Counter-Strike: Global Offensive/Unused Items
This is a sub-page of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
An iceberg worth of items, from in-game weapons to scrapped skins.
Compound Bow
First seen in the May 31, 2016 patch, the Compound Bow is an unreleased bow. The weapon would use arrows as its main ammunition. Those arrows would have been able to have every grenade (excluding the Decoy) type attached to them. Unlike the other weapons, the Compound Bow would have been a projectile based weapon, meaning the arrows would physically exist within the game world, unlike the bullets, which are registered immediately when a player shoots their weapon.
The bow would feature two firing forces: light and heavy, which would affect the arrows trajectory. The player would have been able to manipulate the force by holding down the firing button.
weapon_bow weapon_bow_flashbang weapon_bow_hegrenade weapon_bow_incgrenade weapon_bow_molotov weapon_bow_smokegrenade weapon_bow_tagrenade models/Weapons/w_arrow.mdl ammo_arrow_impulse ammo_arrow_max CompoundBow.PullBack CompoundBow.ShootHeavy CompoundBow.ShootLight CompoundBowArrow.Fly DT_WeaponCompoundBow DT_WeaponCompoundBowFlashbang DT_WeaponCompoundBowHEGrenade DT_WeaponCompoundBowIncGrenade DT_WeaponCompoundBowMolotov DT_WeaponCompoundBowSmokeGrenade DT_WeaponCompoundBowTAGrenade
Sonic Smoke Grenade
The Sonic Smoke Grenade was first noticed in the October 10, 2017 patch that brought the Dust 2 remake. This is a variation of the Smoke Grenade which would play the players currently equipped Music Kit. Only the sound effect references were leaked in this update.
//General sound effects sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\grenade_sonicsmoke_01.wav sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\grenade_sonicsmoke_02.wav sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\grenade_sonicsmoke_03.wav sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\grenade_sonicsmoke_04.wav sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\grenade_sonicsmoke_detonate.wav sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\grenade_sonicsmoke_start.wav //Valve, CSGO sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_valve_csgo_01.wav //Austin Wintory, Mocha Petal/Bachram sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_austinwintory_01.wav //Beartooth, Disgusting/Aggressive sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_beartooth_02.wav //Blitz Kids, The Good Youth sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_blitzkids_01.wav //Various Artists, Hotline Miami sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_hotlinemiami_01.wav sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_hotlinemiami_02.wav //Hundredth, FREE sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_hundredth_01.wav //New Beat Fund, Sponge Fingerz sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_newbeatfund_01.wav //Neckdeep, The Lowlife Pack/Life's Not Out To Get You sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_neckdeep_01.wav //Proxy, Battlepack sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_proxy_01.wav //Roam, Backbone sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_roam_01.wav //Robert Allaire, Insurgency sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_robertallaire_01.wav //Skorg, ??? sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_skorg_03.wav //Twina Atlantic, ??? sound\weapons\sonicsmoke\sonicsmoke_twinatlantic_03.wav
Bear Trap
The Bear Trap was first seen in the July 6, 2018 patch. An icon for it was leaked alongside many other items.
The Spatula was first seen in the July 6, 2018 patch. An icon for it was leaked alongside many other items.
Smoke Beacon
The Smoke Beacon was first seen in the July 6, 2018 patch. An icon for it was leaked alongside many other items.
TrapFire / TripWireFire
The TrapFire (or TripWireFire) is an unreleased weapon first seen in the November 18, 2019 patch that brought Operation Shattered Web. Nothing else is known about it, other than a string for it was included in the English localization file right next to Danger Zone weapons. A model and textures for it were included with Counter-Strike 2.
"SFUI_WPNHUD_TripWireFire" "TrapFire"
A medkit item was first datamined in the June 20, 2017 patch. Only a reference to it's model exists in the game files.
Nightvision Goggles
The Nightvision Goggles from previous Counter-Strike games were supposed to return for CS:GO, but they were cut due to how pointless they were. Nightvision can still be enabled in-game by typing "give item_nvgs" and binding a key to turning on/off nightvision via console.
Just like the nightvision goggles, the flashlight from previous Counter-Strike games was to return. And just like the nightvision goggles, it was cut due to how pointless it was. The flashlight also has an unused icon, suggesting it was to function like the one in Counter-Strike 1.6, with limited charge.
A cut sniper rifle, potentially replacing either the AWP or SSG 08. It seems to have quite the update history, starting from 22 October 2014 and ending with Operation Hydra. Judging from whatever was leaked in the game files, this weapon was to be silenced/unsilenced and had a unique "shot success/failure" mechanic. It is unknown how this mechanic even worked. The TAC-21 was also unable to be reloaded, from the lack of reload-related sounds.
"tac21" { "rule" { "model" "v_snip_tac21" } "config" { "root_anim" "ACT_IDLE_INSPECT_TAC21_START" "root_anim_loop" "ACT_IDLE_INSPECT_TAC21_LOOP" } }
sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shelleject_02.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shelleject_03.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shelleject_04.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shelleject_05.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shelleject_06.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shelleject_07.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shelleject_08.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shelleject_09.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shoot.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shoot_distant.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shoot_fail.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shoot_silenced.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shoot_silenced_distance.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_shoot_success.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_zoom_in.wav sound\weapons\tac21\tac21_zoom_out.wav
Weapon Skins
M4A1-S | Case Hardened
The promotional Steam email sent around the release of Operation Broken Fang includes a graphic depicting many items added in the aforementioned update. Included among those items is an unreleased M4A1-S Case Hardened weapon skin, seen right above the AWP Fade skin.
AK-47 | Yellow Laminate
This unreleased skin was first shown in the Operation Riptide update page, held by Crasswater the Forgotten. Valve changed it to the Galil AR | Amber Fade in an unknown date.
Glock-18 | Lastrike
A community-made skin by FLaMmenWerFeR that can be found in the game files.
M4A1-S | Quantum
A community-made skin by .red and Ross that can be found in the game files.
snakeskin_gold AWP
An AWP skin that uses a golden version of the "snake skin" pattern found in skins like the Pit Viper and Death Rattle.
SSG 08 | Fiend
An SSG 08 skin that consists of a skull near the magazine well and red/black colors.
10 Year Birthday Sticker Capsule
The August 16, 2022 patch brought the 10 Year Birthday Sticker Capsule. The sticker capsule contains a staggering total of 65 stickers, making it the biggest sticker capsule in the game. Some stickers that were considered for the capsule did not make it into the final capsule, however their assets were left in the files.
DreamHack Winter 2014 Stickers
Unused sticker previews for a few teams that were not present at the DHW 2014 Valve major can be found in the game files, grouped together with ordinary stickers from the tournament. While two of the teams present here (3DMAX and London Conspiracy) played at the "Last Chance qualifier" for the tournament and as such had gold stickers available on Souvenir items, the other two did not get past the European qualifiers.
Disqualified Team Stickers
Two teams, Titan and Epsilon eSports were disqualified from this major, leaving their stickers unused. Both of these teams were disqualified because one of their players (KQLY for Titan and Sf for Epsilon specifically) received VAC bans.
The icons for Epsilon's stickers were removed in a patch the day after the stickers were released.
ELeague Boston 2018 Stickers
Gold variations of the TyLoo and 100 Thieves stickers that were initially added to the Boston 2018 Major sticker capsules, but removed due to both teams being unable to attend the event. The former was replaced by Flash Gaming. While the Paper, Holo and Foil variations can still be obtained via opening certain variants of the capsule or buying from the Steam market/external sites, the Gold variants were never dropped in souvenirs.
Danger Zone Pickups
Heavy Pistol Crate
A reinforced weapon crate that would drop either a Desert Eagle or R8 Revolver upon being broken.
A black variant of the Paradrop crate.
A cut feature that would involve "wearable" cosmetic items for the player models, similar to Team Fortress 2. This feature was first mentioned in the csgo_english file that came with the Arms Deal update that brought in weapon skins.
"Store_Wearables" "WEARABLES"
On 17 February 2016 (Operation Wildfire), these text strings were added to the game files, which mention a cut "Freedom Fighters" terrorist faction. The strings describe factions similarly to the "CHOOSE A CLASS" window from older games, but faction descriptions were altered and new descriptions were written for factions new to CS:GO.
"CSGO_Wearable_ct_st6" "SEAL Team Six" "CSGO_Wearable_ct_st6_Desc" "U.S. Navy component of Joint Special Operations Command, officially disbanded in 1987 and now known as DEVGRU." "CSGO_Wearable_ct_sas" "Special Air Service (SAS)" "CSGO_Wearable_ct_sas_Desc" "A unit of the British Army organized to perform covert recon, counter-terrorism, human intelligence gathering... and 'direct action'." "CSGO_Wearable_t_freefighter" "Freedom Fighter" "CSGO_Wearable_t_freefighter_Desc" "A mysterious faction with unclear and potentially violent motive. While ostensibly claiming a cause of freedom, these fighters are nonetheless heavily armed." "CSGO_Wearable_t_pro" "Professional" "CSGO_Wearable_t_pro_Desc" "Backed by an unknown but well-financed organization, the professionals are seasoned private mercenaries that won't hesitate to gun down any opposition - for a price." "CSGO_Wearable_t_phoenix" "Phoenix Connexion" "CSGO_Wearable_t_phoenix_Desc" "The ruthless Phoenix organization has been burned to the ground and resurrected more times than anyone can count. They perennially return, always more determined to enforce their distorted ideology, always through violence. Also they really like sausages."
The default gloves have separate, unique renders under /resources/flash/econ/wearable/. It is likely that gloves were originally a part of the wearable system, or otherwise interacted with the system before functioning identically to weapon skins.
Key Chains
A cut weapon-related cosmetic feature. The keychains may have functioned similarly to weapon charms from games such as Overwatch. Model paths for them were added on 20 June 2017.
models/weapons/keychains/keychain_ak47.mdl models/weapons/keychains/keychain_banana.mdl models/weapons/keychains/keychain_bloodhound.mdl models/weapons/keychains/keychain_grenade.mdl models/weapons/keychains/keychain_plasmaball.mdl models/weapons/keychains/keychain_sugarskull.mdl