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Duke Nukem Advance/Regional Differences

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This is a sub-page of Duke Nukem Advance.

Duke Nukem Advance had US and European regional releases. The US version only contains English text, while the European version offers a language selection screen on startup to choose between English, French, German, and Italian text. Oddly, the English text in these two releases differs quite heavily. While conveying the same general information, the US release contains more humor and personality in the dialogue, the European release being relatively blunt and straightforward in comparison, but there are a few instances where the European text actually possesses some unique jokes and even extra storyline information.

Contact with a former employee at Take-Two, the game's publisher who also handled the localization, suggested the differences in the text may have been a result of the localization team modifying the wording due to some expressions not translating one-to-one equally from English into other languages.

(Source: Time Extension (July 10, 2024))

The English text differences only pertain to the mission briefs and in-game dialogue boxes. The text in the opening and ending comic cutscenes are unchanged between both regions.

Text Differences


Area 51


Mission Brief
Area 51
Gather alien intelligence data.
Area 51
Find the Data Disk.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke! General Graves here.
We've lost contact with Area 51
and scattered reports are that
an alien species has infiltrated it.
We need you to go in, gather intelligence on
what they are up to, and wipe the bastards out.
Duke! General Graves here.
A group of aliens are running a
covert operation from deep within Area 51.
We understand it has something to do with a new
alien species.
You must seek and recover data on them.
Duke I'm on it.
Looks like the damned teleporter malfunctioned,
leaving me only with my Desert Eagle.
I'm gonna need to acquire some new hardware.
Let's rock.
Damn. Teleporter's broke - took most of my
guns. Someone's gonna pay, and I'm all ready to sign their
checks with my Desert Eagle. Who wants some!
Found data disk
Speaker US EU
Duke General, this place is crawling with alien scum,
but I've recovered an alien data disk.
General! I have found a Data Disk!
I bet it contains the details we need to learn
more about the new breed of aliens.
General Graves Good work Duke.
Keep the disk secure and await further instructions.
Excellent. Infiltrate the next secure section and
await further instructions.
Duke I have plenty of alien ass to kick in the meantime.
Duke out.
I'm on my way...


Mission Brief
Area 51
Find the Satlink Laptop.
Area 51
Find the SatLink.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, there should be a SatLink laptop
somewhere in those labs.
Once you find it, you can use it to upload
the data disk you've recovered.
Duke, there is a SatLink laptop in your vicinity.
Find it so we can upload the Data Disk.
Found satlink laptop
Speaker US EU
Duke General, I've found the Satlink laptop.
Uploading the data to you now
I've found the Satlink. Uploading the data now.
General Graves It appears they're manipulating their DNA
to create an army of super alien hybrids.
We'll continue to analyze the data you sent,
but the odds are kind of steep.
Oh my God! It looks like they're manipulating
their DNA to create an army of super alien hybrids.
If this army should ever be unleashed...
You have got to stop them, Duke!
Duke Yeah, I almost feel sorry for
the scum-sucking, algae-eaters.
They picked the wrong planet this time.
Stop an entire army of aliens by myself?!
That's not exactly a fair fight.
The odds are stacked too heavily against them!
First Gray encounter
Speaker US EU
Duke I've just had a close encounter of the ugliest kind. I've just had a close encounter of the ugliest kind.
General Graves According to the data you uploaded,
that was a hybrid Gray alien
and they can resurrect the dead.
That was a Gray. According to the data you just uploaded
Grays can resurrect the dead!
We recommend you take them out of the equation first.
Duke If that's true, they better get ready to work overtime. If they can resurrect the dead they'll be working
overtime in my wake.


Mission Brief
Area 51
Destroy the Hybrid Army.
Area 51
Stop the invasion!
Speaker US EU
Duke General, I've found some kind of underground subway system. General, I am in some kind of subway!
General Graves That system is used to move top secret weapons
and technology around, under the noses of
the American public.
It was built years ago to move equipment secretly.
Duke Well it looks like the alien scum are using it
to transport their army right under 'our' noses.
Well it looks like the alien scum are preparing to
use it to ferry out their army right under our noses.
General Graves Duke, we've learned that the aliens need
environmental regulators to exist.
Locate and destroy them,
and the aliens will be history.
Earth is counting on you.
Find a way to destroy their army before they succeed.
Duke I'll derail their plans.
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum,
and I'm all out of gum.
Don't worry, their plans are about to be derailed.
Destroyed hybrid army
Speaker US EU
General Graves Good work, Duke! Shutting down the environmental
regulators has destroyed the hybrid alien army.
Now get out of there in one piece.
Good work, Duke! You have shut down their
environmental regulators. The alien army has been destroyed.
Now get out of there in one piece.
Duke Piece of cake.
This was almost too easy.
Piece of cake.
Encountered Spiderlord
Speaker US EU
Spiderlord You amuse me, little human.
As if your pathetic attempts could stop us.
You are weak and nothing but food.
The futility of your persistence amuses me.
It's a shame that I must kill you now.
Duke That's a lot of talk from an overgrown insect
with a dead invasion army.
You and what army?
Spiderlord All you've managed to do is kill an
expendable fraction of our warriors.
Our full army is obviously located elsewhere.
I wouldn't expect you to understand that with
100 percent of your brain. Prepare to die.
How naive you are to believe you've destroyed our
army. You've managed to kill but a small fraction
of warriors, no more than a minor setback.
Our full army is safely located far from here as we
prepare for the extinction of the human race.
I shall begin the process today with your extinction!
Duke Come Get Some.
Time for an alien autopsy.
Time for a little alien autopsy, RPG style.
Come get some!
Speaker US EU
Duke General, Area 51 was just the tip of the iceberg.
There's a much larger army hidden elsewhere.
General, Area 51 is the tip of the iceberg.
There's a much larger army hidden elsewhere!
General Graves Any idea where? Understood. Stay put while we get a fix on their location.
Duke No. That overgrown spider was too busy dying
to talk. But I'm going to jump through his teleporter
and see where it leads.
Talk to you on the other side.
No can do. If there's more of them out there then every
second is precious. The fastest way to locate the army
is for me to follow their slimy trail through
this Teleporter. Hail to the King, baby!



Mission Brief
Breach the Inner Sanctum.
Breach the Inner Sanctum.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, we've pinpointed your position via GPS satellite
and you're in the Temple of Amun in Egypt.
We've also detected a large power source
deep inside the temple.
Duke, you are at the Temple of Amun.
We are detecting a major power source
deep inside the complex. You must find a way
into the inner sanctum.
Duke Time to walk like an Egyptian,
into the Temple of Doom, and deliver some max payne.
Discovered hybrid army
Speaker US EU
Duke So this is where they've been hiding
their alien hybrid army.
The aliens must be using the temple to store an entire
Alien army. Ready to be defrosted when needed.


Mission Brief
Find data on the environmental regulators.
Find the Schematics.
Speaker US EU
Duke General, this place is full of frozen alien hybrids.
This is definitely their entire invasion army.
General, this place is full of frozen hybrids.
It looks like an invasion army.
General Graves That adds up. The power source we're detecting
must supply their environmental regulators.
Look for a way to shut them down, like before.
That makes sense. The power source we are detecting
must be their environmental regulators. We need more
information to know how to shut them down.
Duke Leave it to me. Permanent hybernation, coming up. Leave it to me. Wherever I find these freakin' machines,
I'll find some answers.
Found schematics
Speaker US EU
Duke General, I've found some schematics on the regulators
and I'm uploading them now with the satlink.
General! I've found schematics!
I'm uploading them with the SatLink.
General Graves Transmission received. We'll begin analysis immediately.
In the meantime, there appears to be
a control center near your location. Check it out.
We're downloading them now.
Our technicians will have some answers soon.
There appears to be a control center not far from you.
It's beyond a door that requires a blue key.
Duke Rockin'. I'm on my way!


Mission Brief
Destroy the hibernating army.
Stop the alien controller.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, our analysis shows that there is an override
pump that will drain the hibernation tanks
and kill the aliens.
You need to locate the switches to that pump.
Duke, you have to get to the control center.
Our technicians have found that there are 2 switches
there that will start the pump that drains
the hibernation tanks.
Duke Damn it. I'm an ass kicker,
not a tomb raiding switch flipper!
Camera on Alien Controller
Speaker US EU
Duke I'm gonna send him crying to his mummy. Looks like he's in control here!
Encountered Alien Controller
Speaker US EU
Duke Who the hell are you supposed to be,
The Scorpion King?
You're one nasty case of crabs.
So you are the Big Boss here.
Alien Controller I am the 'Controller'. I protect the colony.
We will destroy your atmosphere
with our doomsday machine,
then awaken our slumbering army.
I protect the new colonies!
Once we destroy your atmosphere with our weapon we shall
defrost our armies and rule your world!
Duke Yeah, yeah... prepare to die.
I've heard that before.
I'll kick your ass till your nose bleeds.
Alien Controller boss battle hint
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, we're detecting a massive power reading around
the Controller. He may be protected by shields.
Duke, we've just discovered that the alien controller is
shield protected. Your weapons
will be useless against it.
Find an alternate way of destroying him.
Duke Don't worry, General. Shields or not,
I'll find a way to crush this crustacean cretin.
Shields, huh? Don't worry, General.
I'll find a way to squash this mutant maggot!
Drained hibernation tanks
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, the hibernation tanks have been drained,
and the alien army has finally been destroyed.
Good work.
Duke Damn,I'm good. -

No equivalent text appears in the EU ROM.


Mission Brief
Escape the temple!
Escape before it blows.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, what's your mission status? What's going On?
Duke I made crab cakes out of the controller,
but he activated a self-destruct sequence
before he died.
Looks like the controller alien invoked a self-destruct
sequence before he met his fate!
General Graves That temple is thousands of years old and a world wonder.
It's a shame to see it destroyed.
We'll lock on and teleport you out...
Duke If I don't get out of here fast,
you're going to lose two wonders.
I'm heading for another alien teleporter.
I ain't sitting around, not while I've got aliens to
Kill and bullets to kill 'em with.
I'll shoot my way out.



Mission Brief
Locate the Undercover Operative.
Find the undercover operative.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, GPS satellite shows that you're
in Sydney, Australia. With their army dead, the
aliens have to be up to something.
Find out what it is.
Duke, it appears you're now down under.
Duke Before he died, the controller said something
about a doomsday weapon to destroy our atmosphere.
The controller said something of a doomsday weapon.
General Graves Duke, it's a thin lead, but we received a distress signal
from an undercover agent down there.
Her last known location was a night club near you.
Check it out.
Might be connected to a distress signal we received
from an undercover agent down there.
Check it out. You'll find her in a Night Club.
Duke I'll contact you when I find something. Over and out. Cool...
Met Jenny
Speaker US EU
Duke We got your distress call. What's the situation? Honey, we got your distress call. What's up?
Jenny I blacked out today and when I woke up, 4 hours later,
I was naked and in the opera house down the street.
Also, some skin has been scraped off my arm.
Things are getting weird. Today, I blacked out,
lost nine minutes, and woke up in The Opera House.
Some skin has been scraped off my arm!
Duke Sounds like a hell of a party. What else? Sounds like my kind of party.
Jenny I remember bits and pieces about a big machine of some
sort, but I can't remember specifics.
I can't tell if I was dreaming or not.
I remember talk of a Doomsday weapon.
Duke I'll check it out. How do I get to the opera house? I'll check it out. How do I get there?
Jenny Use the key behind me to go through the door behind the
bar. The Opera House is a block away.
Use the key behind me to go through the door behind the
bar. The Opera House is only a block away.


Mission Brief
Kill the alien sentry. Gain access to the Opera House
Remove Sentry. Find the Opera House.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, the main entrance to the opera house is too heavily
fortified for a direct assault. There should be an air duct
that links it with a Chinese restaurant. Try that.
Also, you need to dispatch the alien sentry
so he doesn't warn them of your arrival.
The main entrance to the Opera House is too heavily
fortified. There is an air duct that links it with a
Chinese Restaurant. It's your only way in.
But first, you must dispatch their sentry so he can't
warn them of your arrival.
Found secret cheat code
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke,I've intercepted an alien transmission.
It looks like a password... LUAU LASS.
Does that mean anything to you?
You may want to pause the game and experiment.
Try holding the left shoulder button.
Duke I've aquired a strange alien transmission.
It looks like a password... LUAU LASS.
Can you make sense of that, Duke?
Killed the sentry
Speaker US EU
General Graves Good work, Duke. That was the sentry.
Grab his security key so you
can get into the opera house.
Duke, that was the Sentry Alien.
Grab his key so you can get into the Opera House.
Speaker US EU
Duke Gimme some Hendrix or Ozzy.
Hell, gimme anything but Opera.
Going to the opera and me without my tuxedo!


Mission Brief
Recover data on the Doomsday Weapon.
Find the doomsday plans.
Speaker US EU
Duke Okay General, I'm in. Okay, General, I'm in!
General Graves Duke, you need to destroy that weapon as soon as possible.
By any means possible.
You have to find out the capabilities of this weapon
so we can assess the situation.
Duke Roger that. Piece of cake. No problemo!
Found doomsday plans
Speaker US EU
Duke I think I've found something.
Start downloading.
I think I've found something.
Start downloading General.
General Graves Duke, satellite images indicate that
the weapon is located on the roof.
There's a master control room that you can access from
one of the band pits. We'll continue to
analyze the alien plans you transmitted.
Looks like the weapon is located near the roof.
There's a master control room nearby.
That's probably where they'll trigger it from.
You can access it from a door in one of the band pits.


Mission Brief
Stop the Doomsday Weapon!
Stop the doomsday weapon!
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, that weapon is capable of accelerating
global warming! It could wipe out all human existence!
The data you sent shows a
shut off switch right ahead of you.
Hurry Duke! We're running out of time!
Duke, that weapon is capable of
accelerating global warming!
It could wipe out all human existence!
Duke - I see their plans now.
They grow these mutes on their home planet.
Stockpile them in Egypt.
Use Area 51 to acclimatise them.
Finally they use this weapon to evict us.
General Graves - You've got to locate the weapon.
But please, don't touch any switches!
Camera on doomsday weapon
Speaker US EU
Duke Must be the doomsday weapon.Most Impressive This must be the weapon!
Activated doomsday weapon
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, what's happened? We're picking up a
massive power surge from your location.
What happened? We're picking up a huge
power surge from your location.
Duke That switch I flipped seems to have activated the
weapon instead of shutting it down.
It's charging up to fire.
Ummm... Too late. They've already started the weapon.
General Graves Those alien bastards must have anticipated you
getting the weapon data and booby trapped the switch.
We still have one chance though.
There is an emergency shutdown procedure,
but you have a little over a minute and a half
to find the four shutdown switches.
You've only got seconds! There are four switches that
will neutralize the weapon. Get to them!!
Duke Tick Tock, Tick Tock, these aliens can suck my... -
General Graves Duke, get a move on! -
Deactivated doomsday weapon
Speaker US EU
Duke Whew! Just in the nick of time.
But I still smell trouble.
I deactivated it just in time.
Now it's time I fight them on their own turf!
Speaker US EU
Duke General, you better get a team down here
to dismantle this weapon as soon as possible.
You better send a team down here
to dismantle this weapon.
General Graves We're on it Duke.
We should have the aliens on the run now.
What are you going to do?
Duke They can run, but they can't hide from my size 15 boot.
It's gut stompin' time.
I'm betting this Teleporter will take me to the source of
their infestation. I'm going to stop them.



Mission Brief
Alien Ship
Destroy all the alien eggs.
Alien Home World
Destroy the eggs.
Speaker US EU
Duke General...Can you read me?
Come in, General.
General... General... Can you read me?
General Graves D*ke. W**re hav*ng tr**ble re*ding Y*u.
Y*ur s**nal is we*k.
Duke... having trouble... can't locate...
Duke Nobody jams my signal…and lives! Looks like my signal is being jammed.
Found alien eggs
Speaker US EU
Duke Whoa, looks like I hit the mother-lode.
It's egg crackin' time.
Looks like the mother-lode of inbred aliens.
This must be their home world!
Time to reduce these eggs' life expectancy.


Mission Brief
Alien Ship
Shutdown the cloaking device.
Alien Home World
Contact General Graves.
Found ship window
Speaker US EU
Duke These alien freaks are on a ship orbiting Earth!
There must be a cloaking device to hide it and
that's probably what's knocked out my communications.
Hey, this is no home world...
These freakers are floating around EARTH!
This ship must have a cloaking device.
If I can shut it off, I'll be in
comunicado again with the General.
Disabled cloaking device
Speaker US EU
Duke General, do you read me? General, do you read me?
General Graves Duke! It's good to have you back on line.
We just detected an alien ship obiting Earth!
It's good to have you back on line.
We just detected an alien ship obiting Earth!
Duke I know. I shut down their cloaking device. I know. I shut down their cloaking device.
General Graves Good work. Get to a secure location so
I can brief you of your new objectives.
Get yourself to a safe location
so I can brief you of your new mission.


Mission Brief
Alien Ship
Hack into the Mainframe.
Alien Ship
Hack into the mainframe.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, the alien ship is protected by an energy field
we can't penetrate, even with a nuke.
We need you to hack into their systems
so we can try to find a weakness.
Duke, the alien ship is shield protected.
Launching a nuke strike on it would be pointless.
I need you to hack into their mainframe so we can download
information that will help to destroy them.
Found mainframe
Speaker US EU
Duke Okay General, you're hooked into their systems.
See what you can find. I've got my hands full up here.
Okay, General. You've got what you've asked for!
Start downloading. I'm going to get out of here
before the aliens are alerted to my presence.


Mission Brief
Alien Ship
Find and rescue the women.
Alien Ship
Rescue mission.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, we're able to scan the ship now.
We've picked up the vital signs of 4 human females.
More bad news, Duke. We've picked up 4 human lifeforms
on the alien ship. Female lifeforms.
Duke I'll keep an eye out for them General.
Any word on shutting this ship down?
And what part of that news is bad, General?
General Graves We're still analyzing the data, Duke.
We should have a solution by the time you find the girls.
We've found a way to destroy the ship. But you have to
locate them first so we can teleport them out.
I hope the aliens haven't laid a finger on them.
Duke Hurry up. It never takes me long to find a woman. No-one's laying any fingers but me. I'll get off with all
the girls, General. It's what I do.
Met Jenny 2
Speaker US EU
Jenny Oh, Duke, how can I repay you for saving me? -
Duke Shake it, baby. Hey, you look kind of familiar. Safe and sound, baby. Hey, you look familiar...
Jenny I'm a clone. You must have met my template,
Jenny 1. I'm Jenny 2 and my 3 sisters are here somewhere.
The aliens cloned us. You must have met my template,
Jenny 1. I'm Jenny 2. My 3 sisters are in here
somewhere. Oh, Duke, how can I repay you for saving me?
Duke Don't worry, I'll find them.
General, Jenny 2 is standing by. Get her out of here.
Come to a clambake with me when this is all over.
Bring your sisters and have a clonebake with
the Duke. Yeah.


Mission Brief
Alien Ship
Rescue Jenny 3.
Alien Ship
Conserve your ammo.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, the girl we teleported off the ship
appears to be a clone of the agent you met in Sydney.
Apparently the agent was abducted and cloned.
Duke, the girl we teleported is...
Duke I'm willing to bet the clones were going to be
breeding stock for the aliens.
A clone? Yeah, I know. And I'm liking the idea more and m--
Alien Lord Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Eliminate the human! Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Capture the human!
Duke Looks like I'm going to have more company than usual.
They never seem to learn.
General, they know I'm here and they know I'll be coming
for the babes.
General Graves Keep a low profile and try to
avoid engagement with the aliens.
Keep a low profile. I recommend you avoid
engagement with the aliens.
Duke Fine by me. I've never liked engagements. Fine by me. I've never liked engagements.
Got blue key card
Speaker US EU
Duke Taking them head on is not going to be easy. Taking them head on is not going to be easy!
Met Jenny 3
Speaker US EU
Duke Hail to the king, baby! Don't tell me, your name's Jenny, right?
Jenny Oh, Duke, it was horrible, all those alien appendages
all over me! Well, actually that part wasn't so bad.
Oh, Duke, it was horrible, all those alien appendages
all over me! How can I ever repay you?
Duke We can play alien and schoolgirl later,
but for now we have to get you out of here.
General, one babe ready to beam down.
I'll let you play Aliens and Captives with me sometime.
But first, I'll save the rest of the party.
General, I've got one babe here ready to go.


Mission Brief
Alien Ship
Find the engine room.Rescue Jenny 4.
Alien Ship
Get to the engine room.
Speaker US EU
General Graves We're picking up massive heat signatures near your current
location. You must be near the engine room.
Look for the remaining Jenny clones, and we'll
see what we can come up with to destroy that ship.
We're picking up massive heat sources.
You must be near the engine room.
Find the third clone and proceed.
Duke One hot babe coming up. One hot babe, coming up.
Met Jenny 4
Speaker US EU
Duke Jenny 4, I presume? Again with the de ja vous...
Jenny Duke, you're my hero! I thought for sure I was
going to be used on an alien sex farm!
Thanks, handsome. Maybe you could call me sometime
so I can thank you properly. I'm Jenny.
My number is 867 5309.
Duke When this is over, we'll make a stop at
Duke's Amusement Park and ride the slippery snake.
General, take her away.
I'm Duke. My number is 1. The one and only, baby.
General Graves - Save the love for later, Number 1.
Proceed to the Engine Room.


Mission Brief
Alien Ship
Shutdown the cooling unit. Save the Girl.
Alien Ship
Blow the ship, Save the girl.
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, we have a plan that may work, but it's risky.
Locate the engine cooling unit and shut it down.
This should overheat the reactor
and destroy the ship.
But you're going to need to get out of there fast.
Duke! It's up to you. Find the cooling unit and shut
it down. This will overheat the reactor
and destroy the ship.
Duke Don't worry about me General.
I'll give these alien maggots
a hotfoot they'll feel all the way to hell.
Cool. We'll overheat the aliens, so they can get used to
being in hell!
Camera on Alien Lord
Speaker US EU
Duke I'm coming for you! He looks like the brains and brawn behind this operation.
Shut down cooling units
Speaker US EU
Duke The cooling units are shut down
and the reactor is starting to heat up.
Yes! The cooling units are shut down!
Now to find the final babe.
General Graves Great work Duke. Find Jenny 5 and get the hell... -
Alien Lord Earth fools! I have the earth woman secured.
If you want her, you'll have to go through me.
Our ship may be doomed,
but I'll get the satisfaction
of seeing you die with it.
Earth fool! I have the key to the earth woman's cell.
Our ship will perish with you two on it.
Use your last 5 minutes to wallow in your failure.
Duke Not on your life ass-goblin.
I'll be vacationing with hot babes,
while your atoms are flying past Uranus.
I'd prefer to spend my time kicking your butt.
Met Jenny 5
Speaker US EU
Jenny Oh, Duke, I'm so happy I could just grab you and... Oh, Duke, I'm so happy I could just grab you and...
Duke No time, baby.
The only thing that's gonna blow is this ship.
And soon!
General,Jenny 5 is ready. Energize.
No time to chat, baby. The ship'll blow soon and I
don't want to shower the earth with Duke just yet.
Meet you back home, you can finish thanking me at my place.


Mission Brief
Run your ass off!
Get to the Teleporter!
Speaker US EU
General Graves Duke, our sensors show that the reactors are
super critical and they are going to
explode in less than 4 minutes.
Duke, if you stand still for 5 minutes we can get a
teleport lock on you.
Duke Great. Beam my ass off this ship
and we can watch the fireworks from Earth.
Maybe I could scratch my butt until I'm blown across the
universe. Thanks, General, but I'll find my
own way out.
General Graves That's going to be a problem.
Teleporting Jenny 5 strained our teleporter pad
to the limit and burned it out.
We can't get it repaired in time.
You have to find your own way off the ship.
Good luck old friend.
Duke Who needs luck? Always bet on Duke. -


The credits for the Torus Games team are identical between regions and thus omitted here.

3D Realms
Steven Blackburn

Executive Producers
Scott Miller
George Broussard

Beta Testing
Bryan Turner

Voice of Duke Nukem
Jon St John
Associate Producer
Steve Blackburn

Original Duke3D
Art Assets
Dirk Jones
Stephen Hornback
James Storey
David Demaret
Douglas R Wood

Duke Voice
Jon St. John

Lots And Lots
Of Thanks To
Scott Miller
George Broussard

In the European release, the 3D Realms credits changes Steven Blackburn's "Producer" credit to "Associate Producer" and his first name from "Steven" to simply "Steve". The European release also acknowledges the original Duke 3D art team, omits Bryan Turner's beta testing credit, and changes the "Executive Producers" credit for Scott Miller and George Broussard to "Lots And Lots Of Thanks To" in addition to moving them to the bottom of the list after a gap.

Special Mentions To
J.J. Suarez
Alejandro Suarez
Mugsy Tabora
Special Mentions To
Kai Neumann
Thomas Lee Brown
Gage DeCabral

Under the Take-Two team, each release includes a different set of names for the closing "Special Mentions To" credit.