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Prerelease:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Sprites/980506

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This is a sub-page of Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Sprites/980506.

A collection of sprites found in internal files dated May 6, 1998. These sprites represent a later version of the game than the one seen in the 1997 Spaceworld demo, and as such many of the Pokémon found here have not been seen elsewhere to date. Any additional data regarding these Pokémon - names, move data, stats and evolutionary lines - is not known to exist.

The first 151 Pokémon match the Pokédex order, and the others appear to be arranged according to some sort of internal ID. Said internal ID is listed in the leftmost column.

Early sprites for Yellow were also found in this folder. More info about those can be found here.

Original 151

Internal # English Name Back Sprite Front Sprite Final (JP) Japanese Name Notes
1 Bulbasaur PM2B 001.png PM2F 001.png PokeGoldFinal-back 001.png PokeGoldFinal-front 001.png フシギダネ
2 Ivysaur PM2B 002.png PM2F 002.png PokeGoldFinal-back 002.png PokeGoldFinal-front 002.png フシギソウ
3 Venusaur PM2B 003.png PM2F 003.png PokeGoldFinal-back 003.png PokeGoldFinal-front 003.png フシギバナ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
4 Charmander PM2B 004.png PM2F 004.png PokeGoldFinal-back 004.png PokeGoldFinal-front 004.png ヒトカゲ
Front sprite is similar to the sprite used in the final. Some shading and detailing adjustments were made, and the tail flame was redone.
5 Charmeleon PM2B 005.png PM2F 005.png PokeGoldFinal-back 005.png PokeGoldFinal-front 005.png リザード
The front sprite is very similar to the final's. Some redrawing was done and more detailing was added. The tail was also lengthened and the tail flame made more detailed.
6 Charizard PM2B 006.png PM2F 006.png PokeGoldFinal-back 006.png PokeGoldFinal-front 006.png リザードン
7 Squirtle PM2B 007.png PM2F 007.png PokeGoldFinal-back 007.png PokeGoldFinal-front 007.png ゼニガメ
8 Wartortle PM2B 008.png PM2F 008.png PokeGoldFinal-back 008.png PokeGoldFinal-front 008.png カメール
9 Blastoise PM2B 009.png PM2F 009.png PokeGoldFinal-back 009.png PokeGoldFinal-front 009.png カメックス
Front sprite is similar to the final; it had some redrawing done for the face and legs (the outstretched hand is almost identical to final) and the shading was reworked.
10 Caterpie PM2B 010.png PM2F 010.png PokeGoldFinal-back 010.png PokeGoldFinal-front 010.png キャタピー
11 Metapod PM2B 011.png PM2F 011.png PokeGoldFinal-back 011.png PokeGoldFinal-front 011.png トランセル
12 Butterfree PM2B 012.png PM2F 012.png PokeGoldFinal-back 012.png PokeGoldFinal-front 012.png バタフリー
Different sprite from the 1997 Spaceworld demo, with smaller antennae and larger lower wings.
13 Weedle PM2B 013.png PM2F 013.png PokeGoldFinal-back 013.png PokeGoldFinal-front 013.png ビードル
14 Kakuna PM2B 014.png PM2F 014.png PokeGoldFinal-back 014.png PokeGoldFinal-front 014.png コクーン
15 Beedrill PM2B 015.png PM2F 015.png PokeGoldFinal-back 015.png PokeGoldFinal-front 015.png スピアー
16 Pidgey PM2B 016.png PM2F 016.png PokeGoldFinal-back 016.png PokeGoldFinal-front 016.png ポッポ
Front sprite is almost identical to final, except for some shading on the beak and tail feathers.
17 Pidgeotto PM2B 017.png PM2F 017.png PokeGoldFinal-back 017.png PokeGoldFinal-front 017.png ピジョン
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
18 Pidgeot PM2B 018.png PM2F 018.png PokeGoldFinal-back 018.png PokeGoldFinal-front 018.png ピジョット
Front sprite is identical to Blue'.
19 Rattata PM2B 019.png PM2F 019.png PokeGoldFinal-back 019.png PokeGoldFinal-front 019.png コラッタ
Front sprite is identical to Gold final.
20 Raticate PM2B 020.png PM2F 020.png PokeGoldFinal-back 020.png PokeGoldFinal-front 020.png ラッタ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
21 Spearow PM2B 021.png PM2F 021.png PokeGoldFinal-back 021.png PokeGoldFinal-front 021.png オニスズメ
Front sprite identical to Gold final.
22 Fearow PM2B 022.png PM2F 022.png PokeGoldFinal-back 022.png PokeGoldFinal-front 022.png オニドリル
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
23 Ekans PM2B 023.png PM2F 023.png PokeGoldFinal-back 023.png PokeGoldFinal-front 023.png アーボ
Front sprite is identical to Gold final, except for a few pixels on the highlights.
24 Arbok PM2B 024.png PM2F 024.png PokeGoldFinal-back 024.png PokeGoldFinal-front 024.png アーボック
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
25 Pikachu PM2B 025.png PM2F 025.png PokeGoldFinal-back 025.png PokeGoldFinal-front 025.png ピカチュウ
Front sprite is identical to one used as a stamp in Game Boy Camera, released in February 1998.
26 Raichu PM2B 026.png PM2F 026.png PokeGoldFinal-back 026.png PokeGoldFinal-front 026.png ライチュウ
27 Sandshrew PM2B 027.png PM2F 027.png PokeGoldFinal-back 027.png PokeGoldFinal-front 027.png サンド
The back sprite has a different design for the Pokémon's plating that hasn't been seen before or since: instead of the brick-like pattern it's always had, it's layered like that of an armadillo's.
28 Sandslash PM2B 028.png PM2F 028.png PokeGoldFinal-back 028.png PokeGoldFinal-front 028.png サンドパン
29 Nidoran ♀ PM2B 029.png PM2F 029.png PokeGoldFinal-back 029.png PokeGoldFinal-front 029.png ニドラン♀
Front sprite is almost identical to final; the left foreleg was adjusted, and its missing horn was added.
30 Nidorina PM2B 030.png PM2F 030.png PokeGoldFinal-back 030.png PokeGoldFinal-front 030.png ニドリーナ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
31 Nidoqueen PM2B 031.png PM2F 031.png PokeGoldFinal-back 031.png PokeGoldFinal-front 031.png ニドクイン
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
32 Nidoran ♂ PM2B 032.png PM2F 032.png PokeGoldFinal-back 032.png PokeGoldFinal-front 032.png ニドラン♂
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
33 Nidorino PM2B 033.png PM2F 033.png PokeGoldFinal-back 033.png PokeGoldFinal-front 033.png ニドリーノ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
34 Nidoking PM2B 034.png PM2F 034.png PokeGoldFinal-back 034.png PokeGoldFinal-front 034.png ニドキング
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
35 Clefairy PM2B 035.png PM2F 035.png PokeGoldFinal-back 035.png PokeGoldFinal-front 035.png ピッピ
Front sprite is very similar to Gold final version; ears and right hand were redrawn, and the legs, wing, and back were touched up.
36 Clefable PM2B 036.png PM2F 036.png PokeGoldFinal-back 036.png PokeGoldFinal-front 036.png ピクシー
Front sprite is very similar to final version; legs and ears were touched up, hands were redrawn, and mouth was opened.
37 Vulpix PM2B 037.png PM2F 037.png PokeGoldFinal-back 037.png PokeGoldFinal-front 037.png ロコン
The back sprite only has five tails.
38 Ninetales PM2B 038.png PM2F 038.png PokeGoldFinal-back 038.png PokeGoldFinal-front 038.png キュウコン
Front sprite would later be retouched and used in Yellow.
39 Jigglypuff PM2B 039.png PM2F 039.png PokeGoldFinal-back 039.png PokeGoldFinal-front 039.png プリン
Front sprite would later be retouched and used in Crystal.
40 Wigglytuff PM2B 040.png PM2F 040.png PokeGoldFinal-back 040.png PokeGoldFinal-front 040.png プクリン
41 Zubat PM2B 041.png PM2F 041.png PokeGoldFinal-back 041.png PokeGoldFinal-front 041.png ズバット
42 Golbat PM2B 042.png PM2F 042.png PokeGoldFinal-back 042.png PokeGoldFinal-front 042.png ゴルバット
43 Oddish PM2B 043.png PM2F 043.png PokeGoldFinal-back 043.png PokeGoldFinal-front 043.png ナゾノクサ
44 Gloom PM2B 044.png PM2F 044.png PokeGoldFinal-back 044.png PokeGoldFinal-front 044.png クサイハナ
45 Vileplume PM2B 045.png PM2F 045.png PokeGoldFinal-back 045.png PokeGoldFinal-front 045.png ラフレシア
46 Paras PM2B 046.png PM2F 046.png PokeGoldFinal-back 046.png PokeGoldFinal-front 046.png パラス
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
47 Parasect PM2B 047.png PM2F 047.png PokeGoldFinal-back 047.png PokeGoldFinal-front 047.png パラセクト
Front sprite is identical to final.
48 Venonat PM2B 048.png PM2F 048.png PokeGoldFinal-back 048.png PokeGoldFinal-front 048.png コンパン
49 Venomoth PM2B 049.png PM2F 049.png PokeGoldFinal-back 049.png PokeGoldFinal-front 049.png モルフォン
This sprite bears a resemblance to early art created for Red and Green; the back of its wings have spots only seen in this early art.
50 Diglett PM2B 050.png PM2F 050.png PokeGoldFinal-back 050.png PokeGoldFinal-front 050.png ディグダ
51 Dugtrio PM2B 051.png PM2F 051.png PokeGoldFinal-back 051.png PokeGoldFinal-front 051.png ダグトリオ
52 Meowth PM2B 052.png PM2F 052.png PokeGoldFinal-back 052.png PokeGoldFinal-front 052.png ニャース
Front sprite is nearly identical to Gold final except for a few shading tweaks.
53 Persian PM2B 053.png PM2F 053.png PokeGoldFinal-back 053.png PokeGoldFinal-front 053.png ぺルシアン
Front sprite is almost identical to Gold final; missing claws on right hind leg were added, ears were fixed, and tail had its dark segment removed to be more on-model.
54 Psyduck PM2B 054.png PM2F 054.png PokeGoldFinal-back 054.png PokeGoldFinal-front 054.png コダック
55 Golduck PM2B 055.png PM2F 055.png PokeGoldFinal-back 055.png PokeGoldFinal-front 055.png ゴルダック
56 Mankey PM2B 056.png PM2F 056.png PokeGoldFinal-back 056.png PokeGoldFinal-front 056.png マンキー
57 Primeape PM2B 057.png PM2F 057.png PokeGoldFinal-back 057.png PokeGoldFinal-front 057.png オコリザル
Front sprite was redrawn for final; pose is the same.
58 Growlithe PM2B 058.png PM2F 058.png PokeGoldFinal-back 058.png PokeGoldFinal-front 058.png ガーディ
Front sprite was redrawn for final; pose is the same.
59 Arcanine PM2B 059.png PM2F 059.png PokeGoldFinal-back 059.png PokeGoldFinal-front 059.png ウインディ
Front sprite was redrawn for final; pose is the same.
60 Poliwag PM2B 060.png PM2F 060.png PokeGoldFinal-back 060.png PokeGoldFinal-front 060.png ニョロモ
61 Poliwhirl PM2B 061.png PM2F 061.png PokeGoldFinal-back 061.png PokeGoldFinal-front 061.png ニョロゾ
62 Poliwrath PM2B 062.png PM2F 062.png PokeGoldFinal-back 062.png PokeGoldFinal-front 062.png ニョロボン
63 Abra PM2B 063.png PM2F 063.png PokeGoldFinal-back 063.png PokeGoldFinal-front 063.png ケーシィ
Front sprite no longer uses the Blue design, but is still different from the final release.
64 Kadabra PM2B 064.png PM2F 064.png PokeGoldFinal-back 064.png PokeGoldFinal-front 064.png ユンゲラー
Front sprite no longer uses the Blue design, and has a similar pose to the final, but was redrawn.
65 Alakazam PM2B 065.png PM2F 065.png PokeGoldFinal-back 065.png PokeGoldFinal-front 065.png フーディン
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
66 Machop PM2B 066.png PM2F 066.png PokeGoldFinal-back 066.png PokeGoldFinal-front 066.png ワンリキー
67 Machoke PM2B 067.png PM2F 067.png PokeGoldFinal-back 067.png PokeGoldFinal-front 067.png ゴーリキー
68 Machamp PM2B 068.png PM2F 068.png PokeGoldFinal-back 068.png PokeGoldFinal-front 068.png カイリキー
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
69 Bellsprout PM2B 069.png PM2F 069.png PokeGoldFinal-back 069.png PokeGoldFinal-front 069.png マダツボミ
70 Weepinbell PM2B 070.png PM2F 070.png PokeGoldFinal-back 070.png PokeGoldFinal-front 070.png ウツドン
71 Victreebel PM2B 071.png PM2F 071.png PokeGoldFinal-back 071.png PokeGoldFinal-front 071.png ウツボット
72 Tentacool PM2B 072.png PM2F 072.png PokeGoldFinal-back 072.png PokeGoldFinal-front 072.png メノクラゲ
73 Tentacruel PM2B 073.png PM2F 073.png PokeGoldFinal-back 073.png PokeGoldFinal-front 073.png ドククラゲ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
74 Geodude PM2B 074.png PM2F 074.png PokeGoldFinal-back 074.png PokeGoldFinal-front 074.png イシツブテ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
75 Graveler PM2B 075.png PM2F 075.png PokeGoldFinal-back 075.png PokeGoldFinal-front 075.png ゴローン
76 Golem PM2B 076.png PM2F 076.png PokeGoldFinal-back 076.png PokeGoldFinal-front 076.png ゴローニャ
Front sprite is identical to Blue, except that its eye is looking in a different direction
77 Ponyta PM2B 077.png PM2F 077.png PokeGoldFinal-back 077.png PokeGoldFinal-front 077.png ポニータ
78 Rapidash PM2B 078.png PM2F 078.png PokeGoldFinal-back 078.png PokeGoldFinal-front 078.png ギャロップ
79 Slowpoke PM2B 079.png PM2F 079.png PokeGoldFinal-back 079.png PokeGoldFinal-front 079.png ヤドン
80 Slowbro PM2B 080.png PM2F 080.png PokeGoldFinal-back 080.png PokeGoldFinal-front 080.png ヤドラン
81 Magnemite PM2B 081.png PM2F 081.png PokeGoldFinal-back 081.png PokeGoldFinal-front 081.png コイル
Front sprite is identical to Blue, which is similar to the final except for the screws being repositioned.
82 Magneton PM2B 082.png PM2F 082.png PokeGoldFinal-back 082.png PokeGoldFinal-front 082.png レアコイル
Front sprite is nearly identical to Gold final, except for some shading differences and the upper-right Magnemite's right magnet.
83 Farfetch'd PM2B 083.png PM2F 083.png PokeGoldFinal-back 083.png PokeGoldFinal-front 083.png カモネギ
84 Doduo PM2B 084.png PM2F 084.png PokeGoldFinal-back 084.png PokeGoldFinal-front 084.png ドードー
85 Dodrio PM2B 085.png PM2F 085.png PokeGoldFinal-back 085.png PokeGoldFinal-front 085.png ドードリオ
86 Seel PM2B 086.png PM2F 086.png PokeGoldFinal-back 086.png PokeGoldFinal-front 086.png パウワウ
87 Dewgong PM2B 087.png PM2F 087.png PokeGoldFinal-back 087.png PokeGoldFinal-front 087.png ジュゴン
88 Grimer PM2B 088.png PM2F 088.png PokeGoldFinal-back 088.png PokeGoldFinal-front 088.png べトべター
89 Muk PM2B 089.png PM2F 089.png PokeGoldFinal-back 089.png PokeGoldFinal-front 089.png べトべトン
90 Shellder PM2B 090.png PM2F 090.png PokeGoldFinal-back 090.png PokeGoldFinal-front 090.png シェルダー
Front sprite is nearly identical to final except for some minor shading differences.
91 Cloyster PM2B 091.png PM2F 091.png PokeGoldFinal-back 091.png PokeGoldFinal-front 091.png パルシェン
Front sprite is identical to Gold final.
92 Gastly PM2B 092.png PM2F 092.png PokeGoldFinal-back 092.png PokeGoldFinal-front 092.png ゴース
Front sprite is nearly identical to Gold final except for some extremely minor shading differences. Despite this, the back sprite is far closer to its depiction in Red and Blue.
93 Haunter PM2B 093.png PM2F 093.png PokeGoldFinal-back 093.png PokeGoldFinal-front 093.png ゴースト
94 Gengar PM2B 094.png PM2F 094.png PokeGoldFinal-back 094.png PokeGoldFinal-front 094.png ゲンガー
Front sprite is nearly identical to Gold final except for a few pixels on the eyes and mouth.
95 Onix PM2B 095.png PM2F 095.png PokeGoldFinal-back 095.png PokeGoldFinal-front 095.png イワーク
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
96 Drowzee PM2B 096.png PM2F 096.png PokeGoldFinal-back 096.png PokeGoldFinal-front 096.png スリープ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
97 Hypno PM2B 097.png PM2F 097.png PokeGoldFinal-back 097.png PokeGoldFinal-front 097.png スリーパー
Front sprite is identical to Gold final.
98 Krabby PM2B 098.png PM2F 098.png PokeGoldFinal-back 098.png PokeGoldFinal-front 098.png クラブ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
99 Kingler PM2B 099.png PM2F 099.png PokeGoldFinal-back 099.png PokeGoldFinal-front 099.png キングラー
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
100 Voltorb PM2B 100.png PM2F 100.png PokeGoldFinal-back 100.png PokeGoldFinal-front 100.png ビリリダマ
Front sprite is identical to Blue and, in-turn, identical to the final except for shading differences.
101 Electrode PM2B 101.png PM2F 101.png PokeGoldFinal-back 101.png PokeGoldFinal-front 101.png マルマイン
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
102 Exeggcute PM2B 102.png PM2F 102.png PokeGoldFinal-back 102.png PokeGoldFinal-front 102.png タマタマ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
103 Exeggutor PM2B 103.png PM2F 103.png PokeGoldFinal-back 103.png PokeGoldFinal-front 103.png ナッシー
Front sprite was later used in Yellow, and is identical to Gold final except for shading.
104 Cubone PM2B 104.png PM2F 104.png PokeGoldFinal-back 104.png PokeGoldFinal-front 104.png カラカラ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
105 Marowak PM2B 105.png PM2F 105.png PokeGoldFinal-back 105.png PokeGoldFinal-front 105.png ガラガラ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
106 Hitmonlee PM2B 106.png PM2F 106.png PokeGoldFinal-back 106.png PokeGoldFinal-front 106.png サワムラー
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
107 Hitmonchan PM2B 107.png PM2F 107.png PokeGoldFinal-back 107.png PokeGoldFinal-front 107.png エビワラー
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
108 Lickitung PM2B 108.png PM2F 108.png PokeGoldFinal-back 108.png PokeGoldFinal-front 108.png べロリンガ
109 Koffing PM2B 109.png PM2F 109.png PokeGoldFinal-back 109.png PokeGoldFinal-front 109.png ドガース
110 Weezing PM2B 110.png PM2F 110.png PokeGoldFinal-back 110.png PokeGoldFinal-front 110.png マタドガス
111 Rhyhorn PM2B 111.png PM2F 111.png PokeGoldFinal-back 111.png PokeGoldFinal-front 111.png サイホーン
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
112 Rhydon PM2B 112.png PM2F 112.png PokeGoldFinal-back 112.png PokeGoldFinal-front 112.png サイドン
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
113 Chansey PM2B 113.png PM2F 113.png PokeGoldFinal-back 113.png PokeGoldFinal-front 113.png ラッキー
Front sprite is identical to one used as a stamp in Game Boy Camera, released in February 1998.
114 Tangela PM2B 114.png PM2F 114.png PokeGoldFinal-back 114.png PokeGoldFinal-front 114.png モンジャラ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
115 Kangaskhan PM2B 115.png PM2F 115.png PokeGoldFinal-back 115.png PokeGoldFinal-front 115.png ガルーラ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
116 Horsea PM2B 116.png PM2F 116.png PokeGoldFinal-back 116.png PokeGoldFinal-front 116.png タッツー
117 Seadra PM2B 117.png PM2F 117.png PokeGoldFinal-back 117.png PokeGoldFinal-front 117.png シードラ
Front sprite no longer uses the Blue design, but is still different from the final release.
118 Goldeen PM2B 118.png PM2F 118.png PokeGoldFinal-back 118.png PokeGoldFinal-front 118.png トサキント
119 Seaking PM2B 119.png PM2F 119.png PokeGoldFinal-back 119.png PokeGoldFinal-front 119.png アズマオウ
120 Staryu PM2B 120.png PM2F 120.png PokeGoldFinal-back 120.png PokeGoldFinal-front 120.png ヒトデマン
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
121 Starmie PM2B 121.png PM2F 121.png PokeGoldFinal-back 121.png PokeGoldFinal-front 121.png スターミー
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
122 Mr.Mime PM2B 122.png PM2F 122.png PokeGoldFinal-back 122.png PokeGoldFinal-front 122.png バリヤード
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
123 Scyther PM2B 123.png PM2F 123.png PokeGoldFinal-back 123.png PokeGoldFinal-front 123.png ストライク
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
124 Jynx PM2B 124.png PM2F 124.png Pokemon GSC (J) (SGB, GBC) Jynx back.png Pokemon Gold (J) (SGB, GBC) Jynx.png ルージュラ
125 Electabuzz PM2B 125.png PM2F 125.png PokeGoldFinal-back 125.png PokeGoldFinal-front 125.png エレブー
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
126 Magmar PM2B 126.png PM2F 126.png PokeGoldFinal-back 126.png PokeGoldFinal-front 126.png ブーバー
Front sprite no longer uses the Blue design, but is still different from the final release.
127 Pinsir PM2B 127.png PM2F 127.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Pinsir back.png PokeGoldFinal-front 127.png カイロス
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
128 Tauros PM2B 128.png PM2F 128.png PokeGoldFinal-back 128.png PokeGoldFinal-front 128.png ケンタロス
Front sprite no longer uses the Blue design, but is still different from the final release.
129 Magikarp PM2B 129.png PM2F 129.png PokeGoldFinal-back 129.png PokeGoldFinal-front 129.png コイキング
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
130 Gyarados PM2B 130.png PM2F 130.png PokeGoldFinal-back 130.png PokeGoldFinal-front 130.png ギャラドス
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
131 Lapras PM2B 131.png PM2F 131.png PokeGoldFinal-back 131.png PokeGoldFinal-front 131.png ラプラス
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
132 Ditto PM2B 132.png PM2F 132.png PokeGoldFinal-back 132.png PokeGoldFinal-front 132.png メタモン
Front sprite is very similar to final; outline was adjusted, some stray pixels near the face were erased, and mouth was closed.
133 Eevee PM2B 133.png PM2F 133.png PokeGoldFinal-back 133.png PokeGoldFinal-front 133.png イーブイ
134 Vaporeon PM2B 134.png PM2F 134.png PokeGoldFinal-back 134.png PokeGoldFinal-front 134.png シャワーズ
135 Jolteon PM2B 135.png PM2F 135.png PokeGoldFinal-back 135.png PokeGoldFinal-front 135.png サンダース
136 Flareon PM2B 136.png PM2F 136.png PokeGoldFinal-back 136.png PokeGoldFinal-front 136.png ブースター
137 Porygon PM2B 137.png PM2F 137.png PokeGoldFinal-back 137.png PokeGoldFinal-front 137.png ポリゴン
Front sprite is almost identical to Gold final with a few shading differences.
138 Omanyte PM2B 138.png PM2F 138.png PokeGoldFinal-back 138.png PokeGoldFinal-front 138.png オムナイト
Front sprite no longer uses the Blue design, but is still different from the final release.
139 Omastar PM2B 139.png PM2F 139.png PokeGoldFinal-back 139.png PokeGoldFinal-front 139.png オムスター
Front sprite no longer uses the Blue design, but is still different from the final release.
140 Kabuto PM2B 140.png PM2F 140.png PokeGoldFinal-back 140.png PokeGoldFinal-front 140.png カブト
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
141 Kabutops PM2B 141.png PM2F 141.png PokeGoldFinal-back 141.png PokeGoldFinal-front 141.png カブトプス
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
142 Aerodactyl PM2B 142.png PM2F 142.png PokeGoldFinal-back 142.png PokeGoldFinal-front 142.png プテラ
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
143 Snorlax PM2B 143.png PM2F 143.png PokeGoldFinal-back 143.png PokeGoldFinal-front 143.png カビゴン
Front sprite is similar, with a few tweaks.
144 Articuno PM2B 144.png PM2F 144.png PokeGoldFinal-back 144.png PokeGoldFinal-front 144.png フリーザー
Front sprite no longer uses the Blue design, but is still different from the final release.
145 Zapdos PM2B 145.png PM2F 145.png PokeGoldFinal-back 145.png PokeGoldFinal-front 145.png サンダー
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
146 Moltres PM2B 146.png PM2F 146.png PokeGoldFinal-back 146.png PokeGoldFinal-front 146.png ファイヤー
Front sprite no longer uses the Blue design, but is still different from the final release.
147 Dratini PM2B 147.png PM2F 147.png PokeGoldFinal-back 147.png PokeGoldFinal-front 147.png ミニリュウ
Back sprite appears to still have stripes on the belly, similar to Dratini's front sprite from Blue, despite none being shown in the new front sprite here.
148 Dragonair PM2B 148.png PM2F 148.png PokeGoldFinal-back 148.png PokeGoldFinal-front 148.png ハクリュー
149 Dragonite PM2B 149.png PM2F 149.png PokeGoldFinal-back 149.png PokeGoldFinal-front 149.png カイリュー
150 Mewtwo PM2B 150.png PM2F 150.png PokeGoldFinal-back 150.png PokeGoldFinal-front 150.png ミュウツー
Front sprite is identical to Blue.
151 Mew PM2B 151.png PM2F 151.png PokeGoldFinal-back 151.png PokeGoldFinal-front 151.png ミュウ
This Mew sprite was also used for a distribution system at the Spaceworld 1997 event. (32:23)

Sprites 300-448

Internal # English Name Front Sprite Back Sprite Japanese Name Notes
300 . PM2F 300.png PM2B 300.png . A pitch-black humanoid silhouette with three tufts of hair playing the flute, evidently based on Kokopelli, a fertility deity in some Native American cultures. Given its inspiration and its resemblance to Celebi's design in the Spaceworld 1999 build of Gold and Silver, it's likely this Pokémon was reworked into Celebi.
301 . PM2F 301.png PM2B 301.png . A long white worm-like creature with protruding eyes. Might have been intended to be a pre-evolution for "Gurotesu" (302), given the close positioning and design.
302 . PM2F 302.png PM2B 302.png グロテス
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
303 . PM2F 303.png PM2B 303.png イカリ
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
304 . PM2F 304.png PM2B 304.png . A fox-like Pokémon with a fiery tail similar to Chimchar's. Bears some resemblance to Fennekin.
305 . PM2F 305.png PM2B 305.png . A small white round creature with two feet and a happy face. Appears to be a pre-evolution for 306.
306 . PM2F 306.png PM2B 306.png . Similar to 305, albeit larger, with more bunny-like feet and bunny-like leaf ears. Its design may be based on the "Yuki Usagi" (literally "Snow Bunny"; like a snowman, but a tiny bunny). Appears to be an evolution for 305.
307 . PM2F 307.png PM2B 307.png . Appears to be an evolution for 306. Appears more pear-shaped, lacks the "bunny" look in its feet, and has long "leaf hair" instead of ears.
308 . PM2F 308.png PM2B 308.png . Similar to 307, albeit darker, with a moodier expression, and a more tree-like design. Either an alternate design for 307 or a split evolution for 306.
309 . PM2F 309.png PM2B 309.png . A large elephant-like Pokémon with horns on its head and back. Possibly related to a similar-looking back sprite for an elephant Pokémon intended for Red and Green.
310 Natu PM2F 310.png PM2B 310.png ネイティ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
311 . PM2F 311.png PM2B 311.png . What appears to be a mid-stage design bridging Natu and Xatu. Appears distinctly more peacock-like, with face markings that aren't present on Xatu.
312 Xatu PM2F 312.png PM2B 312.png ネイティオ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
313 . PM2F 313.png PM2B 313.png . A crooked-looking spotted kiwi bird-like Pokémon.
314 . PM2F 314.png PM2B 314.png . Given the animal basis, this Pokémon was potentially revised into Gligar and/or Skorupi, both of whom are also based on scorpions.
315 . PM2F 315.png PM2B 315.png . A small egg-shaped bird Pokémon with a curly black tuft of hair, a black belly patch, small cheeks, and a nubby tail.
316 . PM2F 316.png PM2B 316.png . A g-clef-shaped bird Pokémon with small wings and a duck-like head. Might have later inspired Chatot, who is also a music-themed bird Pokémon.
317 . PM2F 317.png PM2B 317.png . Possible relation to Qwilfish, either an early design for it or for "Shibirefugu" (446), its evolution in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
318 Quagsire PM2F 318.png PM2B 318.png ヌオー
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
319 . PM2F 319.png PM2B 319.png . A boar-like Pokémon with antlers.
320 Sneasel PM2F 320.png PM2B 320.png ニューラ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
321 Ampharos PM2F 321.png PM2B 321.png デンリュウ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
322 Marill PM2F 322.png PM2B 322.png マリル
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
323 Aipom PM2F 323.png PM2B 323.png エイパム
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
324 . PM2F 324.png PM2B 324.png キョンパン
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
325 . PM2F 325.png PM2B 325.png . Possible relation to "Pudi" (431), Growlithe's pre-evolution in the Spaceworld '97 demo. Likely an early design for it or a possible evolution if the Pudi line was meant to be unrelated to the Growlithe line.
326 Politoed PM2F 326.png PM2B 326.png ニョロトノ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
327 . PM2F 327.png PM2B 327.png ノロワラ
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
328 Hoppip PM2F 328.png PM2B 328.png ハネッコ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
329 Skiploom PM2F 329.png PM2B 329.png ポポッコ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
330 Jumpluff PM2F 330.png PM2B 330.png ワタッコ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
331 . PM2F 331.png PM2B 331.png . A dopey-eyed ghost Pokémon wearing an hitakakushi and followed by two hitodama.
332 . PM2F 332.png PM2B 332.png コトラ
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo, and was originally intended for Red and Green.
333 . PM2F 333.png PM2B 333.png ライトラ
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo, and was originally intended for Red and Green.
334 Donphan PM2F 334.png PM2B 334.png ドンファン
Front sprite almost identical to Gold final.
335 Slowking PM2F 335.png PM2B 335.png ヤドキング
Front sprite almost identical to Gold final.
336 Girafarig PM2F 336.png PM2B 336.png キリンリキ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
337 Crobat PM2F 337.png PM2B 337.png クロバット
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
338 Stantler PM2F 338.png PM2B 338.png オドシシ
Front sprite pose identical to Gold final, but with a different, more eye-like design for the horns.
339 Qwilfish PM2F 339.png PM2B 339.png ハリーセン
Front sprite almost identical to Gold final.
340 . PM2F 340.png PM2B 340.png ハナモグラ
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. Before Bayleef existed, this was the Grass starter middle evolution.
341 Remoraid PM2F 341.png PM2B 341.png テッポウオ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
342 . PM2F 342.png PM2B 342.png エレべビー
The Spaceworld '97 demo's equivalent to Elekid.
343 Elekid PM2F 343.png PM2B 343.png エレキッド
A rare instance of a final design and its Spaceworld '97 equivalent coexisting. Front sprite is identical to Gold final.
344 . PM2F 344.png PM2B 344.png . A fish-like Pokémon bearing some resemblance to a viking ship. May have had some ties to 415.
345 Hoothoot PM2F 345.png PM2B 345.png ホーホー
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
346 Smeargle PM2F 346.png PM2B 346.png ドーブル
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
347 Ho-oh PM2F 347.png PM2B 347.png ホウオウ
Front sprite identical to Gold final and back sprite identical to final.
348 Unown PM2F 348.png PM2B 348.png アンノーン
Similar sprite to final, albeit taller. Interestingly enough, the final versions of all of the Unown can also be found in this archive.
349 . PM2F 349.png PM2B 349.png . A large canine Pokémon with tusks and an imposing coat of shaggy fur.
350 . PM2F 350.png PM2B 350.png . A rather odd-looking Pikachu-like Pokémon.
351 . PM2F 351.png PM2B 351.png . A snake Pokémon with large eyes, chest markings, and some Native American headdress-inspired head feathers.
352 . PM2F 352.png PM2B 352.png . Some sort of crane-like bird Pokémon wearing a conical hat and featuring what appears to have a scarecrow theme.
353 . PM2F 353.png PM2B 353.png . A gargoyle-like Pokémon with a long tail and two long feet.
354 . PM2F 354.png PM2B 354.png マンボー1
manboo 1
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo, where it evolved into "Ikari" (303) and then into "Gurotesu" (302). Here, it appears it was instead part of a completely different evolutionary line.
355 . PM2F 355.png PM2B 355.png . Apparent evolution of "Manboo 1" (354).
356 . PM2F 356.png PM2B 356.png . Apparent evolution of 355.
357 . PM2F 357.png PM2B 357.png ホノオグマ
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. Original Fire starter.
358 . PM2F 358.png PM2B 358.png ボルべアー
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. Original Fire starter's middle evolution.
359 . PM2F 359.png PM2B 359.png ダイナべア
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. Original Fire starter's final evolution.
360 . PM2F 360.png PM2B 360.png . A serious-looking flying squirrel wearing a headband and a sheathed sword tied to its back.
361 Meganium PM2F 361.png PM2B 361.png メガニウム
Front sprite identical to Gold final and back sprite identical to final.
362 Miltank PM2F 362.png PM2B 362.png ミルタンク
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
363 Snubbull PM2F 363.png PM2B 363.png ブルー
Sprites almost identical to final.
364 Cyndaquil PM2F 364.png PM2B 364.png ヒノアラシ
Early Cyndaquil, before it was used as the Fire starter. It doesn't even appear to have been obviously Fire-type at this point, its spikes instead appearing to be solid.
365 . PM2F 365.png PM2B 365.png リンリン
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
366 . PM2F 366.png PM2B 366.png クルス
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. Original Water starter.
367 . PM2F 367.png PM2B 367.png アクア
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. Original Water starter's middle evolution.
368 . PM2F 368.png PM2B 368.png アクエリア
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. Original Water starter's final evolution.
369 Chikorita PM2F 369.png PM2B 369.png チコリータ
Sprites almost identical to final.
370 Raikou PM2F 370.png PM2B 370.png ライコウ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
371 Entei PM2F 371.png PM2B 371.png エンテイ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
372 Suicune PM2F 372.png PM2B 372.png スイクン
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
373 Skarmory PM2F 373.png PM2B 373.png エアームド
Sprites almost identical to final.
374 Delibird PM2F 374.png PM2B 374.png デリバード
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
375 Cleffa PM2F 375.png PM2B 375.png ピィ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
376 Octillery PM2F 376.png PM2B 376.png オクタン
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
377 . PM2F 377.png PM2B 377.png . Given design similarities (albeit more fox-like in appearance), this Pokémon was potentially revised into Furret.
378 . PM2F 378.png PM2B 378.png . A Pokémon based on the concept of storks delivering babies, complete with it carrying a tiny chick.
379 Pichu PM2F 379.png PM2B 379.png ピチュー
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
380 . PM2F 380.png PM2B 380.png . A drill-theme squid Pokémon. Interestingly, its back sprite lacks the drill elements, suggesting it might reflect a different iteration of this Pokémon's design. Possibly related to a similar-looking back sprite for a squid Pokémon intended for Red and Green.
381 Mantine PM2F 381.png PM2B 381.png マンタイン
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
382 . PM2F 382.png PM2B 382.png . A bagworm-like Pokémon with long ears which likely went on to inspire Pineco and even possibly Burmy.
383 . PM2F 383.png PM2B 383.png . Apparent evolution of 382. Might have inspired Mothim.
384 Spinarak PM2F 384.png PM2B 384.png イトマル
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
385 Ariados PM2F 385.png PM2B 385.png アリアドス
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
386 . PM2F 386.png PM2B 386.png . A koala Pokémon sitting on a miniature tree. Likely went on to inspire Komala.
387 . PM2F 387.png PM2B 387.png . A crazed-looking tanuki Pokémon carrying afire kindling on its back. Appears to be based on the folk tale of Kachi-kachi Yama.
388 Houndour PM2F 388.png PM2B 388.png デルビル
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
389 Houndoom PM2F 389.png PM2B 389.png へルガー
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
390 . PM2F 390.png PM2B 390.png ウルフマン
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
391 . PM2F 391.png PM2B 391.png ワーウルフ
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
392 . PM2F 392.png PM2B 392.png . A rather odd-looking cockatoo-like Pokémon with a ruff of feathers around its neck, as well as what appears to be a beak shaped like either a gas mask or a megaphone. If the later is correct, it's possible this Pokémon could have served as inspiration for Chatot.
393 . PM2F 393.png PM2B 393.png ボムシカー
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo, albeit with a slightly different design.
394 . PM2F 394.png PM2B 394.png プチコーン
Pre-evolution for Ponyta which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo and was originally intended for Red and Green.
395 . PM2F 395.png PM2B 395.png ギョピン
Pre-evolution for Goldeen which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo and was originally intended for Red and Green.
396 . PM2F 396.png PM2B 396.png ミコン
Pre-evolution for Vulpix which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo and was originally intended for Red and Green.
397 . PM2F 397.png PM2B 397.png . A frog Pokémon with a long tongue and a horn on its head.
398 . PM2F 398.png PM2B 398.png ツインズ
Pre-evolution for Girafarig which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
399 Ledyba PM2F 399.png PM2B 399.png レディバ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
400 . PM2F 400.png PM2B 400.png . A rather odd hippopotamus-like Pokémon with what appears to be a maw-hawk and black "pant".
401 . PM2F 401.png PM2B 401.png . A monstrous living skeleton Pokémon with a comically long snout.
402 . PM2F 402.png PM2B 402.png . A bunny-like Pokémon with large spotted ears, no arms, and a sort of pearl around its neck similar to Dragonair's.
403 . PM2F 403.png PM2B 403.png . A fly Pokémon which may have had some ties to 405.
404 . PM2F 404.png PM2B 404.png . Some sort of plant Pokémon with only one eye and a spiky head. Bears some resemblance to Sunflora's early design, and may have possibly been intended to be a pre-evolution of it.
405 . PM2F 405.png PM2B 405.png . A fly Pokémon which may have had some ties to 403.
406 . PM2F 406.png PM2B 406.png . A small dinosaur-like Pokémon which appears to use an egg as a hat. Likely went on to inspire Cranidos.
407 . PM2F 407.png PM2B 407.png . A small Pokémon comprised of a small spherical body with five cherry blossom petals attached to it. Likely went on to inspire Cherrim.
408 Mareep PM2F 408.png PM2B 408.png メリープ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
409 Hitmontop PM2F 409.png PM2B 409.png カポエラー
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
410 . PM2F 410.png PM2B 410.png べトべビー
Pre-evolution for Grimer which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
411 Murkrow PM2F 411.png PM2B 411.png カポエラー
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
412 Dunsparce PM2F 412.png PM2B 412.png ノコッチ
A tsuchinoko-like Pokémon which bears a resemblance to Dunsparce's sprites in the Spaceworld '99 demo.
413 Smoochum PM2F 413.png PM2B 413.png ムチュール
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
414 . PM2F 414.png PM2B 414.png ヒナーズ
Pre-evolution for Doduo which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
415 . PM2F 415.png PM2B 415.png . An armored fish Pokémon which may have had some ties to 344.
416 . PM2F 416.png PM2B 416.png . What appears to be a fish with bird wings, possibly inspired by the theme of flying fish.
417 Sunflora PM2F 417.png PM2B 417.png キマワリ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
418 . PM2F 418.png PM2B 418.png ターバン
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. No direct relation to Slowpoke or Shellder lines.
419 . PM2F 419.png PM2B 419.png マダーム
Evolution for Farfetch'd which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
420 Steelix PM2F 420.png PM2B 420.png ハガネール
Front sprite is nearly identical to final with minor shading differences; back sprite is exactly identical.
421 Blissey PM2F 421.png PM2B 421.png ハピナス
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
422 . PM2F 422.png PM2B 422.png モンジャ
Pre-evolution for Tangela which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
423 . PM2F 423.png PM2B 423.png ジャランラ
Evolution for Tangela which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
424 Scizor PM2F 424.png PM2B 424.png ハッサム
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
425 Magby PM2F 425.png PM2B 425.png ブビィ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
426 . PM2F 426.png PM2B 426.png プラックス
Evolution for Pinsir which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
427 . PM2F 427.png PM2B 427.png アニモン
Evolution for Ditto which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
428 Porygon2 PM2F 428.png PM2B 428.png ポリゴン2
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
429 Igglybuff PM2F 429.png PM2B 429.png ププリン
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
430 . PM2F 430.png PM2B 430.png コーニャ
Pre-evolution for Meowth which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
431 . PM2F 431.png PM2B 431.png プディ
Pre-evolution for Growlithe which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
432 Kingdra PM2F 432.png PM2B 432.png キングドラ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
433 . PM2F 433.png PM2B 433.png リーフィ
Grass-type evolution for Eevee which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. A Grass-type evolution for Eevee, Leafeon, would be properly introduced several years later in Generation IV.
434 Espeon PM2F 434.png PM2B 434.png エーフィ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
435 Umbreon PM2F 435.png PM2B 435.png ブラッキー
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
436 Bellossom PM2F 436.png PM2B 436.png キレイハナ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
437 . PM2F 437.png PM2B 437.png ツボミット
Split evolution for Weepinbell which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
438 . PM2F 438.png PM2B 438.png パラ
Pre-evolution for Paras which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
439 Flaaffy PM2F 439.png PM2B 439.png モココ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
440 . PM2F 440.png PM2B 440.png べルルン
Was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
441 . PM2F 441.png PM2B 441.png バリリーナ
Pre-evolution for Mr. Mime which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. A pre-evolution for Mr. Mime, Mime Jr., would be properly introduced several years later in Generation IV.
442 . PM2F 442.png PM2B 442.png ナメール
Evolution for Lickitung which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo. An evolution for Lickitung, Lickilicky, would be properly introduced several years later in Generation IV.
443 Noctowl PM2F 443.png PM2B 443.png ヨルノズク
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
444 Phanpy PM2F 444.png PM2B 444.png ゴマゾウ
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
445 Togepi PM2F 445.png PM2B 445.png トゲピー
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
446 . PM2F 446.png PM2B 446.png シビレフグ
Evolution for Qwilfish which was present in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
447 Ledian PM2F 447.png PM2B 447.png レディアン
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.
448 Tyrogue PM2F 448.png PM2B 448.png バルキー
Same design used in the Spaceworld '97 demo.

Special Sprites

The end of the sprite list contains a few sprites with more distinct filenames.

Unown Variants

All the sprites for the different variations of Unown use the "PM2F_" naming scheme, albeit with "UN" followed by the corresponding Unown's letter instead of a number.

File Name English Name Front Sprite Back Sprite Japanese Name
UNA Unown PM2F UNA.png PM2B UNA.png アンノーン
UNB Unown PM2F UNB.png PM2B UNB.png アンノーン
UNC Unown PM2F UNC.png PM2B UNC.png アンノーン
UND Unown PM2F UND.png PM2B UND.png アンノーン
UNE Unown PM2F UNE.png PM2B UNE.png アンノーン
UNF Unown PM2F UNF.png PM2B UNF.png アンノーン
UNG Unown PM2F UNG.png PM2B UNG.png アンノーン
UNH Unown PM2F UNH.png PM2B UNH.png アンノーン
UNI Unown PM2F UNI.png PM2B UNI.png アンノーン
UNJ Unown PM2F UNJ.png PM2B UNJ.png アンノーン
UNK Unown PM2F UNK.png PM2B UNK.png アンノーン
UNL Unown PM2F UNL.png PM2B UNL.png アンノーン
UNM Unown PM2F UNM.png PM2B UNM.png アンノーン
UNN Unown PM2F UNN.png PM2B UNN.png アンノーン
UNO Unown PM2F UNO.png PM2B UNO.png アンノーン
UNP Unown PM2F UNP.png PM2B UNP.png アンノーン
UNQ Unown PM2F UNQ.png PM2B UNQ.png アンノーン
UNR Unown PM2F UNR.png PM2B UNR.png アンノーン
UNS Unown PM2F UNS.png PM2B UNS.png アンノーン
UNT Unown PM2F UNT.png PM2B UNT.png アンノーン
UNU Unown PM2F UNU.png PM2B UNU.png アンノーン
UNV Unown PM2F UNV.png PM2B UNV.png アンノーン
UNW Unown PM2F UNW.png PM2B UNW.png アンノーン
UNX Unown PM2F UNX.png PM2B UNX.png アンノーン
UNY Unown PM2F UNY.png PM2B UNY.png アンノーン
UNZ Unown PM2F UNZ.png PM2B UNZ.png アンノーン

Alternate Sprites

Three alternate sprites are also present, albeit with no corresponding back sprites.

PM2F 155.png

A slightly earlier iteration of Honooguma's front sprite, labeled as "PM2F_155", with 155 being its Pokédex number in the Spaceworld '97 demo. Meanwhile, the Honooguma front sprite used in the Spaceworld '97 demo is labeled "PM2F_357".

PM2F DEN.png

Labeled as "PM2F_DEN" (likely standing for "Pocket Monsters 2 Front Denryu") is this early sprite of Ampharos which predates the one used in Spaceworld '97 and was previously only seen in the 1997 Pocket Monsters Official Fanbook.

PM2F TES.png

Labeled as "PM2F_TES" (possibly standing for "Pocket Monsters 2 Front Test") is this alternate sprite of Gloom which features some additional "stink particles" and what appears to be a crudely-drawn poop. It's possible this was originally intended to be a test to see how Gloom would look with more particles around it, before the artist in charge just gave up on it after some time and just doodled some poop in as a joke.

Gloom's Japanese name is "Kusaihana", from "Kusai" (stinky) and "Hana" (flower), and given how Kusai is close to "Kuso" (shit) it may have been what inspired this edit.