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Dark Cloud

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Title Screen

Dark Cloud

Developer: Level-5
Publishers: SCEI (JP), SCEA (US), SCEE (EU)
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: December 14, 2000
Released in US: May 28, 2001
Released in EU: September 21, 2001

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Dark Cloud is a mixture of dungeon crawling with Zelda-like gameplay featuring weapon-upgrading mechanics and the Georama Town Building System.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Debug Modes

Applying the below codes for your version of the game will enable the debug options in the below sections:

Master Codes (only needed for cheat devices when playing on real PS2 Hardware):

USA / PAL JP / JP Demo
90116A20 0C045A30 901163D8 0C04589E

Run-time debug menu codes:

USA PAL JP JP Demo (PAPX-90501)
00141A48 00000007
201412E0 10000005
0014198C 00000007
20141208 10000005
001410D0 00000007
20140A28 10000005
00141138 00000007
20140A28 10000005

Dungeon debug menu codes:

USA PAL JP JP Demo (PAPX-90501)
D1C749C2 0000FFFD
202A35EC 000000DC
D1C772C2 0000FFFD
202A5F0C 000000DC
D1C56F02 0000FFFD
20286360 000000DC
D1C56C82 0000FFFD
202860E0 000000DC

Item debug menu codes:

USA PAL JP JP Demo (PAPX-90501)
D1C749C2 0000FFF7
11D9EC08 00000005
D1C772C2 0000FFF7
11DB1D78 00000005
D1C56F02 0000FFF7
21DB2558 00000004
D1C56C82 0000FFF7
21DB22D8 00000004

The following debug options only work outside of dungeons.

Press L3 for debug camera codes:

USA PAL JP JP Demo (PAPX-90501)
D1C749C2 0000FFFD
202A2730 00000001
D1C772C2 0000FFFD
202A5040 00000001
D1C56F02 0000FFFD
20285508 00000001
D1C56C82 0000FFF7
21DB22D8 00000004

Press X for debug levitate codes:

USA PAL JP JP Demo (PAPX-90501)
202A273C 00000001 202A504C 00000001 20285514 00000001 20285294 00000001

Disable HUD codes:

USA PAL JP JP Demo (PAPX-90501)
202A2734 00000001 202A5044 00000001 2028550C 00000001 2028528C 00000001

Hide player model codes:

USA PAL JP JP Demo (PAPX-90501)
202A2738 00000001 202A5048 00000001 20285510 00000001 20285290 00000001
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Run-time Debug Menu

Darkcloud debugmenu1.png Darkcloud debugmenu2.png

This menu will appear when first starting the game. This enables you to view events, jump to any map, enter dungeons, change the language of the game, or simply start the game normally.

The option, interior doesn't work on the international versions, as it is trying to load a map with the ID of 0x63 that's no longer available in the Western release. Attempting to load this map will crash the international version of the game. This map is only present on the original Japanese release version of the game. Entering this option will send you to a map which you cannot exit. When forcefully removing the debug menu so you can exit, it will load nothing and send you to a blank void.

Darkcloud debugmenu3.png Darkcloud geedit.png

Dungeon Debug Menu

Darkcloud debugmenu4.png Darkcloud debugmenu5.png

Pressing L3 in a dungeon map will enable the use of this menu. This enables the ability to turn on debug information, turn off collision, fully open the mini-map, and more. You can also listen to music and sounds. Press R3 to exit the menu.

  • Turning the COLLISION option off will allow you to pass through walls. You can also hold Square in this mode to increase running speed.

Item Debug Menu

Darkcloud debugmenu6.png Darkcloud debugmenu7.png

Press Start button while in the item menu to enable this. This enables you to instantly obtain any item.

Pressing Select here will either enable debug information, or allow you to view the item model. Using the Right Analog Stick will rotate the model. It is best not to press Select in this menu at all, as it will likely make the game crash at some point.

Debug Camera

Darkcloud debugcamera2.png

This can only be used outside of dungeons. Press L3 to enable it. Once in this mode, pressing D-Pad Up / Down as well as the Right Analog Stick will move the camera. With that being said, this debug camera allows for free movement within all of the games cutscenes with the exception of the Dark Urn and Destruction of Norune cutscenes. This is due to how this particular scene is programed by the developers of Level 5 as it remains hard coded without any camera options available preventing any movement.

Event Debug Camera

Darkcloud debugcamera.png

A debug camera option made exclusively for event scenes. This allows you to move the camera anywhere as well as move characters around on the map. Note: This debug camera does not work for the introduction cutscene, main menu, Dark Urn and Destruction of Norune cutscenes due to these specific scenes being rendered in a different way from the others.

USA Code:

L3 to Enable Debug Camera. R3 to Disable.
20170250 00000000
D1C749C2 0000FFFD
002A2A28 00000001
D1C749C2 0000FFFD
202A1F24 00000001
D1C749C2 0000FFFB
002A2A28 00000000
D1C749C2 0000FFFB
202A1F24 00000000


  • L1 pans left.
  • R1 pans right.
  • D-Pad Up once to enter character placement mode. Pressing D-Pad Up again will allow you to change the camera focus point. Pressing D-Pad Up once more will return to free camera mode.
  • D-Pad Left / Right to cycle through selectable objects in character placement mode.
  • Triangle to center camera on the currently selected object.
  • Hold X to increase camera speed.
  • Hold Square to increase selected object speed.
  • Select will try to open a file called debug.txt from host0:debug.txt which doesn't exist.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Removed Playable Character Seda

The programming for an additional playable character, Seda, still remains in the game's data, and is available alongside other, used player characters, under a file labelled 'c07a in the game's character files section. You can replace any playable character with Seda's c07a file, but he only wields a basic broadsword that can't be unequipped, as the game lacks equipment data for him, and he lacks most any animations, including attack animations, making him highly unstable and prone to crashing the game. It should be noted that Seda's playable c07a file differs from his cutscene file as the playable file has slight differences in the 3D model.

DarkCloud-Seda In game.png DarkCloud-SpiderSeda.png

(Source: Dark Cloud's Unused Character Seda Found!! - Hiddencastle Dark Cloud Compendium)

Chronicle Sword

This early 3D design for the Chronicle Sword can be found. However when obtaining this rare item it just reverts to the regular version of the sword. In addition, the 2D icons for the early Chronicle and Chronicle 2 can be found hidden in the game’s data, showing that these early designs for the Chronicle sword were changed fairly late in development.

Dark Cloud Beta Chronicle1.png Dark Cloud Beta Chronicle Icons.png

(Source: DARK CLOUD BETA LOST Demon Shaft - Hiddencastle Dark Cloud Compendium)

Alternate Character Names

Found in the game's data is a document containing alternate localized names.

A Young Boy who has the unique
ability to extract 
"fragments of the world".
Training to be hunter,Toro lives
in the Village of Mataragi.
A mysterious warrior with a ma-
gic sword.He has an extreme ap-
preciation for the God of Magic.
A sorceress imprisoned inside
a lamp.Her magic is very power-
A strong warrior of the desert
people.Has the power to control
the winds.
A young girl magically trans-
formed from a cat to a human be-
ing.She has the ability to 
change back into a cat.

One of the txt files in the game's DATA.DAT archive contains the names and descriptions of several main characters. Several names differ substantially from the final names seen in-game:

  • TORAN became Toan.
  • TORO became Goro.
  • SEIDE became Seda.
  • UN-GARA became Ungaga.
  • SHIAO became Xiao.

Additionally, Seide's description refers to a "God of Magic", which is never referenced in-game. As several press outlets also referred to Toan as Toran prior to the game's release, as well as Seda's name being Sheeda, these names refer to the earlier localization.

(Source: [Dark Cloud Forum Community Console Dev & Seide])

Alternate Element Names

Hidden deep within the files of the Japanese version of Dark Cloud was a .mes file which is not found in the international versions. Within this .mes file are alternate names for the element attachments used to upgrade weapons, they are as follows:

  • Flame became Fire
  • Snow Flake became Ice
  • Lightning Bolt became Thunder
  • Vortex became Wind
  • Sun became Holy

(Source: Word of Wind)

Unused Character Portraits

Some unused character portraits are left over in the game's data. Notably, an earlier portrait of Ruby showcasing a previous design, a cat form for Xiao, and a portrait for Seda; who was later replaced with Osmond. The cat portrait of Xiao would have been used when Xiao was used in the village overworlds and her portrait would change when entering dungeons. The game references this scrapped mechanic within her early character bio extracted from the game files, "A young girl magically transformed from a cat to a human being. She has the ability to change back into a cat."

DarkCloud-Missing and different character portraits.png

(Source: [Dark Cloud Forum Community Console Dev & Seide])

Early Dungeon Tiles

Hidden within Dark Cloud's files lies unused early tiles for use in the game's dungeons. This tile, specifically, was going to be used to mark a dead end in Devine Beast Cave; perhaps to mark the end of the tram.

Dark Cloud Devine Beast Cave.png Dark Cloud Devine Beast Cave2.png

(Source: Dark Cloud Iceberg NEW BETA INFO & MORE - Hiddencastle Dark Cloud Compendium)

Beta Demon Shaft Art Design

Hidden deep in the files of Dark Cloud was this single texture depicting a beta version of the Demon Shaft showing a much different-looking art design. it’s Antiquated structures and somber hallways resembling Roman architecture. The overall look is much brighter and less muted than the textures seen in the final version of the game. This texture would have been used when the game would ask the player to continue when transitioning dungeon floors. It is unknown if this texture can be found in the Japanese version of Dark Cloud, as the Demon Shaft was created for the international markets.

Dark Cloud Demon Shaft Beta.png

(Source: DARK CLOUD BETA LOST Demon Shaft - Hiddencastle Dark Cloud Compendium)

Prototype Georama Menu and HUD

An early Georama menu that was leftover on the game's disc. This differs from the earliest Georama seen at Tokyo Game Show 1999, and is more simplistic in comparison.

DarkCloud-Classic Geomrama menu seide.png

(Source: [Dark Cloud Forum Community Console Dev & Seide])

Prototype elements of the dungeon HUD, with the floor number in a green circle, together with the Georama menu- both present in an "old" folder in the game's files. This unused revision of the menu and HUD is seen in use in an earlier build of the game shown off to gaming press and earlier builds of the game.

DarkCloud Prototype HUD.jpeg

(Source: Word of Wind)

Leftover Georama Elements

A cactus can be found in the Norune Village's Georama tileset, which implies that you were able to place cacti down in the Georama segments. Cacti are available to place if you hack the game.

DarkCloud-Norune Village Cactus.png

(Source: Word of Wind)

Unused Village Icons

Within the game's files there are several village title cards that go unused, which suggests that these area names underwent several name changes throughout the development process:

DarkCloud Norune1.png DarkCloud Noruen2.png DarkCloud Dran.png DarkCloud Matataki.png DarkCloud Forest of the owl.png DarkCloud Queen.png DarkCloud Suken shpp.png DarkCloud Muska raka.png DarkCloud Shrine.png DarkCloud Yell.png File:DarkCloud Moon dark cloud.png DarkCloud Castle of darkheaen.png

(Source: Dark Cloud Iceberg NEW BETA INFO & MORE - Hiddencastle Dark Cloud Compendium)

Unused text for scrapped weapon attributes

Within only the Japanese release of Dark Cloud's files, there can be found unreferenced text that describes two weapon stats that went unused in the final version of the game and they any mention of them was removed outright right from the international versions. These upgrades would have been used to improve the player's luck and growth stat for their weapon. The functionality for these stats has been removed from the game's files. The descriptions are as follows:

  • Growth +1
  • Growth +2
  • Growth +3

Obtain greater experience by attaching to a weapon."

  • Luck +1
  • Luck +2
  • Luck +3

"Increase luck by attaching to weapon."

(Source: Word of Wind)

Unused Weapon Icons

When going through the game files, an unused weapon attachment icon can be found in all versions. The Bee symbol suggests it was meant to be an Insect Buster, or anti-insect attachment. This implies that there was once an additional weapon stat to defend against insect enemies. This attachment lacks any functionality and it is unknown why it was removed.

DarkCloud Insect buster.jpg

(Source: Word of Wind)

Unused Items

DarkCloud-Unused items.jpg

There are many unused items that can still be found through extracting data, and using the debug menu:

  • Medusa Powder: Temporarily petrifies enemies.
  • Hardening Powder: Can harden a bottomless marsh.
  • Powder of Teleportation: Lets you teleport to a different location on the same floor.
  • Early design Fishing Rod.
  • Fishing Rod with Worm as Bait.
  • Fishing Rod with Prickley as Bait.
  • Pedometer: Counts Every Step.
  • Save Book: Allows you to save when moving to another floor.
  • Early design Pedometer.
  • Early design Save Book.
  • Magical Lamp: A Lamp meant for summoning Ruby the Genie.
  • An earlier Moon Orb design.
  • Shell Ring: A memento of Rando and the Queen.
  • Early Fire Crystal Design: Stone with the power of Fire. Causes flame-based damage in dungeon.
  • Early Thunder Crystal Design: Stone with the power of Thunder. Causes thunder-based damage in dungeon.
  • Early Ice Crystal Design: Stone with the power of ice. Causes ice-based damage in dungeon.
  • Early Wind Crystal Design: Stone with the power of wind. Causes wind-based damage in dungeon.
  • Dran’s Horn: Lets you ride on Dran to another map.
  • Moon Flute: A flute that can call the moon boat.
  • Early Gourd design.
  • Unused Spirit Water: Water from the Spring of the Spirit. Fully quenches your thirst.
  • Healing Water: Water from Miraculous Peaks. Recovers your body.
  • Siren's Tear: Fully recovers your body.
  • Early Design for Queens Hook: Gatekey.
  • Early Design for King’s Slate: Gatekey.
  • Unused Gold Statue: Gatekey.
  • Unused Flame Key: Gatekey.
  • Unused Flame Dungeon Key.
  • Unused Flame Backfloor Item.
  • Early Design for Flapping Fish: Backfloor Item in Shipwreck.
  • Early Design for Rotten Flapping Fish: Yuck, it’s rotten!
  • Early Design for Sun and Moon Temple Dungeon Key.
  • Unused World Map: Use to teleport to new areas.
  • Early Design for Water.
  • Unknown.
(Source: [Dark Cloud Forum Community Console Dev & Seide])

Early icon of Gilda drop from enemies. DarkCloud-Gold beta.jpg

Unused Enemy

DarkCloud E02a01.png

This lizard or dragon appearing enemy is only found in the Japanese version of Dark Cloud, with a corrupted file. It's unknown where this enemy was going to be used, it was found along side Divine Beast Cave's enemies as an chatacter file meaning it could have belonged to an early duel cutscene which was removed. Interestingly, while this cut reptile monster is exclusive to the JP version, international versions received Lord Opar which is also a reptile dragon-like monster found in Divine Beast Cave. It is unknown if these two monsters were in the same line similar to the Laughapockle Fairies or Gol/Sil.

DarkCloud Unused enemy E02A.gif New with texture

(Source: DellTalal )

Unused 'Chara Coin' Functionality

Unused character dialogue hints at an early way the player would have obtained new playable allies. Initially when the new ally joins your party, they would offer Toan an item called a Chara Coin so they could be summoned in the dungeon. Although this text was removed from gameplay, the Chara Coin functionality is still present, and can be seen in the game when the player presses select to quickly swap characters.

DarkCloud-Final chara coin.png

(Source: Word of Wind)

Unused Dungeon Mini Map Variations

Within Dark Cloud's textures can be found four unused dungeon mini map variations; it is unclear where these mini map variations would have been used, and why they differ in color.

DC Unused Map Hiddencastle.png

(Source: Dark Cloud Iceberg NEW BETA INFO & MORE - Hiddencastle Dark Cloud Compendium)

Regional Differences

Demon Shaft

The Demon Shaft is a 100-floor dungeon that is unlocked after completing the main story or starting a new game with a completed game save on the same memory card. This dungeon is exclusive to the US and European releases. This exclusivity extends to all monsters, dungeon key items as well as the boss monster which only appears in the Demon Shaft and not in the Japanese version. Many of the exclusive monsters to the Demon Shaft later reappear in Dark Chronicle due to the spiritual Sequels simultaneous development along side the worldwide localisation of the first Dark Cloud.

DarkCloud Demon shaft title.jpg Dark Cloud Demon Shaft Outside.jpg DarkCloud Demon Shaft face.jpg DarkCloud Demon Shaft hallway.jpg

The exclusive monsters found in the Demon Shaft dungeon are as follows:

  • Wind Gemron
  • Holy Gemron
  • Fire Gemron
  • Ice Gemron
  • Nikapous
  • Bishop Q
  • Gacious
  • Silver Gear
  • HornHead
  • Black Knight Pendragon on mount (Dungeon Boss)
  • Black Knight Pendragon on foot (Dungeon Boss)

(Source: DARK CLOUD BETA LOST Demon Shaft - Hiddencastle Dark Cloud Compendium)

Gallery of Time Back Area

The Flapping Duster, a key to access the back area in the Gallery of Time, is accidentally rendered unused via typo in the US and European releases of Dark Cloud, thus permanently disabling access to the floor without the use of a cheat device. Despite this the Prima's Official Strategy Guide for the game still states that the Flapping Duster is obtainable.

DarkCloud Flapping Duster.png