Development:Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)/Objects
This is a sub-page of Development:Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64).
To do:
An unused enemy internally referred to as "モトス" (Japanese name), "motos", and "motosman" in "sm64/shape/EnemyTest/old/motos.sou". The Behavior file was last updated on October 17, 1995. Some behavior names and an object shape's name identify it as "motosman", which is the most likely internal name. Objects that carry Mario appear to have descended from this enemy, as the grab function and object type are labeled as "MotosProc1" and "OBJNAME_MOTOS" respectively. The general structure and idea of this enemy evolved into another scrapped enemy, "katsugikun". It might also be related to Chuckya, due to having similar names in the code: Chuckya (carryboy) and Motos (motosman).
Various pieces of code associated with Lethal Lava Land and Bowser in the Fire Sea indicate that Motos was intended to appear as a common enemy or common mini-boss in both levels. The phrase motos regularly appears in textures associated with the level, Bullies are internally labeled "Otos" and use sound effects associated with Motos in the source code, and the "Bully the Bullies" Star in Lethal Lava Land is named bigmotos in the code.
Body (p1) | Body (p2) | Face | Arm/Leg | Skin A | Skin B | Skin C | Skin D |
- Animations
Behavior Code
#define ANM_motos_basedata_A 0 #define ANM_motos_carry 1 #define ANM_motos_carry_run 2 #define ANM_motos_carry_start 3 #define ANM_motos_down_recover 4 #define ANM_motos_down_stop 5 #define ANM_motos_pitch 6 #define ANM_motos_safe_down 7 #define ANM_motos_wait 8 #define ANM_motos_walk 9 #define ANM_motos_end ANM_motos_walk+1 e_motos: p_initialize(enemyA) p_setbit(flag,stf_moveON | stf_YangleSAME | stf_catchON | stf_playerdistON | stf_playerangleON ) p_set_pointer(skelanime,motos_anime) p_setd(objname,OBJNAME_TAKE) p_sethitbox(100,100) p_setmovedata(30,-400,-50,1000,1000,200,0,0) p_makeobj_child(S_NULL,e_motos_hand) p_hitON p_while p_program(s_motos) p_loop e_motos_hand: p_initialize(enemyA) p_setbit(flag,stf_moveON | stf_YangleSAME ) p_softspritemodeON p_while p_program(s_motos_hand) p_loop #define motos_work (execstp->s[stw_work0].d) extern unsigned long MotosProc1(int code,MapNode *node, void *data) { if (code == MAP_CBACK_EXEC) { AffineMtx modelmtx; StrategyRecord *stp = (StrategyRecord *)hmsActiveShape; if ( stp->childobj != NULL ){ s_calc_skeleton_glbmtx(&modelmtx,(AffineMtx *)data,hmsActiveCamera->matrix); s_calc_skeleton_glbpos(modelmtx,stp->childobj); s_copy_worldXYZmappos(stp->childobj); } } return(0); } extern void s_motos_hand(void) { StrategyRecord *firep; execstp->s[stw_skeletonX].f = 100; execstp->s[stw_skeletonY].f = 0; execstp->s[stw_skeletonZ].f = 150; obj_angleY = execstp->motherobj->s[stw_angleY].d; switch (execstp->motherobj->s[stw_imm].d ){ case 0: break; case 1: s_copy_mapwork(player1stp,execstp); break; case 2: player1stp->s[stw_mail].d |= PLAYERMAIL_CARRYMODE_OFF; playerWorks[0].velocity = 50; execstp->motherobj->s[stw_imm].d = 0; break; } #if 0 if (execstp->motherobj->s[stw_imm].d != 0){ execstp->motherobj->s[stw_imm].d = 0; firep = s_makeobj_nowpos(execstp,S_green_kame,e_enemyfire); firep->s[stw_speedF].f = 40; firep->s[stw_speedY].f = 20; firep->s[stw_angleY].d = execstp->motherobj->s[stw_angleY].d; } #endif } static int s_ai_pitch(short angle,float dist) { if ( (s_chase_angleY(obj_targetangle,angle)) && (obj_playerdist < dist) ) return(1); else return(0); } static void motos_wait(void) { obj_speedF = 0; obj_speedY = 0; s_set_skelanimeNo(ANM_motos_wait); if ( obj_playerdist < 500 ) obj_mode = mode_motos_player_search; } static void motos_player_search(void) { s_set_skelanimeNo(ANM_motos_walk); obj_speedF = 2; s_chase_angleY(obj_targetangle,300); if ( execstp->s[stw_mail].d & EMAIL_CARRYMODE_ON ){ obj_mode = mode_motos_player_carry; execstp->s[stw_imm].d = 1; } } static void motos_player_carry(void) { s_set_skelanimeNo(ANM_motos_carry_start); if ( s_check_animeend() ) obj_mode = mode_motos_player_pitch; } static void motos_player_pitch(void) { obj_speedF = 0; s_set_skelanimeNo(ANM_motos_pitch); if ( s_check_animenumber(14) ){ execstp->s[stw_imm].d = 2; /* nageru shyn kan */ execstp->hit_counter = 10; /* hit time wait!! */ } if ( s_check_animeend() ){ obj_mode = mode_motos_wait; Mbitclr(execstp->s[stw_mail].d,EMAIL_CARRYMODE_ON); } } static void motos_carry_start(void) { s_set_skelanimeNo(ANM_motos_carry_start); if ( s_check_animeend() ){ if ( s_ai_pitch(0x200,500) ) obj_mode = mode_motos_pitch; else obj_mode = mode_motos_carry_run; } } static void motos_carry_run(void) { obj_speedF = 5; s_set_skelanimeNo(ANM_motos_carry_run); if ( s_ai_pitch(0x200,500) ) obj_mode = mode_motos_pitch; else obj_mode = mode_motos_carry_run; } static void motos_pitch(void) { obj_speedF = 0; s_set_skelanimeNo(ANM_motos_pitch); if ( s_check_animenumber(14) ){ execstp->s[stw_imm].d = 0; } if ( s_check_animeend() ) obj_mode = mode_motos_wait; } static void motos_fly(void) { s_set_skelanimeNo(ANM_motos_walk); if ( obj_movestatus & MOVESTAT_BGTOUCH ) obj_mode = mode_motos_wait; } static void motos_main(void) { s_enemybgcheck(); /* monky bgcheck */ switch (obj_mode){ case mode_motos_wait: motos_wait(); break; case mode_motos_player_search: motos_player_search(); break; case mode_motos_player_carry: motos_player_carry(); break; case mode_motos_player_pitch: motos_player_pitch(); break; case mode_motos_carry_start: motos_carry_start(); break; case mode_motos_carry_run: motos_carry_run(); break; case mode_motos_pitch: motos_pitch(); break; case mode_motos_fly: motos_fly(); break; default: rmonpf(("Error objmode motos\n")); } s_enemymove(-78); /* monky moving */ } extern void s_motos(void) { float f,y; f = 5; y = 0; s_set_scale(2.0); Mbitset(execstp->s[stw_enemyinfo].d,ENEMYINFO_CARRY); switch(execstp->s[stw_actionmode].d){ case CHILEDMODE_NO_CATCH: motos_main(); break; case CHILEDMODE_CATCH: s_mode_catch(ANM_motos_walk,mode_motos_wait); break; case CHILEDMODE_THROW: s_mode_throw(f,y,mode_motos_fly); break; // case CHILEDMODE_DROP: s_mode_drop(); break; case CHILEDMODE_DROP: s_mode_throw(f,y,mode_motos_fly); break; } s_erase_shape(obj_playerdist,2000); }
Behavior Code
e_motos: e_motosman: p_initialize(option) p_killshape
Directory: "sm64/shape/EnemyTest/old/hopper.sou"
Unused lighting | Transparent in-game model | Hopping animation |
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hopper.sou seems to be a grasshopper enemy. Not much is known about this "hopper", but it does have one animation and an empty path file associated with it. Additionally e_batta (translates to grasshopper) might be a version of it.
An enemy with an interesting tale. No actual model exists and the code file only has a header, but the number of remnants it had allowed it to possibly identify a mysterious render. Code remnants indicate it evolved from Motos and was possibly a boss variant of Chuckya, since Chuckya uses sounds labeled "Katsuginage". Interestingly, it's referenced in the Lethal Lava Land object shape bank.
Behavior Code & Remnants
#define NA_SE3_KATSUGI_WALK 0x50158081 #define NA_SE3_KATSUGINAGE_DOWN 0x516E0081 /** katsugi nage down **/ #define NA_LSE3_KATSUGINAGE_MOVE 0x600A4001 /* katugi nage */ #define S_katugikun S_B1_bankenemy_01 /******************************************************************************** C Program (katsugi) ********************************************************************************/ extern void s_motoshand_main(float f,float v,long mail) { switch (execstp->motherobj->s[stw_imm].d ){ case 0: break; case 1: s_copy_mapwork(player1stp,execstp); break; case 2: player1stp->s[stw_mail].d |= ( PLAYERMAIL_CARRYMODE_OFF + mail ); playerWorks[0].velocity = f; playerWorks[0].speed[1] = v; execstp->motherobj->s[stw_imm].d = 0; break; case 3: player1stp->s[stw_mail].d |= ( PLAYERMAIL_CARRYMODE_OFF + PLAYERMAIL_CARRYTHROW_SMALL ); playerWorks[0].velocity = 10; playerWorks[0].speed[1] = 10; execstp->motherobj->s[stw_imm].d = 0; break; } obj_angleY = execstp->motherobj->s[stw_angleY].d; if ( execstp->motherobj->status == 0 ) s_remove_obj(execstp); } e_katsugi: p_initialize(enemyA) p_setbit(flag,stf_moveON | stf_YangleSAME | stf_playerdistON | stf_playerangleON | stf_alldispON ) p_set_pointer(skelanime,bomking_anime) p_setd(objname,OBJNAME_TAKE) p_sethitbox(100,100) p_setmovedata(30,-400,-50,1000,1000,200,0,0) p_makeobj_child(S_NULL,e_bomking_hand) p_hitON p_save_nowpos p_while p_program(s_bomking) p_loop e_katsugi_hand: p_initialize(enemyA) p_setbit(flag,stf_moveON | stf_YangleSAME ) p_softspritemodeON p_while p_program(s_bomking_hand) p_loop
Test Lift
Directory: "sm64/shape/keep/OLD/etc/testlift.sou"
Path (Behavior code): "sm64/data/p/pathtestlift.p"
A yellow test platform that was created to test out how elevators would work, and has an unused path file associated with it. A smaller .shape version of this model is left over in the final game, unused.
Behavior Code
/******************************************************************************** #define road_root(p) (p->s[stw_work2].pointer) #define road_pointer(p) (p->s[stw_work3].pointer) #define road_flag(p) (p->s[stw_work4].d) #define road_angleX(p) (p->s[stw_work5].d) #define road_angleY(p) (p->s[stw_work6].d) #define road_groundY(p) (p->s[stw_work7].f) ********************************************************************************/ e_testlift: p_initialize(moveBG) p_setbit(flag,stf_moveON ) p_movebginfo(testlift_info) p_while p_program(s_testlift) p_loop /******************************************************************************** C Program (testlift) ********************************************************************************/ static short test_liftdata[] = { 0,0, 0,1000, /* (X),(Y),(Z) */ 1,1000, 100,1000, /* (X),(Y),(Z) */ 2,1000, 200, 0, /* (X),(Y),(Z) */ 3, 0, 100, 0, /* (X),(Y),(Z) */ -1, }; extern void s_testlift(void) { int flag; road_root(execstp) = test_liftdata; /* data read */ flag = s_road_move(0); obj_speedF = 10; /* set speed */ obj_angleX = road_angleX(execstp); /* speed X Angle */ obj_angleY = road_angleY(execstp); /* speed Y Angle */ s_3Dmove(); stMainMoveBG(); rmonpf(("%d,%d\n",flag,road_flag(execstp) )); }
Item Test
Directory: sm64/data/iwa_path/oneupkinoko.s
A test object that spawns Mario's Cap being blown by wind.
Behavior Code
e_item_test: p_initialize(item) p_setbit(flag,stf_moveON) p_while p_program(s_item_test) p_loop /*************************************************************************************************** Test ***************************************************************************************************/ extern void s_item_test(void) { StrategyRecord *stratp; if (contOr->trigger & CONT_L) { stratp = s_makeobj_nowpos(execstp, S_itemhat_hat ,e_itemhat_blow); stratp->s[stw_worldX].f = player_posX; stratp->s[stw_worldY].f = player_posY+160; stratp->s[stw_worldZ].f = player_posZ; stratp->s[stw_angleY].d = player_angleY; stratp->s[stw_speedY].f = 10; stratp->s[stw_speedF].f = 20; } }
Directory: sm64/data/iwa_path/dice.s
A dice block with rudimentary physics that is meant to use a 50×50×50 cube. In its current state the object is a bit broken, as the angle resets when it lands and only the X angle rotates; fixing them results in the object working as intended.
Notably, this object lines up with a quote said by (Assisant Director) Yoshiaki Koizumi in an interview:
"I wanted to have more tools, toys, and things for Mario to play around with: balls, cars, etc. I really think we could have worked a lot more of those in."
Behavior Code
e_dice: p_initialize(enemyA) p_setbit(flag,stf_moveON |stf_YangleSAME | stf_catchON) p_setd(objname,OBJNAME_TAKE) p_BGcheckYset p_sethitbox(40,40) p_program(s_dice_init) dice_main: p_while p_hitON p_program(s_diceMove) p_loop extern void s_dice_init(void) { execstp->s[stw_gravity].f = 2.5; execstp->s[stw_friction].f = 0.98; execstp->s[stw_specificG].f = 1.3; } static void DiceRotateEvent(void) { short angleY = (short)execstp->s[stw_angleY].d ; execstp->s[stw_animeangleX].d += (short)(execstp->s[stw_speedF].f*500); } extern void DiceMoveEvent(void) { short bg_flag = 0; float offsety; bg_flag = ObjMoveEvent(); DiceRotateEvent(); if ((bg_flag & 0x0001)!= 0x00) { offsety = sin(execstp->s[stw_animeangleX].d*2)*10; if (offsety < 0) offsety *= -1; execstp->s[stw_animepositionY].f = (offsety+25); if (execstp->s[stw_speedF].f < 5.0 && ( (int)offsety==10 || (int)offsety==0)) { execstp->s[stw_speedF].f = 0.0; } } } static void DiceCatch(void) { MapHideShape(&execstp->map); } static void DiceDrop(void) { s_drop_object(); execstp->s[stw_actionmode].d = CHILEDMODE_NO_CATCH; } static void DiceThrow(void) { s_throw_object(); execstp->s[stw_actionmode].d = CHILEDMODE_NO_CATCH; // execstp->s[stw_flag].d &= (stf_YangleSAME^0xffffffff); execstp->s[stw_speedF].f = 25.; execstp->s[stw_speedY].f = 20.; execstp->s[state_flag].d = 2; } extern void s_diceMove(void) { switch(execstp->s[stw_actionmode].d) { case CHILEDMODE_NO_CATCH: DiceMoveEvent(); break; case CHILEDMODE_CATCH: DiceCatch(); break; case CHILEDMODE_THROW: DiceThrow(); break; case CHILEDMODE_DROP: DiceDrop(); break; } }
Name-Only Objects
The only remaining data for these objects is their names, found either in include/funlike.h or include/tagdecode.h. The former appears to come from mid-to-late 1995, while the latter has remnants from late '95.
Snow Objects
e_koori, e_yukigoro, e_bigsnowman, e_icemotos
e_koori is an unknown object that could be related to the unused breakable ice object, as "koori" translates to "ice".
e_yukigoro appears to be a snowglobe object, as the name would suggest.
e_bigsnowman is a bigger variant of Mr. Blizzard. Interestingly, the final behavior appears to have a remnant from this version, as the size is still set with a value in the behavior header.
e_icemotos, as the name implies, was a variant of Motos; it was the original boss in Snowman's Land instead of the Big Chilly Bully. It likely functioned similarly to Motos.
Desert Objects
e_sun, e_gourem
e_sun might have been the Angry Sun from Super Mario Bros. 3. This name later appeared in Super Mario Maker, once again as a name only object.
e_gourem is a bit more interesting: its name suggests that it was possibly the original boss in Shifting Sand Land instead of Eyerock.
Water Objects
e_gesso, e_ufo
e_gesso was presumably a Blooper, easily identified thanks to it using its Japanese name.
e_ufo is more mysterious, however. It had a Star labeled ufo catcher, so it might have been related to a "UFO Catcher" (Claw Game)-style minigame.
Grass/Battlefield Objects
e_bigbomb, e_minipakun, e_groundmine
e_bigbomb was a later version of Katsugi, just before it was changed to King Bob-omb. It appears to be a late change, as the Star name still references the old name, Big Bob-omb.
e_minipakun could be either the Nippers from Super Mario Bros. 3 or a smaller version of the regular Piranha Plant.
e_groundmine was a landmine object, possibly meant for Bob-omb Battlefield, considering it was designed with a "battlefield" theme in mind. May have been scrapped due to being a bit too difficult of an obstacle for the first level in the game. Notably, a landmine object can be found unused in Super Mario Galaxy as well. Maybe Nintendo doesn't like landmines?
Misc. Objects
e_coin_5, e_1up_tree, e_batta, e_rabit, e_camerajugem
e_coin_5, as the name implies, was an early version of Blue Coins, possibly a stationary version of them.
e_1up_tree was replaced later in development by a more finished 1-Up tree.
e_batta is a bit more interesting: the name translates to "grasshopper", so it may have been a later revision/implementation of Hopper, who still has a model in the leaked source code. It was originally assigned to the battlefield/grass object table, according to "tag.cnf".
e_rabit is likely an earlier version of MIPS, perhaps the same actor mentioned in an interview.
e_camerajugem is likely an earlier version of the Camera Lakitu/Lakitu Bro.
Underground Objects
This is one of the more intriguing enemies, as the name suggests that a giant catfish was planned for Hazy Maze Cave's underground. This object might have inspired how Mario needs to ground pound Dorrie to get on its head.
Funlike Objects
Objects that are in include/funlike.h, funlike is name of the format that Polygonal Collision uses, while the objects that are assigned to these ids have been updated, the names have not.
What appears to be an early way to set the starting position for a player, called for in most stages flk files, now empty.
Supposed to be a 2D Star, now empty.
Likely an elevator object, calls for a now removed model, and static object.
The floor trap that leads to BITDW, interestingly calls for a removed model.
Removed LLL Object, a comment in the LLL Stage Object file labels it as "moving field", the Rolling Snowball in CCM is assigned instead.
Another Removed LLL Stage Object, labeled as "bridge" in it's path file, now empty.
Either Chuckya or an earlier version of Motos, overwritten by the Small Bully which is e_otos.
Likely the boss variant of Motos, overwritten by the Big Bully which is e_big_otos.
Removed generic block, possibly a breakable brick block from previous games, now an empty definition.
What is possibly a fire throwing variant of motos, interestingly commented out code in pathmotos.p has it throwing a shell using e_enemyfire.
Likely a firebar as seen in previous games, another firebar object was created as a rotating stone, empty definition.
It appears lava was originally an object instead of a collision type, empty definition.
Likely a podobo from previous games, uses an empty definition.
What is likely Hoot, based on the name, empty definition.
Either a Piranha Plant, Fire Flower, or a generic flower, empty definition.
Unused Tree Definition, refers to tree_04 from tree.sou.
Test Objects
A generic test object, how helpful...
A dummy actor, even more helpful...
A test cube, now we are getting somewhere... Might be sm64/shape/keep/OLD/unused/cube.sou
e_testball A test ball, finally something interesting. Probably used to test to prototype the physics of the "Iron Balls", it might be one of the 3 balls reference in sm64/include/shapedef.h
e_itest e_itest2
Title screen test objects, something truly important.
A test version of a coin.
e_demo_test e_demo_director
Test objects related to the titlescreen demos.
e_WINDEMO_stardust, e_WINDEMO_star0, e_WINDEMO_tailstar, e_WINDEMO_star_start, e_WINDEMO_gueststar, e_WINDEMO_camcarrier, e_WINDEMO_camlooker, e_WINDEMO_director
A bunch of test objects made for the star collection cutscene.
e_KUPPA_crow e_KUPPA_director
Bowser cutscene test objects, odd as Bowser doesn't have any cutscenes besides his death cutscene.