Counter-Strike: Global Offensive/Unused Text
This is a sub-page of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
- 1 Economy
- 2 Stats Text
- 3 Buy Menu Text
- 4 Vote UI
- 5 Elo Rank Text
- 6 "Arcade Unlock Messages"
- 7 XBOX Live and PSN Text Leftovers (PC)
- 8 Menu Items
- 9 Unused Loading Tips
- 10 Birthday Weapon
- 11 Unused Game Instructor Messages
- 12 Poolday
- 13 VIP Mode
- 14 Music Kit
- 15 Options
- 16 Unused Map Group Names
- 17 Unused Achievements Text
- 18 Steam Status
- 19 "Old" Hostage Rescue Text
- 20 Blog
- 21 Engine Tools
In-game Store
A similar situation here – these are simply copied from Dota 2 or Team Fortress 2. The only difference is that "slots" has been changed to "room" in the message about not having enough space for an item.
//---------------------------------------------- // Store "Store_IntroTitle2" "Welcome!" "Store_ClassImageMouseover" "This item can be used by %s1." "Store_ClassImageMouseoverBundle" "This bundle contains items that can be used by %s1." "Store_Zoom" "Zoom" "Store_StartShopping" "START SHOPPING" "Store_FilterLabel" "SHOW:" "Store_DuplicateItemInCart" "There is already an item of that type in your shopping cart." "Store_DuplicateItemInBackpack" "There is already an item of that type in your inventory." "Store_Close" "CLOSE" // Store Categories "Store_Home" "HOME" "Store_Wearables" "WEARABLES" "Store_Weapons" "WEAPONS" "Store_Misc" "MISC" "Store_Bundles" "BUNDLES" "Store_Price_New" "NEW!" "Store_Price_Sale" "SALE!" "Store_OK" "DONE" "Store_CANCEL" "CANCEL" "Store_NowAvailable" "NOW AVAILABLE" "Store_ClassFilter_None" "ALL ITEMS" "Store_Cart" "(%s1)" "Store_Checkout" "CHECKOUT" "Store_AddToCart" "ADD TO CART" "StoreViewCartTitle" "Your Shopping Cart" "Store_ContinueShopping" "CONTINUE SHOPPING" "Store_CartItems" "%s1 Items" "Store_EstimatedTotal" "ESTIMATED TOTAL" "Store_WAStateSalesTax" "Sales tax will be calculated for WA state residents" "Store_TotalSubtextB" "All items will be added to your inventory after purchase" "Store_Remove" "REMOVE" "Store_CartIsEmpty" "You have no items in your cart." "Store_Wallet" "Steam Account Balance: $%s1 ($%s2 left after cart)" "Store_Wallet_EmptyCart" "Steam Account Balance: $%s1" "Store_FeaturedItem" "FEATURED ITEM!" "Store_PreviewItem" "PREVIEW" "Store_DetailsItem" "DETAILS" "Store_FreeBackpackSpace" "EMPTY INVENTORY SLOTS: %s1" "StoreCheckout_NoItems" "Your shopping cart is empty!" "StoreCheckout_TooManyItems" "You have too many items in your shopping cart!" "StoreCheckout_Loading" "Checking out..." "StoreCheckout_Unavailable" "Checkout unavailable at this time." "StoreCheckout_Canceling" "Canceling..." "StoreScaleform_Title" "CS:GO Store" "StoreUpdate_Loading" "Loading the Store..." "StoreUpdate_NoGCResponse" "The Store is currently closed." "StoreUpdate_NewPriceSheetLoaded" "The product list has been updated to the latest version." "StoreUpdate_ContactSupport" "Please contact customer support to have your Steam wallet configured." "StoreUpdate_OverlayRequired" "Making a purchase requires the Steam Community Overlay. Please ensure that the in-game Steam Community is enabled and restart the game to use the Store." "StoreUpdate_SteamRequired" "A connection to Steam is required to use the Store." "StoreCheckout_Fail" "The In-game Store is currently closed." "StoreCheckout_InvalidParam" "A programmer messed up! An invalid parameter was passed to the game coordinator. Try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_InternalError" "There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance." "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport" "There was an error with your transaction. Please contact support for assistance." "StoreCheckout_NotApproved" "The game coordinator was unable to approve your transaction with Steam. Please try the purchase again later." "StoreCheckout_NotLoggedin" "You must be logged in to Steam in order to complete a purchase." "StoreCheckout_WrongCurrency" "This transaction's currency doesn't match your wallet currency." "StoreCheckout_NoAccount" "Your Steam account is currently unavailable. Please try this purchase again later." "StoreCheckout_InsufficientFunds" "You do not have enough funds to complete the purchase." "StoreCheckout_TimedOut" "This transaction has timed out. Please try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_SteamAccountDisabled" "Your Steam account is disabled and cannot make a purchase." "StoreCheckout_SteamAccountNoPurchase" "Steam wallet transactions have been disabled on this account." "StoreCheckout_OldPriceSheet" "Your local product list is out of date. Requesting a new one." "StoreCheckout_TransactionNotFound" "This transaction's id wasn't found by the game coordinator. Please try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_TransactionCanceled" "Transaction canceled. You have not been charged." "StoreCheckout_TransactionCompleted" "Transaction completed! Enjoy!" "StoreCheckout_CompleteButUnfinalized" "Unable to confirm success. If successful, your items will be delivered at a later date." "StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "You don't have enough room in your inventory to buy that many items." "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Title" "Warning" "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Btn" "CONTACT"
Item Qualities and Rarities
// Rarities "customized" "Customized" "rarity3" "Well-Designed" "rarity4" "Unusual" "completed" "Completed" "Rarity_Immortal_Weapon" "Clandestine" "Rarity_Arcana_Weapon" "UNNAMED"
These unused weapon quality names can be found also in csgo_%language%.txt. The token names (along with those for the qualities that are used) were copied from Dota 2.
Unused Weapon Finish
"PaintKit_CSGO_Camo" "It has been painted using a hydrographic in the Global Offensive camo pattern." "PaintKit_CSGO_Camo_Tag" "GO Camo"
Description Tag
A description tag item that would have functioned similarly to the one in Team Fortress 2.
"CSGO_Tool_Desc_Tag" "Description Tag" "CSGO_Tool_Desc_Tag_Desc" "Customizes a weapon with a custom description."
also attribute refer to item:
"Attrib_CustomDesc" "This item has a user written description."
Contract Text
// Keep the key names short, they're networked down to clients "RT_MP_A" "Trade Up %s1" "RT_C_A" "Combine %s1" "RT_F_A" "Fabricate %s1" "RT_R_A" "Rebuild %s1" "RT_M_A" "Modify %s1" "RT_Rn_A" "Rename %s1" "RT_T_A" "Trade In %s1" "RDI_AB" "Requires: %s1 %s2" "RDI_AB1" "Requires: %s1, %s2" "RDI_ABC" "Requires: %s1 %s2 %s3" "RDI_ABC1" "Requires: %s1 %s2, %s3" "RDI_ABC2" "Requires: %s1, %s2, %s3" "RDO_AB" "Produces: %s1 %s2" "RDO_AB1" "Produces: %s1, %s2" "RDO_ABC" "Produces: %s1 %s2 %s3" "RDO_ABC1" "Produces: %s1 %s2, %s3" "RDO_ABC2" "Produces: %s1, %s2, %s3" "RI_SMGi" "of the same SMG Weapon" "RI_SMGp" "SMG Weapons" "RI_SMG" "SMG Weapon" "RI_Ri" "of the same Rifle Weapon" "RI_Rp" "Rifle Weapons" "RI_R" "Rifle Weapon" "RI_Hi" "of the same Heavy Weapon" "RI_Hp" "Heavy Weapons" "RI_H" "Heavy Weapon" "RI_Si" "of the same secondary weapon" "RI_Sp" "Secondary Weapons" "RI_S" "Secondary Weapon" "RI_Mi" "of the same melee weapon" "RI_Mp" "Melee Weapons" "RI_M" "Melee Weapon" "RD_RND" "Random" "RI_FAC" "of a Class" "RI_Tp" "Tokens" "RI_W" "Weapon" "RI_Wp" "Weapon" "RI_R1p" "Consumer-Grade Weapons" "RI_R1" "Consumer-Grade Weapon" "RI_R2p" "Industrial-Grade Weapons" "RI_R2" "Industrial-Grade Weapon" "RI_R3p" "Mil-Spec Weapons" "RI_R3" "Mil-Spec Weapon" "RI_R4p" "Restricted Weapons" "RI_R4" "Restricted Weapon" "RI_R5p" "Classified Weapons" "RI_R5" "Classified Weapon" "RI_R6p" "Covert Weapons" "RI_R6" "Covert Weapon"
Stats Text
Some unused stats text for unused maps and early names for used maps (Boathouse is Lake, House is Safehouse, Mill is Sugarcane and Shacks is St. Marc).
"GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEBoathouse" "DE Boathouse Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEHouse" "DE House Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEMill" "DE Mill Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEShacks" "DE Shacks Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEAlleyway" "DE Alleyway Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_WinsMapDEDepot" "DE Depot Map Wins" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEBoathouse" "DE Boathouse Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEHouse" "DE House Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEMill" "DE Mill Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEShacks" "DE Shacks Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEAlleyway" "DE Alleyway Map Rounds" "GAMEUI_Stat_RoundsMapDEDepot" "DE Depot Map Rounds"
Buy Menu Text
Starts from 5324 to 5328.
"SFUI_BuyMenu_Loadouts" "LOADOUTS" "SFUI_BuyMenu_CQB" "CQB" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Grenades" "GRENADES" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Flair" "DISPLAY" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Melee" "MELEE"
Stopping Power
"SFUI_BuyMenu_Tagging" "STOPPING POWER:" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Tagging_1" "★☆☆☆☆" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Tagging_2" "★★☆☆☆" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Tagging_3" "★★★☆☆" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Tagging_4" "★★★★☆" "SFUI_BuyMenu_Tagging_5" "★★★★★"
Vote UI
"SFUI_otherteam_vote_unimplemented" "UNIMPLEMETED OTHER VOTE STRING!\n"
Option to Rematch removed in the November 22, 2014 Update, but still exist in all localizations files.
"SFUI_vote_rematch" "Rematch? Requires 10 votes." "SFUI_vote_passed_rematch" "Another match will start now." "SFUI_vote_failed_rematch_explain" "Not offering rematch because less than 10 players are connected."
Elo Rank Text
//"medalrank_elo_up" "You have risen to the %s1 percentile Elo bracket." //"medalrank_elo_down" "You have dropped to the %s1 percentile Elo bracket."
"Arcade Unlock Messages"
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Arcade Unlock Messages //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlockedTitle" "Purchase the Full Game!" "SFUI_GameUI_ArcadeNotUnlocked" "You must purchase the full game in order to access this feature!"
XBOX Live and PSN Text Leftovers (PC)
In the csgo_%language%.txt
file, there are quite a few lines of text mentioning PS3 or Xbox features.
"GameUI_LostConnectionToLive" "The connection to Xbox LIVE was lost." "GameUI_Leaderboards_Not_Signed_In" "You must be signed into Xbox LIVE in order to post your scores to the leaderboard. Do you want to continue?" "GameUI_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "Press the Xbox Guide button and connect to Xbox LIVE now in order to post your scores to the leaderboards." "Menu_Dlg_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "You must be connected to Xbox LIVE to view Leaderboards. Please check your connection and try again." [$X360] "Menu_Dlg_Leaderboards_Lost_Connection" "You must be connected to PlayStation®Network and Steam to view Leaderboards. Please check your connection and try again." [$PS3] "GameUI_NotOnlineEnabled" "You must be signed into a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges to play online." "GameUI_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "You must be signed into Xbox LIVE to access this feature. Would you like to sign in now?" "GameUI_Console_NoUserProfileSelectedTitle" "No Gamer Profile Selected" "GameUI_Console_NoUserProfileSelectedBody" "Would you like to select a gamer profile?\nChoosing 'No' will let you play the game, but you will not be able to save your progress." "GameUI_Console_UserProfileRequiredBody" "This action requires that you be signed in.\nWould you like to select a gamer profile?" "SFUI_PlayMenu_FriendsMatchButton" "JOIN XBOX LIVE PARTY GAME" [$X360] "SFUI_PauseMenu_InviteXboxLiveButton" "INVITE XBOX LIVE PARTY" "SFUIHUD_Spectate_Navigation_Gamer_Card_Xbox" "${north} Show Gamer Card " "SFUI_Controls_Confirm_Default_Msg" "Reset all Xbox 360 controller options to their defaults?" [$X360] "SFUI_GameUI_ChatRestrictionPS3_Title" "Chat Disabled" "SFUI_GameUI_ChatRestrictionPS3_Message" "Chat is disabled on your PlayStation®Network account due to chat restrictions." "SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnpluggedTitle" "Controller Disconnected" "SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnplugged" "Please reconnect the controller!" [!$X360] "SFUI_MsgBx_ControllerUnplugged" "Please reconnect the Xbox 360 Controller!" [$X360] "SFUI_MsgBx_GamerCardNotAvailable" "You must have a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges to view another player's gamer card." [!$PS3] "SFUI_MsgBx_GamerCardNotAvailable" "You must have a gamer profile with multiplayer privileges to view another player's profile." [$PS3] "SFUI_MsgBx_GuestProfile_DismissedTitle" "Sign-in Change" "SFUI_MsgBx_GuestProfile_Dismissed" "You have been removed from the game due to a sign-in change." "SFUI_MsgBx_SignInChange" "Sign-in change has occurred." "SFUI_MsgBx_SignInChangeC" "SIGNED OUT" "SFUI_WaitScreen_SignOnSucceded" "Accessing Storage Device...\n\nSaving content.\nPlease don't turn off your console." [!$PS3] "SFUI_WaitScreen_SignOnSucceded" "Loading Profile Data...\n\nSaving content.\nPlease don't turn off your PS3™ system." [$PS3] "SFUI_WaitScreen_SigningOn" "Accessing Storage Device...\n\nSaving content.\nPlease don't turn off your console." [!$PS3] "SFUI_WaitScreen_SigningOn" "Loading Profile Data...\n\nSaving content.\nPlease don't turn off your PS3™ system." [$PS3] //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Error Messages //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "SFUI_PSEye_Disconnected_Title" "Warning" "SFUI_PSEye_Disconnected_Desc" "PlayStation®Eye removed, please reconnect" "SFUI_PSMove_Out_Of_View_Title" "Warning" "SFUI_PSMove_Out_Of_View_Desc" "PlayStation®Move motion controller is out of view, please re-center it in front of the PlayStation®Eye camera" "SFUI_Network_Disconnect_Title" "Gamer Profile Sign Out" [$X360] "SFUI_Network_Disconnect_Desc" "You must be signed in to a gamer profile to play." [$X360] "SFUI_Network_Disconnect_Legend" "${confirm} OK" [$X360] "SFUI_PS_Network_Disconnect_Title" "PlayStation®Network Sign Out" [$PS3] "SFUI_PS_Network_Disconnect_Desc" "You have been signed out of PlayStation®Network.\nYou will not be able to play online games or access leaderboards." [$PS3] "SFUI_PS_Network_Disconnect_Legend" "${ps3select}: Sign In ${confirm}: Continue" [$PS3] "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE" "The connection to Xbox LIVE was lost."[$X360] "SFUI_DisconnectReason_LostConnectionToLIVE" "The connection to PlayStation®Network was lost." [!$X360] "SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC" "STORAGE DEVICE FULL" [$X360] "SFUI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC" "HARD DISK DRIVE FULL" [$PS3] // Displayed in message box just before the start screen on PS3 "SFUI_PS3_LOADING_TITLE" "Loading" [$PS3] "SFUI_PS3_LOADING_PROFILE_DATA" "Loading Profile Data" [$PS3] "SFUI_PS3_LOADING_INSTALLING_TROPHIES" "Installing Trophies" [$PS3] "SFUI_PS3_LOADING_INIT_SAVE_UTILITY" "Initializing Save Utility" [$PS3] "SFUI_PS3_VERIFYING_ACCESS_RIGHTS" "Verifying Access Rights" [$PS3] "SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_TITLE" "ERROR" [$PS3] "SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_GENERAL" "There has been a fatal error verifying access rights for CS:GO.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have access rights to play this game." [$PS3] "SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_ENTITLEMENT" "There has been a fatal error: you have no access rights for CS:GO.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have access rights to play this game." [$PS3] "SFUI_PS3_DRM_ERROR_DEACTIVATED" "There has been a fatal error: you have no activation rights for CS:GO.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have access rights to play this game." [$PS3]
Trial Mode
Text from the Xbox 360/PS3 trial version of CS:GO that lasts 60 minutes.
"SFUI_TrialTimeRemaining" "Trial mode (%s1:%s2 remaining)" "SFUI_TrialTimeExpired" "Trial mode expired" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeTitle" "Trial Mode" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessage" "Welcome to the Counter Strike game trial. All game features are unlocked for the duration of the trial period" "SFUI_TrialWelcomeMessageExpired" "The Counter Strike game trial period has expired" "SFUI_TrialHudTextMinutes" "Trial Active (%s1 minutes left)" "SFUI_TrialHudTextMinute" "Trial Active (1 minute left)" "SFUI_TrialSignOutTitle" "Trial Signed In Profile" "SFUI_TrialSignOutMsg" "A signed in profile is required for trial mode" "SFUI_TrialMUPullTitle" "Trial Profile Storage" "SFUI_TrialMUPullMsg" "Trial mode requires a writable signed in profile" // Displayed in message box when an invitation is accepted but the trial timer has run out "SFUI_TrialTimeExpired_Navigation" "${confirm} Ok" "SFUI_TrialTimeExpired_Title" "Trial Time Expired" "SFUI_TrialTimeExpired_Message" "Your trial time has expired" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Upsell //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "SFUI_Upsell_Title" "THE LATEST INSTALLMENT OF THE WORLD'S # 1 ONLINE TACTICAL ACTION GAME" "SFUI_Upsell_Upsell_Bullets" "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive expands on the classic team-based action gameplay that it pioneered when it first launched 12 years ago. Featuring a massive arsenal of over 45 weapons, loads of maps, new game modes, new visuals, leaderboards, and over 165 awards to be earned. CS:GO is a must-have tactical shooter.\n\nSo what are you waiting for? Come join your friends online and GO GO GO!" "SFUI_Upsell_Nav" "${west} Unlock Full Game ${confirm} Quit ${cancel} Back to Game" "SFUI_Upsell_Nav" "" [$WIN32||$OSX] "SFUI_Medals_Earned_Text" "Achievements unlocked with purchase: " "SFUI_Medals_Earned_Count" "%d / %d"
Menu Items
"SFUI_MainMenu_UnlockFullGame" "UNLOCK FULL GAME" "SFUI_MainMenu_DownloadButton" "DOWNLOAD CONTENT"
To do: Are these just leftover from the console demos? Probably not worth mentioning if so, same with all the Xbox Live/PSN stuff. |
Unused Loading Tips
Note that some of these loading screen tips are re-tooled Condition Zero tutor tips.
// THE LONGEST HINT "Xx xx xxXeeee xXx Wwujfg ssss xXxx xiiiiIiii xx XbbbbX xxxxX xxx xxXffffX xx ioerePosd xXxx xxXx xXoooo xXxx dddd gdfhsGhjdkdgrrrrrrkd xxx Xxx xCss" // communication hints //"SFUI_Hint_" "Your radio allows you to give commands to your teammates\nsuch as 'Follow me', 'Hold this position', or 'Need backup'.\n\nTo send a radio command, use the radio keys\n(default Z, X, and C) and select what you want to say." // radar hints //"SFUI_Hint_" "The green circle in the upper left corner is your radar.\n\nIt shows the positions of all of your surviving friends\nrelative to your current position and direction you are looking.\n\nIf a blip is at twelve o'clock, that friend is somewhere in front of you.\nLikewise, a blip at six o'clock is a friend behind you." //"SFUI_Hint_" "On your radar, a blip shaped like a 'T' represents\na friend somewhere above you.\n\nAn upside-down 'T' blip is a friend somewhere below you." //"SFUI_Hint_" "If a friend is talking, his blip on\nthe radar will flash an orange color." //"SFUI_Hint_" "If you are a Counter-Terrorist, hostages\nwill appear on your radar as flashing blue blips." // bomb scenario hints //"SFUI_Hint_" "Many bomb defusal maps have more than one bomb site..." // hostage scenario hints //"SFUI_Hint_" "Hostage rescue maps often have more\nthan one hostage rescue point..." //"SFUI_Hint_" "'Talking to' a hostage by pressing the Use key (default E)\nrewards you with a cash bonus on the spot!" //"SFUI_Hint_" "Rescuing a hostage rewards you with a healthy cash bonus!" //"SFUI_Hint_IDF_Info1" "Israel Defense Forces info goes here."
Birthday Weapon
Birthday Weapon was added in the July 23, 2014 update to the game's files, but never added to the game.
"SFUI_WPNHUD_PartyPopper" "Party Popper!"
Unused Game Instructor Messages
////////////////////////// // NOT IMPLEMENTED BELOW ////////////////////////// "csgo_instr_explain_weapon_drop" "Drop your current weapon" "csgo_instr_avoid_teams_fire" "Avoid your teammate's line of fire!" "csgo_instr_dont_shoot_team" "Don't shoot your teammates!" "csgo_instr_grenade_hurt_team" "You hurt a teammate! Be careful where you throw your grenades!" "csgo_instr_notify_crouch_accuracy" "Crouch improves accuracy" "csgo_instr_notify_crouch_tactic" "crouching tactic" "csgo_instr_walking_is_silent" "Walking makes no sound, enemies hear you when you run" "csgo_instr_fire_hurts_and_slows" "Fire hurts and slows you down!" "csgo_instr_brings_up_scoreboard" "Bring up the scoreboard" "csgo_instr_nav_hostages" "Where are the hostages" "csgo_instr_explain_ct_in_bomb_zone" "In bomb zone as CT" "csgo_instr_explain_kill_new_round" "You advanced to the next weapon" ////////////////////////// // NOT IMPLEMENTED BELOW //////////////////////////
The classic Counter-Strike 1.6 custom map fy_pool_day was supposed to make a return in the Operation Payback event, but it was ultimately canned. Strings can still found in (oddly enough) every other localization file but English (example from csgo_finnish.txt):
"CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenPoolDay" "PoolDay-karttakolikko" "[english]CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenPoolDay" "PoolDay Map Coin"
VIP Mode
"Team_Cash_Award_CT_VIP_Escaped" " �%s1�: Team award for evac'ing the VIP." "Team_Cash_Award_T_VIP_Killed" " �%s1�: Team award for neutralizing the VIP."
...also in 6966 line and lower:
"SFUI_Notice_Hint_reward_for_killing_vip" "You have been rewarded $2500 for killing the VIP!" "SFUI_Notice_VIP_Assassinated" "VIP has been assassinated!"
Music Kit
"CSGO_Missing_Music_Definition" "MISSING DEF"
Unused HDR Options
"SFUI_Settings_High_Dynamic_Range" "High Dynamic Range" "SFUI_Settings_Very_High" "Very High" "SFUI_Settings_High" "High" "SFUI_Settings_Medium" "Medium" "SFUI_Settings_Low" "Low"
Weapon Name Announcement
"SFUI_Weapon_Name_VO" "Weapon Name Announcement"
Unused Map Group Names
// nice map group names "SFUI_Mapgroup_bomb" "Defuse Group" "SFUI_Mapgroup_hostage" "Hostage Group" "SFUI_Mapgroup_dust" "Dust Group" "SFUI_Mapgroup_allclassic" "Classic Group" "SFUI_Mapgroup_dm_other" "All Other Maps"
Unused Achievements Text
Record Breaker
Achievement is related to the Training Course map (training1), the player must beat the company time on the last stage. An icon and text exists in the game's files.
"TRAINING_BEAT_BEST_NAME" "Record Breaker" "TRAINING_BEAT_BEST_DESC" "Beat the active training course record in the Weapons Course"
CS: GO Beta leftover, removed for unknown reasons.
"GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Seppuku" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_SUICIDE_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill yourself while on gold knife level in Arms Race Mode"
Map Achievements
The achievement for Assault goes unused, however, it was added back to the game in a patch.
"WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_NAME" "Assault Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_ASSAULT_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Assault" "WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_NAME" "Compound Map Veteran" "WIN_MAP_CS_COMPOUND_DESC" "Win 100 rounds on Compound" "WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSYY_NAME" "Urban Warfare" "WIN_MAP_DE_EMBASSY_DESC" "Win five matches on Embassy" "WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_NAME" "Depot Despot" "WIN_MAP_DE_DEPOT_DESC" "Win five matches on Depot"
Counter-Strike: Source leftovers
"BREAK_PROPS_NAME" "Mad Props" "BREAK_PROPS_DESC" "Break 15 props in a single round"
This was available during the public beta, but was removed in the final version because CS:GO uses solid props that can't be broken, compared to Source.
"DECAL_SPRAYS_NAME" "The Art of War" "DECAL_SPRAYS_DESC" "Spray 100 decals"
Another Source leftover. Sprays were initially not in the game, but were later added as purchasable items similar to gun skins.
"SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_NAME" "Safety First" "SURVIVED_HEADSHOT_DUE_TO_HELMET_DESC" "Survive a shot to the head because you had the good sense to wear a helmet (Competitive Mode only)"
This was available in beta versions and is another Source leftover, but was removed for unknown reasons.
"FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_NAME" "Friendly Attire" "FRIENDS_SAME_UNIFORM_DESC" "Start a round on the same team as 4 of your friends, with all of you wearing the same outfit"
Another Source leftover. Presumably removed because you no longer choose outfits per class.
"NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_NAME" "Dead of Night" "NIGHTVISION_DAMAGE_DESC" "Do 5,000 damage with nightvision active"
Another Source leftover. Nightvision Goggles were in older Counter-Strike games, but were removed in CS:GO because of their ineffectiveness.
Scavenger Mode
Achievements for the cut Scavenger mode.
"SMORGASBOARD_NAME" "Smorgasbord" "SMORGASBOARD_DESC" "Use every available weapon type in a single round in Scavenger Mode" "IM_STILL_STANDING_NAME" "I'm Still Standing" "IM_STILL_STANDING_DESC" "Win the round as the last man standing in Scavenger Mode" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_NAME" "Living on the Edge" "GUN_GAME_SELECT_KNIFE_KILL_DESC" "Get a knife kill in Scavenger Mode"
Unused Achievements Category
//// not used "SFUI_MedalCategory_DominationAndRevenge" "Domination & Revenge" "SFUI_MedalCategory_Special" "Special"
Steam Status
"SFUI_Lobby_StatusInLevel" "In Level"
"Old" Hostage Rescue Text
"SFUIHUD_hostageid_nh_use_leave" "<font color='#e5da25'>${use} Stop Hostage</font>" "SFUIHUD_hostageid_nh_following" "<font color='#e5da25'>Hostage (Following %s1)</font>"
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Blog //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "SFUI_Blog_Title" "CS:GO Update News" "SFUI_Blog_Body" "This is where you can read about news and updates." "SFUI_Blog_LinkHint" "For more info visit" "SFUI_Blog_Link" "" "SFUI_Blog_SteamOverlay_Hint" "Enable the Steam Overlay to follow the link"
Engine Tools
Source Filmmaker Leaked
information can to be found in boxrocket_english.txt:
"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "BxAddClipBeforeToMovie" "Add Clip Before..." "BxAddClipAfterToMovie" "Add Clip After..." "BxAddClip" "Add new clip..." "BxEditChannel" "Edit Channel..." "BxSetCamera" "Set New Camera" "BxChangeCamera" "Change Camera..." "BxSaveChanges" "Save movie" "BxClipProperties" "Clip Properties" "BxShowInProperties" "Properties..." "BxShowDagInProperties" "Dag Properties..." "BxShowCameraInProperties" "Camera Properties..." "BxShowLightInProperties" "Light Properties..." "BxShowModelInProperties" "Model Properties..." "BxShowParticleSystemInProperties" "Particle System Properties..." "BxShowChannelsClipInProperties" "ChannelsClip Properties..." "BxShowAnimSetInProperties" "AnimationSet Properties..." "BxElementProperties" "Properties" "BxElementPropertiesTree" "Properties Tree" "BxFileManager" "FileManager" "BxFileManagerFrame" "FileManager" "BxConsole" "Console" "BxScriptEditor" "ScriptEditor" "BxMovieLayoff" "Export Movie" "BxPosterLayoff" "Export Poster" "BxMovieLayoffProgress" "Movie Layoff Progress" "BxImport" "Import" "BxExport" "Export" "BxImportVCD" "FacePoser .vcd File..." "BxExportVCD" "FacePoser .vcd File..." "BxImportVCDAsClip" "Import .vcd File as new Clip..." "BxExportVCDFromClip" "Export current clip as .vcd..." "BxReplaceWithSlug" "Replace with slug" "BxSetFadeTimes" "Set fade times..." "BxClip_Mute" "Mute clip" "BxClip_UnMute" "Unmute clip" "BxSetTimeScale" "Set time scale..." "BxBakeTimeScale" "Bake time scale" "BxEditAnimationSet" "Edit animation set" "BxResetOffsetAndScale" "Reset offset and scale" "Seeking" "Seeking..." "BxNoFile" "No .xml movie file loaded" "BxMoveClipBeforeHere" "Drop clip before" "BxMoveClipAfterHere" "Drop clip after" "BxDropText" "Drop as text" "BxProperties" "&Properties..." "BxLayoff" "&Movie..." "BxLayoffPoster" "&Poster..." "BxExport" "&Export" "BxPublish" "&Publish to Steam..." "BxExportMovie" "&Export Movie..." "BxLoadMap" "&Load Map..." "BxAdd" "&Add..." "BxEdit" "&Edit..." "BxRemove" "&Remove" "BxSwapLeft" "Swap left" "BxSwapRight" "Swap right" "BxHide" "Hide UI" "BxFileNew" "&New" "BxFileOpen" "&Open..." "BxFileClose" "&Close" "BxFileSave" "&Save" "BxFileSaveAs" "Save &As..." "BxFileExit" "E&xit" "BxFileRecent" "&Recent" "BxEditUndo" "&Undo" "BxEditRedo" "&Redo" "BxEditDescribeUndo" "Describe Undo History" "BxDescribeClipboard" "Describe Clipboard" "BxEditUndoStr" "&Undo '%s1'" "BxEditRedoStr" "&Redo '%s1'" "BxEditCut" "Cut" "BxEditCopy" "Copy" "BxEditPaste" "Paste" "BxEditPasteReference" "Paste Reference" "BxEditPasteInsert" "Paste Insert" "BxEditPasteAttributes" "Paste Attributes" "BxEditDelete" "Delete" "BxEditKeyBindings" "Keyboard..." "BxEditPreferences" "Preferences..." "BxViewClipBrowser" "Clip &Bin" "BxViewEngineViewport" "&Engine Viewport" "BxViewStoryBoard" "&Story Board" "BxViewTimeline" "&Time Line" "BxViewDefaultLayout" "Default Layout" "BxToolClipBrowser" "Clip Bin" "BxToolEngineViewport" "Engine Viewport" "BxToolStoryboard" "Story Board" "BxToolTimeline" "Time Line" "BxToolProperties" "Properties" "BxToolFileManager" "File Manager" "BxToolConsole" "Console" "BxMenuFile" "File" "BxMenuEdit" "Edit" "BxMenuUtilities" "Utilities" "BxMenuWindows" "Windows" "BxMenuSwitchTools" "Tools" "BxMenuHelp" "Help" "BxRemoveGap" "Remove (leave Gap)" "BxRemoveBlack" "Replace with Black" "BxRebuildBitmap" "Re-create Thumbnail" "BxZoomOut" "Zoom Out" "BxZoomIn" "Zoom In" "BxInsertTrack" "Insert Track" "BxCompactTrack" "Compact Track" "BxShowRoot" "Show Root Element" "BxSetActive" "Set as Active Movie" "BxClipName" "Set clip name..." "BxClipColor" "Set clip color..." "BxClipText" "Set clip text..." "BxSetOverlayAlpha" "Set clip overlay alpha..." "BxSetOverlayMaterial" "Set clip overlay..." "BxEditClipMenu" "Edit Clip" "BxDescribeClipboard" "Describe Clipboard" "ToolEditWipeUndo" "Clear Undo History" "BxChangeSound" "Change Sound..." "BxCreateGroup" "Create Group..." "BxTrimHandles" "Trim Handles" "BxRemoveOrphanedChannelsClips" "Remove Orphaned ChannelsClips" "BxRemoveRedundantKeysInLogs" "Remove Redundant Keys In Logs" "BxCleanupMenu" "Session Cleanup" "BxMergeClips" "Merge Clips" "BxFaceModel" "Face this model with work camera" "BxTeleportModel" "Move this model in front work camera" "BxAddIllumPositionDag" "Add illumPositionDag attribute to model" "BxAddFireWeaponEffects" "Generate fire_weapon effects" "BxAddFireWeaponEffectsLeft" "Generate fire_weapon effects (left)" "BxAddFireWeaponEffectsRight" "Generate fire_weapon effects (right)" "BxMoveCurrentCameraHere" "Move current camera under this dag" "BxDumpLog" "Dump float log data to console" "BxCreateParticleSystemInstance" "Instance Particle System" "BxExportParticleSystemDefinitions" "Export Particle System Definitions..." "BxMoveTrackGroupsToNewFile" "Move trackgroups to new file" "BxUnloadTrackGroups" "Unload trackgroups" "BxLoadTrackGroups" "Load trackgroups" "BxFileManager_Filename" "Filename" "BxFileManager_Path" "Path" "BxFileManager_Loaded" "Loaded" "BxFileManager_NumElements" "# Elements" "BxFileManager_Changed" "Changed" "BxFileManager_P4Exists" "In P4" "BxFileManager_P4Edit" "P4 Edit" "BxMovieView" "Main View" "CClipEditorTimelinePage" "Time Line" "CClipEditorBasePage" "Time Line Common" "CMovieView" "View" "CToolViewportPage" "Engine Viewport" "CClipBrowserPage" "Clip Bin" "CElementPropertiesTreeInternal" "Properties" "CIFMTool" "General" "BxAnimationSetEditor" "Animation Set Editor" "BxToolAnimationSetEditor" "Animation Set Editor" "BxAnimSetSplitLayout" "Split Layout" "BxAnimSetVerticalLayout" "Vertical Layout" "BxAnimSetHorizontalLayout" "Horizontal Layout" "BxCreateAnimationSetFor" "Create AnimationSet For" "BxNewCamera" "New Camera" "BxNewLight" "New Light" "BxNewModel" "New Model" "BxNewParticle" "New Particle System" "BxExistingElement" "Existing Element(s)" "BxCreateAnimationSetAndCamera" "Create AnimationSet for New Camera" "BxCreateAnimationSetAndLight" "Create AnimationSet for New Light" "BxCreateAnimationSetAndModel" "Create AnimationSet for New Model" "BxCreateAnimationSetAndParticle" "Create AnimationSet for New Particle System" "BxCreateAnimationSetForElement" "Create AnimationSet(s) for Existing Elements(s)" "timedisplay" "Time Display Mode" "timedisplay_help" "Cylces the time display between time code, frames, and time code with frames." "deselectall" "Deselect All" "deselectall_help" "Deselects all currently selected items." "deleteclipr" "Delete Clip(s)" "deleteclipr_help" "Deletes clips and selects clip to right of deleted clips." "deleteclipl" "Delete Clip(s)" "deleteclipl_help" "Deletes clips and selects clip to left of deleted clips." "insertclip" "Insert Clip" "insertclip_help" "Insert clip into Time Line." "splitclip" "Split Clip" "splitclip_help" "Splits clip at current head position and creates a new camera." "bladetool" "Blade Clip" "bladetool_help" "Blades clip at current head position." "createcamera" "Create Camera" "createcamera_help" "Creates a new camera at the current head position." "frameclips" "Frame Clips" "frameclips_help" "Frames the current selection within the window." "selectall" "Select All" "selectall_help" "Selects all items." "cliptop" "Clip Top" "cliptop_help" "Moves the head position to the top of the current clip." "clipbottom" "Clip Bottom" "clipbottom_help" "Moves the head position to the bottom of the current clip." "nextcliptop" "Next Clip Top" "nextcliptop_help" "Moves the head position to the top of the next clip." "prevframe" "Previous Frame" "prevframe_help" "Moves the head position to the previous frame." "nextframe" "Next Frame" "nextframe_help" "Moves the head position to the next frame." "prevhalfsecond" "Previous Half Second" "prevhalfsecond_help" "Moves the head position one half second earlier." "nexthalfsecond" "Next Half Second" "nexthalfsecond_help" "Moves the head position one half second later." "sequencetop" "Sequence Top" "sequencetop_help" "Move to the start of the current sequence." "sequencebottom" "Sequence Bottom" "sequencebottom_help" "Move to the end of the current sequnce." "stick_in" "Stick In" "stick_in_help" "Set the in time of the clip based on the head position." "roll_in" "Roll In" "roll_in_help" "Roll the in time of the clip based on the head position." "stick_out" "Stick Out" "stick_out_help" "Set the out time of the clip based on the head position." "roll_out" "Roll Out" "roll_out_help" "Roll the out time of the clip based on the head position." "editkeybindings" "Edit Keyboard Bindings" "editkeybindings_help" "Brings up the Keyboard Bindings Editor." "undo" "Undo" "undo_help" "Undoes the most recent action." "redo" "Redo" "redo_help" "Re-performs the most recent action previously undone." "togglesnapping" "Snapping" "togglesnapping_help" "Toggles time snapping during mouse manipulation of clips and media." "toggleplay" "Play/Pause" "toggleplay_help" "Toggles whether the current movie is playing or paused." "toggledir" "Change Direction" "toggledir_help" "Changes the current movie playback direction." "playfaster" "Play Faster" "playfaster_help" "Plays the current movie forward at a faster rate." "playreversefaster" "Play Reverse Faster" "playreversefaster_help" "Plays the current movie in reverse at a faster rate." "file_open" "Open File" "file_open_help" "Opens a file." "file_new" "New File" "file_new_help" "Creates a new document." "file_save" "Save File" "file_save_help" "Saves changes to the current document." "file_load_map" "Load Map" "file_load_map_help" "Loads a game map ( bsp ) and sets it as the active clips map." "file_layoff" "Export Movie" "file_layoff_help" "Renders the active sequence out as a movie file or series of images." "edit_cut" "Cut" "edit_cut_help" "Cuts the selected items and places them in the clipboard." "edit_copy" "Copy" "edit_copy_help" "Copies the selected items to the clipboard." "edit_paste" "Paste" "edit_paste_help" "Pastes items from the clipboard into the document." "edit_pastereference" "Paste (Reference)" "edit_pastereference_help" "Pastes references to the items in the clipboard into the current document." "edit_pasteinsert" "Paste (Insert)" "edit_pasteinsert_help" "Pastes the items in the clipboard at the end of the current document." "edit_delete" "Delete" "edit_delete_help" "Deletes the selected items." "edit_properties" "Properties" "edit_properties_help" "Shows the selected items in the Properties editor." "keybindinghelp" "Key Binding Help" "keybindinghelp_help" "Show help for keys active in this context." "ifm_help" "IFM Help" "ifm_help_help" "Show the help page." "help_url" "" "edit_properties_help" "Shows the selected items in the Properties editor." "groupclips" "Create Group" "groupclips_help" "Creates a group from the current selection." "presentmovie" "Present Movie" "presentmovie_help" "Shows movie in full screen view." "create_trackgroup" "Create New Track Group..." "show_hide_trackgroups" "Show/Hide Track Groups..." "rename_trackgroup" "Rename Track Group" "remove_trackgroup" "Remove Track Group" "hide_trackgroup" "Hide Track Group" "toggle_expand_trackgroup" "Toggle Track Group Expansion" "disable_autofalloff_bookmarks" "Disable Autofalloff to Bookmarks Mode" "enable_autofalloff_bookmarks" "Enable Autofalloff to Bookmarks Mode" "disable_autokey_bookmarks" "Disable AutoKey Bookmarks Mode" "enable_autokey_bookmarks" "Enable AutoKey Bookmarks Mode" "detach_bookmarks_from_data" "Detach Bookmarks From Log Data" "attach_bookmarks_to_data" "Attach Bookmarks To Log Data" "BxSwitchBookmarkSet" "Switch Bookmarkset" "disallow_delete_from_adding_samples" "Disallow Delete From Adding Samples" "allow_delete_to_add_samples" "Allow Delete To Add Samples" "ResampleAtBookmarks" "Resample At Bookmarks" "unlock_head" "Unlock the Head" "lock_head" "Lock the Head" "lock_clips_to_film" "Lock Clips to Film Clips" "TrackBar_Expand" "Maximize/Minimize Track" "TrackBar_Synch" "Synch Track With Film" "TrackBar_Mute" "Mute Track" "set_volume" "Set Volume..." "import_overlays" "Overlays..." "record_narration" "Record Narration" "toggle_record_narration" "Toggle Recording Narration" "sound_files" "Sound Files" "copy_files" "Copy" "rename_files" "Rename" "delete_files" "Delete" "perforce_add" "Add to Perforce" "perforce_checkout" "Check Out from Perforce" "perforce_revert" "Revert from Perforce" "perforce_remove" "Remove from Perforce" "perforce_submit" "Submit to Perforce" "IFM_TS_FilterType" "Filter Type" "IFM_FilterSmooth" "Smooth samples" "IFM_FilterJitter" "Jitter samples" "IFM_Snapshot" "Snapshot Curves" "IFM_Reveal" "Snapshot Reveal" "IFM_TS_PasteSpecial" "Paste w/Reveal" "IFM_TS_Paste" "Paste" "IFM_TS_PasteReverse" "Paste Reverse" "IFM_TS_Copy" "Copy" "IFM_TS_Cut" "Cut" "IFM_TS_Simplify" "Re-simplify" "IFM_TS_Center" "Center Head Position" "IFM_TS_Smooth" "Smooth Curves" "IFM_TS_Jitter" "Jitter Curves" "ts_reveal_help" "Use to blend between current values and last snapshot using current time selection." "ts_pastespecial_help" "Use to blend between current values and the clipboard using current time selection." "toggledrawpoints_help" "Toggles drawing curve sample points." "ts_jitter_help" "Adds noise to selected samples." "ts_smooth_help" "Smooths selected samples" "center_help" "Re-centers the head position" "ts_cut_help" "Cuts selected curve data" "ts_copy_help" "Copies selected curve data" "ts_paste_help" "Pastes clipboard curve data" "SFM_NoTransformsSelected" "No transforms selected" "SFM_3D_CameraTool" "Camera Tool" "SFM_3D_SelectionTool" "Selection Tool" "SFM_3D_ManipulatorTool" "Manipulator Tool" "extract_phonemes" "Extract Phonemes..." "sfm_play" "Play Sound" "extract_button" "Extract" "reapply_button" "Reapply" "SFM_Extract_Phonemes_Title" "Extract Phonemes" "SFM_Render_Settings" "Render Settings" "SFMCreateRandomPhonemePresets" "Create Random Phoneme Presets (debugging)" "SFMResetPhonemeMappings" "Reset Phoneme Mappings" "SFMImportHL2PhonemePresets" "Creates phoneme presets based on HL2 FACS controls" "SFM_UseWaveFilePhonemes" "Use phonemes from .wav file" "SFM_CreateBookmarks" "Create bookmarks at phoneme start times" "SFM_IgnoreAnimationSetVisibility" "Ignore visible control restrictions when extracting/applying phonemes" "SFM_Extraction_ZeroRange" "Clear facial logs between first and last selected clips" "SFM_Extraction_ZeroClip" "Clear facial logs for entire clip" "SFM_Extraction_ZeroSounds" "Only clear facial logs within each selected clip" "SFM_Filter_Hold" "Hold values between keys" "SFM_Filter_Linear" "Linearly interpolate values between keys" "SFM_Filter_Fixed_Width" "Hold values and linearly falloff before and after" "DmeAddAttributeToAnimationSet" "Add attribute to animationset" "DmeAddTransformControlToAnimationSet" "Add transform to animationset" "CreateAnimationSetForElement" "Create AnimationSet for Element" "set_showwave" "Show Waveform" "set_hidewave" "Hide Waveform" "ExportAnimation" "Export Animation..." "ImportAnimation" "Import Animation..." "ShowImportAnimationsDialog" "Import Animations..." "ShowExportAnimationsDialog" "Export Animations..." "ReattachToModel" "Reattach To Model" "ExportFacialAnimation" "Export Facial Animation..." "AddLocalViewTargetControl" "Add localViewTargetFactor control" "AddEyeConvergenceControl" "Add eyes_convergence control" "AddViewTargetControl" "Add viewTarget control" "CopyAnimationSet" "Copy AnimationSet" "PasteAnimationSet" "Paste AnimationSet" "RenameAnimationSet" "Rename AnimationSet" "DeleteAnimationSet" "Delete AnimationSet" "SFM_SelectModelForNewAnimationSet" "Select Model for New Animation Set" "ifm_toggle_console" "Toggle Console" "SFM_PreviewClip" "Previews the clip. If it's a sound clip, it plays the sound. Tempent channels clips trigger the tempent, etc." "export_clips_to_fcp_xml" "Export sound clips to file" "mute_and_copy_to_sequence" "Mute sounds and copy to sequence" "ts_delete_keys_help" "Delete Log Keys" "ts_toggle_anim_playback" "Toggle Animation Set Playback Mode" "toggle_playback_head" "Toggle Playback Head Lock Mode" "IFM_TS_BackgroundColor" "Set Background Color..." "TXFORMPATH_USEKEYS" "Samples" "TXFORMPATH_24FPS" "24 fps" "TXFORMPATH_12FPS" "12 fps" "TXFORMPATH_6FPS" "6 fps" "TXFORMPATH_3FPS" "3 fps" "TXFORMPATH_SHOWBUMPERS" "Bumpers" "TXFORMPATH_SHOWBOOKMARKS" "Bookmarks" "scrub_prev_half_bookmark" "Rewind time selection to previous half-bookmark" "scrub_next_half_bookmark" "Advance time selection to next half-bookmark" "SetReferenceTransform" "Set Work Camera Reference Frame" "ClearReferenceTransform" "Clear Work Camera Reference Frame" "TXFORMPATH_PLOTPOINT_RELATIVE" "Reference Frame" "TXFORMPATH_PLOTPOINT_PULSE" "Time Pulse" "SFM_RigTools_Menu" "Rig Tools" "SFM_LoadRigScript" "Load rig python script..." "SFM_DetachRig" "Detach Rig" "GenerateSamples" "Generate Samples" "AttachTransform" "Attach selected to" "cancelModification" "Cancel modification layer" "finishModification" "Finish modification layer" "cancelModification_help" "Cancel the current modification layer and changes it contains." "finishModification_help" "Finish the current modification layer." "disable_modification_layer" "Disable modification layer" "enable_modification_layer" "Enable modification layer" "ImportSequence" "Import Sequence" "TXFORM_LABELS_SHOW_HIDE" "Transform Labels" "TXFORMPATH_SHOW_HIDE" "Show Path" "TXFORMPATH_UNITS" "Units" "TXFORMPATH_DISPLAY" "Display" "TXFORMPATH_MENU" "Transform Path" "TRANSFORM_MODE" "Transform Mode" "TRANSFORM_MODE_OVERWRITE" "Overwrite" "TRANSFORM_MODE_OFFSET" "Offset" "TRANSFORM_MODE_TRANSFORM" "Transform" "TXMANIPULATE_MODE" "Manipulate" "TXMANIPULATE_MODE_TIME" "Time Selection" "TXMANIPULATE_MODE_POINTS" "Path Points" "TXFORMPATH_RELATIVE" "Relative To" "TXFORMPATH_PLOTPOINT_WORLD" "World" "ROTATION_MODE" "Rotation Mode" "ROTATION_MODE_GLOBAL" "World" "ROTATION_MODE_LOCAL" "Local" "ROTATION_MODE_TAPER" "Taper" "ROTATION_MODE_ISOLATED" "Isolated" "ResetPivot" "Reset Pivot" "FALLOFF_MODE" "Falloff Mode" "FALLOFF_MODE_MANIPULATION" "Manipulation" "FALLOFF_MODE_INTERPOLATION" "Interpolation" "CenterPivot" "Center Pivot In View" "SFM_3D_ManipulatorTool_World" "Manipulator Tool (World)" "SFM_3D_ManipulatorTool_Camera" "Manipulator Tool (Camera)" "SFM_3D_ManipulatorTool_Body" "Manipulator Tool (Local)" "MoveToTransform" "Move selected to" "AttachToView" "Attach selected to view" "LockToTransform" "Lock selected to" "TXFORM_LOCATORS_SHOW_HIDE" "Transform Locators" "DISPLAY_SETS" "Display Sets" "DISPLAY_SETS_SHOW_HIDDEN" "Show Hidden Controls" "SFMInfoPage" "Element Info" "DagUtilities" "Dag Utilities" "Constraints" "Constraints" "BakeConstraints" "Bake Constraints" "RemoveConstraints" "Remove Constraints" "ViewThroughLight" "View through light" "BakeProceduralBones" "Bake procedural bones" "EnableProceduralBones" "Enable procedural bones" "CC_Document" "Document" "CC_Page_Questionmark" "?" "CC_ComicBookTitle" "Comic Book" "CC_ComicBookName" "Comic Book" "CC_ComicPageName" "Page" "CC_LayerBackground" "Layer Background" "CC_LayerName" "Layer #" "CC_LayerBalloon" "Layer Balloon" "CC_Undo" "Undo" "CC_Undo_NewComicBook" "New Comic Book" "CC_Undo_NewComicPage" "New Comic Page" "CC_ActiveComicAlreadyExists_Title" "Create New Comic" "CC_ActiveComicAlreadyExixts_Message" "There already exists an active comic book!" "CC_ExportLowResPNG_Title" "Select LowRes PNG File" "CC_EditorPage" "Comic Editor" "CC_EditorPage_Title" "Comic Editor" "CC_EditorPage_NoPageSelected" "No Page Selected" "CC_EditorPage_CreateNewPanel" "New Panel" "CC_EditorPage_CreateNewBalloon" "New Balloon" "CC_EditorPage_Refresh" "Refresh" "CC_ContextMenu_PageView" "Action" "CC_Menu_Edit" "Edit" "CC_Menu_Remove" "Remove" "CC_Menu_Delete" "Delete" "CC_Menu_Cut" "Cut" "CC_Menu_Copy" "Copy" "CC_Menu_Paste" "Paste" "CC_Menu_SelectAll" "Select All" "CC_Menu_Arrange" "Arrange" "CC_Menu_BringToFront" "Bring To Front" "CC_Menu_SendToBack" "Send To Back" "CC_Menu_AlignLeftEdges" "Align Left Edges" "CC_Menu_AlignRightEdges" "Align Right Edges" "CC_Menu_AlignTopEdges" "Align Top Edges" "CC_Menu_AlignBottomEdges" "Align Bottom Edges" "CC_Menu_AlignVerticalCenters" "Align Vertical Centers" "CC_Menu_AlignHorizontalCenters" "Align Horizontal Centers" "CC_Menu_MakeCenteredRow" "Make Centered Row" "CC_Menu_MakeCenteredColumn" "Make Centered Column" "CC_Menu_MakeSameWidth" "Make Same Width" "CC_Menu_MakeSameHeight" "Make Same Height" "CC_Menu_MakeSameSize" "Make Same Size" "CC_Menu_Export" "Export" "CC_Menu_ExportLowResPNG" "Export Page as LowRes PNG" "CC_Menu_GotoAssociatedTimeInShot" "Goto Associated Time in Shot" "CC_Menu_RefreshPanel" "Refresh" "CC_Menu_Properties" "Properties" "CC_Menu_Balloon" "Balloon Shape" "CC_Menu_BalloonRounded" "Rounded" "CC_Menu_BalloonRound" "Round" "CC_Menu_BalloonEdgie" "Edgie" "CC_Menu_BalloonCaption" "Caption" "CC_Menu_AddLine" "Add Line" "CC_Menu_AddCurve" "Add Curve" "CC_Menu_RemovePoint" "Remove Point" "CC_Menu_ChangeToLine" "Change to Line" "CC_Menu_ChangeToCurve" "Change to Curve" "CC_Menu_ExitSingleEditMode" "Exit Single Edit Mode" "CC_Menu_EnterSingleEditMode" "Enter Single Edit Mode" "CC_Menu_RemoveTailPoint" "Remove Tail Property" "CC_Menu_MakeTailPoint" "Add Tail Property" "CC_NewPanelNoShotExists_Title" "Create New Panel" "CC_NewPanelNoShotExists_Message" "There is not shot available to create a new panel." "CC_PageTransportPage" "Comic Page Transport" "CC_PageTransportPage_Title" "Comic Page Transport" "CC_PageTransportPage_CreateNewComic" "Create New Comic" "CC_PageTransportPage_CreateNewPage" "Create New Page" "CC_PageTransportPage_PreviousPage" "Previous Page" "CC_PageTransportPage_NextPage" "Next Page" "CC_PageTransportPage_Refresh" "Refresh" "CC_PageTransportPage_NoActiveComicBook" "No active comic book..." "CC_TemplatePage" "Comic Templates" "CC_TemplatePage_Title" "Comic Templates" "GRAPH_EDITOR_showToolbar" "Show Toolbar" "GRAPH_EDITOR_editPreview" "Preview edit time" "GRAPH_EDITOR_pasteConnect" "Paste connect mode" "GRAPH_EDITOR_pasteMode" "Paste mode" "GRAPH_EDITOR_pasteModeOverwrite" "Overwrite" "GRAPH_EDITOR_pasteModeInsert" "Insert" "GRAPH_EDITOR_pasteModeMerge" "Merge" "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_select" "Select (Q)" "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_move" "Move (W) [Middle mouse] " "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_pan" "Pan (E) [Alt + Middle mouse]" "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_scale" "Scale (R) [Ctrl + Right mouse]" "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_zoom" "Zoom (T) [Alt + Right mouse]" "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_offsetToggle" "Toggle offset mode (A)" "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_linear" "Linear tangents (1)" "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_flat" "Flat tangents (2)" "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_spline" "Spline tangents (3)" "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_unified" "Unify tangents (4)" "GRAPH_EDITOR_TIP_isometric" "Equalize tangent length (5)" "export_sequence_to_fcp_xml" "Export sequence to file..." "export_trackgroup_to_fcp_xml" "Export track group to file..." "TrackBarGroup_Expand" "Expand track group" "SFM_UseMultiTrackLayoutForFilmTrackGroup" "Use multi-track layout" "FPS_SyncToRenderFrameRate" "Sync Rendering Framerate" "FPS_3" "3 fps" "FPS_6" "6 fps" "FPS_12" "12 fps" "FPS_24" "24 fps" "FPS_72" "72 fps" "FPS_10" "10 fps" "FPS_20" "20 fps" "FPS_30" "30 fps" "FPS_60" "60 fps" } }
"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "DmeElementProperties" "Properties" "DmeElementPropertiesTree" "Properties Tree" "DmeElementPropertiesNewElement" "New Element" "DmeElementPropertiesReplaceElement" "Replace Element" "DmeElementPropertiesAddElement" "Add Element" "DmeElementPropertiesAddAttribute" "Add Attribute" "DmeElementPropertiesAddItem" "Add Item" "DmeElementPropertiesRemove" "Remove" "DmeElementPropertiesClear" "Clear" "DmeElementPropertiesDelete" "Delete" "DmeElementPropertiesCut" "Cut" "DmeElementPropertiesCopy" "Copy" "DmeElementPropertiesPaste" "Paste" "DmeElementPropertiesPasteSpecial" "Paste Special" "DmeElementPropertiesSortByName" "Sort By Name" "DmeElementPropertiesAdoptOrphanedSceneElements" "Adopt Orphaned Scene Elements" "DmeElementPropertiesRemoveOrphanedChannelsClips" "Remove Orphaned ChannelsClips" "DmeElementPropertiesRemoveRedundantKeysInLogs" "Remove Redundant Keys in Logs" "DmeElementPropertiesRemoveConstantValuedChannels" "Remove Constant Valued Channels" "DmeElementPropertiesShowLogGenerationDialog" "Generate Log" "DmeElementPropertiesShowLogFilterDialog" "Filter Log" "DmeElementPropertiesTrimHandles" "Trim Handles" "DmeElementPropertiesRename" "Rename..." "DmeElementPropertiesRemoveFileAssociation" "Internalize Element..." "DmeElementPropertiesChangeFileAssociation" "Externalize Element..." "DmeElementPropertiesImportElement" "Import Element..." "DmeElementPropertiesExportElement" "Export Element..." "ondelete" "Delete item(s)" "elementpropertiestree_ondelete_help" "Delete selected items and select item to right." "onbackspace" "Delete item(s)" "elementpropertiestree_ondelete_help" "Delete selected items and select item to left." "OnGroup" "Group item(s)" "elementpropertiestree_ongroup_help" "Group selected dags." "OnToggleVisibility" "Toggle visibility on item(s)" "elementpropertiestree_ontogglevisibility_help" "Toggle visibility (or mute) for selected items." "OnRefresh" "Refresh" "elementpropertiestree_onrefresh_help" "Refreshes the tool UI's to reflect changes made." "Dme_NavBack" "Back" "Dme_NavForward" "Forward" "Dme_NavSearch" "Search:" "Dme_NavUp" "Up" } }