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Cubikill 2

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Title Screen


Developer: Pyrozen
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: 2009

SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

Be part of the homicide... AGAIN!!!! The second installment of the Cubikill series and the most famous or infamous one depending on how you view it.

Various Voicelines of Protagonist

Theirs many unused voice lines of the protagonist speaking, like a third variation of the annoying waiting, to the taunts he speaks out and complaining about the geek's glasses.

Sound Dialogue
Let's put color on these walls.
I'm going your blow your stinking head.
Damn it stinks in here.
Shit she's so ugly.
You're going to die.
You make me laugh.
You're going to eat your glasses.
How about I finish you off.
ahh, I hate geeks!
You're a funny man.
Want me to shoot this idiot?
uhh, this stupid company can kiss my ass.