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Donkey Kong Country (SNES)/Unused Bonus Room Layouts

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This is a sub-page of Donkey Kong Country (SNES).

Unused Bonus Room Layouts

There are a number of bonus room layouts that remain unused in the game. The only way to access them is to modify stage boundaries -- they don't have room IDs.


Unused tall Jungle bonus room

A bonus room with a layout that's unlike anything else in the game. This would have been populated with either a blast barrel or bouncy tires -- as it is, this room has no objects.

Unused Orang-utan Gang bonus room

A bonus room with 4 item caches, located directly after a bonus room used in the game, a room with 3 item caches. This would probably show up in Orang-Utan Gang, which had 3 bonus rooms like this. It was replaced with either the Animal Token bonus room or the Expresso one.


Large unused Cave bonus room

This bonus room has a good amount of vertical and horizontal space. Moving platforms or blast barrels would have been used here.

Unused item cache Cave bonus room

Here's something interesting, these item cache holes don't appear in any other cave area! Graphics for the item cache coverings are in the game, but never used.


Unused Mines bonus room

A simple room with a slope in the middle, something that would have been filled with bananas and/or extra lives.


Room #1 Room #2
Unused Temple bonus room #1 Unused Temple bonus room #2

Just simple 2 screen rooms. The two rooms are nearly identical, but they each have slightly different layouts for the scenery at the top.

Unused Temple bonus room #3

A room similar to this one appears in the final game, but the gap between the two sides is significantly wider.


Unused Forest bonus room

Another simple long bonus room that just didn't get used.


Room #1 Room #2
Unused Snow bonus room #1 Unused Snow bonus room #2

Another case of Rare wanting to cover all possible room types, here again are two long bonus rooms that are nearly identical but for scenery.

Crystal Cavern

This is particularly intriguing. A level type that only appears once in the game has three unused bonus room layouts! Rare must have wanted to use this level type more than once, but they ultimately did not.

Long unused Crystal Cavern bonus room

In what has now become a theme, this 2 screen wide bonus room is never used in-game.

Tall Crystal Cavern bonus room

Bonus rooms like these (vertically long with no floor) are always filled with a blast barrel -- one that is constantly spinning, or one that shoots you straight up. We'll never know which one this used.

Alternate Crystal Cavern rope bonus room

A first: A bonus room with objects in it! Or at least, the banana groupings are here. This looks like an alternate version of a bonus room that actually appears in the final game. In the final version, you climb down ropes that move you either up or down, and at the end of each rope is a banana bunch. The room here is essentially flipped vertically, so you mainly be climbing up ropes instead of climbing down.


Room #1 Room #2
Unused Factory bonus room #1 Unused Factory bonus room #2

Tired of these yet? Yes, it's another pair of 2 screen wide bonus rooms with only minor variations in scenery to differentiate them. The second bonus room is also positioned higher up than the first.

Odd Factory bonus room

This might not even be a bonus room, but it's grouped with them in the factory layout. No idea what this could have been used for. A barrel roulette?