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Deus Ex/Game of the Year Differences
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Game of the Year (1.112fm) version was released later than the original copies (1.002), however despite this the maps contained in the Game of the Year version are a month older than the ones contained in the original release. Because of this the maps experienced in the Steam copy are considered unfinished. Note for this list chapters 7 and 13 never existed and the differences listed are what the 1.002 versions contained that GotY did not.
Chapter 0
- Some of the characters during Manderley's segment were set to have dynamic lighting and were repositioned slightly.
- Some of the chairs during Manderley's segment were set to have dynamic lighting and rotated to face him instead of all facing forwards.
Training (First Section)
- Textures in Manderley's observation room were changed to tile better (floor and ceiling) and changed in general (platform walls, computer consoles and monitor textures).
- The pipes immediately to the left of the water segment have been blocked off with orange caps.
- The water itself was made to not be a fog zone.
- Zone sheets zoning off the water room and its observation room were removed.
- The window glass for Manderley's observation room was moved out of the window frame, causing it to float.
Training (Combat)
- No changes.
Training (Final)
- No changes.
Chapter 1
Liberty Island
- The wood trim on the cargo area was rotated to look nicer.
- Lloyd was changed to use the B version barks.
- The polyflags for the fence around the liberty torch were changed from 266 to 290 (PF_NotSolid disabled, PF_Semisolid enabled).
- A pathnode was moved just out of the structure in the center of the courtyard.
- A cargo container was changed from semi-solid to solid.
- A baton was added on the railing of the dock next to the 3 crates next to the ramp.
- A switch was added in the satcom hatch to prevent softlocks from closing it on yourself.
- Sam Carter's home tag was set to his start, so he'd go back to his default position after being scared.
- Path nodes in the armoury were removed.
- Hidepoints within Alex's and Jaime's closets were removed.
- Path nodes behind Alex's computer were removed.
- Scott's door was changed to fix its pivot point.
- A button was added to open Scott's door from the inside in case players got stuck inside.
- Two batons were added to two desks.
Chapter 2
Battery Park
- The children were set to bImportant.
- The kiosk doors had their minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- A crate with a multitool in it no longer has a 30% chance of being overwrote with soyfood.
- Crates in the Castle Clinton courtyard were moved into the walls of Castle Clinton.
- The UNATCO troopers were given 10mm ammo when they had none before.
- Two of the UNATCO troopers were given a mini-crossbow.
- The barrels next to the ambrosia were changed from flammable to explosive, quadrupling the amount of damage they do.
- Some thin railings over the bridge under Castle Clinton were removed.
- Anna was set to wander after the ambrosia was found.
- A baton was added to the cabinet in the Castle Clinton lobby and the table underground.
NYC Streets
- The cops had their bark bind names set to "Man".
- The two crates next to the gas grenade troops were moved from right beside them to next to the Ton, likely as players tried to break them and immediately got into a conversation.
- A small crate next to Osgood's door was removed.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Free Clinic
- The NPCs had their bark bind names set to "Man" and "Woman"
- A woman had her unfamiliar name changed from "Unhealthy looking gal" to "Unhealthy looking woman".
- The cabinet had its minDamageThreshold changed from 4 to 50.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Underworld Tavern
- The exit sign was raised so it touches the ceiling and doesn't float.
- The ambient bar sound had its volume reduced from 150 to 4.
Smuggler's Lair
- No changes.
- The splash texture was removed from the waterfall.
- The biocell under the table was removed.
Ton Hotel
- The ATM gained another account, with username "543654", PIN "5544" and balance of 100 credits.
- The door to the abandoned bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the abandoned apartment was changed to be breakable, and its damage threshold increased from 3 to 50.
- The door to the Paul's closet was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the Paul's bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
NSF Warehouse
- The hole in the fence that can be blown up by the barrels was redesigned.
- The ladder next to the wooden fence was slightly shortened.
- The stairs in the abandoned building had the step textures slightly changed.
Chapter 3
Liberty Island
- A switch was added in the satcom hatch to prevent softlocks from closing it on yourself.
- The satcom hatch was tagged correctly so the security console can open it.
- Carter was set to react to stimuli.
- Manderley's home tag was set to his start, so he'd go back to his default position after being scared.
- The troopers' home tags were set to their start, so they'd go back to their default position after combat.
- Hidepoints within Alex's and Jaime's closets were removed.
- The bathroom doors were set to open through the player.
- The armoury door was set to be unopenable by the AI.
- The trigger to make Anna enter the office was changed from the player being close to Manderley to Simons leaving the office.
Battery Park
- The civilians are set to return to where they started if they get scared off.
- Curly and the riot cops have their bark bind name set to "Man".
Brooklyn Bridge Station
- El Rey was given better accuracy, given a crowbar, and allowed to use his LAM in combat.
- The Rooks were changed to immediately get hostile from any attacks.
Mole Tunnels
- A hidepoint was removed.
- A baton was added to the bathroom to tempt players into silently knocking out the terrorist in there.
- The secret door in the barracks is usable by the AI.
- The UNATCO troops had their bark bind name set to "Man".
- Multiple terrorists are set to react to carcasses.
- Harold had his bark bind name set to "Man".
- The UNATCO troops had their bark bind name set to "Man" and bark name set to "CleanupTroop"
- Some textures and prefabs outside of the plane in the hangar were removed but cannot be seen normally.
- Lebedev was set to return to his start after getting scared and to cower in place.
- Lebedev's door was changed to have a minDamageThreshold of 50 instead of 0.
Chapter 4
Liberty Island
- The generators on the back of the comm van had their textures fixed.
- A switch was added in the satcom hatch to prevent softlocks from closing it on yourself.
- The chairs and trashcans were changed to be owned so NPCs react to them being interacted with.
- Hidepoints within Alex's and Jaime's closets were removed.
- The hallway closet doors were made to be usable by NPCs.
- The bathroom doors were set to open through the player.
- Jaime's and Alex's closets were set to be breakable, requiring 50 damage minimum.
- The troopers were set to return to their original positions after combat.
NYC Streets
- A riot cop's bark bind name was changed from "Cop" to "Man".
- The message for scoring with the basketball was changed from "Sign him up for the Knicks!!!!" to "Basketball?!!? You should be playing football: Go Cowboys!".
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Underworld Tavern
- The exit sign was raised so it touches the ceiling and doesn't float.
Smuggler's Lair
- No changes.
- The splash texture was removed from the waterfall.
Ton Hotel
- Paul's bathroom door was changed to be usable by the AI.
- The door to the abandoned bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the abandoned apartment was changed to be breakable, and its damage threshold increased from 3 to 50.
- The door to the Paul's closet was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the Paul's bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- Some brushes with computer screens were removed in the basement.
- A datacube was moved from being on top of a big brush computer to inside a cabinet.
- The cabinet containing biocells in the basement had its minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Battery Park
- Anna was changed from standing in front of the stairs to standing behind a pillar behind the stairs.
Chapter 5
MJ12 Prison
- The MJ12 troops were set to always have their weapons out.
- The map at the end of the level was flipped so it displays correctly.
- The karkian doors were changed to move in 3 seconds instead of 6, had their sounds changed, and were set to make the karkians hostile if they fully opened.
- One of the doctors was removed, likely to help with the required conversation with Paul one of them was part of at this point in development.
- The remaining doctor had his reactions changed and was set to cower in place, to prevent him running away and the conversation breaking.
- Opening the doors to the armoury makes the guard inside patrol.
- Paul was set to never sound the alarm.
- The mechanics had their bark bind name set to "Man".
- The trigger to make the glass not be reflective so you can see Anna had its radius doubled.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- The medical bot in the medical area was deleted and readded, allowing it to leave the room.
- The door to JC's office was changed to not be a dynamic light mover.
- The door to the breakroom was set to move through the player instead of getting stuck.
- Miguel was changed to not hate the player shooting next to them.
Liberty Island
- A switch was added in the satcom hatch to prevent softlocks from closing it on yourself.
- The satcom hatch was tagged correctly so the security console can open it.
Chapter 6
- The BSP minigun in the munitions storage room was moved one unit to fix a BSP error next to the door.
- Flight control deck 1 and 2's door was made usable by NPCs.
- The munitions storage door was made usable by NPCs.
- The amount of skillpoints for scoring with the basketball was increased from 20 to 150.
- An additional projectile generator was added for gassing the barracks troops effectively.
- The triad members had their bark bind names set to "Man" for some reason.
- The triads and police were set to react to futz.
- The hanging pigs and chickens were set to be owned.
- The shop pottery was set to be owned.
- Gordon Quick had his accuracy improved and his combat knife removed as he already had a sword and his unique barks used.
- Max Chen had his accuracy greatly improved, his weapon changed from an assault rifle to a sawed-off shotgun to account for his missing animations, he also had his thermoptic camo removed.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- The freezer doors were set to be usable by NPCs.
- The repair bot had its collision shrunk and its treads placed in the ground.
- The ship hatch containing heavy weapon ammo had its minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50 and had its fragments set to metal.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Tonnochi Road
- The triad members had their bark bind names set to "Man" for some reason.
- The gate under Maggie's apartment had its minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- An MJ12 trooper was set to raise an alarm before attacking.
- The elevators had their sound volume and radius increased.
- The elevator doors had their minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- The gate behind the military bot had its minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- The ladder in Jock's elevator shaft was removed.
- A vent (with the tag "stupid_QA_hatch") was added to escape Jock's elevator shaft if a player gets stuck on top of the elevator.
- The buddha statue had its 2nd keyframe set so it actually moves.
Lucky Money
- Isaac had his bark bind name set to "Man".
- Max Chen was set to use his unique barks.
- Gordon Quick was set to use his unique barks.
- NPCs were set to react to futz.
- The triad members had their bark bind names set to "Man" for some reason.
- Chen's Bodyguard was set to bImportant so the conversation can tell if they're dead.
- The flag trigger to make Lawrence leave fixes the flag from "M07_Briefing_Played" to "M07Briefing_Played" and had its collision increased.
- The TV upstairs had its radius reduced from 32 to 4.
Tong's Base
- The triad members had their bark bind names set to "Man" for some reason.
- The airlock doors are usable by NPCs.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- The title of a camera was changed from "Laboratory Complex Access" to "Laboratory Access" to prevent overflow.
- The supervisor's name was changed from "Mr. Hundly" to the correct "Mr. Hundley".
- A datacube containing the "ALL_SHIFTS"/"DATA_ENTRY" login was hidden in a cubical.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Versalife Labs
- The texture above the elevator was changed from pure blue to a metal texture.
- The 55655 keypad was replaced with a dummy keypad until the player gets the 55655 code.
- The Woman in Black had her bind name removed.
- Cabinets in the lab area had their minDamageThreshold reduced from 10 to 5.
- A datacube was added to the cabinet with the "DAMOCLES" password.
Canal Road Tunnel
- The triad members had their bark bind names set to "Man" for some reason.
- The triad members were set to wander instead of stand.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- Some triad members were repositioned.
Versalife UC
- The cameras were changed to not sound their alarm.
- The security bots were set to return to their original position if losing the player.
- The lockdown doors in the hallway had their strength reduced from 0.7 to 0.5 and minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- The alarm panel was moved from the hallway to be right next to the scientist.
- The sleeping security bots had their state changed from idle to standing, likely so they don't fall asleep again after losing the player.
- The UC platform was changed to have 0.01 strength and a minDamageThreshold of 1.
- The storage cabinet doors were given glass fragments and sounds when destroyed.
- An additional alarm panel was added at the bottom of the stairs.
Chapter 8
NYC Streets
- The music was changed from nothing to NYCStreets2_Music.
- A bum had his name changed from "Hobo" to "Drifter".
- Stanton Dowd had his hometag set to his start, and all his reaction variables changed.
- Stanton Dowd's burning barrel was moved slightly to the side, likely to give the player more cover from the wall when talking.
- All the spawn points for MJ12 were changed from around the level to in the road tunnel.
- The message for scoring with the basketball was changed from "Sign him up for the Knicks!!!!" to "Sign him up for the Rockets!!!!".
- Another burning barrel was added behind Dowd.
- Pathing was added to the burnt down Osgood and Sons.
Underworld Tavern
- The exit sign was raised so it touches the ceiling and doesn't float.
Free Clinic
- The floor tiles in the lobby were adjusted so they're all the same scale and pan together.
- A bum in the back doctor area was removed.
- The keypad to the surgery was rotated so it faces the correct direction, using the code does nothing, and the sound for entering the correct code was changed to a buzz.
- The nurse's bark bind name was changed from incorrect "Female" to "Woman".
- Joe Greene's bark bind name was changed from "Male" to "Man".
- The bums' bark bind names were changed from "Male" to "Man".
- Hidepoints were added in the women's bathroom and the center area.
Ton Hotel
- A pathnode upstairs was replaced with a hidepoint.
- A pathnode behind the reception area was replaced with a hidepoint.
- The ambient sound next to Paul's room was removed as it didn't have any sound.
- The door to the abandoned bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the abandoned apartment was changed to be breakable, and its damage threshold increased from 3 to 50.
- The door to the Paul's closet was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the Paul's bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
Smuggler's Lair
- No changes.
- The music was changed from nothing to NYCStreets2_Music.
- Two pathnodes were removed from an area the AI can't reach.
- Pathnodes on the bridge were removed.
- The splash texture was removed from the waterfall.
- The damage trigger in the water was moved underwater for some reason and had its height increased so it extends slightly above the water.
Chapter 9
- Most wooden doors had their minDamageThreshold increased from 20/35 to 50.
- The minDamageThreshold of the roof vent was reduced from 10 to 1, to allow the crowbar to break it.
- The mechanics had their bark bind name changed from "Mechanic" to "Man".
- A crate containing napalm was added on top of a shipping container.
Shipyard (Fan)
- No changes.
Ship (Upper Decks)
- The mechanics were changed to use "Man" barks.
- The door to the armoury had its minDamageThreshold increased from 35 to 50.
- The other doors had theirs minDamageThreshold increased from 35 to 50, and strength decreased from 35 to 0.5 (scale should be 0-1).
- An additional LAM was removed from the armoury.
- The security computers were changed from UNATCO to US Navy.
- The infinite 30 skillpoint bonus from activating the ramp was completely removed.
- A 75 skillpoint bonus was added for reaching the deck.
Ship (Lower Decks)
- The electrician had their bark bind name changed from "Mechanic" to "Man".
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- The safe's cover was changed to close after 60 seconds.
- The safe was changed to swing slightly less, and close after 20 seconds.
Chapter 10
- One of the troopers guarding the medbot was rotated very slightly to look more natural.
- Some napalm was added in the electrical area.
- A lockpick was added next to the crate in the secret path to overhear two MJ12 troopers at the start.
- The bakery doors had their minDamageThreshold reduced from 75 to 50.
- The water at the start of the level was removed and made completely dry.
- A medium sized crate was added to the bakery.
- A crate containing a fire extinguisher was added in the sewer.
La Porte de l'Enfer
- The ambient bar sound had its volume reduced from 64 to 16.
Chateau DuClare
- The secret door in the cellar was set to be usable by Nicolette.
- A commando was given a medkit and the other a biocell.
- The breakable pillars were set to not be owned so Nicolette doesn't play her futz lines when they're broken.
- A switch was added inside the fireplace to move it, despite the hole being too small to fit in without being crushed.
Chapter 11
- All NPCs were changed to be friendly to Gunther.
- The crate next to the trellis was changed from holding 3006 ammo to a napalm canister.
- Another crate holding 3006 ammo was added right next to it.
- Swelter was changed to be moving towards the entrance initially and moved to be visible from the entrance.
- Swelter's wait time between points was reduced.
- An alliance trigger was added to make Gunther permanently hate the player when he starts attacking.
- Joseph had his bark bind name set to "Man".
- Hide points were added.
Everett's Residence
- The rumbling sound for Lucious had its radius decreased from 32 to 16 and volume from 190 to 44.
- An ambient sound for Lucious had its radius decreased from 24 to 16 and volume from 100 to 44.
- The special options for the security console controlling the aug canisters were removed as they were already controlled as doors.
- Alex's bark bind name was changed from "Man" to "AlexJacobson".
- Hidepoints were added.
Chapter 12
Vandenberg Command
- The office chairs were changed to not be owned, meaning barks wouldn't happen when frobbed.
- A pathnode inside a wall in the bot bunker was deleted.
- Many railings were turned semi-solid, likely to try to fix BSP errors in the main wall.
- The MJ12 troopers on the catwalks behind the building had their inventories changed from assault rifles and a LAW to sniper rifles and no LAWs.
- Tony Mares and the mechanics were changed to react to futz and had their bark bind name set to "Man".
- All MJ12 troopers had their bark bind name set to "MJ12Troop".
- The door at the top of the elevator was changed to be usable by NPCs.
- All crates were changed to be owned.
- Sephanie Maxwell changed to react to objects being frobbed.
- Stephanie's bark bind name was changed to "Woman".
- Plants were changed to be owned.
- Stacy Webber's bark bind name was changed to "Woman" and was changed to react to futz.
- Carla Brown's bark bind name was changed to "Woman" and was changed to react to futz.
- The storage room with Tim Baker in it was given a key with the ID "Montekey".
- The nanokey was added to the dead mechanic next to the keypad.
- Tim Baker's bark bind name was changed to "Man".
- The MiB had their bind name set to "MiBChatting" to get their conversation working.
- The stairwell cabinet was changed to look like the one in the UNATCO breakroom.
- The alarm lights in the bot bay were changed to be attached to the ceiling and not float in the air.
Vandenberg Tunnels
- No changes.
Vandenberg Computer
- The NPCs in the level were changed to react to futz.
- The scientists in the level had their bark bind names set to "Man" and "Woman".
- The breakable fan cover was changed to be highlightable for some reason, its minDamageThreshold reduced from 75 to 50, and its fragment class set to metal.
- The door upstairs was set to ME_IgnoreWhenEncroach and given move sounds.
- Yet another crate was added upstairs.
- Computers were set to owned, so Gary would react to you using them.
- Hide points were added around the level.
Gas Station
- The duct vents were changed from swinging against the wall to sliding over to the side.
- A medium sized crate was removed from inside the gas station (likely as it doesn't fit between the doors).
- North was changed from 98304 to 0.
- A pathnode inside a pillar next to the dead bum was removed.
- Tiffany Savage is no longer afraid of gunshots and isn't permanently friendly with the player.
- A crate containing a gas grenade in the truck where Jock lands was removed.
- The door to the repair bot was changed to be breakable with a minDamageThreshold of 50.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Chapter 14
- The storage room door with the code of "12" no longer highlights.
- Nasir had his bark bind name set to "Man".
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- Cigarettes, soda, a candy bar, binoculars, and a napalm canister were added to the roof where the offshore sniper patrols.
Ocean Lab
- Two pathnodes were added at the stairs to help connect them.
Universal Constructor
- The computer next to the turrets had its login changed from the default "USER"/"USER" to "UC"/"UC".
Missile Silo
- The doorways in the surface building were given slightly nicer floor textures.
- The description for a nanokey was changed from " Truck Doors" to "Truck Doors".
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Chapter 15
- An invisible surface behind the hangar was fixed.
- The barracks building had an unused bathroom that has been gutted out.
- Simons, a chair, and a couch have been repositioned.
- The MiB was given the "HangarMiB" bind name so his conversation works, a MJ12 commando was given the other lines in the conversation, however they are voiced by the MJ12 trooper voice actor.
- Unused prefabs behind the walls were removed.
- The lockers had their minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- The door to the small building at the start was made usable by NPCs.
- The bonus for reaching the top of the security tower was increased from 50 to 100.
- The repair bot was moved from the security tower to Xander's room.
- A crate with napalm in it was added to the room under Xander.
Sector 2
- A nanokey had its description changed from "Section 3 Access key" to "Sector 3 Access key".
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Sector 3
- Jerri had his bark bind name set to "Man".
- Rooms of prefabs were removed.
- The alarm lights above the reactors were rotated to correctly attach to the ceiling.
- The datacube in the water was changed to not be buoyant.
- A playerblock was added on top of the large pipes next to the spiderbot to prevent the player getting stuck.
- The buttons for the ion injectors don't do anything when hit a second time.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Sector 4
- The code to the reactors was changed from 9248 to 2242.
- The code to Helios was changed from 6188 to 6765.
- The flying door's movement time got increased from 0.5 to 0.55.
- The flying door lands on barrels, causing an explosion in the area.
- The text for activating security bots was changed from "Activate Security bot" to "Activate Security Bot".
- The move time for the final doors to Page were increased from 2 to 6.
- The code in the gray's area was changed from 4167 to 31729.
- The login for the gray's computer was changed from "graytest"/"Lab12" to "Lab 12"/"graytest".
- A temporary invisible wall was added in front of Helios' computer so you can't use it early through the door.
- A dead scientist and datacube were added above the radioactive blue fusion reactor, giving the "page"/"uberalles" code.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Ending 1 (Tong)
- The screen is meant to fade to white in the final shot of JC running from the reactors.
- The screen is meant to fade to black after the quote appears, leading to the credits.
Ending 2 (Helios)
- The screen is meant to fade to black after the quote appears, leading to the credits.
Ending 3 (Illuminati)
- Morgan Everett was moved slightly and rotated 2 degrees.
- JC was moved slightly and rotated 6.5 degrees.
- An additional light was added.
- The screen is meant to fade to black after the quote appears, leading to the credits.
Ending 4 (Dance Party)
- No changes.