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Development:La-Mulana (2006)/Flag List
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This is a sub-page of Development:La-Mulana (2006).
flag/ contains a gigantic list of what seems to be all flags used in-game.
Original | Translated |
40 長老初会話:遺跡開く | 40 Initial Elder Conversation: Ruins Open Up |
ID | Description (Original) | Description (Translated) | Notes |
0041 | 生命の宝珠開く | Life Jewel Opens | |
0042 | 十字架出現 | Cross Appearance | |
0043 | 地図出現 | Map Appearance | |
0044 | 新10倍出現 | Game Master 2 Appearance | |
0045 | 新10倍罠解除&梯子出現 | Game Master 2 Trap Cancel & Ladder Appearance | |
0046 | ボスの部屋への通路開く | Opens Road to the Boss' Room | |
0047 | 手裏剣出現 | Shuriken Appearance | |
0048 | 顔落下罠 | Face Fall Trap | |
0049 | アンク用壁1消える | Wall for the Ankh 1 Disappears | |
0050 | アンク用壁2消える | Wall for the Ankh 2 Disappears | |
0051 | アンク出現 | Ankh Appearance | |
0052 | 移動床出現 | Moving Platform Appearance | |
0053 | ブロック出現 | Block Appearance | |
0054 | 隠し通路通過した | Crossed the Hidden Path | |
0055 | 太陽神殿への床崩れる | Floor to the Temple of the Sun Crumbles | |
0056 | ジュエル出現用錘台のスイッチ | Switch of the Dais for the Jewel Appearance | |
0057 | アンクジュエル出現 | Ankh Jewel Appearance | |
0058 | 探知機ショップ隠し壁 | Detector Shop's Hidden Wall | |
0059 | ジュエルに至る梯子出現 | Appearance of the ladder leading to the Jewel | |
0060 | 財宝出現 | Treasure Appearance | |
0061 | ボスの部屋隠す錘台出現 | Dais Hiding the Boss' Room Appearance | |
0062 | 聖杯出現 | Holy Grail Appearance | |
0068 | MSX2購入+占いもってる | MSX2 Purchase + Has Divining | Refers to the ROM Divining Sensation. |
0069 | 妖精に合う | Meeting the Fairy | |
0070 | f2石碑読む? | Reading the f2 Monument? | fX, X being any number, means "Field X". |
0071 | ハイパーラリー取得+妖精出現 | Possession of Hyper Rally + Fairy Appearance | It's unknown why this specific flag is highlighted red. |
0073 | 死滅の間ヒント | Chamber of Extinction Hint | Mistakenly labeled, as it's for the Chamber of Birth's hint instead. |
0074 | 滅びの塔ヒント | Tower of Ruin Hint | |
0075 | 女神の塔ヒント | Tower of the Goddess Hint | |
0076 | 月光聖殿ヒント | Temple of Moonlight Hint | |
0077 | 巨人墓場ヒント | Graveyard of the Giants Hint | |
0078 | 迷いの門ヒント | Gate of Delusion Hint | |
0079 | 双連迷宮ヒント | Twin Labyrinths Hint | |
0080 | 無限回廊ヒント | Infinite Corridor Hint | |
0081 | 死滅の間ヒント | Chamber of Extinction Hint | |
0082 | 灼熱洞窟ヒント | Blazing Cavern Hint | |
0083 | 空の水源ヒント | Spring in the Sky Hint | |
0084 | 太陽神殿ヒント | Temple of the Sun Hint | |
0085 | 巨人霊廟ヒント | Mausoleum of the Giants Hint | |
0086 | 導きの門ヒント | Gate of Guidance Hint | |
0099 | 地上<>導きのショートカット | Surface <> Guidance Shortcut | |
0102 | ほら貝出現 | Shell Horn Appearance | |
0105 | 危険看板2度読む | Read the Danger Signpost Twice | |
0106 | 生命の宝珠出現 | Life Jewel Appearance | |
0107 | 羽出現 | Feather Appearance | |
0108 | 遺跡への門開く | Opens Gate to the Ruins | |
0109 | 地上隠しルート開く | Opens the Hidden Surface route | |
0111 | 拳銃出現 | Pistol Appearance | |
0112 | ゴーファー出現 | Gopher Appearance | |
0113 | 滝壺の店出現 | Plunge Basin Shop Appearance | |
0114 | PR3をもらった。※不必要 | Received PR3. *Unneeded | |
0116 | f1x3y0財宝の壁 | f1x3y0 Treasure's Wall | |
0117 | 導き二人の見張り上の壁しまる | Closes the Guidance Two Guards Wall | |
0118 | f1x3y0爆弾 | f1x3y0 Bomb | |
0119 | f1x3y0銃弾 | f1x3y0 Bullet | |
0120 | f1x3y0の財宝 | f1x3y0 Treasure | |
0121 | ハイパーラリー取得チェック用 | For Checking Possession of Hyper Rally | |
0122 | 水晶どくろ取得チェック用 | For Checking Possession of Crystal Skull | |
0123 | 死滅の間ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Chamber of Extinction Hint | Same with flag 73. |
0124 | 滅びの塔ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Tower of Ruin Hint | |
0125 | 女神の塔ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Tower of the Goddess Hint | |
0126 | 月光聖殿ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Temple of Moonlight Hint | |
0127 | 巨人墓場ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Graveyard of the Giants Hint | |
0128 | 迷いの門ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Gate of Delusion Hint | |
0129 | 双連迷宮ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Twin Labyrinths Hint | |
0130 | 無限回廊ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Infinite Corridor Hint | |
0131 | 死滅の間ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Chamber of Extinction Hint | |
0132 | 灼熱洞窟ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Blazing Cavern Hint | |
0133 | 空の水源ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Spring in the Sky Hint | |
0134 | 太陽神殿ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Temple of the Sun Hint | |
0135 | 巨人霊廟ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Mausoleum of the Giants Hint | |
0136 | 導きの門ヒントチェック用 | For checking the Gate of Guidance Hint | |
0138 | 聖杯取得 | Possession of the Holy Grail | |
0139 | カギ爪取得 | Possession of the Grapple Craw | |
0140 | 羽取得 | Possession of the Feather | |
0141 | 投剣出現 | Throwing Knife Appearance | |
0142 | 地図出現 | Map Appearance | |
0143 | アンクジュエル出現 | Ankh Jewel Appearance | |
0144 | 生命の宝珠出現 | Life Jewel Appearance | |
0145 | 天の柱:太陽 | Heavenly Pillar: Sun | |
0146 | 店隠しの壷 | Shop-Hiding Pot | |
0147 | 水源の蓋解除 | Lifting of the Spring's Lid | |
0149 | 読んではいけない石碑1回目 | Seeing the Tablet that Mustn't Be Read Once | |
0150 | 読んではいけない石碑2回目 | Seeing the Tablet that Mustn't Be Read Twice | |
0151 | 天の柱:月 | Heavenly Pillar: Moon | |
0152 | 天の柱:星 | Heavenly Pillar: Stars | |
0153 | 地図用の罠解除 | Trap for the Map Cancel | |
0154 | ロム隠し | ROM Hiding | |
0155 | 崩れる床f2x1y1 | Crumbling Floor f2x1y1 | |
0156 | 崩れる床f2x3y1 | Crumbling Floor f2x3y1 | |
0157 | ジュエル閉じ込め解除 | Jewel Imprisoning Cancel | |
0158 | アンクジュエル出現 | Ankh Jewel Appearance | Duplicate of 0143? |
0160 | 小人の証明 | Proof of Dwarfness | |
0180 | 地図出現 | Map Appearance | |
0182 | ブーツ出現 | Boots Appearance | |
0183 | 生命の宝珠出現 | Life Jewel Appearance | |
0184 | アンクジュエル出現 | Ankh Jewel Appearance | |
0185 | 銅鏡出現 | Bronze Mirror Appearance | |
0186 | ジュエルの箱出現 | Jewel Chest Appearance | |
0189 | トロッコ動作用錘台 | Dais Used For Minecart Movement | |
0190 | トロッコ動作 | Minecart Movement | |
0191 | ライト台動く | Moves the Light Dais | |
0192 | ライトつく | Makes the Light | |
0193 | マップ前梯子消失 | Disappearance of the Ladder Before the Map | |
0194 | マップ前梯子解除 | Cancel of the Ladder Before the Map | |
0195 | ブエル撃破 | Buer Critical Attack | |
0196 | ブエル出現 | Buer Appearance | |
0197 | 店隠し壷 | Shop-Hiding Pot | |
0198 | 閉じ込め壁作動 | Operation of the Imprisoning Wall | |
0199 | 閉じ込め壁解除 | Cancelling of the Imprisoning Wall | |
0200 | ナイフスイッチ前の壁 | Wall Before the Knife Switch | |
0201 | ナイフ出現 | Knife Appearance | |
0202 | くずれ床 | Crumbling Floor | |
0203 | ピラミッド頂消える | Pyramid Summit Disappears | |
0204 | トロッコ落下1 | Minecart Falling 1 | |
0205 | トロッコ落下2 | Minecart Falling 2 | |
0206 | トロッコ落下3 | Minecart Falling 3 | |
0207 | トロッコ落下4 | Minecart Falling 4 | |
0208 | ブーツ下の床消える | Floor Below the Boots Disappears | |
0209 | 太陽レリーフ | Sun Relief | |
0210 | ブーツの錘台隠し | Hiding of the Boots Dais | |
0211 | 水たまる | Water Piles Up | |
0214 | 店隠し壷 | Shop-Hiding Pot | |
0215 | 激安店隠し壁 | Dirt-Cheap Shop Hiding Pot | |
0216 | アンク出現 | Ankh Appearance | |
0217 | 3人の美女の石碑読んだ | Read the Stone Tablet of the Three Beautiful Women | |
0218 | 3人の美女クリア | Three Beautiful Women Clear | |
0220 | 死滅への壁 | Wall to Extinction | |
0221 | 親父出現 | Father Appearance | |
0222 | 親父見た>お守り出現 | Saw Father > Talisman Appearance |
ID | Description (Original) | Description (Translated) | Notes |
0241 | 生命の宝珠出る | Life Jewel Appears | |
0242 | 地図出現 | Map Appearance | |
0243 | 水門開く | Floodgates Open | |
0244 | ワールドキー1出る | World Key 1 Appears | "World Key" is another term for Seals that was used in development. |
0245 | 玉鱗出る | Spherescale Appears | |
0246 | アンクジュエル出現 | Ankh Jewel Appearance | |
0247 | 水を裏面へ流す | Drains Water to the Backside | |
0248 | 魚人の店出現 | Fishman Shop Appearance | |
0249 | くずれ床 | Crumbling Floor | |
0250 | バハムートの部屋に水を流す | Drains Water in Bahamut's Room | |
0251 | 水門の隠し壁消える | Wall Hiding the Floodgates Disappears | |
0252 | アンク出現 | Ankh Appearance | |
0253 | ロム隠し壁 | ROM-Hiding Wall | |
0254 | 栓の骨壊す | Destroys the Cork's Chain | |
0255 | 宝珠へのはしご出る | Ladder to the Jewel Appears |