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Electro Man

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Title Screen

Electro Man

Also known as: Electro Body (Poland)
Developer: xLand Games
Publishers: xLand Games (Poland), Epic MegaGames (US)
Platform: DOS
Released in US: 1993
Released in EU: February 21, 1992 (Poland), 1993 (Outside Poland), December 1993 (Germany)

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Cheat Mode

With the Electro Man release, type in CHAOS. A sound effect will play confirming cheat mode is active, then type either SUPER for god mode or SKIP to go to the next level.

Error Messages

The error messages are completely different between the two versions. These can be found loaded into memory when the game is running.

Electro Body

Original Translated
Nie ma miejsca na obiekt!
Brak obiektow w grze!
Obiekt o nieznanej procedurze obslugi!
Obiekt o nieznanej procedurze dotkniecia!
Brak check pointa startowego!
There is no place for this object!
No objects in the game!
Object with unknown operation procedure!
Object with unknown collision procedure!
No starting check point!

Electro Man

Game error: 'TOMOBJ'
Game error: 'NOOBJ'
Game error: 'UNKNPROC'
Game error: 'UNKNTPROC'
Game error: 'NOCHKP'

Version Differences

To do:
There's probably a lot more version differences here to cover.
  • Electro Man only supports VGA and Monochromatic VGA. Electro Body, on the other hand, supports not only VGA, but also EGA, CGA, and Hercules.
  • Electro Man allows the player to jump with the Control key, while Electro Body allows the player to jump with the Q key.
  • Annoyingly, to exit Electro Body, one must press F10. The player can simply press Escape to exit Electro Man.
  • The framerate is slower in Electro Body v. 1.0, but tweaked to be a little higher in later versions.
  • The "Jesus is here!" sound effect that plays upon reaching a checkpoint is reversed in Electro Man.
  • Electro Body supports Covox, SoundBlaster, and PC speaker. Electro Man adds AdLib support on top of that.
  • After completing a level in Electro Body, it sends you to room where the player must select the correct letter from a page in the (Polish language) manual. Failing to do so sends the player to an inescapable room which has the words "żadna odpowiedż nie była poprawna" (That answer wasn't right) embedded in the background.
  • Electro Man allows the player to restart a level by pressing R.
Electro Body v. 1.0 Electro Body v. 1.5 Electro Man
Electro Body-title.png Electro Body Rev 1-title.png Electro Man-title.png

The title screen got a huge overhaul by Version 1.5 and improved further with Electro Man.

Electro Body Electro Man
Electro Body-Level 1 Start.png Electro Man-Level 1 Start.png

Even from the first level, there is a noticeable graphical revamp of the levels, containing much more detail on the objects.