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Development:Mario Clock

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This page details development materials of Mario Clock.

How about a nice leek in this trying time?
This page or section details content from the September 2020 Nintendo Leak.
Check the September 2020 Nintendo Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material.

Present among the September 2020 Nintendo leaks were planning documents for Mario Clock, including a flowchart with some mockup screenshots. The flowchart can be found in from_Nintendo.rar/fro_Nintendo/20091021/clockcalc_debug_20091019.zip/時計+電卓資料/【DSi時計+電卓】JP資料/仕様書/マリオ+どうぶつ時計/0211 8bit Mario Clock Flowchart.pdf.


Top Screen

A screenshot was included within the flowchart that was hastefully copy-pasted several times. If the dates were to be correct, the flowchart was created on February 11, 2009, with the other screenshots being taken at various points in time between October 28, 2008 and February 11, 2009, just nearly 2 months before the original Japanese release.

Prerelease Final
DSi-MarioClock-PrereleaseMain-1.png DSi-MarioClock-Main-2.png
  • The date is on the right and shows the first three letters of the month, in this case October. These strings still exist in the final build, unused.
  • There's no coin counter or battery indicator.
  • As this mockup is based on the Japanese version of the app, there's no mentions of AM or PM times.
  • The second clock hand is red instead of orange and less thick. It also has a drop shadow, which the final build doesn't have.
  • The big and small clock hands don't extend as far to the back.
  • The brick isn't centered onto a grid.
  • Only half of the ground sprites are visible.
  • The bell icon is different. There's also an alarm indicator that reads "ALARM ON":
Screenshot Mockup Final
DSi-MarioClock-BellScreenshot-1.png DSi-MarioClock-Bell-2.png DSi-MarioClock-Bell-1.png
  • The number 8 in the game's 8×8 font matches the one seen in the ubiquitous "video game font" used in many, many games from the 8-bit era. This was reverted to the simpler version used in the original Super Mario Bros.:
Screenshot Mockup Final
DSi-MarioClock-Number8Screenshot-1.png DSi-MarioClock-Number8-2.png DSi-MarioClock-Number8-1.png


Prerelease Final
DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-9.png DSi-MarioClock-Settings-1.png
  • The OK button is wider and has a beige color. This was later changed to gray.
  • The brick pattern in the top-left is shifted up.
  • There's an option for setting the system in sleep mode beyond 1 hour.

Alarm Song Select

Prerelease Final
DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-15.png DSi-MarioClock-AlarmSoundSelect-1.png

The DSi Sound button has a lighter tint.

Mockup Screenshots

The full application's functions are shown in this flowchart as mockups with more (horribly-cropped) screenshots. Some of these mockups were also covered up by real application screenshots. There are some minor UI tweaks, though.

Mockup Final
DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-0.jpg DSi-MarioClock-Main-3.png

The manual, exit, and settings buttons are smaller.

Mockup Final
DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-1.jpg DSi-MarioClock-ApplicationClose-1.png
  • The closure textbox doesn't cover up the entire screen.
  • The text formatting is different.
  • There's no textbox showing the amount of collected coins.
Mockup Final
DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-3.png DSi-MarioClock-AlarmList-1.png
  • The alarm time is a bit more to the left.
  • There's no alarm bell icon for turning on / off the alarm, there's just a button that reads "ON" and "OFF".
  • The time on the 2nd button is set to 12:30pm, something that isn't possible. The hour counter only goes up to 11.
Mockup Final
DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-4.png DSi-MarioClock-TimeOffset-1.png

The changed time was at the bottom of the screen.

Mockup #1 Mockup #2 Final
DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-5.png DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-7.png DSi-MarioClock-Settings-2.png

Not one, but two early settings mockups!

  • The energy saving mode was just a simple on / off button instead of a time selector.
  • There was originally an option to activate Summer times. This was removed entirely.
  • You originally could cancel the changes you've made before saving.
  • The text for changing the time offset is different.
Mockup Final
DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-10.png DSi-MarioClock-AlarmSettings-1.png
  • The alarm settings has no option to change the volume of the music or the ability to test the alarm beforehand.
  • The selected alarm number is shown on the right.
Mockup Final
DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-12.jpg DSi-MarioClock-AlarmSoundSelect-2.png
  • The song selection has no Super Mario Bros. icons, just music notes and numbers.
  • The top buttons don't extend to the borders of the screen.
  • The text within these buttons is different.
Mockup Final
DSi-MarioClock-Flowchart-17.jpg DSi-MarioClock-Snoozing-1.png

The text formatting and the text itself were changed slightly.