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Dokapon DX: Wataru Sekai wa Oni Darake (PlayStation 2)

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Title Screen

Dokapon DX: Wataru Sekai wa Oni Darake

Developer: Dual
Publisher: Asmik Ace Entertainment
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: July 8, 2004, July 14, 2005 (Asmik Tokudane Series)

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

To do:
See if there is any unused models and events.

A port of the GameCube version of the same name.

Debug Menu

Dokapon DX - Debugmenu1.png

Enabling the below code will start the game into a debug menu. Most options don't work anymore.

SLPM-65615 code:

Boot to Debug Menu
00109D68 00000002
Text Translation
サウンドデバッグ Sound Debug
しん動(デュアルショック) Vibration (Dual Shock)
マルチタップ Multi-tap
ポリゴンデバッグ Polygon Debug
タイトルへ Title
イベントテスト Event Test
バトルテスト Battle Test
タイトルショートカット Title Shortcut
終りょう Quit
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Sound Debug

Dokapon DX - Debugmenu2.png Dokapon DX - Debugmenu3.png

Only Barance Adjust appears to work. This lets you listen to music, however that's all that appears to work.

Vibration (Dual Shock)

Dokapon DX - Debugmenu4.png

Test controller vibration options.

Polygon Debug

Dokapon DX - Debugmenu5.png Dokapon DX - Debugmenu6.png Dokapon DX - Debugmenu7.png

Model viewer and effect viewer.

Event Test

Allows viewing of events.

Battle Test

Sends you into a test battle.

Title Shortcut

Sends you to different title modes.