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Title Screen


Developer: Chris D. Smith
Publishers: Pirate Software (UK), System 4 (ES)
Platform: ZX Spectrum
Released in EU: 1987

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.

Developer Messages

There are two developer messages buried in the game's code. They can be seen in the .tzx dump at the hex addresses mentioned below.

The first one is right after the control scheme menu text and is at 22C3:

Hello. Thanks for hacking my game! Infinate lives is hard mate! 
Clue:EMC 3512. Well what do you fink? By the way I am only 15 yrs old!
Hello Phil Churchyard & Keith W

EMC 3512 is the catalog number for Iron Maiden's Somewhere In Time. Indeed, the code to get infinite lives is HEAVEN CAN WAIT, which is the fourth song on the album.

(Source: The Tipshop)

The second one is quite a bit further down at AD94:

Hello hacker! Take a look at the message at around 25500. 
Infinate lives is hard! 
-Hump harder! OOH! More! Yes, YES! Ahhh! USR