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Crimson (MSX2)

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Title Screen


Developer: Xtalsoft
Publisher: Scaptrust
Platform: MSX2
Released in JP: August 1988[1]

SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
Notes: Look for more differences between the ROM and disk releases.

Crimson is a fairly standard J-RPG for the MSX2. It was also released for the PC-88 and Sharp X1.

Sound Test

The game's original cartridge release has a sound test menu, which can be accessed by booting the game while pressing M + O + T.

(Source: ReyVGM)

Revisional Differences

Crimson has two known releases, one being on cartridge and another on floppy disk.

  • The cartridge release requires a Panasoft PAC to save data.
  • The disk release has MSX-MUSIC support, and a different music track which uses the FM channels can be heard by pressing Return on the title screen.
  • The disk release contains more event CGs, such as when entering a dungeon or a city.


  • The disk release has bigger enemy portraits during battles, as well as faster text scrolling.
Cartridge Floppy Disk
CrimsonMSX2-enemyCART.png CrimsonMSX2-enemyDISK.png
