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Cosmic Fantasy: Bouken Shounen Yuu

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Title Screen

Cosmic Fantasy: Bouken Shounen Yuu

Developer: Laser Soft
Publisher: Telenet Japan
Platform: TurboGrafx-CD
Released internationally: January 25, 2024 (Cosmic Fantasy Collection)
Released in JP: March 30, 1990

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

The first game in the Cosmic Fantasy series. It later saw a worldwide release when it was bundled with the second game as Cosmic Fantasy Collection.

Debug Menu

Cosmic Fantasy Bouken Shounen Yuu Debug Menu.png

At the title screen, hold Up + Select + I + II and press Run to access a debug menu consisting of a cutscene viewer and sound test. A similar menu also appears in the sequel.