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Disney's Toontown Online/Unused Areas

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This is a sub-page of Disney's Toontown Online.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • physicstest - scrapped golf hole?


Earlier Estate Area

In models/estate a very early version of the Estate, called terrain.house. with placeholder graphics, unenterable houses with rather tall roofs and water that cannot be swam in. The positioning of the houses notably resembles the concept art, complete with a scrapped pathway leading out of the area.

Concept Art Early Final
TTO ToonEstateConceptArt.jpg TTO-MDL-terrainHouse.png


Tag Arenas

There are two unused Tag Arenas for Playgrounds, themed after The Brrrgh and Daisy Gardens likely intended to be used at those specific places in tradition to the Maze Game and Cog Thief having different layouts. No other equivalents for remaining Playgrounds exist though.


Toontown daisysunusedtagarena.png


Toontown brrrghunusedtagarena.png

Sellbot HQ


To do:
Get images from here.
  • Put the model in the game and add the textures (if you need the models, ask s0r00t).
  • Compare to the Sellbot Factory to see what has changed.

Found in the earliest releases is the unused variation of the Cog Factory. It had four silos rather than three, the Catwalk was longer, and the Factory was meant to be two stories high! Its name was based on the original concept for Cog HQs.


A very basic layout of what would be the Front Entrance of the Sellbot Factory, with a few layout differences to be found;

  • The Lobby had a different shape.
  • What would be the Warehouse Lookout was originally a room connecting to the Gear Room and Boiler Room.
  • The Gear Room had a completely different layout, resembling the shape of the Pipe Room and having an additional room.
  • There was originally another area north of the Boiler Room which would be a catwalk leading into the other areas, like the Pipe Room.

The model would later be removed in circa sv1.0.10.10.

Early Final
TTO FactoryInterior1 Model Preview.png
TTO FactoryInterior1 Preview 2.png


To do:
Lots more images of the interiors, etc.

A much later layout of the Sellbot Factory, except with some differences.

  • The Front Entrance was bigger.
  • The Lobby was different in shape, resembling a rectangle than an octagon.
  • The East Catwalk's path was slightly different.
  • There was originally a Catwalk where the Stomper Alley is in the final.
  • A scrapped room could be found in between the Pipe Room and Warehouse.
  • The Silos appeared to have been unfinished as judging from the blocky textures.

Would be removed in circa sv1.0.7.12.

Early Final
TTO FactoryLayout Preview 1.jpg
TTO Factory Layout 2.png