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Crypt of the NecroDancer

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Title Screen

Crypt of the NecroDancer

Developers: Brace Yourself Games, Vortex Buffer (3.0 and later)
Publishers: Klei Entertainment, Spike Chunsoft (JP only)
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
Crunchyroll Game Vault only: iOS, Android
Legacy version only: PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, tvOS
Released internationally: April 23, 2015

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Crypt of the NecroDancer is a game where you jump around to the beat of the music to find your dad in a crypt who went looking for a lute to save your mom who only went into the crypt in the first place to destroy the lute to save you. Curses, man.

(This page is about the legacy version of the game (2.59 and earlier). For unused content in the current version of the game, see the Synchrony subpage)

To do:
  • A bit of pre-release information here but there's definitely more out there!
  • Maybe improve the descriptions of unused items?
  • Add Crunchyroll to publishers list (i think? crunchyroll is considered the publisher for cr game vault games right?)


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Unused content in modern versions of the game, internally referred to as Synchrony. Not to be confused with the DLC of the same name.

Unused Graphics


Necrodancer-TEMP Medic.png

Sprites for what appears to be a cut Lobby NPC who is only referred to as "Medic". What purpose this character would have had is unknown, although given his status as a medic it's possible he could have sold the player heart upgrades, something the Dungeon Master instead does in the final game. He might have also acted as the shopkeeper for the Health Shop (the Blue Shopkeeper fulfilling that purpose in the final game).

Wight Rune

Necrodancer-wight rune.png

Sprites for a warp tile referred to as a "Wight Rune" whose purpose was likely to teleport you to a Secret Shop. Interestingly, there is a monster called a Wight, which is also green, indicating that perhaps this warp would have spawned upon defeating a Wight.

Crystal Floor and Old Lava Floor

Necrodancer-TEMP floor crystal.png

Sprites shared by an old version of the Lava Floor present during the second Necrodancer boss fight, and by an unused Crystal Floor.

Conductor Sarcophagus

Necrodancer-sarcophagus conductor.png

Sprites for a Sarcophagus, likely meant for the Conductor boss fight. The Conductor already summons enemies without Sarcophagi, so it was probably removed for that reason.

Goldmail Armor


Sprites of an item referred to as a "Goldmail armor". Its name suggest that it was possibly intended as a stronger or alternate version of the "Chainmail" armor, though interestingly the design of the armor appears to be based on both the "Leather" and "Heavy Plate" armors instead of the "Chainmail" one. Its function may also have been to turn the player invincible/give the player infinite armor for a beat after picking up gold, since golden weapons give the player infinite damage for a beat after picking up gold. The quality of the sprite is high enough to suggest that it was removed late in development, though it is unknown as to why it was cut.

Also present in the items folder are copies of four other armor sprites (including goldmail) renamed with the word spiked added to them.

Spike Chunsoft Crossover Items

To do:
Check if these are used in Japanese versions of the game, and if these sprites are present on other platforms. (Note: They aren't on macOS Steam)


Unused sprites of Ibuki Mioda's guitar, Sayaka Maizono's microphone and Bancho's outfit can be found in the iOS Amplified version of the game. These likely would have been used as replacement sprites for the Golden Lute, Flower and Plate Armor (Dorian) when using the Ibuki Mioda, Sayaka Maizono and Bancho skins for Melody, Dove and Dorian respectively.

Unused Items

Several items exist in the game that can't be normally obtained, with varying degrees of functionality. Most can be placed in the level editor by removing levelEditor="False" from their entry in necrodancer.xml. The rest can be obtained by modifying the starting inventory of playable characters or modifying custom dungeons in external tools such as Notepad.

Gold Magnet


Name Flyaway Hint

Occupies the misc slot (same as charms) and does nothing. Possibly would have done something similar to Ring of Gold. The crude quality of the sprite indicates that it was cut fairly early on.

Boots of Speed

CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-feet boots speed.png

Name Flyaway Hint

Occupies the feet slot, and allows (but does not require) the player to move twice as often.

Shield Familiar

Token shield.png

Familiar shield.png

Name Flyaway Hint

An unused familiar. Enemies that end up on the same tile as the familiar will be pushed in the direction it is deployed. If they can not be moved, they will instead be obliterated.

All the items below use sprites identical to those of other items:

Lord Crown

To do:
check if lord crown lasts longer than gigantism?
Name Flyaway Hint Sprite
lord_crown LORD CROWN GIGANTISM Circlet of Telepathy

An action slot item that behaves identically to a Gigantism Scroll, but is missing the usual flyaway, voiceline and screen flash.

Double Heart Transplant

Name Flyaway Hint Sprite
double_heart_transplant DOUBLE HEART TRANSPLANT PACEMAKER Double Heart Container

An action slot item that has the same effect as the regular heart transplant, but turns into a normal heart transplant on use instead of disappearing.

Ninja Mask

Name Flyaway Hint Sprite
head_ninja_mask NINJA MASK STEALTHY Circlet of Telepathy

A head slot item that causes most enemies outside of a certain radius around the player to not act. Armadillos are not affected, and Minotaurs still charge as usual.

Charm Spell

Name Flyaway Hint Sprite
spell_charm CHARM SPELL CHARM NEARBY ENEMIES Transmute Spell

A spell slot item that, when cast, causes all enemies in a large radius around the player to stop acting, permanently. Does not affect minibosses, bosses or boss minions (i.e. conga line). Likely not finished.

Unused Enemies

Skeleton Spearman


An enemy which is only a minor edit of the regular Skeleton's sprites, with a spear added in its right hand and its sprite's background being solid white. It's unknown where this enemy would have been found in the game.

When placed in-game via a level editor it will generally follow the player, throwing its spear toward them if they move on a tile found along the same horizontal line as the enemy. Once its spear is thrown, the enemy will turn into the standard Skeleton used in the final game. Drops 4 gold, has 1 heart, and does 0.5 damage when either the enemy or its spear comes in contact with the player.



An enemy which is only a minor edit of the regular Skeleton's sprites, with the white having been turned green and its sprite's background being solid white. It's possible that this enemy could have been a Level-2 variant of the Skeleton, if not a completely unique enemy altogether, since Level-2 features green mushrooms aplenty.

When placed in-game via a level editor it will generally follow the player, jumping in their direction across two tiles either cardinally or diagonally. Drops 4 gold, has 1 heart, and does 1.5 damage when coming in contact with the player.

Mother Slime


An enemy which is only a minor edit of the regular Green Slime's sprites, which was improperly scaled up and has its sprite's background being solid white. It's possible that this enemy would have been intended to be a stronger variant of the regular Green Slime, though it's unknown where this enemy would have been found in the game.

When placed in-game via a level editor it will avoid the player, jumping cardinally out of their way. Once defeated, and much like the Zols from The Legend of Zelda, it will split into a smaller version of itself, here three enemies called "Tinyslimes", which are improperly scaled down versions of the Green Slime's sprites. As soon as they spawn they will collectively move away from the player in a triangular pattern. Mother Slime drops 15 gold, has 2 hearts and does 2 damage. Meanwhile each Tinyslimes drops 1 gold, has 1 heart, and does 0.5 damage.



An enemy which is a seemingly finalized unused variant of the "Ogre" miniboss. This enemy has dirty green skin, a brown tunic, burgundy body hair, a yellow eye and nose, as well as two dropping horns on its head (instead of the "man-bun" worn by the Ogre). Instead of using a wooden club like the Ogre, this enemy simply rams into the player, though as a trade-off its health will regenerate rather quickly after having been attacked once. It's unknown where this enemy would have been found in the game.

When placed in-game via a level editor it will follow the player. Once hit, it will move in the direction opposite to the player until its life regenerates. Drops 4 gold, has 3 hearts and does 2 damage when coming in contact with the player.


A weird enemy which will spawn as a random monster, even unused ones, and will continue to periodically turn into a different monster as long as it is left alive. Any monster it can turn into will behave as they normally would, and the only difference between an enemy and its Doppelganger equivalent is that the latter will have a light green shadow underneath it. It's unknown where this enemy would have been found in the game, and it's likely it was cut due to it being too unpredictable.

Skeleton Tank

An enemy which uses the sprites of the Fire Beetle, which reveals that while it was intended to be a variant of the Skeleton enemy, it was cut so early that it only received a unique behavior and no unique sprites.

When placed in-game via a level editor it will generally follow the player, periodically revealing its "weak spot" (the Fire Beetle without its shell) before quickly hiding it. Drops 3 gold, has 1 heart, and does 1 damage when coming in contact with the player.

Ice Cauldron


An unused variant of the Coal Cauldron enemy which much like its used counterpart comes in two forms: Passive and Mimic. When placed in-game via a level editor, the Mimic variant will move toward the player cardinally once they step onto an adjacent tile, while the Passive variant will simply act as a motionless object which the player can destroy without receiving damage. Once destroyed, both versions will turn the tile they were on into an ice patch, and the Passive version will drop 1 gold if defeated by Monk. The Mimic variant does 1 damage when coming in contact with the player. The Synchrony DLC adds them to Zone 3 levels.

Black Slime


A DLC exclusive black variant of the Slime enemy. When placed in-game via a level editor it will move in a set parallelogram pattern of right > down-left > left > up-right. It has 1 heart and does 1.5 damage when coming in contact with the player.

White Slime


A DLC exclusive white variant of the Slime enemy. When placed in-game via a level editor it will move in a set large square pattern of right > right > down > down > left > left > up > up. It has 1 heart and does 1.5 damage when coming in contact with the player.

Crystal Skeleton


A DLC exclusive Crystal variant of the Skeleton enemy. When placed in-game via a level editor it will move toward the player cardinally. Once hit, it won't drop gold, but instead Crystal Shards, which start blinking after one turn and disappears on the next turn. It has 1 heart and does 1 damage, while the Crystal Shards do 0.5 damage when coming in contact with the player.

Crystal Armored Skeleton


A DLC exclusive Crystal variant of the Armored Skeleton enemy. When placed in-game via a level editor it will move toward the player cardinally. Once hit from the side, it will turn into a Crystal Skeleton. It has 1 heart and does 1 damage when coming in contact with the player.

Crystal Skeleton Knight


A DLC exclusive Crystal variant of the Skeleton Knight enemy. When placed in-game via a level editor it will move toward the player cardinally. Once hit, it will turn into an Armored Crystal Skeleton. It has 1 heart and does 2 damage when coming in contact with the player.

Crystal Skull


A DLC exclusive enemy which consists of a large disembodied skeleton head. When placed in-game via a level editor it will move toward the player cardinally. Once hit, it will split into three Crystal Skeletons. It has 1 heart and does 0.5 damage when coming in contact with the player.

Tar Ball


A DLC exclusive unused variant of the Water Ball. When placed in-game via a level editor it will move toward the player either cardinally or diagonally. Once it comes in contact with the player it won't inflict damage, but instead it will destroy itself and turn the tile it was on into a tar puddle. It has 1 heart and will only drop gold if killed by a weapon or a spell.

(Source: Marukyu, Jnac Cloo, and the Crypt of the NecroDancer Wiki)

Unused Sounds

Audio File Name Summary
vo_cad_castspell_gold_lol1.ogg Alternate Cadence voicelines for Gold spell
vo_mel_hello_lol.ogg Alternate Melody greeting voiceline
vo_dor_castspell_shield_alt.ogg Alternate Dorian voiceline for Shield spell
vo_tem_hello_10_blueblaze.ogg Alternate Tempo greeting voiceline
en_deathmetal_fireball_alt.ogg Alternate Death Metal fireball sound
vo_announcer_fortissimole_lol.ogg Alternate Announcer voiceline for Fortissimole
sfx_countin_other.ogg Possibly intended to be used for something like 3.0's unpause count-in.
en_dorian_summon_07.ogg Unused Dead Ringer sound. Purpose unknown. File name is similar to en_dorian_summon_06.ogg, which is used when Dead Ringer switches to phase 2.

Legacy Chipzel Soundtrack

An earlier version of the Chipzel soundtrack could be found in the iOS Amplified version's files. It uses the suffix _5 and lacks any tracks from the Amplified DLC.

Audio File Name

Debug Menu

To do:
This may need updating for newer versions and/or better instructions for updates

There is a debug menu in the game that allows you to do many things, from giving yourself items to summoning traps. Here's how to activate it:

  • Have Crypt of The Necrodancer and Cheat Engine running.
  • In Cheat Engine, select CoTN as the process to open.
  • Press Add Address Manually.
  • In the address, input necrodancer.exe+435c1e, change type to Byte and press OK.
  • Change the value to 1.
  • Press F1 in-game.

The debug menu should show up, from there you can do anything you want with the game. Go see the notes page for a list of commands.