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Eliminator Boat Duel

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Title Screen

Eliminator Boat Duel

Also known as: Elimonator Boat Duel (US end label)
Developer: Sculptured Software
Publishers: Electro Brain (US), Storm (EU), Piko Interactive (AU/KR)
Platform: NES
Released in US: November 1991
Released in EU: April 29, 1993
Released in AU: February 19, 2020 (Nintendo Switch Online)
Released in KR: February 19, 2020 (Nintendo Switch Online)

MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

A simple boat racing game where two boats attempt to land on top of each other. The game is probably best known for its misspelling on the end label of the cartridge, Elimonator.

Level Select

At the title screen, hold Up + B on controller 1, then press Start. Now you can select the level while the opponent is talking to you. Hold Left and press Select. You can also win the current race by holding Right and pressing Select.

(Source: CaH4e3)

Unused Music

To do:
Any way to access these in game?

Two songs in the game's audio code are not used anywhere in the game. They sound like they were meant to be other racer themes, but only three racer themes total are used in the game during the cutscenes.

(Source: MrNorbert1994 )

Unused Text


It's unknown which game mode this would be displayed in. You're not told how many times you can fail in one-player mode on any difficulty, but you do get a Game Over after losing twice. If this were to be used in two-player mode, it would probably be in a tie-breaker, but the maps loop forever until one of the players loses by two points.


There is no actual screen for displaying this; if either player wins in Two Player Mode, the Game Over screen is displayed.

(Source: MrNorbert1994)
