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Development:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Items

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This is a sub-page of Development:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Item Number List

z_parameter_h.h contains early names for some items, as well as identifications for others that were dummied out of the final item list.

ID Filename Description Translation Final Name
0A H_S_hookshot 10『ショート・フックショット』 10: "Short Hookshot" Hookshot
0B H_L_hookshot 11『ロング・フックショット』 11: "Long Hookshot" Longshot
0F H_magicglass 15『まことの虫メガネ』 15: "Magnifying Glass of Truth" Lens of Truth
1B H_bottle_7 27『ルトの手紙』 27: "Ruto's Letter" Letter
1C H_bottle_8 28『炎』 28: "Fire" Blue Fire
37 H_reserve_30 55 大人『ゴロン刀引換券』 55: Adult "Goron's Sword Claim Check" Claim Check
3B H_sword_0 59『ナイフ』 59: "Knife" Kokiri Sword
50 H_bracelet 80『銅のブレスレット』 80: "Bronze Bracelet" Goron's Bracelet
56 H_purse_2 86『大人のがま口』 86: "Adult's Purse" Adult's Wallet
57 H_purse_3 87『大金持ちがま口』 87: "Wealthy Man's Purse" Giant's Wallet
5A H_melody_1 90『風のメヌエット』 90: "Minuet of Wind" Minuet of Forest
66 H_seal_medal_1 102『サリアの封印』 102: "Saria's Seal" Forest Medallion
67 H_seal_medal_2 103『ダルニアの封印』 103: "Darunia's Seal" Fire Medallion
68 H_seal_medal_3 104『ルトの封印』 104: "Ruto's Seal" Water Medallion
69 H_seal_medal_4 105『ナボールの封印』 105: "Nabooru's Seal" Spirit Medallion
6A H_seal_medal_5 106『インパの封印』 106: "Impa's Seal" Shadow Medallion
6B H_seal_medal_6 107『ラウルの封印』 107: "Rauru's Seal" Light Medallion
71 H_N_coin 113『Nコイン』 113: "N Coin" Gold Skulltula
76 H_map 118『マップ』 118: "Map" Dungeon Map
77 H_key 119『ダンジョンの鍵』*/ 119: "Dungeon Key" Small Key
7A H_heart_1 122『ハートの欠片(1/4)』 122: "Piece of Heart (1/4)" Piece of Heart
7B H_heart_2 123『ハートの欠片(2/4)』 123: "Piece of Heart (2/4)" [Removed]
7C H_heart_3 124『ハートの欠片(3/4)』 124: "Piece of Heart (3/4)" [Removed]
7D H_note_1 125『音符:上』 125: "Note: Up" [Removed]
7E H_note_2 126『音符:下』 126: "Note: Down" [Removed]
7F H_note_3 127『音符:左』 127: "Note: Left" [Removed]
80 H_note_4 128『音符:右』 128: "Note: Right" [Removed]
81 H_note_5 129『音符:A』 129: "Note: A" [Removed]
87 H_rupy03 135『大ルピー(50ルピー)』 135: "Big Rupee (50 Rupees)" Purple Rupee
89 H_rupy05 137『銀のルピー(10ルピー)』 137: "Silver Rupee (10 Rupees)" [Removed]

Additionally, Silver Rupees are worth 5, not 10, in the final game.