY is the first CD-Interactive action adventure to
utilize full cel-animation, giving the player the feel of starring in a fast
action motion picture. This beutifully animated production features a
powerful and ambitious soundtrack and complete interactive play.

A description of the game, stored inside the file Abstract.

          Escape from CyberCity(R)

Colin Andrews...........Technical Designer
                        Lead Software Engineer

Ben Jacobs..............Software Engineer
                        Animation/Sound Adaptation

Kelly Jones.............Technical Director

Garry Hare..............Producer

Mark Van Langeveld......Title/Credit Sequence Design
                        & Graphics

      ----- CyberCity Theme -----

Ben 'Jacobs' Jacobs.....Composer/Producer

Joe Diehl...............Electric & Acustic Guitar

Nicolas Peck............Engineer

Recorded at Perceptive Productions
            Mill Valley, California



Credits for the game, stored in the file Bibliography.

Escape From CyberCity(R)
(C) 1992 Toei Animation Co., Ltd.
Produced by Fathom Pictures, Inc
in association with Philips Interactive Media of America.
Based upon the films 'Galaxy Express 999' and 'Adieu Galaxy Express'
    produced by Toei Animation Co., Ltd.

This text can be found in the file Copyright.