This is a sub-page of Daikatana (Windows)/Audio.
Unused Alternate Versions of Existing Sounds
Unused Conversations
I’m sick of these damn cryo chambers always acting up.
Get used to it, mate. They’re gonna require constant adjustments until the tech-crew finishes those upgrades.
Aw, crud. I think I sprung a leak in my suit. (Note that this is used as a random idling sound by the Cryotechs in the final game, but was added here to make an unused quote understandable.)
Better get that checked out. I’ll cover your post.
What’s the word from the cryogenics lab?
Preliminary research doesn’t look good. The severed limbs aren’t responding to the treatment.
Mishima’s gonna be none too happy about that. These experiments are costing him a small fortune.
True—but at least the body parts come cheap! *laugh*
Regular Sounds
Hold your position or risk termination.
E1M6-Exclusive Sounds
Conducting routine retina scan of all personnel. Stand by for clearance.
Insubordinate response. Hold your position or risk termination. Employee 268c49, identity confirmed. Proceed with your designated task.
Conducting routine retina scan of all personnel. Stand by for…intruder alert! Intruder alert!
Hold your position or risk termination. Identity confirmed. Proceed with your designated task.
Intruder alert! Intruder alert!
Conducting routine retina scan of all personnel.
Hey, you’re not supposed to be here! Security!
You know the drill fellas! Shoot to kill!
Don’t even think about it. You scum are never gonna make it outta here in one piece!
Don’t let them get away!
Listen up, boys! A bonus to anyone who gives me that turncoat Johnson’s head on a pike!
Unused Conversations
Several bits of these conversations were used as generic Guard sounds.
Also of note is that one of the guards in the convsersation sounds is Jay Anthony Franke, the voice actor for JC and Paul Denton in Deus Ex. He's listed in Daikatana's credits as a voice actor.
This sucks. Why do we keep getting stuck guarding this sector? (This quote, without “This sucks” at the start, is used as an idle sound for the Guard).
Quit your griping. At least this beats the graveyard shift at the processing plant. Handling all those body parts was really starting to gross me out. (“Quit your griping” is used as an idle sound for the Guard).
Don’t remind me. I still get queasy when I think of the stench in that place.
Hey, what happened to Miharu? Why isn’t he in today?
Didn’t you hear? Supposedly he got fired yesterday.
What? Why? And what do you mean, supposedly?
Management got reamed by Mishima for some screw up at the processing plant. They blamed Miharu and used him as a scapegoat. Thing is, nobody’s seen him since he got his walking papers. Apparently he never made it home. And, get this, nobody saw him leave the plant. Makes you wonder what really happened to the lad.
Man, I really need to get transferred. I’ve had it with this section. (a cut down version of this is used as an idle sound for the Guard).
Tell me about it. I’ve had my fill of watching vivisections and god knows what else being performed on live inmates.
Screw the inmates! It’s the fricking robots I can’t deal with. They creep me out.
Regular Sounds
Some of these sounds suggest that Inmaters would have the ability to execute prisoners. This never happens, even if prisoners are walking right next to an Inmater.
Accessing control grid.
You have two seconds to comply.
Step away from the shield.
Suck it down.
Inmate targeted for termination.
Termination successful.
E1M3-Exclusive Sounds
These lines have a different voice from the in-game Inmater sounds. Their file names indicate they were meant to be played in E1M3.
Improper use of company equipment by an unidentified party. Please surrender or prepare for immediate termination.
Please move away from the console. Termination imminent.
Please exit the cellblock or you will face immediate termination. You have two seconds to comply.
Your purpose here is irrelevant. Prepare for termination.
Please return to your cell. You have been cleared for tenderization and processing.
Entry into a restricted zone by unauthorized personnel is prohibited. Surrender or face immediate termination.
Unauthorized possession of firearms in this sector is a capital offense. Prepare to be executed.
Dying sound. The prisoner never plays a sound when killed.
Unused sound when hit. Strangely, the prisoner will occasionally play a quote about releasing force fields when hit, but will never play this.
Prisoner screaming "no". This might've been used for when an Inmater was meant to target a prisoner.
Running sound. Prisoners never run.
Vg (Vault Guard) Lines
A series of quotes that have "vg" in them can be found in the game's files. Based on what they say, there were supposed to be special lines for guards in the Vault (E1M7) at one point. The "vg' likely stands for "Vault guard". The final game uses the same sounds for Guards in the Vault that the rest of the guards use.
Generic Lines
Watch your aim! Mishima’ll have our heads if any of his treasures get damaged!
Alternate version of above sound.
Fun’s over, folks! You just make big mistake! (sic)
After them! Don’t let them reach the main chamber!
Alternate version of above sound.
Damn, we’ve got (sic) break in at the Vault. Alert central security! Tell them to send reinforcements ASAP!
Alternate version of above sound.
Give it up! There’s nowhere to run!
Hide all you want. Sooner or later you’ll get what’s coming to you!
Based on the file names for these files, these were meant to be parts of conversations between guards. However, only one "speaker" was actually recorded.
Get a load of all this stuff!
Used to it? A handful of these trinkets alone could put us on easy street for the long haul!
Man, did you see those geisha girls that the Boss Man brought in the other-It cuts off here.
Relax. There’s plenty of Deathspheres hovering about to take care of any intruders. Just stay on your guard and chill out. I doubt we’ll even see any action.
I don’t see what all the fuss is about over a stupid sword.
Alternate version of above sound.
Unused E1M6 Decontamination Chamber
Apparently, E1M6 was supposed to have a decontamination chamber at one point. Two voice clips are all that's left of it.
Decontamination cycle engaged. Please remain still.
Decontamination cycle complete. Please step off the platform.