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Dispel/Unused Objects

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This is a sub-page of Dispel.

Maps contain additional sprites inside the map file. Sprites below are grouped in an arbitrary way because some sprites were included in multiple maps, hence there being duplicates.


Sprites from files: cat1.map, cat2.map, cat3.map, catp.map and final.map.

Dispel-cat1 seat1.png Dispel-cat1 seat2.png

Dispel-cat2 plant1.png Dispel-cat2 plant2.png Dispel-cat2 plant3.png
Plants (used colors slightly differs from used plants)

Dispel-cat3 seat3.png

Dispel-cat3 vase1.png Dispel-cat3 vase2.png

Dispel-catp statue.png
Pope's palace statue

Dispel-final pillar1.png Dispel-final pillar2.png
Damaged pillars


Sprites from the pope's palace catacombs:

Dispel-dun03 statue1.png Dispel-dun03 statue2.png Dispel-dun03 statue3.png Dispel-dun03 statue4.png Dispel-dun03 statue5.png Dispel-dun03 statue6.png Dispel-dun03 statue7.png

Dispel-dun03 tombOpen.png
Opened tomb.


Sprites from the rest of the dungeons:

Dispel-dun01 pillar1.png Dispel-dun01 pillar2.png Dispel-dun01 pillar3.png
Pillars from Goblin's lair.

Dispel-dun06 pillar1.png Dispel-dun06 pillar2.png Dispel-dun08 pillar.png
Pillars used across different dungeons.

Dispel-dun10 plant1.png Dispel-dun17 plant2.png Dispel-dun17 plant3.png Dispel-dun17 plant4.png
Plants used across different dungeons.

Dispel-dun18 statue.png
Statue from minotaur's labyrinth dungeon.

Dispel-dun22 pillar1.png Dispel-dun22 bones1.png Dispel-dun22 bones2.png Dispel-dun22 bones3.png Dispel-dun22 bones4.png
Sprites from Harrass' dungeon.


Dispel-map1 planks.png
Some planks.

Dispel-map1 stool.png

Dispel-map1 well1.png
Well full of water.

Dispel-map1 well2.png
Well with roof.


Dispel-map2 bucket.png Dispel-map2 bucket2.png

Dispel-map2 chest.png
Chest (not usable)

Dispel-map2 grill.png
Other type of grill.

Dispel-map2 ladder.png
Ladder with 7 steps. People in Shereg uses only ladders with 9 steps.

Dispel-map2 pillar.png
Pillar that doesn't fit to any structure on this map.

Dispel-map2 statueHand.png
Statue hand. The said hand is missing from one statue near Puru's altair in Shereg.


Dispel-map3 halfLadder.png
Half of a ladder. There are multiple spots where it could've be used.

Dispel-map3 mushroom1.png Dispel-map3 mushroom2.png Dispel-map3 mushroom3.png
The only color of mushrooms that was not used.