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Disney's Toontown Online/Unused Text

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This is a sub-page of Disney's Toontown Online.

The text is taken from TTLocalizerEnglish.py, found in the Robot Toon Manager leak.

Note: the text referring to terms and names are displayed as "+ example +". The covered text will not include the symbols for clarity.


String Text Notes
The name you
submitted has
been accepted!
A completely different message and screen is used instead.
You already have a toon named %s!
The player can give all their toons identical names.
That name is already used!
Contrary to as it sounds, this message goes unused.
Sorry.  That name will not work.
A different string with slightly different punctuation is used instead.

Clarabelle's Cattlelog

Two scrapped Window Views.

    10 : "Large Garden",
    30 : "Greek Garden",

A text reference to the short-lived Fertilizer item from the Test Server.

StatuaryGardenAccelerator = "Insta-Grow Fertilizer"

There are no giftable items that can be instantly given to other Toons.

CatalogPurchaseGiftItemAvailable = "Excellent!  %s can start using your gift right away."

Obtaining Items

CatalogAcceptPole = "You're now ready to go catch some bigger fish with your new pole!"
CatalogAcceptChat = "You now have a new SpeedChat!"
CatalogAcceptEmote = "You now have a new Emotion!"
CatalogAcceptBeans = "You received some jelly beans!"
CatalogAcceptRATBeans = "Your Toon recruit reward has arrived!"
CatalogAcceptNametag = "Your new name tag has arrived!"
CatalogAcceptGarden = "Your garden supplies have arrived!"
CatalogAcceptPet = "You now have a new Pet Trick!"

Lots of unused strings relating to getting new items. Likely cut to avoid repetition.

CatalogAcceptFitError = "This won't fit you! You donate it to needy toons."

This string doesn't show up, due to the Toon's Cattlelog always having clothes that fit them.

CatalogAcceptInvalidError = "This item has gone out of style! You donate it to needy toons."

Usage unknown, though it's likely a generic error message.

CatalogAcceptPoleUnneeded = "You already have a better pole than this one!"

Unused due to lower-level Fishing Poles never showing up in the Cattlelog.

New Clothing

To do:
Was this used in an earlier update?

Removed messages for receiving new clothing from the Cattlelog. Likely cut to avoid repetition.

CatalogAcceptShirt = "You are now wearing your new shirt.  What you were wearing before has been moved to your closet."
CatalogAcceptShorts = "You are now wearing your new shorts.  What you were wearing before has been moved to your closet."
CatalogAcceptSkirt = "You are now wearing your new skirt.  What you were wearing before has been moved to your closet."

Gifting Text

Those strings go unused due to the options already being greyed-out.

CatalogPurchaseGiftNotAGift = "This item could not be sent to %s because it would be an unfair advantage."
CatalogPurchaseGiftWillNotFit = "This item could not be sent to %s because it doesn't fit them."
CatalogPurchaseGiftLimitReached = "This item could not be sent to %s because they've already have it."

Unused due to important items such as the Phone, Bank and Wardrobe having unique strings.

HDNonDeletableItem = "You can't delete items of this type!"

Unused message of not having permission to delete another Toon's furniture it seems. Perhaps Toons were going to move around other Toons' objects?

HDNonDeletableNotOwner = "You can't delete %s's things!"
To do:
I recall this being used...

A message relating to a Cattlelog item being gifted to the Toon, where "On Order", and "Already Purchased" is always used. Likely cut to avoid spoiling surprises it seems.

CatalogGiftedText = "Gifted\nTo You"

Strings cut likely because the new Cattlelog and Backorder can be accessed via a tab easily.

CatalogCurrentButtonText = "To Current Items"
CatalogPastButtonText = "To Past Items"

Trolley Games

Race Game

Categorized as RaceGame and RaceGameGlobals.

RaceGameCardTextHi1 = "%(name)s is one Fabulous Toon!"  # this category might eventually have secret game hints, etc

An unused note next tot the text, suggesting that hints were planned for the minigame.



for now this is a text file used to help find the directory of the news content
it could in the future be used for indexing

This text is found in the phase_3.5/models/news/ directory and doesn't have any real in-game purpose. Supposedly, it was to help the developers to find the news folder.

Unused Jukebox Song Titles

Found within Jukebox Music in TTLocalizerEnglish.py are unseen titles for 26 songs that cannot be played on the Jukebox. They are arranged via usage in-game to tell which song is which.

Internal String Song Title Usage
MusicTcSzActivity Toontorial Medley Toontown Central buildings
MusicMgPairing Remember Me? Memory Game
MusicMgDiving Treasure Lullaby Treasure Dive
MusicMgCannonGame Fire The Cannons! Cannon Game
MusicMgTravel Traveling Music ???
MusicMgTugOWar Tug-of-War Tug-of-War game
MusicMgVine The Jungle Swing Jungle Vines
MusicMgIcegame Slippery Situation Ice Slide
MusicMgToontag Minigame Medley Toon Tag
MusicMgTarget Soarin' Over Toontown Target Game
MusicMmSzActivity Here Comes Treble Minnie's Melodyland buildings
MusicDdNbrhood Donald's Dock Donald's Dock Playground
MusicDdSzActivity Sea Shanty Donald's Dock buildings
MusicTtElevator Going Up? Cog Buildings and Cog Boss elevators
MusicEncntrToonWinningIndoor Toons Unite! Victory inside Cog Building
MusicTbNbrhood The Brrrgh The Brrrgh Playground
MusicDlNbrhood Donald's Dreamland Donald's Dreamland Playground
MusicDlSzActivity Counting Sheep Donald's Dreamland buildings
MusicTbSzActivity Snow Problem The Brrrgh buildings
MusicDgNbrhood Daisy's Garden Daisy Gardens Playground and Buildings
MusicEncntrSuitHqNbrhood Dollars and Cents Cog battles in Cog Headquarters
MusicCoghqFinale Triumph of the Toons ???
MusicEncntrToonWinning Cashing In! ???
MusicBossbotCeoV2 Head Honcho CEO Battle Phase two
MusicPartySwingDance Party Swing Scrapped original theme.
MusicPartyGenericTheme Party Jingle Scrapped original theme.


Though it is possible to "tie" in the Tug-of-War minigame, the string below does not show and always says "Good Game".

TugOfWarGameTie = "You tied!"

Trolley Gag Shop

The "exited" message is always used in the final, even if they disconnect.

GagShopPlayerDisconnected = "%s has disconnected"


Toons cannot interact with the Elevator if it is being used, therefore leaving this message unused;

NotYetAvailable = "This elevator is not yet available."


An additional message for the Toon not having enough Pink Slips to fire a Cog. In the Test Server, Toons originally needed a specific amount of Pink Slips based on the Cog's Level to fire them.



A scrapped "improv round" for Match Minnie?

PatternGameImprov = "You did great!  Now Improv!"


Unused Fishing tutorial messages, working differently than in the final.

FishingFailure = "You didn't catch anything!"
FishingFailureTooSoon = "Don't start to reel in the line until you see a nibble.  Wait for your float to bob up and down rapidly!"
FishingFailureTooLate = "Be sure to reel in the line while the fish is still nibbling!"
FishingFailureAutoReel = "The auto-reel didn't work this time.  Turn the crank by hand, at just the right speed, for your best chance to catch something!"
FishingFailureTooSlow = "You turned the crank too slowly.  Some fish are faster than others.  Try to keep the speed bar centered!"
FishingFailureTooFast = "You turned the crank too quickly.  Some fish are slower than others.  Try to keep the speed bar centered!"


Strings referring to a scrapped second minigame for Fishing.

FishPokerCashIn = "Cash In\n%s\n%s"
FishPokerLock = "Lock"
FishPokerUnlock = "Unlock"
FishPoker5OfKind = "5 of a Kind"
FishPoker4OfKind = "4 of a Kind"
FishPokerFullHouse = "Full House"
FishPoker3OfKind = "3 of a Kind"
FishPoker2Pair = "2 Pair"
FishPokerPair = "Pair"


Toons are required to board the Trolley as soon as they finish the Toontorial, leaving this unused. This is likely a leftover from an older Toontorial where Mickey guided the player around the Playground.

TrolleyTFAMessage = "You may not board the trolley until " + Mickey + " says so."

Missing Key Sanity Check

MissingKeySanityCheck = 'Ignore me'

According to comments in the file this is located in, TTLocalizerEnglish.py, this string of text is to ensure that some sort of language checker works.


Possible placeholder strings for Gag Trees.

GagTreeFeather = "Feather Gag Tree"
GagTreeJugglingBalls = "Juggling Balls Gag Tree"

A string relating to an Uber Gag, found under the Gag Tree string.

GardenUberGag = "Uber Gag"

Strings related to...Magic Beans? Purpose unknown.

GardenTextMagicBeans = "Magic Beans"
GardenTextMagicBeansB = "Some Other Beans"

Some humorous placeholder "garden special" text.

GardenSpecialDiscription = "This text should explain how to use a certain garden special"
GardenSpecialDiscriptionB = "This text should explain how to use a certain garden special, in yo face foo!"

A list of garden trophies, likely copied over from the Fishing Trophies.

GardenTrophyNameDict = {
    0 : "Wheelbarrow",
    1 : "Shovels",
    2 : "Flower",
    3 : "Watering Can",
    4 : "Shark",
    5 : "Swordfish",
    6 : "Killer Whale",

Cog Invasion Updates

SuitInvasionUpdate1 = lToonHQ+": The Cog Invasion is now at %s Cogs!!!"
SuitInvasionUpdate2 = lToonHQ+": We must defeat those %s!!!"

Two lines of text to be used when a Cog Invasion reached a certain point.

Goofy Speedway

All tracks are always open.

StartingBlock_TrackClosed = "Sorry, this track is closed for remodeling."


SuitFaceOffDefaultTaunts = ['Boo!']

A placeholder starting battle phrase for the Cogs; as every Cog has its own defined set of taunts, this goes unused.

Game Table Rental

It seems that Game Tables, likely the ones from Acorn Acres Test Server were going to appear in Estates.

RentalGameTable = "Game Table!"
GameTableRentalEnd = "The Game Table rental is over."

Pie Toss Game

PieTossGameTitle = "Pie Toss Game"
PieTossGameInstructions = "Toss pies at the targets."

Text for an unused Pie Toss minigame. Based off the description, it would've involved throwing pies at targets, as per Toontown tradition.

Alternate Post-Toontorial Tasks

There are three alternate item recovery tasks rather than just the Blackboard Eraser, which all involve visiting the School House, and the underutilized Bank and Library.

QuestScript120_1 = "Good job finding the trolley!\aBy the way, have you met Banker Bob?\aHe has quite a sweet tooth.\aWhy don't you introduce yourself by taking him this candy bar as a gift."
QuestScript120_2 = "Banker Bob is over in the Toontown Bank."

QuestScript121_1 = "Yum, thank you for the Candy Bar.\aSay, if you can help me, I'll give you a reward.\aThose Cogs stole the keys to my safe. Defeat Cogs to find a stolen key.\aWhen you find a key, bring it back to me."
QuestScript130_1 = "Good job finding the trolley!\aBy the way, I received a package for Professor Pete today.\aIt must be his new chalk he ordered.\aCan you please take it to him?\aHe is over in the school house."

QuestScript131_1 = "Oh, thanks for the chalk.\aWhat?!?\aThose Cogs stole my blackboard. Defeat Cogs to find my stolen blackboard.\aWhen you find it, bring it back to me."
QuestScript140_1 = "Good job finding the trolley!\aBy the way, I have this friend, Librarian Larry, who is quite a book worm.\aI picked this book up for him last time I was over in "+lDonaldsDock+".\aCould you take it over to him, he is usually in the Library."

QuestScript141_1 = "Oh, yes, this book almost completes my collection.\aLet me see...\aUh oh...\aNow where did I put my glasses?\aI had them just before those Cogs took over my building.\aDefeat Cogs to find my stolen glasses.\aWhen you find them, bring them back to me for a reward."

Unused Location Names

Each of these were intended to be used for location-related phrases, such as the "Places" set of SpeedChat phrases. Preceding the names are various prepositions.

20000 : ("to",     "on",     "Tutorial Terrace"),

The street where the Toontorial takes place. Further evidenced by NPC Tutorial Tom being under the zone ID of 20000.

FunnyFarm         = ("to the", "in the", "Funny Farm")

A reference to the scrapped Funny Farm playground.


'ReOrg': ["You don't like the way I reorganized things!",
              "Perhaps a little reorganization is in order.",
              "You're not that bad, you just need to be reorganized.",
              "Do you like my organizational skills.",
              "I just thought I'd give things a new look.",
              "You need to get organized!",
              "You're looking a little disorganized.",
              "Hold on while I reorganize your thoughts.",
              "I'll just wait for you to get a little organized.",
              "You don't mind if I just reorganize a bit?",

Battle phrases for Re-Org, an unused Cog attack.


MintElevatorRejectMessage = "You cannot enter the Mints until you have completed your %s Cog Suit."

Mints had denied entry to Toons without completing Cashbot Cog Suits at one point in development.

Leftover Strings