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エンタープライズ (Atari ST)

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This page is a translated version of the page Enterprise (Atari ST) and the translation is 56% complete.
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Title Screen


開発元: Atari Corporation
発売元: Atari Corporation
プラットフォーム: Atari ST
ヨーロッパでの発売日: 1989


DevMessageIcon.png 非表示の開発者メッセージ

Enterprise is a rubbish space shooter developed by Atari for the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga. Don't take our word for it when we said this game is garbage, the developers themselves are completely aware of that.


On the second disk, present at the end of WARNINGD.DAT (which contains all of the game's speech) is a message from one of the developers:

When reversed, it says:

"Enterprise is rubbish!" (エンタープライズはゴミです!)

(Source: Ashens)