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Disney's Toontown Online/Unused Textures

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This is a sub-page of Disney's Toontown Online.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
There's more to cover. Check every release.
  • Unseen moon texture in phase 5.5, not part of wallpaper.

Toontown Online contains dozens of textures that are unsed.

In the English phase files, most of the textures are stored within .JPG sheets called palette but in other language files, they're conveniently available in separated images. The latter will be mostly researched for the sake of easier organization.

All of them are arranged via phase file order.

This page will NOT cover textures that were changed via revisional releases, but will cover textures that would go unused in later updates and/or removed from those versions. Textures found in graphic sets will use their filenames found in the Spotify leak and French phase files.

Unused Clothing and Accessories are covered in a separate section.


Toontown GameLogo XD.jpg
wishes. dreams. magic.
TTO tt t ene cashbot.jpg
Too lazy to clean out old shticks.
TTO goofySZ.jpg
Lost in the scrap heap of features.


Scrapped Street Props

Found in toontown_central_streets_palette_4amla_2 and toontown_central_streets_palette_4amla_3

At least two lamp graphics and a signboard goes unused in the final, following the same file-naming scheme as the used chimneys. The signboard was used in Screwball Stadium in Goofy Speedway in the Test Server but has since been removed.

Removed Fish Texture

Found in ???

This texture was used before Fishing was released in the Test Server, as a generic fish jumping out of the pond.

TT std glod fish.jpg

Scrapped Building Texture

Found in toontown_central_streets_palette_1lmla_1

A scrapped building texture sheet containing a fish.

TT std gray fish.jpg

Delivery Package

Found within the building textures for Toontown Central streets (toontown_central_streets_palette_3cmla_2) are two textures for what appears to be a delivery package.


Placeholder Skelecog Tie

This peculiar texture (cogB_tie_instrumentB.jpg) is a fifth in textures for Skelecog ties to distinguish between types, and is used if a type is not assigned to a cog. It appears to be modified and downscaled from the purple Sellbot tie texture (cog_robot_tie_sales).

TTO cogB tie instrumentB.jpg


Early Valentine Wallpaper Borders

Found in the French phase files are some placeholder Valentine's Wallpaper decorations (Vborder1a, Vborder1b Vborder2b), in sv1.5.8.16.fr.

Early (sv1.5.8.16.fr) Final (at least sv1.5.26.8)
TT EARLY Vborder1a.jpg TT Vborder1a.jpg
TT EARLY Vborder1a.jpg TT Vborder1b.jpg
TT EARLY Vborder1a.jpg TT Vborder2b.jpg

Unused Candle Wallpaper Texture

Stored within phase_5.5 is an unused wallpaper border for candles, coming in both regular and recolorable variants.

TTO candles border.jpgTTO candles border neutral.jpg

Scrapped Wildflower Garden Window View Textures

Found in estate_interior_palette_4amla_8.jpg

Scrapped textures for the earlier Wildflower Garden Window View.

Alternate Watering Can Texture

Found in estate_palette_3cmla_3 is an alternate texture for the Silver Watering Can in a mint color.


Unused Estate Terrain

Found in TTO_estate_palette_3cmla_3.jpg

An alternate texture for the terrain used in the Estate with a different path layout and colour called siteplan_color.jpg...which is used in the earlier model. Final version uses terrain_terrain2.jpg.

TTO siteplan color.jpg

Alternate Coloured House Texture Set

Found in estate_palette_3cmla_2.jpg and ???

There is an unused texture set for the basic Estate houses in a beige and red color scheme. Final uses grayscale equivalents to separate houses into different colors, much like some recolorable clothing.

Recolorable Snow Flooring

A scrapped floor texture for recolorable Snow flooring called floor_snow_neutral, appearing in black and white like the other recolorable flooring. For reference, the used Snow flooring is called floor_snow and appears blue at the corners.

TTO floor snow neutral.jpg

Flower Textures

Purpose unknown.

TTO estate palette 4amla 6.jpg

Sun Pattern Texture?

Found in estate_palette_4amla_7. Likely not a scrapped wallpaper due to such graphics being separate.


Ladybug Wallpaper Part

Unused texture for a bottom Ladybug Wallpaper pattern, likely intended for Series 2 wallpapers.

File:TTO ladybugs2 Border.jpg


Early Donald's Dreamland Concrete

Though sorta hard to make out, it's an earlier design for the paving in Donald's Dreamland, called DL_brick_floor.jpg.

TTO DL brick floor.jpg

Earlier German The Brrrgh Toon HQ Graphic

An earlier German localization graphic for The Brrrgh Toon Headquarters, found in the French phase files. The earlier version lacks the "-" present in the graphic.

French Files (Early) German Files (Final)
TT EARLY hqBR igloo german.jpg TT FINAL hqBR igloo german.jpg



Texture of a dollar symbol. Purpose unknown.

TTO RegKey.jpg


A paint texture that was once used in the Paint Room, but was replaced with a different texture in an update.

TTO SolidPaint.jpg


An earlier Cog Disguise page design with brighter pipe frames and a shorter "____ Progress" banner. Would be removed after circa sv1.0.15.38.

TTO pipe frame3.jpg


Unused Coin Graphic

Found in cashbotHQ_palette_4amla_1

An unused coin graphic of a Money Bags with the Cashbot Headquarters insignia at the back.