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Development:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Followers

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This is a sub-page of Development:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.


There are two versions of the list of graphical offsets for followers. The final version is in 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_char0.asm, but still contains plenty of unused entries. The data can be found here in the Japanese version disassembly.

;			   not     queen     jiji     jiji
		WORD	018H*00H,018H*40H,018H*20H,018H*20H
;			   jiji   dammy      girl  kajiya(ura)
		WORD	018H*20H,0000000H,018H*00H,018H*60H
;			 kajiya    oyaji   monky    monky
		WORD	018H*40H,018H*40H,018H*60H,018H*60H
;			 takara     bomb
		WORD	018H*40H,018H*60H
# Code Translation Description Used
0 not Nothing None
1 queen Queen Zelda
2 jiji Gramps Lost Old Man - Variant that stops following the player when dashing or if a ledge is jumped off.
3 jiji Gramps Lost Old Man - Variant that waits for the player to pick him up.
4 jiji Gramps Lost Old Man
5 dammy Dummy Zelda Telepathy
6 girl Girl Blind Disguised as a Maiden
7 kajiya(ura) Blacksmith (Dark World) Blacksmith (Frog Form)
8 kajiya Blacksmith Smithy
9 oyaji Middle-Aged Man Desert Thief
A monky Monkey Kiki
B monky Monkey Lost Old Man
C takara Treasure Purple Chest
D bomb Bomb Super Bomb


An earlier, much shorter version is found in 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_char.asm.

;			   not     queen     jiji              tori
		WORD	018H*00H,018H*00H,018H*20H,018H*20H,018H*40H
# Code Translation Description
0 not Nothing None
1 queen Queen Zelda
2 jiji Gramps Lost Old Man - Variant that stops following the player when dashing or if a ledge is jumped off.
3 jiji Gramps Lost Old Man - Variant that waits for the player to pick him up.
4 tori Bird Likely related to the bird that warps Link around.